I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 238 Don’t be a troublemaker! (Third update)

Li Yanhong heard the news that [NC Studio] and [Starlight Future] had officially terminated their contract.

When she heard the news, she kept trying to make an appointment with Zhang Sheng.

If she wants to gain a foothold in this complex circle and share some resources, she must win over everyone she can.

With the re-release of "Paging 1988" and the bad behavior of competing for resources with "Wing Chun", Li Yanhong already knew that Zhang Sheng was behind the scenes.

After all, there is no airtight wall in this world. If you want to check carefully, you can easily find it.


After knowing this, Li Yanhong was not angry, but instead admired Zhang Sheng more and more.

He is like a planner, using his own resources to the extreme and using the weaknesses of human nature to get what he wants.

This person's future will not be simple!

Li Yanhong thought about the contract termination incident over and over again.

Through this incident, she gained a new understanding of Zhang Sheng!

Moreover, she knew that [Starlight Future] made a wrong move.

Four million, buy a stake in the studio, and get 80% of the shares!

For a newly established studio or a college student who has just entered college, this is a great thing!

Most people would have been so shocked by the four million that they couldn’t find the north!


But that’s not Zhang Sheng!

They underestimated his ambition!

Li Yanhong felt that Zhang Sheng was a beast.

A roaring beast that refuses to be subordinated to others and wants to be a domestic animal, preferring to run wild outside the forest!

She needed to have a good chat with this beast.

The office door rang.

Li Yanhong stood up, then walked over and opened the door.

She saw Zhang Sheng standing at the door.

"come in!"


She saw Zhang Sheng looking at the surrounding furnishings, and after looking at them for a while, he sat down on the chair.

There is no sense of restraint, it is very natural, as if it is your own office.

This time they met, Li Yanhong felt that Zhang Sheng had changed again.

He became more mature and seemed to have the aura of a successful person. Sitting next to him, Li Yanhong felt a sense of being out of control.


Could this be an illusion?

After all, we haven’t even had a conversation yet, so why do we feel so out of control?

Isn't it an illusion?

"Zhang Sheng, you have tricked me so hard this time." She made Zhang Sheng a cup of tea, then put a wry smile on her face.

This was the first time she showed such a bitter smile in front of Zhang Sheng.

"Sister Hong, it seems I didn't do anything, right?"

""Paging 1988" is still in theaters today. The box office is very low, but it takes up a lot of resources..."

"Wing Chun is still at the top of the list, isn't it?"

"But [Starlight Future] has gone through the most difficult period, and capital has begun to have a strong interest in [Starlight Future] Ke Zhanyi. According to my latest news, he has accepted a movie called "Future SWAT" A sci-fi movie with an investment of tens of millions!"

""That Summer" should have been a hit, and "Future SWAT"..."

Zhang Sheng frowned immediately after hearing the words "Future SWAT".

Although it is not sure whether the "Future Police" of this world is similar to the original "Future Police", the science fiction film...

Zhang Sheng always had the feeling that he was going astray yet again.

"We [Shengshi Entertainment] wanted [Starlight Future] to die, but your appearance made [Starlight Future] alive... We did not get the copyright of "That Summer", and we also lost a wave of popularity , and even lost a singer like Ah K..." Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng seriously.

Five months ago!

Zhang Sheng was born out of nowhere.

His appearance was like a butterfly effect, disrupting many things and the rhythm of [Shengshi Entertainment].

"If the contract was normal, I wouldn't let my classmates cooperate with [Starlight Future]... I can't watch my classmate Lin Xia being tricked by you, right?"

"The world is as dark as crows. The [Starlight Future] that you were optimistic about at the beginning has kicked you out now?" Li Yanhong smiled and stared at Zhang Sheng, but her voice was slightly sarcastic, as if she was trying to cover Zhang Sheng's body with a fig leaf. Pick it apart.


There was no embarrassment or sullen look on Zhang Sheng's face. He just took a sip of water and said, "Many things in this world are inevitable. Terminating cooperation is not a bad thing for me..."

"You have lost a lot of resources and connections, and you have also lost the fastest path to promotion..."

"I've been in debt all this time. Do you think I care about these things?" Zhang Sheng stared at Li Yanhong with a smile.

"You really don't care?" Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng: "You are a smart person..."

"Sister Hong, there's no need to beat around the bush. Just tell me why you invited me here today."

"We can get back everything you lost. A good bird will choose its wood to roost. What I said in the restaurant that day still applies now!" Li Yanhong finally stated her purpose.

Zhang Sheng was very calm.

But she was sure that beneath Zhang Sheng's calm expression, there was a sense of resentment, even anger!

He worked so hard and did so many things, but in the end, he was kicked out by [Starlight Future]...

Anyone would be angry.

