I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 246 The real master of time management! (Third update!)

[Starlight Future].

Xu Shengnan hurriedly knocked on Zheng Chengwu's office.

Zheng Chengwu was watching the live broadcast of the [Berlin International Film Festival]. His expression changed from casual at first to serious, and then he fell into deep thought.

On the desktop, the detailed information of [NC Studio] is placed.

a few days ago.

[Starlight Future] has terminated its contract with Zhang Sheng’s [NC Studio].

The day of termination.

Zheng Chengwu felt somewhat regretful.

I regret Zhang Sheng's impulsive behavior and his unwillingness to listen to others' advice.

Young people don't understand what kind of world this is. They just wishfully think that they can succeed if they work hard.

[NC Studio] How did you succeed?



Are you smart enough to find a singer like Ah K? And then, overnight fame?

Zheng Chengwu found it ridiculous.

The so-called overnight fame and the so-called hard work will eventually pay off. In fact, in the eyes of insiders, it is just a "gimmick".

They [Starlight Future] worked hard behind the scenes. How many resources did they buy and how much traffic did they attract to make Ah K "famous overnight"?


Young people always have wishful thinking and would rather believe in the fairy tales brought about by those "gimmicks" and naively feel that they can do anything.

Zhang Sheng doesn’t know how to be grateful!

I don’t understand [Starlight Future]’s plan to acquire [NC Studio] and it’s not because they look down on this small studio. On the contrary, the senior management is very interested in this studio and feels that this studio has potential, and even supports this studio to become bigger. The idea of ​​​​four million is actually to invest in Zhang Sheng...

[Starlight Future] With the absolute control of [the studio], they can provide greater resources and traffic, so that the artists under the studio can take off, right?

They even staged another drama of "abortion miracle" and "superstar foil" when planning Ah K's concert.

But he didn't understand the good intentions of the senior management, so he just shook his head and refused.

He also doesn’t understand that in this complicated circle, his [NC Studio] is too small. Without the intervention of external capital and participation in management, it would be impossible for it to survive in the cruel market competition...

"Bi Feiyu won the award."

"I know, I'm watching the whole thing."

"Do we need to refresh our evaluation of [NC Studio]? This wave of enthusiasm in Berlin is not small..."

In the office.

Zheng Chengwu listened to Xu Shengnan's voice.

He didn't speak.

Just watching the [Berlin International Film Festival] awards ceremony.

The awards ceremony is continuing, but because it is a film in the main competition, the competition is extremely cruel, and all the shortlisted Chinese films have failed.

Golden Bear!

Although this grand prize has not yet been announced, the probability of winning the Golden Bear is really low.

Therefore, it is very likely that only "The Dog Over the Mountain" will win this year's Berlin. Even the Best Debut Award among other awards has a certain gold content.

Zheng Chengwu frowned deeply.

I vaguely felt that I had made a mistake.

When he asked Xu Shengnan to discuss the contract with Zhang Sheng, it was too early.

He was deep in thought.

Is the 80% share price the company wants too much?

Perhaps, their assessment of the overall value of [NC Studio] was also wrong.

No one could have imagined that "The Dog Over the Mountain" would be shortlisted and win an award...

"Mr. Zheng, do I want to talk to Zhang Sheng again?" Xu Shengnan looked at Zheng Chengwu: "I got news that Li Yanhong from [Shengshi Entertainment] met with Zhang Sheng some time ago..."

"He has signed a contract with us, so it is impossible for him to be affiliated with [Shengshi Entertainment]..."

"He did not affiliate, but established an entertainment company of his own. The studio cannot be affiliated, but his company can cooperate with [Shengshi Entertainment]. When we signed the contract, we did not sign this part."

Zheng Chengwu didn't respond, he just looked at the information in [NC Studio] over and over again.

"Our assessment was wrong and we should not have bought shares in his studio. In other words, when we bought shares, we had a small share and he had a big share!"

"You know we, Mr. Dong, can't let things appear that we can't control."

"But I think we can talk about cooperation again..."

"So Sheng Nan, how do you think we can cooperate with Zhang Sheng?"

"We will continue to help Ah K attend concerts. After all, we can also make some money from Ah K... At the same time, we will invest in their company's movie "Seven Days to Die"!" Xu Shengnan stared at Zheng Chengwu.

"This is a disguised compromise. Although "The Dog Over the Mountain" won the award, it may provide some heat for a short time, but it only provides some heat for a short time. There is no need for us to get nervous when the wind blows..." Zheng Chengwu sighed: "Besides, it is impossible for Mr. Dong to agree with his aggressive and decisive temperament. He will only suppress and make people surrender..."

"I want to meet Mr. Dong..." Xu Shengnan was silent for a moment, and then stared at Zheng Chengwu.

"What to talk about?"

