I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 213 Shortlisted for Berlin! (Third update, additional update with 9,000 monthly votes!)

After walking out of the office, Zhang Sheng saw Lacey.

This thin young man from Brazil is sitting in a chair in a daze at this moment.

When he saw Zhang Sheng coming, he looked at Zhang Sheng and muttered a series of words.

Zhang Sheng didn't understand Portuguese and didn't know what he was talking about, but from his eyes, he could see a stubbornness and desire.


He was apologizing for Tom.

Then he wanted to follow himself.

I have seen the sudden prosperity of the [Southern California International Film Awards], and I have seen the Chinese metropolis...

Lacey naturally wanted to be part of the buzz.

This is nothing surprising.

Zhang Sheng smiled and patted his shoulder.

He would never say no to anyone who wanted to be with him.

If you want to stay, then stay.

After roughly understanding what Zhang Sheng meant, Lacey nodded repeatedly. He was very excited and babbling about a lot of things.

From his expression and gestures, Zhang Sheng roughly knew what he wanted to do.

He can help sweep, mop, water flowers...

He can also do whatever he can at the [Bosch Battery] next door.

He can move things.

Zhang Sheng nodded.

Walked out of the house.


2010, January 1 at noon.

After twenty years of discussions and meetings.

China has officially signed an agreement with the ASEAN FTA (Free Trade Agreement).

On the Xinwen Network, the press release signing the agreement was played for several minutes...


Many economists have begun to discuss the complementarity of China's industries and the industries of the ten ASEAN countries. Especially now with the aftertaste of the financial crisis, this news is undoubtedly exciting.

Stimulate the domestic demand market and expand the external demand market.

This is always the theme of China.


After this social trend lasted for a few days, it subsided, and it did not become as popular as "the award was given to a dog" or "a certain star cheated".

Ordinary people do not pay attention to these international news. These things are far away from them. Even if they truly consider the benefits brought by this news, they have no capital.

In this world, some money can only be earned by specific people.

Ke Zhanyi is busy.

In the ten days since the beginning of the new year...

Ke Zhanyi is traveling across the country with the movie "That Summer" and his team.

He seems to feel the benefits of the traffic era...

Every time he goes to a city, countless people pay attention to him, and then ask the same question tirelessly.

"You were defeated by a dog, how do you feel?"

Sometimes he would get angry and say that the failure of "That Summer" was really accidental!

But sometimes he grits his teeth, puts on a bad face, and then turns around and leaves.

Netizens on the Internet seem to always be so happy...

The stinkier his face was, the happier they were, chatting about various topics as if they had caught a clown.

Along the way...

Ke Zhanyi was naturally tired.

Then he heard news.

The news comes from Tom...

Tom's contract with Zhang Sheng's [NC Studio] was terminated.

He did not sign with any studio, but signed with a milk powder endorsement company. I heard that the signing fee was as high as 500,000, and the other party invited Tom to appear in a TV commercial. On the TV, Tom was smiling and holding a cute foreign child. , helped with breastfeeding, and the commercial was shot very lovingly.

But Ke Zhanyi looked at Tom on TV and felt pity for a while.

He always felt that it was extremely irrational for Tom to leave [NC Studio] at this time.


He wasn't familiar with Tom, so what did it have to do with him?

On January 10th, he heard another piece of news.

This news once became a hot topic in the film industry.

"The Dog Over the Mountain", a movie that defeated him, has not only appeared frequently on Weibo recently, but has even vaguely become more popular than his "That Summer".

this movie……

I received an invitation to screen at the Berlin International Film Festival!


Ke Zhanyi read it more than ten times, staring at the text on Weibo so carefully that his eyes almost popped out.

No matter how he looked at it, he saw the invitation to the screening, and it was very likely to compete for competition awards with a series of Chinese high-quality summer films such as "Thunder", "Seventeen", and "Two-Face".

After hearing the news, he called Bi Feiyu.

Bi Feiyu on the other end of the phone spoke with a vibrato.

He had just come back from Brazil, and he seemed confused and incoherent with excitement. After Ke Zhanyi listened for a long time, he still couldn't understand what he was talking about.


What is certain is that this is true!

Bi Feiyu!



It's really ironic. From this point of view, his "That Summer" was lost to a dog. How the hell is it not unfair?


Cangdong County.

There were bursts of firecrackers.

Zhang Sheng watched the establishment of the [Bosch Battery Factory] amidst the sound of firecrackers and beating of gongs and drums.

Senior county officials came to cut the ribbon in person.

The villagers were so excited. In the former battlefield, no one was making trouble anymore, and no one was petitioning. They put on their [Bosch Battery] work clothes and watched the big car driving in the distance, delivering a machine. A machine that makes batteries.

Tonight, after these machines are debugged, they will start work.

I heard that [Bosch Battery] received orders of 10,000, and many orders have been backlogged for a long time...

Zhang Sheng set up banquets in the village.

