I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 220 The Road to Rise (3) (Third update, additional update for 500 monthly votes!)

"Why can't I be the protagonist of [Shengshi Entertainment]?"

"My movie "Page 1988" is very famous throughout Brazil. They can understand my movie. They praised it very much and I even won an award!"

"Have you seen that movie "The Dog Over the Mountain"? It was shortlisted for Berlin. Bi Feiyu, Bi Feiyu, who the hell is he, a director who came out of nowhere?"

"He was just lucky enough to be invited by Mr. Avery Tashi..."

"Is there no one pushing behind him? How is that possible? All fools know that there is someone pushing behind him. Moreover, I dare to swear on my life that he definitely invested more money in the [Southern California International Film Awards] than I did." What’s more, he bribed judges like Avery Tashi!”

"If, at the beginning, you did not regard the [Southern California International Film Awards] as a pheasant award, if at the beginning, our [Shengshi Entertainment] could give me more resources... and give me more help, now I will enter Berlin. It's me, it's my "Paging 1988", not that "The Dog Over the Mountain"!"

"It's not fair to me, really, it's unfair to me, I need a chance!"


In Gao Yuan's office.

Gao Hui rushed in.

He was pounding the table, spittle flying everywhere, and his voice almost made the whole office tremble.

Gao Yuan frowned.

He looked at his fuming nephew, but he didn't get angry after all.

He won't get angry at his nephew. Although this nephew sometimes behaves a little bit, he is his nephew after all.

"Calm down."

"Uncle! I'm very calm. Although I have some personal emotions now, my thinking, my thinking is extremely calm!" Gao Hui's eyes were bloodshot and his hands were trembling slightly, showing that he was extremely excited.

"Everything must be based on evidence. How much did "The Dog Over the Mountain" cost? You can't talk nonsense until you have evidence. Avery Tashi is a very authoritative judge..." Gao Yuan looked at Gao Hui.

In fact...

Gao Yuan was also shocked when he heard the news that "The Dog Over the Mountain" was shortlisted for the Berlin International Film Festival.

He never dreamed that a Pheasant Film Festival would actually have good movies, and even more unexpected was that this movie could reach such a high level.

He also watched Avery Tashi's evaluation of "The Dog Beyond the Mountain". After watching it, he also watched the movie "The Dog Beyond the Mountain"...

He found that Avery Tashi's evaluation was very objective and thorough.

This "The Dog Over the Mountain" is indeed telling a different story from another angle. If you use words to describe it, using a dog as the perspective is really amazing.

"Uncle! The judges, for now, we consider him authoritative, but, uncle, don't you realize that [Shengshi Entertainment] is very unfair to you now?" Gao Hui's face was almost blood red: "I promised before that I would give "Paging 1988" Screening again. Yesterday said today, today means tomorrow. I just went to the film department to watch it. What did they say to me? They said, after the Spring Festival, damn, after the Spring Festival, the day lilies will be cold. How many hairs can I say? ah!"

Gao Hui's roaring voice made Gao Yuan frown deeply again: "The company has arrangements with the company, so don't mess around!"

"Arrangement? Uncle, you have lost your position in the company! Damn it, you should have completed the movie "Thunder" independently, but the company chose to let another director Lu Jiansheng co-direct with you. What is co-direction? Directing? I followed the crew, and I saw that you were responsible for most of the shooting work. What did Lu Jiansheng do? He just did some post-production... But now, when it comes to this "Thunder", he seems to have taken a lot of credit. land……"

"Shut up!"

"I won't shut up! I just want to say, who does Lu Jiansheng mean? Haha, just because he was the first to switch jobs from [Starlight Future] to [Shengshi Entertainment], just because our company wants to set an example, showing that as long as he is willing to switch jobs, we Just give us good resources? Damn it, why do you have to share our resources? Uncle, wake up, we are making wedding dresses for others!"

"..." Gao Yuan stared at Gao Hui coldly.

Gao Hui still sneered, not afraid of Gao Yuan's coldness at all: "Uncle, along the way, I saw you endure it, but how long will you endure it? You are the veteran director of [Shengshi Entertainment], you are Follow [Shengshi Entertainment] to conquer the world, you are the loyal one! Not him, Lu Jiansheng, [Shengshi Entertainment] is trying to kill the donkey, this trick is too cruel!"


"Uncle! A few days ago, "Wing Chun" asked you to help promote the platform, right? Haha, I know all this. The company is using your resources to canvass votes for a director who does not belong to you. Damn it. , Cui Hao is the first director of the sixth generation, and I, Gao Hui, why can't I, Gao Hui? Can't you help your nephew again? Your nephew needs a chance, he really needs it!"


"Uncle, we are a family! Can we look at the people around us more! Don't blindly help those outsiders, those outsiders will only crowd you out in the future!"


