I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 224 Historical Encounter

"Can't you taste it?"

"I can't taste it..."


[Fat Xiaoan] In the restaurant.

Lin Guodong opened a bottle of red wine.

This bottle of wine was brought at home and is called [Lafite Rothschild].

[Lafite Rothschild] Red wine has a mellow aroma, mild taste, and a rich wine aroma. It is considered one of Lin Guodong's most treasured wines.


Zhang Sheng actually came out with no product.

After taking a sip and pondering for a long time, I only knew that it was from France. Zhang Sheng couldn't guess the rest.

After seeing Zhang Sheng's expression of frowning and finally shaking his head, Lin Guodong showed a smile on his lips, and the admiration in his eyes not only did not diminish, but became even stronger.

When he first met Zhang Sheng, he only thought that Zhang Sheng was a talent.

But when he had his first cup of tea with Zhang Sheng, Lin Guodong suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He hopes to recruit Zhang Sheng into his [Yaohua] Group.

He is very young, and youth is capital.

Possessing endless energy, overflowing talent, and full of ambition and unyielding determination.

Being young also has its drawbacks: recklessness, lack of knowledge, taking things for granted, and not being able to see the overall situation...


You can't seem to find any shortcomings in Zhang Sheng.

In fact, his knowledge was astonishing.

You can talk to him about tea, you can talk about red wine, you can talk about brands, you can also talk about capital.

It seems that he can chat with you about every field, and what he says is meaningful, as if he has been in this field for a long time.

This is amazing!

It seems that the young man in front of him is not a college student who has just finished his first semester, but a person of the same age who has been in the business for a long time.

The desire to snare in Lin Guodong's heart became even stronger.

In the restaurant.

very quiet.

Zhang Shengding's box is in the corner, and the walls are covered with soundproofing materials. Apart from the soft music playing from the speakers, you can't feel the hustle and bustle of the outside world at all.

This kind of occasion is very suitable for chatting.

Lin Guodong took a sip of red wine, smoked it for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Sheng seriously.

"Xiao Zhang, you know what I'm doing, right?"

"Guessed it." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"You know about communication equipment, right?"

"Understand a little bit, but not deeply..."

"I want to know how deep your lack of depth is? Like red wine, most of it can be tasted, or is it like what ordinary people say, you only know a name?"

"Only one name."

"Oh, let me introduce myself. I have a company called [Yaohua]. I started out as a switch manufacturer in the early 2000s. Later I invested in research and development and expanded some of the operator's business. Now I am expanding to India and the European Union... "With a gentle smile on his face, Lin Guodong introduced his [Yaohua] company seriously and solemnly.

Zhang Sheng listened and nodded from time to time.

But I wasn't surprised.

Lin Guodong's self-introduction only verified Zhang Sheng's previous guess.

Zhang Sheng's eyes gradually deepened, thoughts ran through his mind frequently, and he was keenly aware that this was an opportunity!

"Mr. Lin, do you want to invite me to join [Yaohua]?" After hearing what Lin Guodong said, Zhang Sheng stared at him.

"You are very smart. We started investing in 3G research and development fifteen years ago. Unfortunately, we were a little slow. But this delay is not because we have insufficient technology, but because the rules have been formulated by European and American countries. We are just a very small part of their rules. As this part, it is impossible to break through... So, we have to break the rules!"

"4G research and development requires a lot of investment, right?" After Zhang Sheng heard this, he thought of an old man in the original world, and felt a bit of admiration in his heart.

"I am considered a gambler..." Lin Guodong smiled and told about his entrepreneurial experience.

twenty years ago.

Lin Guodong stood at the top of the Yangcheng Communication Tower and overlooked all living beings below.

At that time, he was doing very well in switch agent equipment and made a decision that everyone thought was crazy at the time.

He wants to start giving up the switch agency business and instead spend huge sums of money on equipment research and development.

That year!

Lin Xia was just born.

Gu Jiangyan was working alone in Cangdong County, preparing for exams in Yanjing, and taking care of her children at the same time. Although the money she earned from investing could afford a nanny, it would allow her to share some of her energy.


The money will be gone soon.

Not only will the money be gone, but you will even be in debt!

Lin Guodong has no money for research and development.

Therefore, he had to raise money and borrow money.

So, he borrowed money from Xinghui Manufacturing in Yangcheng at that time at an interest rate of 20%, and embarked on a road with no retreat at all costs.

A last-ditch battle...

put all one's eggs in one basket……

These idioms are very vivid when applied to him.

Fortunately, he won the bet.

Did not fall into the abyss of capital.

Lin Guodong finished telling the story and looked at Zhang Sheng.

He is waiting.

Zhang Sheng pondered for a moment and finally looked up: "What can I do?"

