I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 247 Zhang Sheng showing his fangs (Part 1)


Somewhat bitter.

Zhang Sheng never adds sugar to his coffee. He likes the astringent but mellow taste.

Fendi sat in front of Zhang Sheng.

One hand is holding the wall of the mug, and the tangle on the face covered with freckles is visible to the naked eye.

The Chinese man in front of him, although his eyes were calm, looked harmless.

But it is extremely aggressive, like a beast with a mouth full of fangs and a greedy beast that wants to swallow everything!

He seemed to want everything.

There were contracts in front of her.

Exclusive copyright in France, exclusive copyright in Brazil, exclusive broadcast rights on video websites...

He wanted to sign almost all the rights to her short film "Horror Night".


He doesn't just want to sign the rights to her "Fright Night" short film.

He even wanted to sign her!

Storyboard director, screenwriting consultant, visual effects artist, soundtrack engineer for the horror movie "Seven Days to Die"...

Fendi was stunned by the series of names.

"If you are willing, I would even like to invite you to be the spokesperson for our company's brands. I know this is sudden, but please allow me to introduce my brands and my sales in the past five months..."

In the cafe.

Fendi heard Zhang Sheng introducing the companies under his umbrella.

He speaks in a gentle voice, and when introducing the company, he will also talk about the "entrepreneurial history" of the bosses in the company.

Like a storyteller who is good at telling stories, he tells the story of entrepreneurship with ups and downs and thrilling...

As Fendi listened to the story, pictures emerged uncontrollably in his mind, as if he were a bystander watching the rise of "little people".

After listening to the story, she was still interested and had the illusion that she wanted to participate and become part of the "team"!

Fendi was momentarily absent-minded, and then shook his head violently!

In her mind, she thought of the brand-named clothes that Bi Feiyu wore before going on stage.

She took a deep breath, took a sip of coffee, and a flash of reason flashed through her eyes: "Mr. Zhang Sheng, although it is very rude of me to say this, I suspect that you are brainwashing me..."

Zhang Sheng smiled: "Mr. Bi Feiyu is the director of "Seven Days to Die", and Mr. Avery Tashi is the producer and art consultant of our film... They are all people in my team. I will brainwash you. What do I have?" Any benefit?"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, why did you choose me?"

"Because I admire the short film "Horror Night" very much, our movie "7 Days to Die" lacks a master like you who can create a weird atmosphere..."


Hearing the word "master", Fendi, as a fledgling, naturally couldn't help but trembled in his heart, but he still maintained his rationality: "I want to consider it!"

"Okay, here is my contact information. After you have thought about it, please contact me at any time!"


"Do you also want to consider licensing the short film?"

"I can authorize you first!"


Fendi saw Zhang Sheng push up his glasses and a smile appeared on his lips.

After a while, he took out his cell phone and made a call. Then, a beautiful and tall French girl knocked on the door and walked into the box.

"Miss Elaine, this is the exclusive authorization for the short film "Thriller Night"!"


early morning.

A ray of sunshine rises from the east, shining on the land of Berlin.

Bi Feiyu signed one contract after another with Zhang Sheng.

Bi Feiyu was naturally very tired after staying up all night. In the early morning, he could still talk with Zhang Sheng, but after four o'clock, his mind became hazy.

For a time, he didn't know what Zhang Sheng said to these people...

Half a month before the [Berlin International Film Festival] awards ceremony, Zhang Sheng followed him to every crew.

They stayed close to each other and contacted directors one after another and producers one after another.

But Zhang Sheng felt that it was still not enough...

As a result, I came into contact with the staff of one movie after another.

Lighting engineers, sound engineers, artists, and even some stage managers doing groceries...

He was so enthusiastic about them!

Twenty-four hours a day, for almost ten hours, he invited these people to drink coffee, eat, take walks, and talk about their dreams...

When he arrived in Berlin, the mobile phone card he just applied for was so exaggerated that it started ringing every few minutes.

How sophisticated does a person have to be to do such a crazy thing?

Bi Feiyu didn't know, but what Bi Feiyu knew was that Zhang Sheng almost broke his leg for the movie "Seven Days to Die".

Bi Feiyu was deeply affected!

Although he didn't know what Zhang Sheng was going to do, he only vaguely knew that it was to accumulate connections, but he gradually began to participate in it, and began to follow Zhang Sheng through various creative teams...

I even spent the evening learning Zhang Sheng's words in English when communicating with these people.

In these ten days...

Bi Feiyu found that his communication skills were simply amazing.

I even learned a little bit about "talking to people and talking to ghosts".

"Mr. Zhang, the crew contract we signed is really messy..."

"How messy?"

"Jones, the lighting engineer on "Summer," David, the sound engineer on "The Road," and Kelly, the artist on "Shadow Painter," I feel like we are a hodgepodge..."

After walking out of the coffee shop, a confused Bi Feiyu read the contract over and over again. His spirits were suddenly shaken, and then he looked at Zhang Sheng with a suppressed face.

