I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 209 Sold the copyright again!


It didn't hit Zhang Sheng's face.

Zhang Sheng's reaction was extremely fast.

The whole person turned slightly and hid.

After his punch was empty, Ke Zhanyi pounced on Zhang Sheng like crazy.

Zhang Sheng is very calm.

Dodged again.

Ke Zhanyi panted.

He grabbed Zhang Sheng's clothes and finally caught him.

Jiang Xiaoyou came to pull him, but he suddenly shook him off.

The anger he felt over the past few days made him raise his fist again, and then he planned to hit Zhang Sheng in the face.

"calm down!"

"I'm a law student. One punch and you'll be bankrupt!"

Seeing that Zhang Sheng couldn't hide, he simply stopped hiding. He stared at Ke Zhanyi and then said these words.

Halfway through his fist swing, he finally stopped.

His hands also let go of Zhang Sheng's clothes.

But at this moment, he was panting harder and harder. Zhang Sheng looked at him with bloodshot eyes and haggard face. He was afraid that he would not be able to breathe, and then he would just pass away.

If you die suddenly here...

That would be great fun!

His girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou kept helping him calm down his anger. After a long time of calming down, Ke Zhanyi finally recovered.

The first thing he said after he recovered was: "Zhang Sheng, why are you doing this to me? I look like a clown. Am I funny?"

His voice was growling.

After hearing the sound, some students from the technical department next door subconsciously came over.

Zhang Sheng walked to the door and said a few words to the students.

The students nodded after hearing this and continued to return to their posts.

Immediately afterwards...

He turned his head and helped Ke Zhanyi and Jiang Xiaoyou pour water.

"Zhang Sheng, tell me! Is it fun! Is it fun? I am embarrassed in public, is it fun!"

His face was as red as blood, his teeth were clattering, and a trace of hatred could be heard in his voice.

Zhang Sheng still didn't answer his words...

Instead, he handed the teacup in front of him!


"Answer, answer, is it fun? Is it so fun?"

He grabbed the tea cup and slammed it on the ground.

The tea cup fell apart and was broken everywhere.

Zhang Sheng looked at the teacup on the ground, then looked at the furious Ke Zhanyi, then turned around and poured him a cup of tea.



"Zhang Sheng, don't do this to me. Aren't you very good at talking? You're mute. Are you fucking mute?"

He smashed the teacup again. After smashing his own teacup, he even picked up the teacup beside Jiang Xiaoyou's table and slammed it to the ground.

His voice was roaring, almost heartbreaking, and his whole body was shaking like a wild beast.

Zhang Sheng looked at the teacup on the ground, finally stopped pouring tea, and sat across from them...

"Speak, Zhang Sheng, aren't you? Aren't you very powerful! Aren't you very powerful? Why don't you speak? Answer me!"

Zhang Sheng's silence somehow made Ke Zhanyi, who had smashed three tea cups, become inexplicably weaker...

He was still panting.

The voice was a little less angry and a little more sad.

He finally lowered his head.

The office became quiet again.

After more than ten seconds.

"Is the anger gone?"

Zhang Sheng finally spoke.

Ke Zhanyi raised his head, his lips were trembling, but most of his anger seemed to have disappeared, and he wanted to say something cruel.


When he was about to speak, Zhang Sheng handed him another piece of information.

In terms of information...

He saw that "That Summer" was being screened in 120 regions across the country, which had become 150, including some theaters in big cities.

Although the schedule is not too much, it is much better than before!

"This, this is..."

"After you lost to a dog, these are the additional resources provided by [Starlight Future]... Most of them were contacted by the theaters on their own initiative..."

Ke Zhanyi stared at the numbers on the information.

Surprise, disbelief, and then shock...

"In this day and age, sometimes losing to a dog is really not a bad thing... Let go of the shame in your heart and accept this sudden heat..."

"Suddenly, isn't this heat coming from you..."

"Oh, Director Ke, in this circle, publicity resources are controlled. My team can only do small things at most. It is impossible to be as popular as Weibo headlines. I can't afford to spend money... "


"A dog won the Best Actor. Don't you want to click on this stunt? Don't you want to know the mentality of the unlucky director who lost to a dog?" Zhang Sheng looked at Ke Zhanyi with a smile. Then, he turned the computer screen on the table slightly.

After turning around, Ke Zhanyi saw that both himself and "That Midsummer" had made headlines...

Even a photo of him returning to China, with a dark face and not accepting interviews from reporters, has been on the hot search again.

Below the hot search articles...

Netizens were very interested and were writing all kinds of jokes, each of which was full of cheerful atmosphere. Some even put a dog on the cover of the movie "That Summer" with the words "Lost to a Dog" "movie of……

Ke Zhanyi looked at Silence.

feel bad.