"In the future, most of my energy will be spent on overseas research and development, as well as strategic planning. The domestic market is currently under the responsibility of Vice President Yu Dong, but Yu Dong is only suitable for maintaining success..." Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng: "Sustaining success is up to me. All we can see is being eliminated. Europe is making progress, the United States is making progress, and technology is changing with each passing day. China and Europe and the United States themselves have a very long distance to go. If we do not make progress and instead maintain our status quo, we will always be stuck there. Under European and American rules, we live in a peaceful era, but the technology industry will never be peaceful."


Zhang Sheng listened to Lin Guodong's words.

He is very serious.

It seemed like this was the first time since he came to this world that he was listening to someone speaking so seriously.

"In the 1980s, I went abroad. At that time, when I looked at the high-rise buildings, I was shocked and despairing at the same time... I was wondering if it would be possible for me to see this prosperous scene in my life... …”


"The gap between us and them is really huge. Even primary school students and college students can't describe this gap. After returning to China, I couldn't sleep. I told Lin Xia's mother a lot about what I was doing. What I experienced abroad was that that night, I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep. Finally, I decided to resign from the state-owned enterprise..."


"Xiao Zhang, you are young, and you never know how terrifying the emotions that shocked our hearts were when we felt the collision overseas in the 1980s... What I felt at that time was darkness, but Now that I think about it, it should be the darkness before dawn..."


"Later, our country did not disappoint me. It rose rapidly, and countless talents emerged among us. We were thriving. I originally thought that we would always rush forward in this rushing era. Far away, but..."


"I saw Japan. Japan, which once threatened to buy the entire Wall Street, suddenly collapsed overnight!"


"We don't like Japan, but we have to say that Japan's collapse has a very alarming effect on us. On the surface, we all know that it is a bubble in the property market, but if you analyze it deeply, you will know that it is a pair of hands. Controlling the lifeblood of the entire Japan, Japan is like a puppet..."


In the box.

Lin Guodong's face turned slightly red and he took a sip of red wine.

Guozi's face is full of nostalgia and emotion for the past.

He talked to Zhang Sheng about a lot of things, including the Japanese bubble economy of that year, the financial crisis of the millennium, and the financial crisis of 2008...

He analyzed the ghastly connections between "capital" and "nations" one by one with Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng listened carefully.

In awe.

Even people like him felt vaguely infected: "Mr. Lin, you are admirable!"

"Xiao Zhang, I want to hear your thoughts..." Lin Guodong's eyes flashed with vague expectation: "I have read your resume and read it carefully. You have great business talent, but now you The stage you are staying on is too small. Just before you step into the room with the gift, I was wondering if you could show greater potential if you were on the big stage..."

"Mr. Lin, I don't like working under others." There was a moment of silence, and then Zhang Sheng finally laughed.

This is his response.

"I can give you absolute freedom in the future, but in the early stage, you may have to start from the grassroots level and familiarize yourself with [Yaohua]'s business step by step. I need an all-round helmsman besides me..." Lin Guodong looked at Zhang After Sheng responded, he was not surprised, he just smiled.

"Mr. Lin, I know that [Yaohua] is a very huge stage. There are a lot of resources on that stage, but it is just a stage you built..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, as if there was a kind of passion in his bones. Resilient, he put away his smile and became more serious than ever before: "Although I have not fought as cruelly as Mr. Lin, I have wandered on the edge of the cliff many times... The big stage is certainly desirable, but That is not my stage. I need a stage and I will build it myself. I am not walking very fast now, but I am very steady every step of the way..."

In the box.

fell into a brief silence.

Lin Guodong stared at Zhang Sheng for a long time...

Finally laughed.

Sometimes, he felt that the young man in front of him was very similar to him.

Not willing to be inferior to others.

But at the same time, Lin Guodong heard what Zhang Sheng said: "You like equality..."

"Yes! I like reciprocity."

"You seem to have other ideas?" Lin Guodong thought for a moment and finally laughed.

"Yes!" Zhang Sheng nodded: "Mr. Lin, I want to cooperate with you!"

"Then what capital do you have?" Lin Guodong narrowed his eyes.

"[Yaohua], maybe we need to make terminal equipment, and I can form a team..."

"Cell phone business?"


"We are already working on the mobile phone team and have reached a preliminary agreement with the operator. Your size is not big enough..." Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Then what kind of body size is enough to see?"

"I have a sub-brand called [Huaxing]. This year, I signed a sales contract of two million units a year, ranking among the top ten Chinese mobile phones..."

"Then what kind of contract do I need to sign to cooperate with you?" Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes.

"Five million units!" Lin Guodong stared at Zhang Sheng.

"..." When Zhang Sheng heard this data, he suddenly fell silent.

"I know this is difficult for you. After all, everything is starting from scratch, but if you are talking about business, 500,000 units is the threshold for cooperation..."

"one million!"


"I can sign a contract with you for one million units. If it doesn't reach one million units, I will work in your company for the rest of my life. Whatever you say will be whatever you say!"

"Oh?" Lin Guodong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile: "What do you need?"

"I need some of your resources. It doesn't need to be as good as [Huaxing], but it can't be too bad!"

“How much investment do you need?”

"I don't want a penny, I hold the entire share!"


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