"They are all the characters I want on my list, and some of them participated in movies that won awards, and they were grand prizes..." Zhang Sheng replied with a smile.

"But the award has nothing to do with them at all. They just followed the "main creative" team. They didn't even have a shot during the live broadcast. Most of them are marginal figures..." Bi Feiyu shook his head.

"Isn't this a good thing? Marginal people represent being unrecognized and unrecognized, which means they want to prove themselves. When I select people, I deliberately select these people..."

"But they are generally more expensive than the market price!" Bi Feiyu was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "Our investment in "Seven Days to Die" has not yet been in place. We will not really borrow money to make the movie ourselves, right?"

"Director Bi, after a few days, you will find that they are not expensive. Not only will you not think that they are not expensive, you will even think that they are too cheap!" Zhang Sheng stopped, his expression still smiling: " As for investment..."

"Yes, investment is a problem. "Seven Days to Die" is a horror film. Not many people in China like horror films. Some people have made them before, but they lost their pants..."

in the sun.

Before Bi Feiyu finished speaking, he saw Zhang Sheng coming over, carefully helping him adjust the collar of his suit, and nodded with satisfaction: "Director Bi, you are now the leader among the six generations of directors, and you are an internationally renowned director. Oh, great director, you will never lack investment!"

Bi Feiyu was stunned.

I didn’t understand what Zhang Sheng said for a while.

A few minutes later.

Bi Feiyu saw it in the coffee shop.

Elaine walked out of the cafe with Fendi, the director of the "Horror Night" short film.

The two of them actually spent the whole night talking about copyright issues in the box.

But the two of them were not tired, but looked very excited.


When the sun shone brightly, the two subconsciously blocked their eyes.

The sun is too dazzling.

"The last piece of the puzzle is probably coming together!"


Bi Feiyu was stunned, and then saw Fendi walking over seriously.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng..."

"Hello, Miss Fundy!"

"I am willing to join the cast of "Seven Days to Die"."



The plane took off.

Berlin, crowded with people, gradually returns to calm.

Bi Feiyu was so tired that he could hardly open his eyes.

But he couldn't sleep.

The excitement of the scene and the waves of applause kept popping up in my mind.

Especially when the host on the stage announced that the final winner of the "Golden Bear Award" was "Cheese", the applause, cheers, and nervous excitement lingered in his heart to this day.

He inevitably imagined that one day he would stand on the stage of the main competition section of the Berlin International Film Festival and win the much-anticipated grand prize!

Waves of excitement irritated his nerves.

He thought again that he was about to shoot a new movie "Seven Days to Die".

The excitement rose again, but then he was worried that he would not be able to make the movie well and that he would not invest enough...

The feeling of worrying about gains and losses is really cheating...

But at this moment, he heard a rustling sound next to him.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Sheng writing something seriously on A4 paper.

He leaned over and took a look...

But I found out that it was the [Second Southern California International Film Awards] process and some "sponsors" that were planned.

"Mr. Zhang, are you not sleepy?"

"not sleepy."

"Mr. Zhang, you..."

The words "sudden death" welled up in Bi Feiyu's heart, but he finally swallowed them.

Zhang Sheng has been sleeping very little these days...

Moreover, yesterday and the day before yesterday, he seemed to have been staying up late. I only saw him occasionally dozing off for a few hours and then getting up again.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you doing?"

"This time I participated in the Berlin International Film Festival and I gained a lot. I also understood the shortcomings of the [Southern California International Film Awards]. I am now making adjustments..."

“Will we hold a second edition?”

"Of course we will hold the second session. Do you think I was joking when I invited Avery Tashi to be the chairman of the second session?" Zhang Sheng put down the A4 paper and looked at Bi Feiyu.

"I thought you were just being polite at first, and then..."

"Director Bi, I am a stage person. I have never thought about doing business, or relying on gimmicks to get a wave of bonuses and then leave... [The Second Southern California International Film Awards], I Now I am considering the judging team. The first sister judging team is like a joke, but for the second time, I want to make it more formal..." Zhang Sheng's expression was serious: "But..."

"But what?"

"But we are still very weak now, and we lack appeal. Therefore, we can only take advantage of the situation...but we cannot take advantage of it for the rest of our lives! We deserve the title, which is what we have to do in the end."


After listening to Zhang Sheng's words, Bi Feiyu felt that his mind was confused again.

Afterwards, Zhang Sheng lowered his head and continued writing.

Bi Feiyu leaned on his seat and closed his eyes, and fell asleep unconsciously.

I don’t know how long it has been...

He saw Zhang Sheng pushing him.

He opened his eyes in a daze.

"Director Bi, cheer up! We are about to get off the plane and prepare to collect money. How much is the investment in "Seven Days to Die"? Five million? Or six million?"


Bi Feiyu stumbled off the plane with his luggage and walked out of the airport.


Seeing that countless media are guarding him.

Then, I saw many brand owners with smiles on their faces, trying to squeeze in.

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