But finally calmed down.

He smiled to himself.

It all seems a bit ridiculous.

But who says this world is not an absurd world?

"In this era, being ridiculed by netizens and ridiculed by the media is not a bad thing! The real bad thing is that no one cares about you. You don't even know who you are when you walk on the street..."

"This is the next era, the traffic era..."

"Director Ke! Congratulations, you have become an Internet celebrity."

Zhang Sheng stood up and patted Ke Zhanyi on the shoulder.

Ke Zhanyi listened to the unfamiliar terms.

He only felt that his head was empty, and he looked up in confusion.


"Go back and have a good rest. Next, after "That Summer" is released, you still have a lot of things to do. Don't worry, "That Summer" won't be pornographic..."

Ke Zhanyi nodded subconsciously.

Finally stood up.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Zhang Sheng's phone ringing.


"Huh? Someone bought the rights to our "The Dog Over the Mountain"? Oh, yes, Director Bi signed the rights to this film to our studio..."


"What? Is there someone from the cinema now? Wait, isn't this movie already released?"

"Okay, although the copyright belongs to us, I still have to ask Director Bi for his opinion. If he doesn't release the copyright, we still can't help him make the decision!"

"Reporters are here too? But Director Bi is not here yet..."

"Come here for an exclusive interview with Director Ke?"

"Then I have to ask Director Ke for his opinion..."


Ke Zhanyi heard Zhang Sheng’s call.

Then he looked complicatedly at Zhang Sheng, who was staring at him after hanging up the phone.

"Director Ke..."

"boss Zhang?"

"Yes, do you want to hold back your face and go to the reporter for an interview? Enthusiastic reporters have come to your door. You can do any interview you want. You may even feel uncomfortable. You can scold the reporters or spit on their faces. , as long as you don’t do anything..."

"Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do..." Ke Zhanyi took a deep breath and his whole body collapsed.

"Weren't you angry just now? Why aren't you angry now? Angry. When you want to be angry, you are not angry. When you don't want to be angry, you become angry..."


Ke Zhanyi turned his head and was too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Sheng.





Li Yanhong looked at [the Southern California International Film Awards for Best Actor were awarded to a dog].

This news suddenly became popular in the film industry yesterday.

And it was so hot that it caught people off guard.

Following the [Southern California International Film Awards], it became a hot search topic!

Hot search...

Their [Shengshi Entertainment] director Li Bin excitedly waved the trophy in front of the camera!

There is also the nephew of the great director Gao Yuan. Gao Hui yells at the camera, saying, "My "Paging 1988" is not a bad movie. We sold the copyright in Brazil!"

Gao Hui not only roared like crazy in front of the camera, but even posted a photo on her personal Weibo. In the photo, a crowd of viewers looked at her "Paging 1988" seriously.

Taiwanese actor Zheng Zhongheng also showed off his trophy.

While showing off, he posted a group photo on Weibo with the words "A photo of me and Avery Tashi".

Avery Tashi!

He has a certain status in the film industry. I heard that he will serve as one of the judges at the [Berlin International Film Festival] next February...

The directors who participated in the [Southern California International Film Awards] all used their social media to talk about the value of this award in various ways, even those directors who did not win the award.


Higher and higher……

Then, he actually suppressed their "Wing Chun" skills.

On many Weibo posts, the film critics Li Yanhong has been following seem to have become interested in the Southern California International Film Awards.

Famous film critic Li Ziqiang talked about the current situation of the [Southern California International Film Awards], about Avery Tashi making a scene, and even talked about the movie "The Dog Beyond the Mountain", saying that although this movie Many people can't watch it, but this movie is indeed a good one. It describes the changes in China's rural areas, the changes of the times, and even alludes to left-behind children and the elderly...

The new social commentator Paramecium exposed the shady story of the Southern California International Film Awards. He revealed that this film award was originally for "That Summer" to be the protagonist, but no one could have imagined that. A dark horse appeared midway.

Another big V [Nangong Nan] interpreted the current situation of the film festival from another angle, saying that many of the films participating in the exhibition are actually prizes bought with money!

[Nangong Nan] There were scoldings everywhere, even the grass in the ancestor’s grave was scolded. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that some award-winning directors had hired trolls to scold him bloody...



Everything is full!

Then, Li Yanhong discovered that another piece of news was on the hot search list.

In the news, the words "Ke Zhanyi beat the reporter" appeared!

Li Yanhong looked at the news and realized that it was a headline-grabber.

Li Yanhong turned off the computer.

After a long silence, she stared at the other person at the Southern California International Film Awards.

that person……

Call Tom!

After looking at it for a while, she was silent for a moment.

Finally, I found Zhang Sheng’s number that I got from other channels a few days ago.

She dialed the number.

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