
Still going on.

More and more people are coming to visit us.

Elaine looked at the people who came over to chat.

There is only confusion in my heart.

They were all brought here by Zhang Sheng...

From their mouths, she heard that Zhang Sheng communicated with them in many different identities.

Zhang Sheng seemed to be chatting with these directors or staff members as a producer, producer, owner of a Chinese video website, Brazilian film copyright owner, investor, etc.


They seemed to believe it.

The lists that Zhang Sheng showed her appeared in Elaine's mind.

Then, he looked at the people who came to talk to him about [French copyright].

Those lists seemed to be people specially screened by Zhang Sheng.

These people are basically those who desire success but are not recognized by others, and then, they all have a specific goal!

They are all losers at the [Berlin International Film Festival]!

Many thoughts flashed through Elaine's mind, and some of them were even more frightening!

She once had the illusion that Zhang Sheng knew who would win and who would lose at the [Berlin International Film Festival]!

Otherwise, how could Zhang Sheng be so accurate?

However, before the awards begin, apart from the judges and the organizer, it is impossible to know who will win!

This is top secret!


Little by little.

The stage lights flicker and the lights go out.

The award was awarded to the Best Debut Film Award, and was not included in the main competition unit awards.

Elaine was finally done dealing with these people.

She turned her head and saw Zhang Sheng returned to her side.

She saw him adjusting his clothes, smiling, sitting upright, looking very serious.

"Zhang Sheng, I want to ask about those movies..."

"Shh, don't talk, sit still."

"Oh, but..."

"If you have anything to say, let's wait until it's over."


She had a lot to say to Zhang Sheng.

However, after seeing Zhang Sheng's appearance, she finally stopped saying anything.

on the stage.

The awards ceremony began.

The best debut film award winner is Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi spoke so loudly on the stage that his eyes filled with tears.


The award was announced.

She glanced at Zhang Sheng from the corner of her eye and found that Zhang Sheng was sitting upright.

"Congratulations! "The Dog Over the Mountain", congratulations!"


But it's not lively.

She saw Bi Feiyu standing up excitedly in the corner, waving his fists...

But instead of running onto the stage, he ran towards Zhang Sheng.

The camera and lighting gave Bi Feiyu a close-up, and then followed him to Zhang Sheng's side.

She saw Zhang Sheng stand up.

Bi Feiyu hugged her tightly, and her eyes became wet.

After he separated from Zhang Sheng, Bi Feiyu yelled at the sky crazily...

Immediately afterwards, he must drag Zhang Sheng to the stage.

The camera recorded this scene, but Zhang Sheng waved his hand and had no intention of going on stage!

After a brief stalemate, Bi Feiyu took off his coat, revealing a bright dress. He danced excitedly and rushed to the stage. After rushing to the stage, he jumped hard.

His eyes were filled with tears of excitement!



"I want to bow to Mr. Avery Tashi first!"

"Thank you Mr. Avery Tashi for the invitation!"

"At the same time, I would like to bow to Mr. Zhang Sheng. Without Mr. Zhang Sheng, there would be no "The Dog Over the Mountain"!"


Ke Zhanyi looked at the screen, and Bi Feiyu bowed to Zhang Sheng.

That moment.

His heart felt sour.

That was Berlin. Although this was not an award in the main competition, it was the Berlin International Film Festival, one of the three major film festivals in the world!

Although, the box office of "That Summer" has exceeded 100 million, four million for 100 million, it is simply a landmark work in the Chinese film industry!

Even though he can make a lot of money, he is also valued by [Starlight Future], and he seems to have emerged among the sixth generation directors.


He still looked at Bi Feiyu with envy!

Berlin is a bonus, symbolizing status, resources and talent!

Although it is a debut work!


Listening to the screen, Bi Feiyu talked about his ups and downs in the creation of "The Dog Over the Mountain", how he rushed to the street, how he met Zhang Sheng, how he was recognized by Zhang Shenghui, and how he participated in the [Southern California International Film Awards] Film Awards], how did you stand out and then be shortlisted for the Berlin International Film Awards...


Envy is envy, but Ke Zhanyi felt that something was not right!

Then, Ke Zhanyi frowned!

Is it appropriate to talk about your [Southern California International Film Awards] on a world-famous stage?


He saw the live broadcast cut to the audience.

By the time we cut back to the stage, Bi Feiyu seemed to have finished his acceptance speech.

Bi Feiyu was briefly given a close-up.

A close-up of this one!

Ke Zhanyi was even more stunned.

The colorful clothes he wears are full of trademarks!

