I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 214 World Premiere!

January 15th.

It’s snowing again in Yanjing.

A vast expanse of white, wrapped in a whistling and biting wind.

It rained all night and didn't stop until early morning.

Tom's sign was taken down.

Famous novel critic, head of NC International Film and Television Copyright Department, special guest of the Risenberg International Film Association Academy Awards...

Countless things that once dazzled the guests and were praised by Meng Shurong were finally torn into pieces and thrown into the garbage truck of the sanitation workers in the early morning.

In the blank space, there is a large poster hanging, which is the latest exquisite model house of [Obon Integrated Ceiling].

Each model house is like a mature work of art, shining in the morning sun.

That's work from abroad.

This is the first time that China's integrated ceiling industry has gone overseas, participated in an exhibition, and held an event...

The snow stopped.

The white wind and snow in the streets and alleys are blinding.

Customers came in one after another. When they came in, they first took a look at the exquisite model house outside the window, and then several old customers asked why the spokesperson had been changed.

The proprietress Li Aifeng smiles very honestly.

"In the past, for the sake of publicity, we hired a foreigner to act as a facade. Now that our brand has gone overseas and is truly famous internationally, we no longer need the so-called facade..."

"Feel sorry……"

Li Aifeng's sincere voice made many old customers stunned at first. They should have been annoyed, but after seeing the sincere look of the landlady, they didn't feel angry at all, and instead laughed.

They glanced not far away.

Not far away on the roadside.

Trucks were parked, and workers were busy loading goods destined for Brazil.

The four Chinese characters "Oubang International" are particularly eye-catching.

"So, this is what your [Obang International] means, haha, but that's right, we in China are also international..."

Sincerity is always a must-win.

Li Aifeng talked about the story when they started their business...

The story is both poignant and interesting.

After listening to the story, the guests couldn't help but burst into hearty laughter.

Amid laughter, Li Aifeng enthusiastically welcomed the guests in and introduced the products...

There was a cold breeze hanging outside the house.

But the number of guests did not stop because of the freezing weather.

On the contrary, there was an endless stream of visitors, and every guest was surprised when they saw the newly replaced posters, but they were not bothered by the lack of a spokesperson for [Oubang].

They just looked at the model houses overseas, looked at the cars exported to Brazil, and looked at the words [Obon International]...

Then, I signed the bill and got a movie ticket for "That Summer"...


Ke Zhanyi became more and more tired.

There is a feeling of restlessness in my heart.

these days.

He was running around the country.

The whole person's mood seemed to be fluctuating with the heat of "That Midsummer".

"That Midsummer" became a hot search topic, and he was so excited that he couldn't contain his excitement...

Especially a few days ago, "That Summer" became popular following the news that "The Dog Over the Mountain" was invited to the Berlin International Film Festival. More and more theaters finally began to pay attention to this movie. Then, from the initial 120 cinemas nationwide, to 150, then to 160...

He felt that all the cells in his body were trembling, as if he had endless power.


Internet buzz is short-lived.

The headline about humans not being as good as dogs can stimulate the nerves of netizens, but it is short-lived. After the novelty wears off, they are quickly attracted to other hot spots.

Ke Zhanyi didn’t know when the relationship between the actor Zhen Jinfu of "Wing Chun" and a certain actress became a hot search topic...

I only know that when I got up the next day and looked at Weibo, I found an overwhelming number of "exposures", "romances", "shocks", and "hidden marriages and children"...

"That Midsummer" was knocked out of the top ten...

Even the news that "The Dog Over the Mountain" was shortlisted for Berlin was suppressed and completely invisible.


There are less and less news about "That Summer".

After the craze had subsided and the release date of "That Summer" was getting closer, Ke Zhanyi began to become anxious.

He once abandoned everything and came with "Youth in the Age", and paid a heavy price to let "Youth in the Age" shine in obscurity.

He stood under the shining light, briefly lost, and looking forward to what would happen to him in the future.

I thought about filming "1949", I thought about becoming a great director, I thought about reaching the sky in one step, standing in the "Starlight Future", having the right to speak, and being able to compete with other sixth-generation directors.


In the battle for capital, I became the unlucky one. I vaguely heard some people who despised the youth director. Well, someone reported that he was from a bad background. He was a director with a youth theme. How could he be matched with a movie with the main theme?

Isn't this a joke!


It's a joke, right? In the past month, he has been laughed at by netizens...

Laughing at his defeat by a dog.


But insignificant anger is not worth mentioning in the game of capital.

"Can I win this battle?"

The night of January 19th.

Ten hours before "That Summer" is released.

Ke Zhanyi drank wine and then looked at Zhang Sheng next to him.

Zhang Sheng did not speak, but handed him a piece of data.

The data is the towns and cities he visited in the past month...

Their premiere ticket is great to watch.

All sold out!

Their pre-sale tickets for the next day are also great!

Especially in some towns and villages, almost all the tickets for "That Summer" were sold out!

This good-looking data could not excite or excite Ke Zhanyi's inner emotions.

Those tickets...

Most of them are provided by cooperating brands at half price or as gifts in the form of activities.

They only last two days of good data.

But two days later...

No one knows what will happen.

He was worried about the pre-sale tickets for tonight...

