In the screening room.

Many viewers actually buy movie tickets that come with a battery car.

"Youth Art" movies.

They are not very interested.


They walked into the cinema with the idea that it would be a waste if they didn't watch.

When they walked into the cinema, some parents suddenly felt a sense of immersion.

In the movie...

They seemed to be back when they were accompanying their children and going through the college entrance examination...

Parents in movies are either strict, gentle, extreme, or yelling in anger because their students are playing games.

They can always see themselves in these movie clips.


This movie is really amazing.

Obviously, every character in this class is very vivid. In reality, you can definitely see the familiar shadows of each one. However, they are particularly interested in the classmate named "Zhang Li" who has very few scenes in the corner. There is a sense of immersion...

The movie does not directly tell about his life experience, but through his clothes, his appearance, and his personality, it is easy to guess that he was born in a rural area.

Poverty, backwardness, low self-esteem, timid yet stubborn, strong...

He seemed to have the label of an ordinary person attached to him.

Especially towards the middle of the movie.

At a class meeting...

This character finally appeared once, and when he said the only line in the first half, "I want to change my destiny with knowledge"...

Many viewers were slightly shaken deep in their hearts.


They felt a sense of anticipation.

Looking forward to his success, looking forward to him being admitted to a prestigious university and then changing his destiny.

Looking forward to the show...

"Inspirational" stories of ordinary people's success.

In this world, most people are ordinary people.

Witnessing the success of ordinary people is much more balanced than witnessing the so-called rich second generation taking money and rising to the top.

Then, the boy said he was going to "Yenjing University"!

This would have been an excellent goal!


The faint jeers and pointing sounds at the class meeting stung the hearts of some viewers.

This boy's performance ranks in the top ten, which is not bad, but there is still a long way to go before being "excellent".



You can't be laughed at like this, right?


In the first half, it just exaggerated some tense atmosphere.

But there is still hope.

The second half of the movie is a bit more depressing, but the sense of hope is not less, but more so.

The handsome sports committee member played by Zhang Wei got an early admission notice from Capital Sports University. His family beat gongs and drums, and he is still so outstanding.

The "school beauty" played by Jiang Xinyi who sang very well also took part in the art exam, and her results were very good...

The heroine played by Song Yufei has always been ranked first in the school, and Yenching University seems to be in her pocket...

All the beauty is very comforting...

But all the spectators present were not very happy.

It was as if a knife had been stabbed in their hearts, and then the knife cut open their flesh bit by bit.

These shining people even made them feel the irony!

The "College Entrance Examination" is a fair track!

But in fact……

"Out-of-school cram schools" for rich people, "artistic students" for rich children, supplementary "nutrition" and "tutoring" for rich children...

But this kind of fairness gradually oozed with a hint of cruelty.

Most of the audience…

It is difficult to bring them to the screen, among these outstanding students who appear a lot.

do not know why!

They are so shining, so exquisite, like the main item in the window...


But it doesn't suit them.

On the contrary, the boy named "Zhang Li" touched their hearts.

the second half……

He still doesn't have many roles and is still considered a marginal character.


He no longer sits at the same table as the heroine.

He sat in the corner and stared at all the shining people in a daze!

His grades dropped from the top ten to the top twenty, and even when he was about to take the college entrance examination, his grades actually dropped to the bottom ten.

The teacher kept talking to him, but he remained silent throughout and his grades continued to decline.

The teachers finally gave up, and privately, the head teacher even considered transferring him to another class.

Class 2, Grade 3!

In the movie, it is the best class in the entire county, even the best class in the entire district!

The movie doesn't tell what happened to him...

He only used blunt fragments and said "family accident".

During the parent-teacher conference...

All the parents came.

He was the only one sitting alone in the corner.

The teacher looked at him angrily and asked him why he didn't invite his parents.

He finally lowered his head.

"They're dead!"

This is the second sentence spoken by the character named "Zhang Li".

Actor He Haoyang's acting skills are really down to the bone. When he said this, his face turned pale, biting his dry lips, which were faintly bloodshot...

that moment!

The head teacher was silent.


The noisy class meeting and the cheerful atmosphere seemed like Ke Zhanyi was using another method to exaggerate depression!

It was a knife that stirred up countless emotions and cut off pieces of flesh.

The best way to incite emotions is to create a hope, and then make this hope infinite...

