I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 225 How about you live here?

Lunar New Year's eve.

Fireworks explode.

Gorgeous and wonderful.

Haishu Garden, Lin Xia's home, this dinner was extremely dull.

Gu Jiangyan was not a talkative person and had a certain aura. When she sat down, the atmosphere at the table seemed a bit solid.

Fortunately, his apprentice Song Yao was quite active and chatted with a few people, thus managing to make the atmosphere awkward.

In the corner, two spots were vacant.

That was the position of Lin Guodong and Zhang Sheng.

But no one talked about these two people at the dinner table, and everyone deliberately avoided them.

Dinner is over.

They still haven't come back.

Yang Chen, Song Yao and others said goodbye and left one by one...

Those two positions are still empty.

Lin Xia looked at the time, it was already half past eight in the evening.

In the living room, the Spring Festival Gala has already begun.

The program is full of all kinds of festive flavors, and the most hilarious sketches seem to have turned into the most boring program to kill time at this moment.

Lin Xia and Gu Jiangyan were sitting and watching TV.

Lin Xia looked out the window.

The fireworks became more and more brilliant, reflecting Lin Xia's cheeks, and there was a vague sense of emptiness.

"Why don't I go look for it again?" Lin Xia finally said this: "Dad's cell phone has been ringing next door. It seems that something is wrong..."

"No need, he has his reasons for leaving."

Gu Jiangyan shook her head and looked at the TV expressionlessly.

Lin Xia looked at Gu Jiangyan for a long time and finally said nothing.

The time slowly arrived at nine ten...

Finally there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Lin Xia stood up subconsciously and walked towards the door.

The door opened.

It was Zhang Sheng and his father Lin Guodong. Lin Guodong was a little drunk at this moment.

"Dad! Zhang Sheng, what are you doing..."

Lin Guodong looked at the empty room, at Gu Jiangyan who turned towards him, and then focused on Lin Xia.

He realized something: "Sorry, I was chatting with Xiao Zhang about something and lost track of time."

"Just come back, let's have a cup of tea first." Gu Jiangyan did not blame Lin Guodong, she just stood up and poured two cups of sobering tea from the side.

Give one cup to Lin Guodong and one cup to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took the sobering tea, felt the strange atmosphere of this family, and finally understood something.

He, the chief culprit, could not help but feel a little regretful.

"Xiao Zhang, don't leave tonight, let's watch the Spring Festival Gala together."


"It's convenient, I have more rooms here." Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, forget it, I'll leave after signing the contract." Zhang Sheng did not agree, but glanced at Lin Xia and Gu Jiangyan.

He vaguely felt that he shouldn't be here.

This was a rare reunion day for their family of three. It was obviously inappropriate for him, an outsider, to stay here.

"Where can you go?" Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng.

"back office……"

"Do you want to go back?"

"Mr. Lin, let's sign the contract."

Zhang Sheng didn't want to talk about this topic with Lin Guodong, but said with a smile.


Lin Guodong took Zhang Sheng into the study.


The study door was closed.

Gu Jiangyan sat back on the chair and watched the Spring Festival Gala with Lin Xia.

Lin Xia looked in the direction of the study. She originally felt that the whole house felt empty, but since her father Lin Guodong walked in, it no longer seemed empty.

Time passed little by little.

The Spring Festival Gala's sketches, acrobatics, singing and dancing...

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to be getting better, especially after Teacher Zhao appeared on the stage, Lin Xia couldn't help laughing while watching the sketch.


There is no never-ending feast.

The clock reached twelve o'clock.

Amidst the chorus, Lin Xia watched the curtain gradually fall.

The Spring Festival Gala is over.

Gu Jiangyan stood up: "Go to sleep."

"Where's Dad?"

"Wait for him!"


Lin Xia nodded and prepared to wash up.

When passing by the study, she heard Zhang Sheng chatting with her father. She couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it seemed that her father was very interested.

What contract are they signing?

The contract hasn't been signed yet?

Lin Xia stayed briefly and then left.

While washing, he heard his mother Gu Jiangyan's phone call. Gu Jiangyan walked to the balcony and answered the phone with a serious expression.

Lin Xia walked out and saw her mother changing clothes.

"Mom, you..."

"I have to go out for something."

"That home..."

"Go to sleep first and come back after a while."


Lin Xia watched her mother leave in a hurry. She felt her heart tremble slightly, and then she showed a reassuring smile: "Be careful on the road..."

"Keep an eye on your dad and don't let him stay up late." Gu Jiangyan paused for a moment before leaving and then said.

"Well, don't worry."

Lin Xia watched her mother walk out of the house and closed the door.

She glanced at the two people still chatting in the study, and finally returned to her room.

Lying down.

But I couldn't sleep no matter what.

The fireworks outside the window are really annoying, popping and popping, making people uneasy.

She was playing with her phone, watching the news on her phone, and thinking about her new book...

