I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 212 Termination of contract!

Human efforts are always reflected in some details.

Xu Bowen's efforts are reflected in the table on the computer.

Every person I meet every day, the mobile phone they use, the clothes they wear, their approximate class, their approximate age...

I remember these clearly.

outside the window.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

In [NC Studio].

Xu Bowen talked very seriously about what he had learned in these days.

The structure is clear and every sentence is fluent. When speaking, the whole person is very excited, as if he has been holding it in for a long time.

He talked about Huaqiangbei, the market, and even took out a mobile phone and turned it on with Zhang Sheng...

That's a copycat phone that looks exactly like Apple!

If it weren't for the fact that it said iPhone instead of iPhone on the case, it would be difficult for others to tell the difference.

Zhang Sheng looked at the phone, and then looked at Xu Bowen's excited expression...

"Many young people are very vain, but they are short of money..."

"Our functions are very complete. I have everything that an Apple phone should have. My marquee speaker is louder than an Apple phone!"

"Look, I can also be used as a flashlight. It's multifunctional..."


Zhang Sheng felt a growing sense of guilt from Xu Bowen.


He loved the feeling of guilt.

The smile on his lips became brighter and brighter, and he kept nodding: "Do you have any other ideas?"

"At the beginning, I plan to invest in a studio first, and at most I will get a network access license... If the sales increase, then I can set up a factory and build an assembly line..."

"Do you have management experience?"

"I...I didn't..."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I can learn. I have read some books recently. Although I don't understand them well, I think I will understand them if I practice them."

"What do you need?"

"I need money, not too much, just thirty thousand yuan. Don't worry, if you can't sell it, I can find it from house to house. Mr. Zhang won't let you lose money."

"Why are you so confident?"

"I have asked many mobile phone dealers and shown this phone to them. As long as I have a low price, complete procedures, and good quality of the phone, they can buy it!"

"Quality, what guarantee do you have?"

"Ah, personally..."

"You have just been detained not long ago. Do you think they will believe your guarantee?"


"I will apply for a studio for you in the college. I will invest for you. You can sell a few units first..."


Zhang Sheng is good at tempting.

Sometimes Xu Bowen would fall into deep thought, and sometimes he would answer immediately.

There were many positions that he had not considered, but Zhang Sheng helped him consider them one by one and helped him solve them.

A few hours later, the context in Xu Bowen's mind became extremely clear.

Zhang Sheng looked at him: "You make a sample. There should be many samples and full functions. In addition to "making reference to making a copycat machine", you also need to fine-tune and make some shell things. I will talk to Teacher Shen Yi Shen. First, Ask the school if it can be approved. If not, hang it under the [Bosch] battery first, and when the reputation comes out, I will help you sort it out."



"Um, Mr. Zhang..."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't have enough money. Can I ask you to advance some money first? Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I won't run away with the money... I have nothing now, and I won't be able to behave like a human being if I run away..."

"The bank card told me."



The last day of December.

It snowed very hard.

On the first day of 2010, snow covered every corner of the Yanshihua campus.

The whole world is completely white.

On the playground outside the campus, many young people were chasing each other and taking photos.

【NC】The door of the studio opened.

Tom came in.

He looked very energetic and his whole face was rosy.

Outside the house, Lacey and Clete were sitting, waiting.

They originally wanted to come in with them to report on their work, but Tom wouldn't let them in.

They don't understand English or Chinese, so they can only wait and stare.


"Mr. Zhang, Happy New Year!"

"The Gregorian New Year is not considered the New Year, but you are also happy..."


Tom sat down and then looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he had no idea of ​​being a head shorter in front of Zhang Sheng. He even felt that he should stand on a high place, overlooking Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng looked at Tom's sudden expression, but he just smiled.

"Mr. Zhang, how do you think about my proposal?"

"What proposal?"

"Mr. Zhang, I think we should change the contract..."

"How do you think we should change it?"

"I can take the business myself. Of course, my priority business is still our company's business..." Tom said this to Zhang Sheng solemnly.

"Do you feel uncomfortable with those endorsements that we [NC Studio] helped you reject?"

"Mr. Zhang, you Chinese people like to be tactful, but I don't like to be tactful. I like to be direct. I am an individual, an independent individual. I have my own wishes and choices..."

"That's the case, but is it possible that the endorsements we rejected were inappropriate endorsements? A person is a brand, and he can be more expensive and valuable!"

