I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 223 Lin Xia’s Father (Third update! Additional update with one thousand monthly votes)

Haishu Garden.

Zhang Sheng is very familiar with it.

It seems that he can know the direction even with his eyes closed.

There was a new security guard in the security room, but the computer was still there.

Not replaced.

After the Xu Bowen incident, the security guards conducted rigorous checks on every pedestrian entering the community.

Not only do you need to register your name, you also need to take photos and write down your ID number...

The gift Zhang Sheng was carrying was observed repeatedly before finally being allowed to go.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you going in college?"

Zhang Sheng saw an acquaintance, Sister Chen.

Sister Chen's real name is Chen Shufen, and she was the first business Zhang Sheng signed.

Although Liu Kaili installed it in a mess for Chen Shufen and caused some trouble when he came to the door several times, when Chen Shufen saw Zhang Sheng, she still enthusiastically invited Zhang Sheng to come up and sit down.

Zhang Sheng declined.

Chen Shufen looked at Zhang Sheng carrying the gift, dressed formally and looking very handsome. Then with a thoughtful smile on his chubby face, he walked out of the door holding a pug.

Zhang Sheng walked to the third floor...

The door to the third floor is open.

But Zhang Sheng still knocked on the door, and then saw Zhang Panpan coming out.

Zhang Panpan glanced at the gift in Zhang Sheng's hand, and then laughed: "What is the gift? I'm quite curious..."

Zhang Sheng just smiled, but didn't say anything, but changed his shoes and walked in.

Zhang Panpan has changed a lot.

She is still so beautiful, but maybe during this period, the distance between Zhang Panpan and Zhang Sheng was not that big because they occasionally talked on the phone.

"Hello, uncle!"

"Well, hello, is this Xiao Zhang? Come in quickly, you're already here, why are you bringing gifts..."


Zhang Sheng saw Lin Xia's father.

He is a tall, thin, middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses and a rather elegant appearance.


Zhang Sheng remembered that Lin Xia’s father was named Lin Guodong.

He is a businessman with businesses overseas.

Zhang Sheng looked at him, some thoughts flashed through his mind, and he roughly outlined his overseas industries in his mind.

It should be related to communications and technology companies.

Lin Guodong did not have the airs of a big boss. When he saw Zhang Sheng, the smile on his face was still warm. He invited Zhang Sheng to sit on the tea table in the living room and made Zhang Sheng a cup of tea.

"Dahongpao?" Zhang Sheng looked up instantly after drinking a cup of tea.

Lin Guodong was a little surprised, but still nodded with a smile: "Can you drink it?"

"You can drink it..."

Zhang Sheng felt the fragrance of the tea.

He looked at Lin Guodong and stood in awe.

Although it is not the top tribute level, it is not far away!

He could not have imagined that Lin Guodong would entertain them with such precious tea...

in the kitchen.

Lin Xia and her mother Gu Jiangyan are busy...

There were bursts of popping sounds.

Lin Guodong looked at the young man in front of him who was younger than himself but had a unique temperament.

His interest became more and more intense.

He knew what Zhang Sheng had done. In fact, he knew about Zhang Sheng after watching the "That Summer" when he returned to China yesterday.

It wasn't surprising at first.

He is used to seeing overt and covert fighting on the battlefield, and seeing all kinds of characters. Although Zhang Sheng is excellent, there are not no such people in this world.


Only when Zhang Sheng sat down did he feel that this young man was interesting.

"I'll make you another cup and help you taste it. What kind of tea is this?"


outside the window.

The sky is filled with sunset.

On the tea table.

Lin Guodong took out a small bag and silently made a cup of tea, but instead of drinking it himself, he handed it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng smelled the fragrance of tea.

He frowned slightly, then closed his eyes and took a sip: "Biluochun, it should be more than two years..."

Lin Guodong was surprised.

He looked at the bag without a name on it, but his smile grew deeper and deeper: "Can you taste the age of the tea?"

"I guessed it based on my feeling!"

"Well, try this tea again?"

"Okay, let me drink a glass of water first, otherwise the taste will be mixed."

"Well, that's interesting."

Zhang Panpan sat next to him.

She looked at Zhang Sheng!

Somewhat shocked...

She tried drinking two cups of tea.


A little confused again.

She couldn't taste the taste, but she felt that the two teas seemed to be almost the same.

It's just that one is oolong tea and the other is green tea...

She saw Lin Guodong making another cup of tea.

Zhang Sheng took a sip.


She saw Zhang Sheng frowning deeply, looking at the tea carefully, then shaking it again, and finally looking at Lin Guodong with a wry smile: "Uncle, this is the cheap West Lake Longjing in Hangzhou for five yuan, right?"

Zhang Panpan also took a sip.

She couldn't drink it, and she felt more and more magical.

Is this really five yuan for West Lake Longjing?

"Hahaha! Xiao Zhang, it seems he is quite capable..."


Zhang Sheng put down his teacup.

West Lake Longjing for five yuan...

He's really, really familiar with it.

Not only is he familiar with it, but he has also participated in picking it, and has even fooled many people with this tea.


He even sold it!

The "tea girl" routine in the original world was the sales routine he started to come up with in order to accumulate initial capital.

Zhang Panpan looked at Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong.

She saw the two of them starting to chat about tea.

We talked about making tea.