Tonight’s pre-sale tickets are for the third day.

"I'm ready to move the company out!"

In the cold wind.

Zhang Sheng looked at Ke Zhanyi.

Asked an irrelevant question.


"[NC Studio] is a little too small for us now. Everyone is crowded into a corner, it's too crowded..."

"Oh, where are you going to move?"

"Let's rent a two-story office building. The rent is about 200,000 yuan a year..."


Ke Zhanyi nodded dully, as if he was a puppet.


It still lingered deeply in his mind, and he even dared not look at the pre-sale situation on the third day of "That Summer" a few hours later...

He seemed to understand what Zhang Sheng said next, but he didn't listen to any of it.

He was just drinking glass after glass.


As he drank, he became sleepy.

Vaguely, he listened to Zhang Sheng saying that he would set up a film company and produce some low-cost movies to try out...

He also heard Zhang Sheng talking to him about the plan for a movie. It vaguely sounded like a horror movie related to video, but Zhang Sheng didn't seem to speak clearly, the characters were vague, and there was only a rough plot. .

He listened and listened...

Finally unable to resist the fatigue of the past few days, he fell asleep.


I don’t know if it’s the scary stories Zhang Sheng told him before drinking, or if it’s because he’s mentally exhausted, and the horrific shadow of his childhood is lingering in his mind.


He dreamed that he was sitting in front of a blurry TV...

A well appeared on the TV, and that well was eerie and terrifying.


He watched a woman with disheveled hair climb out of the well little by little...

He actually climbed out of the TV...

Then, the rotten, dripping smell all around makes you retching.

Pull out your hair!

He actually saw the back of a head.


Darkness, haze, knocked on his heart, his heart was trembling, fear spread like water in the room, making him want to escape like crazy...


He can't escape.

He heard bursts of weird laughter ringing around him.

Vaguely like a child.

Harsh, but increasingly cold.

A pair of hands stretched out from all directions, grabbing his body...

It seemed like it was going to tear him apart.


He suddenly woke up with even weirder laughter and a pair of hands pulling at him!

After waking up, he found himself lying in a rental house, with his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou looking at him anxiously.

"Get up, the premiere time is coming soon. If you don't get up, it will be too late..."

He was in a daze and his backside was completely wet.

This dream was so real that it was scary, and at this moment, he was still immersed in this fear.

Vaguely, he seemed to materialize the scene described by Mr. Zhang.

After being lost for a while, he suddenly looked at the time on the wall!

His whole body was shocked.


Under the urging of his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou, he put on clothes and shoes like crazy...

After getting dressed, he didn't wash his face. He just took the bread from Jiang Xiaoyou's hand and rushed out of the rental house.

He rushed to the cinema.

I saw [Hongwei] electric cars parked in front of the cinema...

The advertising flag of "That Summer" hangs next to every electric car!

He saw a lot of fans, fans...

I also saw Lin Xia, the original author, wearing a beautiful red dress and being interviewed in the crowd...

He saw countless reporters...

When the reporters saw it, they all rushed toward him...

In the midst of bouts of trance and interviews, I was pulled in by the staff and sat in the director's chair...

Xu Shengnan from [Starlight Future] also came. At this moment, he was chatting with Zhang Sheng about something. When he saw him coming, Xu Shengnan asked him to take a seat quickly.


"Congratulations, Director Ke, the pre-sale tickets for "That Summer" on the third day have been sold very well, you can rest assured!"

"Today is the world premiere of "That Summer," Director Ke, why do you look so awake?"


Ke Zhanyi didn't know how he coped.


He saw the third day of pre-sale tickets for "That Summer"!

He gets excited!


He saw a stream of blessing videos coming from the stage.

The blessing video seems to be the filming location at the entrance to the Berlin International Film Festival.

Why did "That Summer" go to Berlin?

After a brief moment of confusion, he saw Avery Tashi blessing the "world premiere" of "That Summer" in front of the camera!

He also saw Bi Feiyu in the video...

"Bless us for the world premiere of "That Summer"!"

"This is our Berlin station!"

"On behalf of the team of "The Dog Over the Mountain", I wish our movie "That Summer" to premiere in Berlin! Prosperity! Prosperity!"


Bi Feiyu leads a dog.

In Ke Zhanyi's confusion, he pulled the dog and walked into a screening room in Berlin.

In that screening room, "That Summer" was playing.

"This is Brazil Station!"

"On behalf of the documentary "Graduation Years", I wish our world premiere of "That Summer"!"

He saw Li Zhonghe taking some students and walking into a cinema in Brazil with a smile on his face.

"This is France Station..."


When he heard the words "France Station", Ke Zhanyi suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Sheng.

But I saw Zhang Sheng smiling.

He stared.

"Have we sold the rights to the French station?"

"I spent some money to let a cinema over there that was about to close down show it..."


He heard Zhang Sheng looking at him with a smile.


"Looking forward, there will be more exciting things..."


(Sorry, there is only one update today.)

(Sweet, the first is that my condition is so bad, I am afraid that I will completely fail if I write too hard. The second is that my mother-in-law came to my house and went to watch a movie with my mother-in-law and other guests)

(Don’t dare to ask for votes!)

(Three updates tomorrow! I said so!)

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