Li Yanhong needs the "anger" deep in Zhang Sheng's heart.

"What should I do?"

"Your studio is affiliated to our [Shengshi Entertainment], and we will give you resources. I heard that you are currently preparing a movie. We can cooperate and develop it together..." Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng.

"It was a low-budget horror film..." Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

"We are very sincere..." Li Yanhong did not smile, but became more serious.

Zhang Sheng put away his smile, and a bit of regret began to flash across his face.

"I feel it, but sometimes it's really a pity that the lollipops we liked to eat when we were three years old are no longer so attractive after we are thirty years old..."

"Do you feel like you've moved on to the next level?"

"I opened [NC Entertainment] in the suburbs of Yanjing. It is not as big as yours, and its financial strength is very small in all aspects. But although it is small, it has all the internal organs..."

"In this era, it is very irrational to open a company or an entertainment company." When Li Yanhong heard this sentence, she was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and said in a serious voice: "Resources are monopolized, [Starlight Future] 】It’s impossible to give it to you, and we [Shengshi Entertainment] can’t give it to you. The overnight fame you see, in fact, how many media accounts, how many reporters are pushing behind you, in the corners that you can’t see, you also I don’t know how much capital has been invested...this is the rule of this world!”

She understands the entrepreneurial spirit of young people.

He also knew Zhang Sheng’s ambitions very well.


He is too weak.

If blown by the wind, it will break.

"Someone sets the rules, and eventually someone will break them..." Zhang Sheng just shook his head after hearing Li Yanhong's sincere words.

"That's being determined to have your own way."

"But it has to work, right?"

Li Yanhong stood up.

She said nothing more and just looked out the window.

When Zhang Sheng said these words, she knew that this beast Zhang Sheng could not be subdued.

for a long time.

"Zhang Sheng, how do you want us to cooperate?"

After recognizing the reality, Li Yanhong turned around and finally changed from the posture of a superior or elder to a collaborator.

She knows Zhang Sheng’s ability!

She needs ability!

"The copyright of "Wing Chun" is in your hands, right?"


“I want the French premiere rights!


"I have a theater chain in France, and I need movies! As far as I know, "Wing Chun" is in full swing in China, but overseas, it has received a mediocre response. Even the screening rights in France have not been sold, right? "

"Do you really have a theater chain in France?" Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng.

Even though she has always been calm, she is a little out of sorts!

"Yes! A theater group!" Zhang Sheng nodded.

"You can't be like "That Summer", which was released in more than 120 cinemas across the country. You said that in more than 120 regions around the world... you can lie to others, but don't lie to yourself!" Li Yanhong died! Staring at Zhang Sheng.

"Trust or not, it's all in your hands!" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes!

"What's the name of your theater?"


"I haven't heard of it!"

“There are many theaters in France that you have never heard of!”

"How many cinemas are there under the Sailu Cinema Line?" Li Yanhong continued to stare, becoming more serious, and took a sip of water.

"Forty years ago, there were fifteen of them!" Zhang Sheng remained calm in the face of Li Yanhong's eyes that seemed to see through him.

"What about now?" Although Li Yanhong couldn't believe it, her heart still trembled uncontrollably!


"Pfft! Cough, cough..."

Li Yanhong finally lost her composure and choked in her throat.

An even more unbelievable expression appeared on his face: "One? One cinema, you call this a theater group!"



Various expressions appeared on Li Yanhong's face.

"A company is also a group, and, importantly, it is in France..."

"I can't authorize you!" After hearing this, Li Yanhong finally shook her head.

"Oh I see."

Zhang Sheng nodded after hearing this, drank the tea in the cup, then stood up and turned to leave.

"Stop! Are you ready to leave?"


"What do you want to do? Zhang Sheng!" Li Yanhong squinted her eyes.

The sixth sense vaguely told her...

Zhang Sheng will definitely do something after leaving this office!

Zhang Sheng paused: "During the [Southern California International Film Awards], I got to know some directors and their thoughts. They are very eager to have their films released in France. For them, France A cinema can represent the French region! Sister Hong, in fact, it is not important to me whether I can get the copyright of "Wing Chun"..."

"You want to incite Gao Hui?"

"I've never said that... I just don't lack movie resources!" Zhang Sheng was silent, then squinted his eyes and finally stepped out of the office.

Just at this moment, his cell phone rang.

He looked at the unfamiliar phone number, frowned briefly, and then answered the call.


"Hello, I'm Gao Yuan, the director of "Thunder"!"

"Huh? Director Gao, hello!"

In the office.

Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng closely.

She heard Zhang Sheng's mouth seemed to say "Director Gao".

She finally walked over.

"Zhang Sheng, don't be a troublemaker..." Li Yanhong took a deep breath and lowered her voice.

(Continue to make up for yesterday...)

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