"Uncle, isn't it obvious that you are being squeezed out now? Why does the company want "Wing Chun" to be the main show during the Spring Festival? Why did Cui Hao pay homage to Mr. Deng in the Jingshi circle? It's because your voice and status in the company are too high. , the leader of the company, wants to try his hand at imperial power! Do you really have to be beaten to death before you wake up? "


Gao Yuan was silent.

Looking at Gao Hui who was aggressive and even smashed the table again, he felt particularly appreciative.

His nephew Gao Hui, although his film talent is mediocre, is not a fool. He has seen some of the ideas of the company's top executives.

After a while, he sighed: "You go down first."

"Uncle, I... am really afraid that one day you will be stepped on by others. Really, in this world, you can't do whatever you want just by making a movie!"

"You go down first..."


"Wait!" Gao Yuan suddenly thought of something and looked at Gao Hui: "Gao Hui, did you receive a call?"

"Yes, I received an overseas call from the [Southern California International Film Awards]..."

"Someone egged you on?"

"Yes, someone did encourage me, but don't you think what he said is very reasonable!"

"He taught you these?" Gao Yuan squinted his eyes.

"No, that person only talked about "The Release Over the Mountain" and said that someone would come to cooperate with us in promoting it. Uncle, I know there are people with bad intentions and want to cause trouble, but what does this have to do with us? We I need some help! No, I need some help..."

"Internal fighting will only consume the company's hard power. Dynasties usually begin to collapse internally!" Gao Yuan stared at Gao Hui.

"Uncle, when that Cui Hao gets up, when that Lu Jiansheng gets up... won't there be internal fighting? The company is a company, we have to win, and only when we win will we have the right to speak! Moreover, the top management of the company Don’t you like to play with the imperial power and divide and rule?”

"Can your "Paging 1988" guarantee that it will not lose money at the box office?"

"I can't guarantee, but I can guarantee that "Paging 1988" will be released in China. It will be an edited film and it won't be that bad. Moreover, I am your nephew. I will only be with you in my life. I'm up. I will only make you better!"



January 23, early morning.

The box office of "That Summer" is still rising.

The box office on the second day was 4.13 million.

On the third day, the box office was 4.24 million.

Three days.

The total box office has exceeded 12 million!

Twelve million, compared to the cost of four million, has already paid back and made a small profit!

Moreover, its attendance rate did not drop after the premiere. Its stickiness was actually very strong. On the third day, it still maintained an astonishing 75% attendance rate. That is an attendance rate that can only be achieved by blockbuster movies!

On Douban.

The number of reviewers finally exceeded 1,000. Although the overall score dropped from 85 to 84.5, some of the negative reviews were just fake reviews. On the contrary, the number of real positive reviews was increasing.

Its audience is growing day by day, and the number of people who recognize this movie is also growing day by day.

Li Yanhong noticed this movie again.

This time, her expression became serious.

There is almost no news about this movie on the Internet, but it is so popular offline!

She looked at a picture.

In the photo, the electric bikes co-operated by Zhang Sheng are still being ridden on the streets. There are electric bikes from various second-tier brands. Almost every day, it is promoted with gongs and drums in the theaters where it is released.

some of……

Especially [Hongwei] is more enthusiastic about electric cars!

In "That Summer", almost all the electric vehicles that appear are [Hongwei] battery vehicles.

After watching the movie, the [Hongwei] battery car will naturally have certain advertising benefits, and this advertising benefit is reflected in sales.

Li Yanhong doesn’t know what the recent sales volume of [Hongwei] battery cars is, but it must not be too bad!

this moment!

Li Yanhong felt a business model of united cooperation and mutual profit!

Her eyes became more and more serious.

Zhang Sheng is weaving a web...

This network is getting bigger and bigger. He is not only moving forward alone, but also leading a small but huge team. The progress of each department in the team can drive the progress of another department.

Complement each other!

"Very wonderful!"

Li Yanhong put down the photo and said these three words sincerely.

Then, she started looking at some theater information.

The box office of "That Summer" is rising step by step, which is inseparable from the theater chain.

New Year's Eve is getting closer...

The two movies "Racing" and "Wing Chun" are finally entering the battlefield.

These two movies are domestically produced Chinese New Year films for this year’s Chinese New Year. All movies should of course make room for these two movies.

"That Summer" is naturally no exception. Its film schedule should have become less and less. Even if it is a lot, it will at best maintain its current status.


Maybe the offline "That Summer" really showed people the "money scene", maybe it was Ke Zhanyi's hard promotion that made [Starlight Future] executives feel a little moved, or maybe it was other reasons...

Several theater chains that did not originally show "That Summer" actually signed a release agreement with [Starlight Future] for "That Summer" and began to release several shows one after another.


Li Yanhong was not worried.

Instead, he smiled.

The box office of "That Summer" is soaring, which takes up the release resources of "Starlight Future"'s "Racing" and does not affect "Shengshi Entertainment"'s "Wing Chun"...

Every theater!

There are hidden rules!


The smile lasted for a moment, and then she received a phone call.

The call was from Gao Yuan!

(Third update, additional update for 500 monthly tickets!)

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