I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 208 Beat Zhang Sheng?


The award ceremony is over.

Inside the venue.

The audience left one by one.

But those young directors who were shortlisted and sitting in the front row did not leave.

They rushed to take photos with judge Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi represents authority and art in the international film circle...

Previously, they only thought that this was an important judge, and they wanted to curry favor with him, and wanted to get acquainted with him at the Berlin International Film Festival in February this year to see if their film could be shortlisted this year. But today, Avery But Tashi's appearance made them feel sincerely in awe.

Avery Tashi is like a fighter, facing the public judges and the pressure from the organizers, he resolutely stands on the stage and sticks to his own artistic path!

This is the belief a filmmaker should have!

Tom followed Avery Tashi.

A huge crowd of people surrounded Avery Tashi. At the same time, countless people took photos with him.

He had a smile on his face, was wearing expensive clothes, and his waist was straight.

When he saw Avery Tashi suddenly change the award, he suddenly had an idea.


It's his turn to take the stage!

He gave the award [Best Picture] that should have been given to "That Summer" to "The Dog Over the Mountain"!

on the stage.

The situation in "That Summer" became increasingly embarrassing.

Once again, there was an on-screen award, but the off-screen award went to "The Dog Over the Mountain"...

Off stage.

The crowd burst into cheers.

More and more directors stood up, waving their hands, and their excited expressions could be seen from a distance!

Avery Tashi ran to hug him and gave him a thumbs up.

Everything seemed to tell him that everything he did was right, and he was an authoritative, impartial, and fair judge.

Under countless group photos.

At this moment, Tom looked both gentleman and noble!

Vaguely, it seems as if you are standing in an overlooking position, looking at the directors below, standing at the forefront of art.

He is shoulder to shoulder with Avery Tashi.

They seem to be close comrades!

In the hustle and bustle, excitement, and swarming enthusiasm, he glanced at Avery Tashi from the corner of his eye.

The eyes are instinctively comparing...

Avery Tashi can do it, so naturally he can do it too.

Then, he looked into the distance again.

His parents in the distance were proud of him and waved their hands excitedly. The folks in the slums cheered one after another!

These things give him strength!

In this power…

He gradually lost himself.

After the group photo was taken, he followed Avery Tashi out of the party, and the sky was filled with bright stars.

Avery Tashi smiled and invited him to have a glass of red wine with him at the beach hotel. He was excited and felt extremely honored, but on the surface he still maintained the original calmness of a gentleman.

at last……

He nodded.

Just when he was about to get in the car with Avery Tashi...

Suddenly a very discordant sound was heard.

"Dawa, you can't do this!"

The discordant sound was very harsh. He turned his head and saw Lacey in a suit.

He frowned subconsciously, as if he didn't recognize Lacey, and continued to follow Avery Tashi.

But Lacey rushed over again, even rushing in front of him to block him.

"Dawa, the boss didn't let you do this, why did you give the award to "The Dog Over the Mountain"? You can't do this! You ruined the whole party!"

Lacey's face was excited, her voice gradually became louder, her face turned red due to being too excited, and she was out of breath.

He saw Avery Tashi's puzzled expression.

Tom felt a sting in his heart.


That's his name in Brazil.

This name is very common, even so common that it makes people feel low.

He shouted to the security guard and asked the security guard to stop Lacey...

Lacey stared at his leaving back in disbelief.

He saw him getting into the car with Avery Tashi.

Dawa has changed!

It became very strange, and at the same time, it became extremely strange.

It seems that this person has changed since he went to study in China...

Lacey suddenly became very lost and felt emotionally empty. He lowered his head.


Ke Zhanyi left Brazil that night.

He didn't even want to watch the follow-up, the so-called "international premiere".

"That Summer" also won an award.


But he didn't win any of the most important awards.

Not a single Pheasant Awards ceremony won any big prizes.

He didn't know whether he felt lost or depressed. He just felt like he was holding his breath and couldn't relax for a while.

After getting on the plane, I even became devastated.

When he came to Brazil, he looked down on the [Southern California International Film Awards] from the bottom of his heart.

This is a pheasant prize.


After this kind of pheasant general couldn't win any big prizes, the feeling in his heart was simply indescribable.

Out of control!

Ever since Avery Tashi came on stage, the whole scene got out of control!

The screen lights up.

Flashing "That Summer".

He is standing.

He is ready to go on stage to win the award!


He's like a clown.

He lost the Best Director award!

He still lost the Best Film Award!

After being a clown twice, I lost my shame abroad.

