I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 250 I have many projects

February 23rd.

The world is prosperous, and everyone is here for profit.

Bi Feiyu followed Zhang Sheng towards the gate of [NC Entertainment].

When you are about to enter.

He stopped briefly.

The lights of the media illuminate the night like day.

A pair of excited, hot, and even crazy eyes stared at him.

They were shouting hard, and despite being blocked by security guards, they crowded forward and backward, just to get a word from the interview.

An unprecedented sense of vanity suddenly surged up, dispelling the fatigue of the past few days. He began to tremble with excitement, and his whole body was lost in this wave of enthusiasm.

He took a deep breath!

He really should be proud!

Today, he is the protagonist, the protagonist of the entire Chinese film industry!

It doesn’t matter whether this award is the main competition unit or not, and it doesn’t matter whether this award is a consolation prize!

He is the first winner of this year's [Berlin International Film Festival] and the only winner in the past eight years!

He was so excited that he wanted to jump.

If there were not so many viewers and so many media, he would even want to yell and tell everyone around him that he had won the award.

But he didn't do that.

He was already very excited in Berlin, and Zhang Sheng also talked to him about a lot of things in the car.

He, Bi Feiyu, will become a great director that attracts attention throughout China and even the world!

[Berlin International Film Festival], the so-called Best Debut Film Award is only part of the future milestones.

It’s worth being happy about, but not worth boasting about. It’s worth being indulged in for a while, but it’s not worth being immersed in this award forever.

When he thought of this, he turned his head, silently took a step towards the office building, and followed Zhang Sheng.

He stayed in Berlin for a month.

A lot of things have changed in one month.

The former [NC Studio] has become [NC Entertainment].

Although this is one of the floors of an office building, it is extremely small in scale and has minimal investment. It is far inferior to any successful entertainment company in China.


He is the veteran of [NC Entertainment].

An inexplicable sense of history surged into my heart, as if I had vaguely arrived at my own territory.

He suddenly thought of a few months ago, and in a daze, he felt endless emotions in his heart.

A few months ago, the movie "That Summer" was being filmed.

[Southern California International Film Awards] has not started yet...

The moment he walked into [Starlight Future]!

He was shocked by the size and complete system of [Starlight Future], and he was as shocked as Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Then, like a humble little ant who dared not even breathe, he showed a flattering smile to everyone.

After work, he also fantasizes about being favored by the leader of [Starlight Future], imagining about becoming the official director of [Starlight Future], and imagining that his movies will reach the top in one step!


That emotion gradually faded away.

[Starlight Future] gave them an office and let Ke Zhanyi film "That Summer".

His position is Ke Zhanyi's assistant director, and his responsibility is to help edit the later "That Summer" movie and help coordinate various tasks in the crew.

In addition, some films from the [Southern California International Film Awards] have to be reviewed.

He is often busy until late at night...

But some staff members of [Starlight Future] always come to him intentionally or unintentionally when he is finishing his work and preparing to take a rest.

Then, during that period, he did anything to please and fit in with those people.

Every day, I help buy breakfast for many people, help carry things, write manuscripts, help design layouts, and pick up people when I have time. Sometimes I am even woken up by a phone call in my sleep, and asked to open the door of the company in a commanding tone. …

He was as busy as a spinning top, and he enjoyed it at first, thinking he could build a good relationship with them!

But later, he gradually realized that everyone looked down on him from the bottom of their hearts.

He overheard a burst of jeers.

They laughed at his movies, which were so rubbish, that they still wanted to be a director...

He endured it.

Still helping diligently.

Then, I encountered some areas in "That Summer" that needed [Starlight Future]'s assistance.


"You have to figure this out yourself..."

"You have to go through the process for this thing. I know you are in a hurry, but you really can't be in such a hurry when making a movie. You have to take your time... Don't be anxious about reimbursement, I will definitely reimburse you..."

"I can't guarantee that the camera will arrive tomorrow. I can only say that I can help you hurry up. This is not my responsibility..."

"The post-production department has no time now. We have to edit other movies. You can think of a way on your own..."


As an assistant director, no one regarded him as the assistant director of "That Summer"!

He tried very hard to please everyone, but he still couldn't approve any assistance orders. In the end, he had to ask Ke Zhanyi to approve it in person. Because of these small problems, he and Ke Zhanyi had an unpleasant quarrel.

Ke Zhanyi finished filming the movie, patted his butt, and went to do publicity.

But he stayed in a dark room, accompanied by some later staff members, smiling and licking his face, and went to the [Starlight Future] project team to approve various reimbursement forms...

He paid a lot of money to the crew. In theory, these companies have to help reimburse him!

However, the reimbursement form was handed in, but until now, the tens of thousands of dollars have not come down!

