I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 237 Investing in a movie theater!

This world is, after all, a world of exchange of interests.

To be cruel...

The most selfless parents and children.

There is no denying the true family affection.

But how many parents exchange their daughters for bride price, and how many parents want to raise children to provide for their old age?

Elaine is very sincere.

I came all the way from France and found Zhang Sheng to talk about film rights.


It is not enough to be human.

It has to be sincerity of interests!


"I want fifty percent of the shares!"


The wind is blowing outside the office building.

Elaine's fair and beautiful face is full of complexity.

Zhang Sheng's voice was calm.

Elaine was trembling all over, as if she didn't expect that this seemingly polite young man could be so cruel.

Like a demon.

She was angry and felt helpless.

But, think about it seriously.

It seems understandable.

It was the first time she met Zhang Sheng, and she came to the door on her own initiative. Zhang Sheng didn't ask for anything from her...

It's impossible to help her for no reason!

Yes, after Berlin, the copyright fees for "The Dog Beyond the Mountain" in various countries will definitely make a lot of money...

Why should he exclusively authorize it to himself?

In the whole of France, only Serou plays!


With her ideals, her persistence, and her sincerity that came all the way?

not enough!

How can it be enough?

He is not her father!

In this foreign country, she is isolated and helpless. It is a pity that she has no chips to exchange with Zhang Sheng except for the copyright of the movie theater!

This movie theater...

And it’s a movie theater that’s about to close.

"No! I can't do it, not fifty!" Elaine gritted her teeth and shook her head desperately.

"For every movie we [NC Entertainment] make in the future, Seiroux will have the authorized broadcast rights in France. Yes, and only Seiroux!"

"No, Mr. Zhang Sheng, I...I don't know if your movie will be popular in the future!"

"With 40% of the shares, the [Southern California International Film Awards] awards ceremony can be held at the Seru Cinema in the future!"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I know what kind of award the [Southern California International Film Awards] is, but I can't accept 40 shares. I only have this one cinema!"

"For 30% of the shares, we can replace the chairs in the cinema with new ones, and even renovate and redesign the cinema. You don't have to worry at all. We can even help you according to your wishes. Customized decoration! All costs are borne by us, you don’t need a penny!” Zhang Sheng stared at Elaine with squinted eyes.

His voice remained gentle.

But within the gentleness, there was an aura, and this aura pushed Elaine into a corner, making her breathless.

Her face turned pale, and she grabbed the corner of her clothes, her delicate hands trembling.

Zhang Sheng's face moved closer and closer.

"You said that your cinema is very old and will lose customers. You want to renovate it, but you have no money to renovate it!"

"There is never a free lunch in this world, Miss Elaine, let me tell you the truth, I have no interest in your old movie theater. It was once glorious, that was its past..."

"I'm only interested in you..."

"From the first time I saw you, I felt a spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat and a soul full of charm..."


Zhang Sheng got closer and closer.

His voice was very soft, as if a devil was whispering.

With a trance, unreal taste!

Elaine's heart was pounding, but she didn't dodge. She just lowered her head, grabbed her clothes, and tightened her legs.


Too nervous to speak.

I even felt suffocated.

"Sometimes, I really want to be a witness, witness your success again, become brilliant again, even more brilliant than your ancestors!"


"You don't have any capital now!"

Under the light.

Zhang Sheng's last words brought everything back to reality.

Elaine looked up in a daze, and then saw Zhang Sheng's devilish smile.

She wanted to calm down, but she was not a natural negotiator. She couldn't control her emotions, let alone calm down.

"I, I want to think about it..."

"You have absolutely time to think about it. No one is forcing you. It's getting late. You should go and rest first. If you haven't booked a hotel, I will book one for you..."

Elaine didn't respond.

She just sat on the chair and looked at the office door.

It was late at night and she didn't dare to go out of the office alone.

She turned her head and looked at Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng carried an aura that made her feel dangerous, vaguely like a bloodthirsty beast.

She finally shrank instinctively and sat motionless like a sculpture.


Again it went by bit by bit.

This time, it was a long time.

"Actually, I'm helping you..."

She didn’t know how much time passed, but she heard Zhang Sheng sigh quietly: “I don’t dare to help you if there is no interest tied to it. There are too many stories of farmers and snakes in this world!”

"I won't betray!" Elaine bit her lip and shook her head.

"I would like to believe that everything you say at this moment is true, and I would rather believe that we will cooperate happily in the future, but that is a gamble, and I don't want to gamble!"

Elaine listened to Zhang Sheng’s words.

She thinks it makes sense.