She saw Zhang Sheng stand up, change positions with Lin Guodong, and then make tea very skillfully.

He seems to have learned it!

Very professional.

Zhang Panpan was shocked.

Zhang Sheng once again exceeded his cognition, and there was a very extreme, even incredible sense of separation.

Zhang Sheng is poor!

How could a poor person know these things? How could he possibly understand these things? How could he even taste the "Da Hong Pao"?

He's talking nonsense!


How could this be nonsense!

in the living room.

There was another knock on the door.

Zhang Panpan stood up and ran to open the door.

She saw Song Yao, the apprentice of Lin Xia's mother Gu Jiangyan, coming.

Lin Guodong did not greet Song Yao, but vaguely, his tea chat with Zhang Sheng became more and more speculative. The two exchanged cups of tea, talking about the history of tea ceremony, tea leaves in various regions, seasons, and the rainy season... …

Song Yao sat on the sofa and looked at Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong in the distance.

She guessed that this middle-aged man was Gu Jiangyan's husband, but seeing the two chatting animatedly, she really didn't know how to go up and say hello.

at this time……

Lin Xia came out with the dishes.

Although they are all home-cooked dishes, they are very rich.

Gu Jiangyan put on an apron and walked out of the kitchen. After saying hello to Song Yao, she went back to the house to cook.

not far away……

Lin Guodong and Zhang Sheng stopped making tea and stood up.

"Dad, you..."

"I'll take Xiao Zhang around the community, please leave me alone."

"Oh, do you want me to accompany you?"

"You greet the guests..."


Lin Xia watched his father lead Zhang Sheng out of the door.

Looking at the backs of the two of them side by side, I always felt that something was not quite right.

But she didn't think much of it.

There was another knock at the door.

Lin Xia went to open the door and found that Sister Yang Chen, the editor of [Daystar Publishing House], was here.

Sister Yang was very happy and told Lin Xia that "That Summer" had sold nearly 80,000 copies. The impact of movies on books was simply amazing, and new editions of the book were being printed.

Lin Xia welcomed Yang Chen in.

When she just sat down, she heard Yang Chen's phone ringing.

Afterwards, Yang Chen walked to a quiet place and answered the phone.

Five or six minutes later, she came out.

"Teacher Lin, what do you think of online novels?"

"Ah? Internet novel?"

"Our publishing house wants to expand new business, and recently fell in love with a batch of online novels... I don't know much about the young people market..."

"I actually don't know much about it..."

"How about you help me read these books?"


Lin Xia saw Yang Chen take out his laptop and then handed a batch of targeted "online novels" to Lin Xia.

After Lin Xia read the data of these online novels, he was at a loss for a while.

But a novel called "Breaking the Sky" seems to be particularly eye-catching.

How could anyone choose such a name?

And being the first to publish an adaptation?

Before she could take a closer look, Lin Xia heard Yang Chen's phone ringing again.

"What? I can't contact this author named Never Night?"

"Can't reach me on the website?"

"The other party no longer uses Q Dog?"

"Okay, let's contact other people first. It's a pity that this novel is very popular recently!"

Outside the kitchen.

Gu Jiangyan finished cooking the last dish.

Then he walked out.

"Is everyone here?"

"It's almost here."

"Oh, okay, let's have dinner. Where is your dad?"

"He took Zhang Sheng out to visit the community..."

"Oh, give him a call."


Lin Xia called her father Lin Guodong.

As a result, no one answered for a long time.

Lin Xia walked to Lin Guodong's study, and then saw that he didn't have any mobile phones with him, but both were placed on the desk.

There are over a hundred missed calls...

He called Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng's cell phone was always busy and no one answered.

Try again after a few minutes.

The other party’s phone was actually turned off.

Lin Xia frowned.

What's going on?

"Wait a little longer, it's still early..."



Everyone waited in the living room for nearly half an hour.

half an hour...

Neither Zhang Sheng nor Lin Guodong's calls were answered.

Gu Jiangyan frowned and asked Lin Xia to go out and look for it.

Lin Xia searched the community for a long time but couldn't find it. Then, she finally got anxious and came to the security room.

In the security room...

Through surveillance, she saw Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong walking out while chatting.

The two seemed deeply engaged in conversation.


while walking.

They walked out of the community.

outside the community.

Heavy traffic.

Lin Xia searched for a long time, but couldn't find where the two of them were...

After another half hour, she finally returned home.

"They walked out of the community and I don't know where they went!"


"I'll help you call the public security system to check." Song Yao was stunned, and then looked at Gu Jiangyan subconsciously.

Gu Jiangyan sat calmly on the chair, neither nodding nor shaking her head.

So Song Yao was good at making decisions and started calling her colleagues on duty.


There was an extra video on her computer.

After Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong left the community, they seemed to get into a taxi...

The taxi stopped at the entrance of Wanda Mall. She saw two people in the crowd seeming to be arguing about something...

Then they walked into the mall.

Then, he never came out again.

Song Yao asked her colleagues to call the mall's internal surveillance, and then...

I saw the two of them walking into a restaurant called [Fat Xiao An]!

"They shouldn't be going there to eat, right?"

An inappropriate sound...

It rang.

Although Gu Jiangyan's face was calm, it seemed to be getting colder and colder: "Let's eat first, we don't have to wait for them!

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