I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 221 The Road to Rise (4)


This is a dark forest.

Hundreds of flowers bloom on the surface, and the fragrance is overflowing.

In essence, wild beasts and corpses litter the land.

Gao Yuan's call was very polite: "After Gao Hui came back from the Pheasant Awards, he became obsessed with thinking about the re-release of his bad movie "Paging 1988". I really can't help it..."

"I told him that the company's policy now is to unite as one and completely suppress [Starlight Future]'s "Racing" and officially reach the top..."

"However, people who are trapped in a demon can't hear foreign languages ​​and only think about self-interest. They even threaten that "Wing Chun" can be a knife for the company to stab [Starlight Future], and his "Paging 1988" can also be …”

On the phone.

Gao Yuan is like an elder.

He kept mumbling about the faults of his juniors.

But he was extremely sincere, and his posture seemed to be very low, with a somewhat consultative tone in his voice.

Li Yanhong's face was cold, but she was not too cold after all on the phone: "Director Gao, Mr. Gao Hui is as much a part of [Shengshi Entertainment] as we are. Especially during this critical period, we should work together and help each other. …”

When Li Yanhong said this, her face became even colder.

She stared out the window.

Narrowed his eyes.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Gao Yuan laughed on the other end of the phone.

Li Yanhong was silent.

She was sure that with her high emotional intelligence, it was impossible not to understand the meaning of her words.


The fact that he could say the words "passed on" meant that the call to him this time was not to discuss with her.


A different kind of notification.



How could Director Gao, a representative of the fifth generation of directors and a veteran director of the Golden Age, really call her to discuss it with her?

"Director Gao, then I wish our "Paging 1988" a great success..."

"You can't resell them. I know better than anyone else what kind of goods they are. However, there have been some irrelevant gossips in the company recently, saying that I have too much power and that someone from above wants to check and balance me. We [Shengshi Entertainment], We are meant to be in the same boat and unite with the outside world. Naturally, we cannot let these rumors affect our emotions. Letting that kid's movie be released also indirectly proves that we "will make peace"..."


Li Yanhong nodded.

Then, after chatting for a few words, they hung up the phone.

It's quiet at night.

She rubbed her eyes, feeling a little tired.

Gao Yuan's words were like a needle, piercing into her heart.

She is very capable.

[Shengshi Entertainment] also attaches great importance to her and plans to hand over the artist's management, contracts, brokerage, training and other business to her one after another.


She still can't compare with Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan is considered her senior, and he debuted very early. His connections in this circle are intricate, and he even has a faction in the management of [Shengshi Entertainment].

The deputy director of production review at [Shengshi Entertainment] is called Gao Jianliang. He is Gao Yuan's brother and Gao Hui's father. Although his position is not high, he still holds an important position.

Over the years, the two brothers complemented each other and made great achievements in movies. In the end, the two climbed higher and higher, controlling almost half of the [Shengshi Entertainment] film industry, and even vaguely ignored their leader Xu Rensong, making those who switched jobs from [Starlight Future] Director, I once thought that the big leader of production review at [Shengshi Entertainment] was Gao Jianliang instead of Xu Rensong...

Li Yanhong opened the window.

A gust of cold wind blew in and blew over her cheek.

Feeling the cold wind, she closed her eyes.

She calmly thought about what might happen next, simulating the key figures in these things bit by bit in her mind.

She thought of the so-called [Southern California International Film Awards], thought of Gao Hui, thought of [Shengshi Entertainment] executives, and finally the figure in her mind suddenly settled on Zhang Sheng's smiling face.

She opened her eyes.


["Paging 1988" is scheduled to be released again on New Year's Eve, director Chen Bin: This is an internationally recognized "new" movie]

[Chen Bin: We didn’t edit the same movie well before. Everyone called it a bad movie, but it’s definitely not. I’ll pay for it out of my own pocket and treat you to a watch! 】

[The premiere of "Paging 1988" is free! Free screenings nationwide! 】

[Assistant Director Gao Hui: We invite Mr. Lacey, a famous judge of the Southern California International Film Awards, an internationally renowned film critic, and a Brazilian film ambassador, to come to the scene to help! 】


January 24th.

The sudden news hit the headlines.

[NC Studio] In the office.

Lacey put on a designer suit, wearing flat glasses, and stood in front of the mirror with her hair neatly combed.

Looks like a pretty good sale!