But asking her to cut off 30% of the shares is tantamount to cutting off flesh.

However, if the flesh is not cut off, can my Sailu survive?

It is on the verge of bankruptcy and needs a blood transfusion!

For Elaine, it was a gamble.

Her chips are limited, and because her chips are limited, what she can gain is also limited.

This world has always been about equal exchange.

She did not speak, but remained seated.

Sit until the bright spot in the early morning, sit until early in the morning, when the sun rises...

Zhang Sheng leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, seeming to have fallen asleep.

The feeling of exhaustion lingered in Elaine's heart.

She finally lowered her head: "This may be the last gamble in my life..."

Zhang Sheng opened his eyes, as if he was not tired, but smiled: "I have seen many gamblers, they bet on me, and then, they all won!"

Zhang Sheng took out a contract.

This contract seems to have been prepared very early.

Elaine took the contract and found that it was in English and said "Cinema Acquisition Contract."

She was stunned!

He looked up at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.

"Sorry... I got the wrong one!"

Zhang Sheng looked at the contract and realized that he had taken it out, so he took out another contract.

That contract is still an English contract.

The contract says [***cinema shareholding contract]!

Elaine stared at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang Sheng, have you been thinking about acquiring or investing in a movie theater a long time ago?"

“I love having everything ready!”

"When did you start preparing these contracts?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"


"When "That Summer" was going to be played in some overseas cinemas that were about to close down, I was ready..."

Elaine looked at Zhang Sheng in shock: "Mr. Zhang, you..."

"I was just preparing, but I never thought, Miss Elaine, that you would come to the door. So, just now, I have been thinking that maybe all of this is destined!"

Elaine lowered her head and did not look at Zhang Sheng.

this moment……

She could no longer tell whether what Zhang Sheng said was the truth or a lie.

She read the contract.

Signed his name.

After signing, she felt more exhausted than ever before, as if all her energy had been exhausted.


Elaine slept in the hotel for a long time.

I slept from February 2nd to February 4th.

February 4th.

The Chinese solar term is the Beginning of Spring.

Bright sunshine shines through the hotel windows.

When she woke up from her sleep, had breakfast and left the hotel, she felt a sense of warmth.

After getting into a taxi and taking out the text Zhang Sheng had prepared for her, the driver nodded and sent her downstairs to [NC Entertainment].

She walked upstairs...

She found that the originally empty [NC Entertainment] had undergone earth-shaking changes in just one day.

She saw workers wearing [NC Decoration] uniforms installing tables and chairs.

She saw the brand new computer...

She saw labels on the doors of each room, including Chinese and English departments, music department, film and television department, logistics department, publicity department, business department...

At the same time, she saw people coming and going.

"Miss Elaine, you're awake, please come this way!"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, they are..."

"They are my decoration company. That night, I told you that I once had a decoration company that was heavily in debt. Now, it has survived! And just after we parted, I transferred that [Hongyuan] Decoration] was changed to [NC] decoration... The decoration of our [Salu] cinema is this group of people. This way, I have hired a specialized designer..."

Elaine followed Zhang Sheng into the conference room.

She saw some strangers sitting in the conference room.

Zhang Sheng helped her introduce these people one by one: "This is Mr. Qi Haifeng Qi from [Qi's Home Furnishing]. [Qi's Home Furnishing] was responsible for the stage construction and design of the [Southern California International Film Awards]..." …”

"This is Mr. Meng Shurong from [Oubang International]. Our integrated ceilings are very popular in Brazil. Next to Mr. Meng Shurong is the designer of [Oubang International]. We will customize it for [Selu] Cinema." "French art" ceiling! The sketch has been designed. For this meeting, we will confirm the rough rendering first."

"This is Mr. Li Bin, the person in charge of our [NC Decoration], and next to him is Mr. Qiu Ye, our designer for this project..."



Elaine met these people one by one and then sat down.

Everyone was talking in Chinese about the next topic, and she was confused.

I only heard the words "Export to France", "French route", "French project", "The task is urgent"...

Several bosses seemed to be very excited and talked a lot.

Then, she saw the conference room door open again.

Immediately afterwards, a young man walked in.

"This is Mr. Li Zhonghe, the director of "Graduation Years". In order to provide our cinema with more diverse choices, we decided to let his documentary be screened in our Sailu..."


After Zhang Sheng finished his introduction, the phone rang.

He answered the phone and then narrowed his eyes: "Miss Elaine, maybe I can bring you more Chinese movies..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Xiaoxi next to him: "Xiaoxi, please host this "cinema" project meeting, I have to go out! Let's talk about the film business!"

"Oh, alright!"

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