As they got closer, this hope was suddenly shattered and turned into a mess.


in the corner.

A fat middle-aged man watched this movie.

During the second half of the movie, he fell into silence for a long time.

He originally thought it was an ordinary youth movie.

But the film captures a different kind of depth.

Disadvantages of education!

Even the gap between rich and poor in educational resources...

The school is fair and everyone is working equally hard.

But many things outside school are unfair...

Although the movie "That Summer" didn't make it clear, he saw from the details that some teachers did not teach the essence during class, but instead stayed in cram schools.

"The college entrance examination is not only the efforts of students, but also the efforts of parents..."

A simple line, combined with Class 2, Grade 3, some students' performance improved, some students regressed, and then the parents' outfits at the parent-teacher conference, the fleeting sign of the off-campus cram school!


Deeply ironic!

He stood up, his face looking ugly.

He stopped watching the movie and walked out of the door, took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Help me draft a document about off-campus tutoring..."

After saying this, he got into a car.

He came from a rural area, relied on knowledge to change his destiny, and climbed up step by step.

He understands very well how difficult it is for ordinary children to get ahead nowadays.


The movie has come to an end.

Most of the students in Class 2, Grade 3, were immersed in the glory of their roles.

Ke Zhanyi shot them very well, almost playing their perfect roles...

However, some people silently looked to the other side. On the other side, there was the figure watching the movie seriously.

Everyone knows who "Zhang Li" is.

He is Zhang Sheng!

The ending of the movie...

With a very joyful atmosphere, there was countless joy, especially in the last class, the students' eyes were shining.

They were talking about their dreams...

"Zhang Li".

He also stood on the stage and talked about his dream.


The scene was noisy, with students chatting excitedly.

When he came to power, no one cared.

after all……

He is one of the few students in the class who has passed the second degree. Although it is much better than that of junior college, it is obviously not good enough in such a class.

In particular, the grand ambitions of the so-called "Yenjing University" seem to be a joke.

The audience could barely make out a few words from his mouth movements.

His dream has changed from "Yenjing University" to "going to university."

When I heard this sentence...

Some people in the back row suddenly couldn't hold their eyes tightly, and a few people covered their mouths.

They were in a panic.

Even when he stepped down, no one cared...

It seems like he was born to play a supporting role.

However, Ke Zhanyi's shooting method seems to treat those shining people as supporting characters.

And he has vaguely become the core of the entire story.

The ending of the movie...

Everyone went their separate ways.


There is an easter egg.

The heroine played by Song Yufei and the supporting actress played by Jiang Xinyi were eating in a restaurant and chatting about the future when "Zhang Li" appeared in the distance again.

He was carrying a bag and was running around the mall doing business. He seemed to be "working hard" to go to college...


As soon as the screen went dark, the movie finally ended with Ah K's touching song "Midsummer".

Applause broke out in the screening room.

far away……

Some people hugged Ke Zhanyi.

Talking about success...

After watching the movie, some students in Class 2, Grade 3, felt a little emotional and wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng.


welling up in their minds.

Zhang Sheng's figure is still so blurry until now.

However, under the rendering of the movie, the sympathy in their hearts became more and more intense.


A scene that shocked them appeared!

They saw Zhang Sheng stand up.

Then, Xu Shengnan, the producer of the film, shook hands with Zhang Sheng. The two seemed to be very familiar...

Then, they saw Ke Zhanyi hugging Zhang Sheng, and Zhang Sheng actually patted Ke Zhanyi on the shoulder and nodded as if in recognition.

Yes, they read that right!

It was Zhang Sheng who recognized Ke Zhanyi!


When they saw the movie's actors, Jiang Xinyi, He Haoyang and others, they also went up to say hello to Zhang Sheng.


They heard the name "Mr. Zhang".

They seemed to pay special attention to Zhang Sheng.

as if……

The main creative team of "That Summer" was all around Zhang Sheng.

Gao Fei looked at all this blankly.

He saw that Lin Xia was still so beautiful, sitting quietly among the creative team, but her eyes were on Zhang Sheng from beginning to end...

this world!

What's wrong!

"I remembered, I really remembered, Zhang Sheng was on the news in Cangdong County!"

"Me too!"

"Zhang Sheng's debt repayment seemed to be popular some time ago! I thought it was someone with the same name... I didn't expect..."


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