He felt a little uneasy.

The upcoming shots and applause cannot cover up his empty and lack of film knowledge...

He seems to be a hypocritical person who is following Tom's old path, and finally wanders in the flowers of even more hypocrisy.

Like a thoughtless puppet...

This was contrary to his deepest belief in integrity.

But, after a while...

He saw the boss coming to him.

The boss seems to have learned a little "Portuguese" recently.

He patted him on the shoulder.

“There is no road in this world, but as more people walk on it, it becomes a road.”

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is who you really want to be!"

The boss's language talent is very good.

He spoke this simple Portuguese sentence very well!

This sentence……

The impact on Lacey is huge!

It was as if a door had opened, and then he stepped into it.

He was arranged to ride in a luxury car.

Along the way, he was thinking about the [Southern California International Film Awards]

[Southern California International Film Awards] Although very simple, it was still implemented!

No one in this world can deny that it is a film award, and no one will think that this award is a lie!

After all, it produced the overseas-famous "The Dog Beyond the Mountain"!

Lacey felt like she was at the [Southern California International Film Awards].

He was also pushed into a position that did not belong to him...


Who can deny him and say that he is not a good judge?

He will study, and he will study seriously!

He loves movies!


The luxury car drove away.

Zhang Sheng looked at Lacey's back.

In this world...

The human heart is the most elusive thing.

Li Yanhong was able to play with "Tom's" heart to the fullest, and then left her.

He can also stretch Gao Hui's desire to infinite extent. In the end, he lets desire control him and makes him try every means to occupy some of the publicity and film arrangement resources of "Wing Chun"...

Everyone knows that a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest.


What's the use?

Zhang Sheng returned to the house.

He sat down.

At this moment, his phone rang.

He answered the phone.

On the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, I saw the news."

"Oh, who are you!"

"I'm Tom!"

"Oh, Hello!"

"Mr. Zhang, I saw the news. They are promoting it over there. Why don't you come to me? I have more status and influence than Lacey... I can bring more benefits to "Paging 1988" and even "Paging 1988" Some of the awards for "1988" were awarded by me... I should appear at the promotion venue!"

Zhang Sheng listened to Tom chattering on the phone and said a lot of nonsense anxiously.

Zhang Sheng smiled and then responded lightly: "We have terminated the contract..."

"Mr. Zhang, I want to go to the event now. I hope I can help our "Paging 1988"..."

"Dawa, you are a free man. You can go wherever you want..." Zhang Sheng responded with a smile.

"I hope that "Paging 1988" can invite me, or I can appear suddenly as a mysterious guest. I can bring more popularity to the movie..."

"Sorry, Dawa, "Paging 1988" is not my company's movie. Lacey was invited there, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

"Mr. Zhang, my name is Tom! My name is not Dawa!" On the other end of the phone, Tom seemed anxious and retorted with some excitement.

Zhang Sheng did not answer, his expression became serious, and finally sighed: "No matter how long the dream is, there will be a day when you wake up..."

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know what you mean. In short, I want to participate in this event. I will go now..."

"that is your freedom!"

"Mr. Zhang, I will say a lot of things. I can't guarantee that I will say some random things..."

Zhang Sheng's calm voice made Tom almost go crazy. He finally lost some of his sanity and there was a threat in his voice.

"Dawa, you are a free man. You can speak freely whatever you want..."

"You...Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean it. Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I said some strange things. Boss, I didn't mean it. I need to participate in various activities. I will go to Berlin soon. I will treat you well." It helps..." He was hysterical.

However, he didn't dare to mess up the scene.

By ruining everything, he ruined his own job.

People are stupid, but they can't always be stupid.

"Dawa, in our lives, we will always encounter some people and things, and we will always lose our true feelings. This is normal. I have also been lost..."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm going to the event site now. Say hello to me. I'm willing to share half of my next income with you..."

"Dawa, Meng, it's time to wake up. You got a lot of things. Good luck!"

Zhang Sheng finally hung up the phone.

Sometimes, the company is like a rope. Some people don’t want to leave as they walk, but they hold on to the rope desperately.

Then, the people in front began to slow down, and gradually, more and more people stopped.

He laughed.

At this moment, he suddenly felt very grateful to Li Yanhong, or to the person who pulled Tom out and cut the rope...

He makes the team tighter.

It also becomes stronger!

How can you know that it is a blessing in disguise?

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