[Oubang International], [NC Decoration], [NC Movies], [Bosch Reviews], [Hongwei], Huaxia [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], France [Seroux] Cinema...

The ads are dense!

But every advertising trademark seems to have been specially designed and can be seen extremely clearly!

Ke Zhanyi's whole body was numb!


on site.

The applause was sparse.

Bi Feiyu's acceptance speech was too long.

The host was speechless and had to remind him in a low voice and ask the staff to keep gesturing behind him.

Bi Feiyu finally stepped down.

The staff in the distance looked a little ugly.

Apart from a close-up of winning an award, Bi Feiyu didn't even have any live footage anymore.

But such a close-up seemed to have been specially studied by Bi Feiyu, and it just captured a lot of inexplicable advertisements.

this moment……

Sitting in the audience, Elaine felt like she was on a messy pirate ship.

Isn't this nonsense?

She even doubted that they would not be invited to the Berlin International Film Festival next year.

She looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

Then, she discovered that more and more short film directors and documentary directors were coming to see Zhang Sheng...

These directors were all approached by Zhang Sheng before Bi Feiyu won the award, and many of them disapproved...


After winning the prize, all these people came.

Bi Feiyu's acceptance speech said a lot!

After talking about his "The Dog Over the Mountain", which was recognized by Zhang Shenghui, Zhang Sheng helped with various recommendations and won a grand prize in Brazil. He said that he sold a lot of copyrights because of this...

Even when it comes to excitement, Bi Feiyu jumped up on the stage again, like a clown, but...

A different kind of passion?

Elaine's beautiful face twitched slightly.

When she listened to the acceptance speech, she felt that something was wrong. Bi Feiyu's words were very much like the words of some "MLM organizations"!


Elaine once felt that Bi Feiyu's acceptance speech was carefully crafted with Zhang Sheng's help and then memorized. And it was not meant for the organizers, but for the producers, directors, and screenwriters in the audience?


These people took the bait one by one!

This world is so realistic.

Zhang Sheng received these people with a particularly warm smile on his face.

His English was very proficient, and the context was very comfortable, like a spring breeze, which made the people surrounding him couldn't help but get excited!


Elaine saw the most speechless thing.

Before the film festival was over, and even before the important awards in the main competition were awarded, he left with these directors and producers!


Walked out of the scene and out the door.

Elaine's expression became more and more exciting.

She subconsciously took out the notebook.

Then, she saw the names of the people noted in the notebook.

She was even more shocked afterwards!

Most of the people gathered around these people were people screened by Zhang Sheng!

The scene where she and Zhang Sheng watched a movie screening together appeared in her mind again, and Zhang Sheng's eyes were fixed on everyone in the screening hall.

She took a deep breath!

Could this person have started laying the groundwork half a month ago?




After decorating the last screening room, Li Bin turned on the computer.

He saw that he had received videos one after another in his mailbox, with text introductions underneath each video.

The video is an introduction to a film that was shortlisted for the [Berlin International Film Festival] but did not win an award, and the text is the names of several documentaries and short films currently signed.

After Li Bin read it, he turned to look at his girlfriend Liu Yingying.

"Yingying, help me make some posters..."

"What poster?"

"The poster for tomorrow's movie schedule, the poster says [Berlin International Film Festival] Best Nominated and Award-winning Film Exclusive Screening Area in France!"

"Huh? Tomorrow? Schedule the film so soon?"

"Go ahead and do it. Soldiers are very quick. While the heat is on right now, maybe we can make a big stunt."

"Okay! But wait, Mr. Zhang really signed the rights to the films nominated for the Berlin International Film Festival?"

"um, yes."

"so smart?"

"The best nominated and winning films are different from the winning films. Moreover, they are all short films and documentaries. This is very reasonable..."


"You go ahead and do it. Time is very tight. I guess the teacher will send over the samples of these movies after the awards are over in Berlin."


"By the way, let's make a poster for our [NC Decoration]. Well, I'll let Director Li Zhonghe take some photos for [Sailu] later. You can help me fix it. This is our [NC Decoration]'s overseas poster. work……"

"Oh, okay!"

Li Bin watched his girlfriend Liu Yingying walk into the room and started busy making posters.

He took a serious look at the decorated Sailu Cinema, his eyes full of appreciation and excitement.

at the same time……

It feels incredible again!

His teacher Zhang Sheng...

After buying a stake in [Sailu] Cinema, I told him a complete plan.

Even to the precise date, Li Bin took the watch and looked at the time.

The time in the plan was only more than ten minutes different from the actual time.

What an amazing amount of calculations is required to make reality so accurate?

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