But I found myself unable to concentrate.


Still passing.

The fireworks outside the window finally stopped.

Two o'clock in the morning.

She finally stood up and walked out of the house.

The light was still on in the study.

But there seemed to be no chatter inside.

She finally knocked on the door.

After getting permission, the door opened and she saw Zhang Sheng and her father Lin Guodong sitting opposite, while Zhang Sheng was signing the contract.

"Dad, it's time to sleep!"

"Okay, go to sleep now."

Lin Guodong turned his head and looked at his daughter, showing a gentle but slightly guilty expression: "Is your mother going out again?"

"Go out and be busy."

"Oh, I have to go out at night, so I'd better quit this job!"


Lin Xia didn't speak.

Just looking out the window.

"Are you sure you want to sign? Your signature will take effect now!"

"Sign it."

"Okay! I'll give you the contact information of Xiao Sun from the strategy department..."

Zhang Sheng finally signed the contract.

After signing the contract, Lin Guodong looked for his mobile phone.

The phone was turned off.

He charged the phone.

Just after charging, before he could find Xiao Sun's contact information, his cell phone rang.

He answered the phone subconsciously.

Before even saying a few words on the phone, his expression changed, and then he instinctively left the study and walked to a room not far away.

"Zhang Sheng, what cooperation have you reached with my father?"

"Yes, mobile phone cooperation."

"You want to make a mobile phone?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about doing it..."

"My dad seems to like you very much. He will go out with you on New Year's Eve..."


The study fell silent.

Zhang Sheng put down his pen and looked at Lin Xia.

Lin Xia stared out the window in awe, as if she wanted to say something, but finally said nothing.

Then, she lowered her head and silently helped clean up the messy study room, placing books where they should have been.

Zhang Sheng put down the contract and looked at Lin Xia.

"Sorry, I shouldn't..."

"I'm very happy that you can come over. I wanted to treat you to a meal. Thank you very much."

Lin Xia smiled beautifully.

Gentle and beautiful, it looks like a blooming, fragrant lily.

After saying that, she continued to pack her things.

After finishing cleaning, she did not leave the study, but sat on the chair next to her, reading the book and waiting silently.

The seconds in the clock on the wall made a ticking sound. The sound was extremely clear, as if it was knocking on people's hearts.

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

Lin Guodong is here.

Lin Guodong's expression was extremely serious, but when he saw Lin Xia, he hesitated again.

"Lin Xia, um... dad wants to tell you something..."

"Dad, is there something going on in the company?" Lin Xia raised her head and looked at Lin Guodong.

"Something happened over there in India!"

"Is it serious?"

"Life or death!" Lin Guodong looked at Lin Xia and spat out these words.

"Dad, how can I help?" Lin Xia's expression changed slightly, and then she looked at Lin Guodong.

"You go to sleep first, I may have to leave now..."

"Now? So late?"

"Booked a morning flight..."

"But you drank..."

"It's okay..."

"Dad, let me help you pack your clothes."


Lin Guodong couldn't see Lin Xia's expression.

Zhang Sheng couldn't see it either.

They only saw Lin Xia leave the room.

Looking at the neat study room, Lin Guodong's face muscles twitched slightly.

He looked at Zhang Sheng and smiled bitterly: "In this world, many things are really helpless."

"Well, yes, did something happen over there in India?" Zhang Sheng nodded and then asked.

"Directly seize our products from India, ban the export of our products, and investigate our companies in India..."

"No trade secrets, right?"

"..." Lin Guodong didn't speak, just silent.

Zhang Sheng realized that he seemed to have asked a very stupid question.

If no trade secrets are used.

Why did Lin Guodong go there in such a hurry?


This place...

It's amazing.

It was so magical that a few crocodiles got in, took one look, and emerged as geckos.

A few minutes later, Lin Xia walked out with her luggage.

Lin Guodong and Zhang Sheng left the study.

"I'll be back after I finish my work over there." Lin Guodong looked at Lin Xia.

"It's okay, things are important."

"Are you home alone……"

"Dad, don't worry, mom is at home too, I can take care of myself."

"Oh, that's okay!"

Lin Guodong wanted to chat with Lin Xia a few more words, but the phone rang again.

After Lin Guodong answered the phone, he walked out of the house with his luggage.

The driver jogged all the way and stuffed the luggage into the car.

Lin Xia watched Lin Guodong leave.

She stood in the wind for a long time.

Zhang Sheng packed up the contract and stood at the door, suddenly thinking that Lin Guodong had not told him the contact information of Mr. Sun.

Didn't you even ask for a ride in the car?

"Are you leaving too?"

Lin Xia's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Well...I live here, it's not very convenient."

"Oh." Lin Xia nodded.

She watched Zhang Sheng take a taxi on the roadside.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no bus.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over: "Why don't you sleep on the sofa for a while, and then we can take a taxi when it gets dark."


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