"Expensive? Value? Mr. Zhang, they paid a lot of money, 300,000 yuan, close to 300,000 yuan. I just need to show my face, and I can get the money... I really don't know what you mean by expensive , what does the so-called value mean? I only know that I should take the money!" Tom's smile disappeared and his voice began to become a little urgent.

Zhang Sheng looked at the eager expression on Tom's face.

He stopped explaining anything and laughed: "Tell me what you think..."

"I'll still accept the endorsement business! I can return all the money you spent training me to you...well, you can count the interest!"


"Furthermore, I checked with a lawyer. In the contract, it is stated that [NC Studio] is the priority, there is also a rejection agreement, and there is also a partial confidentiality agreement, but...if it weren't for me, the entire [Southern California International Film Festival] would be If the award] cannot be done, the whole project will not be so popular..."


"I want freedom!"


In the office.

Tom said many things at once.

He thought that Zhang Sheng would refuse, and he even thought about making the matter bigger. He even hired a lawyer and prepared for a protracted battle.

But Zhang Sheng's smiling reaction made him feel a little empty.

He saw Zhang Sheng lowering his head, taking out a contract from the safe next to him, and then handed it to Tom.

Tom stayed on the spot.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean..."

"I am fair to everyone. Anyone who wants to follow me, I will let him. If he doesn't want to follow me, I will also give him absolute freedom... Look, was this the contract you signed?"


Tom suddenly felt a strong uneasiness welling up in his heart.

He didn't know what was causing this uneasiness, he just felt more and more empty.

He lowered his head and looked at the contract. He read it carefully and even took out the contract he brought to compare it with.

There is nothing wrong with the contract.

Exactly the same.

He raised his head in disbelief and looked at the smiling Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, then..."

"If you confirm that there is no problem, you can take the contract away. Yesterday, I asked Ms. Chen Mengting to calculate your endorsement fees and wages. The endorsement fees for the third quarter are 23,000... Give me your card number and I will call you right away. You..." He saw that Zhang Sheng's smile was still calm.

There was no emotion in the voice...

Tom looked down at the contract and felt like he was in a dream.

He will seriously give his card number to Zhang Sheng. After Zhang Sheng took a look at it, he forwarded it to Chen Mengting.

A few minutes later……

There was an extra 23,000 yuan on his card.

"Then the money you spent training me before, I..."

"Mr. Jayton Smith, you have put a lot of effort into our studio. I believe you have also had your struggles and pains. Here, I sincerely thank you for everything you have put into our studio..."

"That money..."

"Come on, you're free now!"

"Oh, oh, thank you Mr. Zhang, thank you boss, boss, you are truly the best person I have ever seen... In the future, no matter where I am or how I become, I will forget you!"



Tom became excited instantly. He stood up, his eyes full of gratitude and excitement, and then kept saying all kinds of compliments.

Zhang Sheng looked at him with a smile.

Just smile and nod.

Tom left excitedly. At this moment, he felt as if the sky was high enough for birds to fly, and as if the sea was wide enough for fish to jump...

outside the house.

Lacey and Clete gathered around.

He spoke a lot to both of them in Brazilian...

He wanted to leave with Lacey and Clete.

Clete was mute and just nodded blankly. In this foreign country, the only one he could trust was Tom.

But Lacey was silent for a long time and looked in the direction of the office again.

"Dawa, you can't do this..."

"My name is Tom, Lacey, how many times have I told you, my name is Tom! How many times do I have to remind you before you know... Forget it, the endorsement call over there is coming, I have to answer it... Are you going to come with me? If you are going to go, you’re going to come with me, we’re all on the same page!”

"I do not go!"

"Have you lost your mind? Forget it, just leave if you don't want to."


Tom happily left with Clete.

Lacey didn't leave.

Instead, he lowered his head and just sat on the chair outside the office in a daze.


"I've terminated my contract with Tom. Let's take down all his billboards."


"Put it down. You won't need to promote Tom's image in the future. Well, you won't need it anymore..."


On the other end of the phone.

Meng Shurong, the boss of [Obon Integrated Ceiling], was confused.

But then...

Meng Shurong nodded.

He was talking about business in Brazil with a confused look on his face.

Why was the contract suddenly terminated?

If the contract is terminated!

How to promote it?

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