In fact, his family was well off and he could afford this amount of money, but the feeling of spending money to work was so fucked up.


The sound of the elevator interrupted Bi Feiyu's voice.

He followed Zhang Sheng to the third floor of [NC Entertainment].

"Director Bi, this is your office. I don't know what kind of decoration you like. In the end, I can only whitewash it for you. There are only some simple office furniture. For the rest, you tell Shen Xiaoxi. Mr. Shen said that she will help you tomorrow. You do the shopping, I’ll go over and get busy first!”


Bi Feiyu looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile and pointed to his office.

He nodded and walked into the office.

The office is not very spacious, just some simple tables and chairs, and a new computer.

He sat on the chair and turned around, it was very comfortable!

It's very simple, but this is his own office. From now on, he will be one of the veterans of [NC Entertainment].

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

The phone call was from [Starlight Future].

At first it was Xu Shengnan.

Xu Shengnan told him that he had already talked with the senior management and approved a sum of money to invest in his new movie "Seven Days to Die".

Xu Shengnan's voice was very gentle, and he called him "Director Bi" in his words. He respected him very much and talked to him about working with [Starlight Future].

Ke Zhanyi got a movie "Future SWAT" with an investment of tens of millions, and Xu Shengnan hoped that he could become one of the directors of this science fiction movie.

In fact, his impression of Xu Shengnan has never been bad...

If it were before, he readily agreed that an investment of 10 million would be too dazzling.

but now.

"I listen to Mr. Zhang, I am now an employee of [NC Entertainment]..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

After saying some polite words, he hung up.

Not long after, the phone rang again.

This time it was Ke Zhanyi who called, and Ke Zhanyi also came to invite him and invited him to film "Future SWAT" together.

After refusing, Ke Zhanyi told him in a vague way that "Seven Days to Die" was the work of a screenwriter, and he hoped to cooperate with "NC Entertainment" on the film in the name of "Starlight Future".

Bi Feiyu did not respond to this matter, but simply changed the subject. After talking about other things, the two parties hung up.


The phone rang again.

The call was still from the staff of [Starlight Future].

There were bursts of congratulations and calls of brotherhood on the phone.

Very enthusiastic, but Bi Feiyu felt his face turned red, as if he had been slapped.

These are the same people who made cold remarks to him before...

When you are humble, they step on you and make things difficult for you. When you succeed, they all come over to you and say all kinds of disgusting things.

this world!

So damn realistic!




【NC Entertainment】Bright as day.

In the brand-new conference room, Zhang Sheng looked at his teacher Shen Yi and a group of business leaders seeking cooperation.

There are those selling sports and fitness equipment, there are electric bicycles, there are those selling shampoo, there are also those selling clothes and shoes...

There are dozens of them in total, covering all walks of life.

Of course, these businesses are mainly recommended by acquaintances.

Some came here thanks to Chen Mengting's relationship, some were brought here by Meng Shurong himself, and of course, some were brought here by Shen Yi...

Zhang Sheng and Shen Yi said hello to Meng Shurong and other acquaintances. After saying hello, they naturally sat at the main seats in the conference room.

After staying up late for several days, he didn't feel tired, but in high spirits.

He looked around at the crowd.

"Thank you for your trust in me. I can feel your enthusiasm. Thank you again!"

"I would also like to thank Teacher Shen, Mr. Meng, and Mr. Chen for helping me in various ways during the early days of my business, allowing me to have the opportunity to climb out of the quagmire step by step from a debtor with millions in debt... …”

"I am honored to be able to make progress together with such excellent companies as [Oubang], [Bosch], and [Hongwei]..."

"The success of these companies is due to the quality of their products and the recognition of consumers in the market. In fact, I don't take a lot of credit..."

"To be honest, I am a very simple person, very shy, not very good at talking..."

"There are many twists and turns in business, and I may not be as proficient as everyone here. I can only say that I will try my best to explore whether we [NC Entertainment] and you can have common progress and win-win cooperation projects..."

“We [NC Entertainment] represent “marketing”. I believe that any successful brand or enterprise is inseparable from establishing image, marketing, finding accurate customer sources, and then selling products, increasing sales, and operating brand value... "

“I introduce my first project, which is endorsement!”

"This trip to Berlin allowed me to meet many people, many directors, many stars..."

"They have countless fans in Berlin and even overseas, and at the same time, they have a large audience..."

"I signed many cooperation agreements with them..."

"Especially the world-famous French critic Mr. Avery Tashi. I can invite him to speak for one of you..."


In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng lowered his head, and after a while, he pulled out an agreement.

Afterwards, the prepared information about Avery Tashi was played on the slide...

(I’ll update one chapter first to show that I didn’t break my promise)

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