"How do you know whether a person who is unknown today will be famous all over the world tomorrow?"

In the office.

Xu Shengnan's eyes were a bit sharp.

Hearing these words, Zheng Chengwu felt his heart tremble. After regaining his composure, he nodded: "Mr. Dong will be at the company tomorrow night..."




The award presentation has come to an end.

Among Chinese films, except for "The Dog Over the Mountain" which won a minor award, other films once again became runners-up.

The outside of the venue was no longer as lively as when she walked on the red carpet. The media noticed that she was about to take pictures and went back satisfied.

The remaining media looked at the "runners" who were coming out one after another and had no interest in interviewing...

"We have our own video company in China..."

"We have our own theater chain in France..."

"Miss Fendi, I believe you also know that we also have our own theater chain in Brazil. We are also the organizer of the [Southern California International Film Awards], and Avery Zahi, a judge of the [Berlin International Film Festival] Our organizer judges…”

Fendi, the director of "Horror Night" looked at this talkative Chinese man.

She felt like there were stars in her eyes.

She actually knew this Chinese man half a month ago.

At that time, it was the short film screening of "Horror Night"...

It was said to be a screening, but in fact the screening time was only more than ten minutes, and there were no audiences present.

This Chinese man named Zhang Sheng took the initiative to talk to her and praised the short film "Thriller Night" from beginning to end.

Fendi was wary at first!

Even though she is a recent college graduate and has never seen much of the world, she still knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

But this Chinese seems to be very paranoid.

I go to the screening of "Fright Night" every day and watch it carefully over and over again.

This makes Fendi feel weird!

Even though "Horror Night" is very good to watch, no one can stand watching it for more than ten days at once, right?

But unfortunately...

That's what he did.

Not only did he watch it, but he watched it carefully every time and clapped excitedly.

Fundy finally couldn't help her curiosity and took the initiative to chat with him again.

During the chat, Fendi learned that he was a producer and wanted to make a horror movie similar to "Horror Night"...

Fendi was still very wary, even if the Chinese man's way of chatting with him was very comfortable, and his eyes were full of sincerity...

Of course, this Chinese man didn't do anything extraordinary. He just said that he wanted to make a movie and didn't invite her...

We met again at the award ceremony.

Her "Frightful Night" didn't make the cut.

Just when he was depressed, this man came to him.

He said that he had a theater partner in France and wanted to buy its "Horror Night" short film...

In the cafe.

Fendi looked at the contracts Zhang Sheng handed her.

They are all very simple contracts in English.

There is an exclusive authorization from French cinemas, a purchase agreement from China Video, and an invitation to this year’s [Southern California International Film Awards].

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, invite me to be a judge?"

"Yes! We planned to create an award for short films, but I searched for a long time and couldn't find the right person until I met you..."

"But, I'm too young!"

"There is a saying in China that you should never be young if you have ambitions..."


"Miss Fendi, please think about it first. I have something to do. I'll go over there first and be back soon."

Fendi looked at the contract in a daze.

She nodded as she watched Zhang Sheng leave.

After reading the contract, she walked out of the box and prepared to go to the toilet.


She saw Zhang Sheng walking out of another box with a smile on his face, and then walked into the third box.

Out of curiosity, she walked towards one of the boxes.

I saw a documentary director sitting in one of the boxes, seemingly staring at the contract in a daze.

Although it is not confirmed what Zhang Sheng was talking about, what is certain is that Zhang Sheng should have said similar words to them.

Her expression is wonderful!

This guy!

How much business did you receive at this time?

She suddenly thought that when she went out, a group of people followed Zhang Sheng.

this moment……

Her scalp was numb.

In her life, she had never seen anyone as crazy as Zhang Sheng.

How could he have so much energy?

At this moment, the door of another coffee shop box opened, and she saw Zhang Sheng walking out.

Fundy took a deep breath.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, what on earth are you doing?"

"Ah, Miss Fendi, I won't hide it from you. Here we are talking about the exclusive copyright licensing agreement, and over there we are talking about the filming agreement for the new movie. We for "Seven Days to Die" need to form a team..."

Just when Zhang Sheng finished speaking and before Fendi could react, Zhang Sheng saw the door of the coffee shop opened again.


Fendi looked at Zhang Sheng again with a smile on his face and walked towards him.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, Director Bi, come here, I've almost finalized the agreement. Come over and discuss some details to see if we can cooperate..."


Fendi watched Avery Tashi and Bi Feiyu walk into one of the boxes.

Then, Zhang Sheng walked into another box.

A few minutes later, Zhang Sheng walked out with a contract with a smile on his face: "Miss Fendi, what have you thought about it? I am a capable person. If you cooperate with me, you will never regret it..."

Fendi saw Zhang Sheng looking at him with a smile.

(Third update, extra update for 2,000 monthly tickets!)

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