The plane was in the air for 13 hours. He leaned against the window. He was so exhausted that his eyelids were so sleepy that he trembled, but he didn't fall asleep the whole time.

I have all kinds of pictures in my mind...

The feeling of humiliation came over me over and over again.

The plane finally stopped.

Stopped at Yanjing Airport.

He originally thought he was destined to leave the airport alone, then returned home, saw his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou, and hugged her.

He even felt like crying. The feeling of depression surged into his heart, as desperate as the dark sky at the airport.

"Haha! Why are there so many reporters?"

"I guess some celebrity is coming, and these reporters and fans are here to pick him up?"

After walking out of the entrance, he saw a large group of reporters outside the airport.

He glanced at it, smiled bitterly, then lowered his head and prepared to turn around and leave.


"Hello, Director Ke! Excuse me, your movie was lost to a dog. Do you have anything to say?"

"Director Ke, I am Xiao Jiang, a reporter from [Tianxing Media]. I want to ask you, when you won the award, did you ever think that the award would be awarded to a dog?"

"Director Ke, do you think Mr. Avery Tashi is resisting the shady situation?"

"Hello, Director Ke, can we do an exclusive interview with you? Give us ten minutes, no, five minutes is fine. We want to ask you about your time at the [Southern California International Film Awards]..."

"Director Ke, can you tell me whether your "That Midsummer" was shady?"



Ke Zhanyi never thought that one day he would be so famous.

The reporters were swarming and the crowd was swarming.

Everyone gathered around him, as excited as a beast licking flesh.

Even when "Youth in Time" was popular, it didn't have this kind of attitude!


Could it be another actor hired by Zhang Sheng?

Damn it!

Isn't this exposing my scars?

Ke Zhanyi stared at the reporters, his anger beyond words, and he even wanted to tear Zhang Sheng apart!


When he saw the media, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

These don't seem to be invited by Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng doesn't have this kind of energy at all!

Are they all real reporters?

A sense of absurdity came to my mind.

"Give in, give in, everyone, give in!"

Ke Zhanyi saw his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou rushing out of the crowd and protecting him.

"We don't accept any interviews. Sorry, let us, Director Ke, calm down first!"

"Sorry, I hope you can understand!"


Jiang Xiaoyou's thin body seemed to be able to block everything.

Later, Ke Zhanyi was pulled by his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou and ran towards the aisle outside the airport.

These reporters followed him like crazy.

Beside the corridor, several students-looking people immediately gathered around and helped Ke Zhanyi to block it.

Ke Zhanyi finally got into the car.

in the car.

"Are you OK……"

"It's okay, these people are all..."

"Yesterday, your news was on the hot search list, and then it never went down... Today, your name has become a hot search on Weibo..."

"Am I angry?"

"If the movie loses to a dog, can it not be popular?"


The car was driving in the direction of the rental house.

After breaking through the crowd, the road in the distance gradually became smoother.

Ke Zhanyi laughed.

The smile was bitter.

Jiang Xiaoyou patted his back: "It's okay, it's okay..."

It would have been better not to be comforted. Once he was comforted, Ke Zhanyi felt that his nose was sore, and he even felt that he could not hold on any longer.

The car finally drove to the entrance of the alley where the rental house was located.

He got out of the car.


I saw that the rental house was very lively, surrounded by a group of reporters.

When they saw them coming, these reporters rushed towards him like crazy...

It was obvious that these reporters already knew exactly where he lived.

He quickly sat on it and continued driving elsewhere...

Like a bereaved dog.

The car drove to Yanshihua.

Yanshihua does not have any reporters...

He followed Jiang Xiaoyou down.

"Sir, just to investigate briefly, what mobile phone are you using?"

When he was about to go in, a middle-aged man suddenly walked over. The middle-aged man smiled naively and walked over with a notebook and pen.

"I'll paralyze you!"

He cursed angrily, then pulled Jiang Xiaoyou away angrily without looking back.

The middle-aged man who was dumbfounded and blushing was left behind.



"Don't cause trouble, spread your wings, and calm down your temper!"

"That's not a bad thing!"

"This is really not a bad thing, let's..."


Ke Zhanyi couldn't listen to anything at this moment.

Jiang Xiaoyou pulled him and talked to him, but he couldn't listen at all!

He rushed into the training base next to the school.

He came to [NC Studio].


He saw Zhang Sheng who was on the phone.

His eyes were red, he rushed over suddenly, raised his fist and greeted Zhang Sheng!

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