During the banquet, there was a lot of toasting, and many people who were familiar with Zhang Sheng or not familiar with Zhang Sheng came over to toast.

Zhang Sheng was a little drunk, but he still maintained some sense.

Tang Wu did not attend the banquet.

Even if the county leaders invited him, he didn't come.

He stayed in the factory, debugging the machines, and carefully thinking about the craftsmanship...

His refusal once made the county leaders very embarrassed, but in the end they did not force it and just said something with a smile.

After the banquet, the place was in a mess.

Many villagers began to help pack things.

Chen Mengting's face was slightly red from drinking. She had a good figure and looked quite charming under the moonlight.

During this time, she had been following Tang Wu in the countryside.

Tang Wu knows technology, but he is not very good at being worldly. Many times he is as hard as a piece of shit in a latrine, awesome and smelly.

She can only stay here to help negotiate.

"boss Zhang……"


"I'll stay here."

"Have you thought about it?"

"Compared to that big city, I seem to be more suitable to stay here..."

"You said before, didn't you want to be an agent? Work in the entertainment industry..."

"I found that I'm not suitable. It's too complicated over there and it's still so simple. Although there are many people and sophistication, at least it's a comfortable stay. I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang..."

Under the moonlight.

Chen Mengting spoke very seriously and a little embarrassed.

Zhang Sheng looked at her and finally smiled: "Okay, then who are you going to hand over the job to?"

"Shen Xiaoxi."

"Ah K's manager Xiao Xi?"

"Yes, she is very capable, very smart, and excellent in all aspects. I talked to her some time ago, and she seems to have this intention..."

"Oh, okay."

Everyone has a choice.

Zhang Sheng nodded. In a sense, Tang Wu really needed such a person to watch.

The wind in the countryside is very cold.

After drinking, Chen Mengting felt like vomiting when she was blown by the wind.

"Go to rest early, we have something to do tomorrow."

"Oh, okay." Chen Mengting nodded subconsciously.

"boss Zhang……"


"Sometimes, I wonder, how good a person is to be worthy of you..."

Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng.

His face was still red from drunkenness, with a smile on his face, as if he was making a joke, or he was feeling something.

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed.

At this moment, a van drove up from the vast snow in the distance.

On the van...

Bi Feiyu shouted excitedly.

He walked across the white fields like a wild beast.

"Mr. Zhang! The copyright of "The Dog Over the Mountain" was sold in Spain for 300,000, 300,000 US dollars!"

Panting, he ran up to Zhang Sheng and held a contract.

"Mr. Zhang, the Berlin International Film Festival has officially confirmed that my film will be screened there on February 20th!"

Bi Feiyu's hands trembled, and then his eyes filled with tears.

Zhang Sheng took the contract and looked at the Spanish contract.

Before I opened it, I saw Bi Feiyu taking out a bank card.

"Take it, Mr. Zhang!"

"This is……"

"That's a hundred thousand dollars!"

"The sharing agreement our studio signed with you doesn't seem to be that high, right?" Zhang Sheng looked at Bi Feiyu and did not answer: "Besides, all overseas copyrights are yours, and we will not participate in the sharing..."

"Mr. Zhang, take it! You must take it, not a penny less!"

Bi Feiyu pushed the card into Zhang Sheng's hands very arrogantly. Seeing that Zhang Sheng was trying to shirk, Bi Feiyu seemed a little angry: "Mr. Zhang, do you look down on me? Do you think I am not worthy of sharing happiness with you?" "

"That was not what I meant……"

"Take it, Mr. Zhang, I'm going to be angry if you don't accept it!"

"Oh well."


Zhang Sheng took the money.

After Bi Feiyu saw Zhang Sheng taking the money, the smile on his face became even more uncontrollable.

I excitedly chatted with Zhang Sheng about a series of future events.

He said that his movie was really popular overseas. Everyone seemed to find it very novel and recognized his artistic expression techniques...

He said that Cui Hao, the director of "Wing Chun", and Ning Yongqiang, the director of "Racing", have been competing for so many years. He might not be able to get the position of the leader of the sixth generation of directors!

He is longing, his eyes are shining, and he cannot hide his ambition.

Zhang Sheng smiled and nodded.

not far away……

Chen Mengting glanced at the two people, and finally looked at Zhang Sheng. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. Finally, she lowered her head and silently turned around and walked towards the "Doctor Battery Factory".


Early morning.

Li Yanhong looked at Berlin's list.


I also looked at the popularity of the movie "That Summer".

The invitation list of the Berlin International Film Festival made "The Dog Over the Mountain" once again become a hot search.

Various information about Bi Feiyu was dug out!


There are many stories about Bi Feiyu on the Internet.


Unfortunately, the movie "That Summer", which was laughed at as a joke for nearly half a month, also gained a lot of popularity.

Li Yanhong checked the pre-sale tickets for "That Summer".


She closed her eyes.

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