I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 249 Zhang Sheng showing his fangs (Part 2)

One week before the [Berlin International Film Festival] opens.

Companies or stores that have been related to Zhang Sheng have successively released relevant financial reports and sales on the Internet!

Although financial reports appear to be ordinary and even insignificant in the capital circle and large enterprises.

But they have already emerged in their respective industries!

"[Hongwei Battery Vehicle] has sold more than 20,000 units in the past five months! In January this year, it set a historical record and ranked among the top 50 national electric vehicle brands for the first time!"

[Hongwei Battery Car] is the first to release sales and financial reports!

It released sales data for the entire year of 2009!

At the beginning of 2009, its sales were only over 100 units a month, never reaching 200 units. Even in August, it fell to less than 100 units!

The data is simply appalling. It is completely a brand that is about to go bankrupt and "delisted"...

The turning point...

It's November of 2009, November...

It was "lucky" to get the subsidy from [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas]!

Then, its sales surged from more than 100 vehicles at the beginning to more than 700 vehicles, an increase of several times!


It once again reached a new level and doubled again, breaking through from 700 vehicles to more than 2,000 vehicles!

This is an astonishing statistic, but since all of the [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] projects have official support, it is not an exaggeration!


year 2010!

That’s last month!

[Hongwei] Battery vehicle data has surged again, from more than 2,000 units to 12,000 units!

The official website of [Hongwei] battery vehicles is thanking the party and the people, as well as [home appliances going to the countryside].

However, the stores related to [Hongwei] battery cars are full of the movie "That Summer", full of "The Dog Over the Mountain", and even hanging the "Southern California International Film Awards" Specially invited companies...

"[Bosch Battery] has expanded its production capacity and established a Cangdong branch. In the past four months, the total production capacity has exceeded 30,000 units but it is still unable to meet the market demand. Pre-orders have surged by 100,000 units!"

After [Hongwei Battery Car] released sales, [Bosch Battery], a battery that appeared out of nowhere, entered the entire industry...

Its financial report is not exciting!

The size is still small, not as good as the largest battery brands on the market [Weineng Battery] and [Liwei Battery]!

Its ex-factory price is expensive, and the price has even increased again. It is nearly ten yuan more than [Weineng] and [Liwei]!


Its orders have not shrunk because of its price increase.

Not only did it not shrink, but it was so exaggerated that it exceeded 100,000 units!

And in the market, there are many battery car brands queuing up to wait for the goods from [Bosch]. Often the first batch is sold out just after the quality inspection is completed and before it is packaged!

“[Obon Integrated Ceiling] has completed renovation work for 300 households in the past five months, and its turnover exceeded 5 million!”

"[Obon Integrated Ceiling] continues to make efforts overseas and has established a branch in Brazil!"

The third company to release its financial report is [Obon Integrated Ceiling].

This integrated ceiling brand that once stood at the intersection of Yanjing and Fujing did not become a ruin after a fire!

Not only did it burn like fire, but it also burned more and more fiercely...

In just five months...

Meng Shurong has grown from a small business owner to a brand owner in international trade!

Not only did he earn back all the things burned in the warehouse, but he also made all the integrated ceiling brands on the Fujing intersection street become his distributors...

At the intersection of Yanjing Fujing.

There is a car parked every day.

They are filled with goods, some destined for Brazil and some destined for surrounding cities...



Financial reports section by section!

Although ordinary.


But it is a story of small businesses coming back to life or rising like crazy in these five months!

Big capital naturally still ignores these stories!

Their size is still too small.

It has no impact on big brands, let alone poses any threat...

However, the management of some medium-sized capital companies have noticed what is behind these stories!

They vaguely felt that there was a pair of hands controlling these things!

They began to investigate through various channels...


They found Zhang Sheng.

Although Zhang Sheng’s story on the Internet cannot be called a headline, it can be found after all...

They found news about Zhang Sheng's debt repayment. The news was very inspiring. It told how Zhang Sheng went from being in debt to millions to not escaping and shouldering everything. Then, he endured countless hardships and paid off his debt little by little.

They found out that the prototype of the most famous character in the popular movie "That Summer" was Zhang Sheng!

They found Zhang Sheng's decoration company, which happened to have issued a financial report. The financial report showed that in just a few months, the decoration company not only paid off the money, but also started to make a profit. Jincheng has a very good reputation and has even received "decoration orders from a well-established overseas theater chain [Sailu]"!

[Berlin International Film Festival] Two days before the opening of the awards ceremony!

The two words "Zhang Sheng" appeared on Weibo and became a hot search keyword!

