

Except for the big purchase by the wealthy Brazilian businessman, "That Summer" did not sell any overseas copyrights.

This is a youth literary movie.

The youth literature and art film market only targets a specific audience, and it cannot be like some eye-catching blockbusters that can attract a lot of them at once.

It also doesn’t have many traffic stars.

For a movie with an investment of only four million, apart from a few leading actors, how could there be spare money to hire other stars?


It was released overseas after all.


There is an open-air movie studio itself, plus purchasing by wealthy businessmen...

Screening is a matter of course.


It cost 30,000 yuan.

Let a movie theater named "Salu" play "That Summer" when it is about to close down.

Except for the staff and some improvised posters...

There was no audience in the entire cinema.

No advance tickets, no publicity, no critics.

What you can't see in the video are rows of old, dusty seats.


None of this matters.

When a movie. Once the word "international" is tainted and the audience sees the film premiere internationally, audiences who don't know the truth will only think it's awesome.


“He’s released in America too!”

"Yes! Originally there were only 130 places in the world, but the pre-sale results of this movie were very good. It also appeared in the [Southern California International Film Awards] and sold some copyrights!"

“Isn’t the [Southern California International Film Awards] a pheasant award?”

"But... the film that stands out in this award, "The Dog Beyond the Mountain," has been shortlisted for screening at the Berlin Film Festival!"


before the movie.

There was a buzz in the cinema.

Gao Fei sat in the front seat with his former classmates from Class 2, Grade 3.

The head teacher, "Monk", was placed in the first place. Under the light, there were a few stubborn hairs on both sides of his shining bald head, which looked like the Mediterranean Sea.

Behind him, Zhang Panpan and Lin Xia sat.

Gao Fei's eyes were on the two girls from beginning to end, and the surrounding people's admiration for "That Summer" made him more and more obsessed.


He lowered his head again.

Love is really a weird thing. After being constantly rejected, a good and cheerful boy finally loses the courage to strike up a conversation.

But there was still reluctance in my heart.

"Zhang Sheng...can I change places with you?"

Gao Fei leaned close to Zhang Sheng's ear and said these words to Zhang Sheng.

They came late.

Therefore, many students did not see Zhang Sheng chatting with Xu Shengnan and others.

They only saw Zhang Sheng sitting next to Lin Xia, wearing a brand new pair of glasses...

He vaguely remembered that Zhang Sheng seemed to have been on the news on a local TV station in Cangdong County.

It seems that he has been in some online news and has some nicknames.

But what’s the news…

He doesn't know!

Who pays attention to local news?

He was still dressed simply, and he was still taciturn.

It’s not that I look down on Zhang Sheng, it’s just that I feel a little careless...

When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he was stunned at first, as if he didn't expect Gao Fei to say such a thing, and then smiled: "You have a slightly better view here, sitting in the front row will make it very difficult to see." Tired, are you sure you want to change?"

"Instead, how about I buy your seat? I'll give you some money..."

"No, let's change it."

Zhang Sheng shook his head and stood up with a smile on his face.

This made Gao Fei's affection for Zhang Sheng double. He thought that when he became prosperous in the future, he would definitely support this old classmate.

One minute before the movie starts.

Gao Fei changed positions with Zhang Sheng, and sat next to Lin Xia happily, thinking of a series of words in his mind.

After confessing his love that day, he never saw Lin Xia again.

He wanted to apologize for his previous recklessness and immaturity.

Then, he wanted Lin Xia to understand that Gao Fei was not such a person. At the same time, he also wanted Lin Xia to know that he could wait, no matter how long it took.


After saying these words, he will no longer entangle with Lin Xia. If he entangles too much, he will be labeled as a dog licker.

He was confident that he could move Lin Xia.

This is the truth that when sincerity leads to gold and stone, it will open up.


When Gao Fei wanted to say something sincerely, he saw Lin Xia and Zhang Panpan both stood up.

He looked at their leaving figures in astonishment.

He watched blankly as they sat next to Zhang Sheng.

They are avoiding me!

What I did at that time was so reckless!


Full of worries, he held his breath, but couldn't breathe out, leaving only annoyance and regret. He finally could only watch the other two classmates sitting next to him, and then the movie was released.


"Youth in Time" tells an emotional story about the ignorant period of youth.

When making this movie, Ke Zhanyi's mind was filled with the desire to talk, and it was filled with a lively and gorgeous tone like green leaves.


After experiencing a series of things, Ke Zhanyi's character became mature day by day, and his desire to talk gradually turned into a desire to vent.

The opening tone of "That Summer" is very simple, just like the tea leaves in an old teapot, exuding a pure and mellow fragrance.

Zhang Sheng has seen some clips.

The overall feel is very good. It not only retains the original youthfulness, but also uses the role of each student to tell some social phenomena and even some dark sides in a subtle way through the story.