Then, on Weibo, an account named [Cao Lv Chong] exposed the relationship between Zhang Sheng and Ah K, Zhang Sheng and director Bi Feiyu from "The Dog Over the Mountain"...

As these stories were dug up again, the number of views on the documentary "Graduation Years" soared again, and it once reached the "topics" list of some video websites.

[Berlin International Film Festival] Awards Ceremony Begins!

Bi Feiyu, the director of "The Dog Over the Mountain" actually won an award!

As these eight years!

As the first director to win an international award, the Internet is naturally very popular. Everyone is discussing "The Dog Over the Mountain"!


Countless brands have not paid attention to this!

What they focused on was Bi Feiyu wearing colorful clothes!

These clothes are from the brands that Zhang Sheng cooperates with, and not one of them is missing!

In the eyes of some brands, this is almost a sensation!

Especially those brands that want to go to a higher level, want to be in line with international standards, and want to get involved with "foreign farts"!

They almost went crazy!

Oh shit!

[Berlin International Film Festival] Ah!

This is not some fucking pheasant film festival, this is one of the most authoritative film festivals in the world, and the brands they cooperate with are all the top brands in the world!

On this stage!


How glorious is this!

That moment!

Everyone realizes one thing!

That is to cooperate with Zhang Sheng!

Moreover, they must find Zhang Sheng to cooperate so that they can have further possibilities!

[Berlin International Film Festival] Ending Night!

【NC Entertainment】Company.

The phone calls are ringing off the hook from brand owners!

The next morning, the phone was still ringing.

Shen Xiaoxi was scared when she heard the phone call!

the next day……

The door was surrounded by many media and brand owners seeking cooperation!


"Teacher Shen, I know that Mr. Zhang is not here yet. When he comes, I will call him!"

"Mr. Zhang has just got off the plane, he may be very busy, and the company is surrounded by various cooperative companies today. I never dreamed that so many companies would come..."

"Well, Teacher Shen, we will definitely give you your face. You have done so many things for our "Graduation Years" project before..."

"Okay, we will seriously consider the companies you recommend, and I will definitely tell Mr. Zhang!"

【NC Entertainment】.

There was a huge crowd at the door.

Chen Mengting was squeezed into the crowd.

Her phone kept ringing.

The person in charge of the company that once sponsored "Graduation Years" has been calling her constantly these days.

She had to return to Yanjing!

Looking at countless people...

She was in a trance.

Once upon a time, she visited these companies many times, and then talked about cooperation with these companies, but what she got in return was waves of indifference and contempt.

She once doubted her ability, and she once felt inferior and wondered if she was too rustic because she was born in a "rural area."

at last……

It was thanks to Shen Yi's connections that she received sponsorship from these companies.


Picking and searching.

A few months later!

Everything has changed!

Companies that had looked at him coldly began to call him one after another, and some even expressed their willingness to cooperate through the words of Teacher Shen Yi.

Everything made Chen Mengting feel like a dream!

She thought of Zhang Sheng...

I thought of Zhang Sheng starting his business by selling integrated stoves!

She thought of the series of things Zhang Sheng had done and the series of contacts he had accumulated!

It dawned on her!

[Obon Ceiling], [Hongwei Battery Car], [Bosch Battery]...

Case by case!

They are all advertisements. No matter who looks up them, they can only be amazed!

These are all real-life advertisements that were successfully co-operated with Zhang Sheng!

She looked at the account [Cromecium], which she had watched step by step. At this moment, it was breaking the news about the new movie "Seven Days to Die". In just one hour, it received more than 3,000 likes!

Every step Zhang Sheng takes is foreshadowing!

That net, he connected them all!

【NC Entertainment】At the door!

Suddenly there was a more violent commotion!

Chen Mengting turned her head after hearing the news.


She saw Zhang Sheng coming!

Take Bi Feiyu with you!

Like a great hero, he was surrounded by countless people and walked into the company door step by step.

Downstairs, many security guards were dispatched to barely maintain order.

However, the media are getting more and more crazy, using long guns and short cannons.

Zhang Sheng smiled, calm but full of charm, as if he was the protagonist of this world!

At this time, the door of the [NC Entertainment] company opened, and Meng Shurong greeted him first.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a friend who wants to talk to you. Well, he wants to become one of us..."

"Mr. Meng, let's go in and talk!"


A gust of wind is blowing!

Chen Mengting shook her head!

Looking at Zhang Sheng walking over.

I feel more and more confused...

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.


She felt like she saw a wild beast, showing its bloodthirsty fangs...

Countless prey!

They all lay in front of it, waiting for him to choose and open his mouth...

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