It was born out of the original novel "That Summer" and is more mature.

The beginning of the movie...

It’s a sweet introduction.

That was Song Yufei's voice.

The voice is soft, sweet, and gentle, like a gust of wind in early spring, blowing away the severe cold of winter, blowing into the cinema with vigorous vitality, caressing the cheeks of the audience.

Listening to Song Yufei talk, sometimes I really enjoy it.

Under the lens.

Characters appeared on the screen one by one.

The students in Class 2, Grade 3, were very excited and wanted to tell other audiences in the cinema which character was them and what they had experienced.

Gao Fei's heart trembled slightly.

The moment he saw his character coming out, he clenched his fists.

The complex emotions, even some coming from deep inside, the inferiority complex caused by frustration disappeared completely.

He looked at the tall, handsome, handsome young man on the screen who played basketball extremely well.

He heard a burst of surprise from several little girls in the screening room.

The actor who plays himself is named Zhang Wei. He is a graduate of Yanying in 2009. He was once one of Yanying’s school idols. He just signed a contract with [Starlight Future] and has good popularity on the Internet. He is the key training of [Starlight Future]. One of the objects...

Zhang Wei's appearance has a specific shot, as if he was born to represent a man of great influence.

Gao Fei's eyes widened!

He should be the protagonist!

No, he is the protagonist!

In a youth-themed movie, a character like him who makes girls scream is not the protagonist. Who is the protagonist?

But it's a pity...

He doesn't seem to be the main character of the film.

In the early stages of the movie, his character's appearance was very short, even shorter than during filming...

Normally, this original novel was written by Lin Xia, so naturally the story unfolds around Lin Xia...

He comforted himself like this.


[200 days until the college entrance examination! 】.

The blackboard on the screen had these words written on it.

The plot of "That Summer" is very realistic. It is truly from the perspective of the students in the film and truly reproduces the college entrance examination they went through. It hints at the cruelty of reality.

Tension, depression, anxiety, irritability...

Across the screen, people can feel these emotions that only belong before the college entrance examination.

The original work of "That Midsummer" is indeed Lin Xia.

The story does indeed unfold with Lin Xia as the center...


Lin Xia is not the protagonist of the story.

Each character has his own unique life trajectory...

Every student present seemed to have returned to the days before the college entrance examination when watching the movie.

Gao Fei unknowingly became immersed in the plot of the movie.

As the plot unfolds, Gao Fei's role gradually increases.

He was immersed in it, watching his character win basketball game after basketball game!

He is very excited!

But it doesn’t feel right.

"The college entrance examination is the fairest."

"Some people are born tall, handsome, beautiful, rich...and inherit their family's company after graduation..."

"Everything is destined when you are born!"

"But most people are ordinary people..."

Song Yufei's voice is still very pleasant.

But gradually there was a hint of emotion.

After that sentence, on the eve of the exciting college entrance examination, the figure of a nerd flashed in the camera...

That nerd's name is "Zhang Li".

"Zhang Li" is played by He Haoyang, a young actor. He is very good-looking, but the director put on thick black-rimmed glasses and shaved his hair into a short cut, making him look much uglier.

In this class of handsome boys and beautiful girls.

He was like a speck of dust, really inconspicuous.

Gao Fei once couldn't recognize that the actor "Zhang Li" was He Haoyang.

The character of the nerd "Zhang Li" actually doesn't have many scenes.

Zhang Li came from an ordinary background, but studied very profoundly. He only wanted to change his destiny with "knowledge".

He is taciturn and even has a low self-esteem...

But in the morning, when the camera takes a close-up of Gao Fei or Zhang Panpan, the nerd "Zhang Li" will always appear intentionally or unintentionally.


I will film him reading a book and memorizing words by the street lamp under the dormitory for a second.

Sometimes, he doesn't appear on camera, but when the teacher announces the results, "Zhang Li"'s name always appears in the top ten.

Sometimes, the noisy class is preparing to hold a party, but "Zhang Li" is always absent. Occasionally, I hear some complaints about "Zhang Li" from his classmates.

This "Zhang Li" sits at the same table with the heroine. When filming the heroine, it is inevitable that several of his stories will be filmed...

Gao Fei suddenly stared!


His eyes were fixed on Zhang Sheng not far away!

Not far away, Zhang Sheng was sitting where he once was, watching the movie seriously.

Lin Xia didn't know when she sat next to Zhang Sheng, and seemed to be whispering something to Zhang Sheng.

as if……

Back to that classroom.

But it seems that it is not that classroom.

In the movie...

"Zhang Li" talks to the heroine with a vibrato, extremely humble...

But outside of the movie...

He saw Lin Xia looking at Zhang Sheng from time to time.

It seemed that he had something to say, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

And Zhang Sheng...

Then watch the movie seriously!

The fart is disgusting!

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