I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 251 Mr. Zhang, I always feel like you are brainwashing me!


The information of one spokesperson after another is played.

Brand owners are confused by this.

Zhang Ziqiang of [Easy] Shampoo stared at each character closely, calculating in his mind the approximate price of these people's endorsements.

[Piaoyi] was established five years ago.

It started as a workshop in Zhejiang Province, imitating the big brand [Smooth] shampoo and OEM.

There are such workshops all over the country, and people are basically in a state of not having enough to eat and starving to death.

[Elegance] is slightly better.

Zhang Ziqiang is quite diligent and can also train the sales team. Since the production of Piaoyi, he has visited almost every shampoo shop in the streets and alleys every day to talk about business.

With his hard work, the brand "Piaoyi" finally gained some fame.

It can stably sell more than 10,000 bottles every month...

But the brand [Piaoyi] has also reached a bottleneck.

He had broken his leg while running, but his turnover was stuck at that point. In the past few years, he had expanded a factory, but his sales volume had remained unchanged.

He began to think of other ways...

Thinking of building a brand concept, I asked a consultant to design the brand LOG0 of "Elegance", repurchased some formulas, and even advertised on local TV stations.

However, little effect was achieved...

He once thought of making a desperate move by spending a few million dollars to advertise on CCTV!

But when he actually went to CCTV to ask, he realized a problem...

Damn it!

CCTV’s millions of advertising dollars don’t even qualify for the queue.

[Smooth] Shampoo asked a female celebrity to advertise for more than ten seconds, and the price is 20 million!

The cruelty of reality made Zhang Ziqiang quite hurt. Many people advised him to accept the reality. The current state is actually quite good.

But Zhang Ziqiang is not willing to remain a small business forever...

Over the years, he has been trying to seek innovation and change, but after changing for a long time, he still looks like a bird.

Because of an accidental delivery, he met Meng Shurong in a barber shop in Yanjing...

Meng Shurong seemed to have had some wine, and then he was bragging along with his companions, boasting that there was an advertisement for his "Obon Integrated Ceiling" at the "Berlin International Film Festival".

After Zhang Ziqiang heard this, he took it seriously and took the opportunity to chat with him.

During the conversation, he talked about how they were both from Zhejiang Province, about entrepreneurship, and about the future situation.

While the two were having a good chat, Meng Shurong happily showed him the news about the award-winning movie "The Dog Over the Mountain"...

At that moment, he suddenly understood!

He realized that his [Elegance] lacked an opportunity!

He has found that opportunity.

"These are all international celebrities. Don't you see any satisfaction?"

"Well, yes, I just don't know the price..."

"Don't worry, I'll help you talk to Mr. Zhang later. We're very familiar with each other!"


"By the way, Mr. Zhang and I have something to do with a club. You must not tell anyone else!"

"Don't worry, I won't."

In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng finished playing the slideshow.

Meng Shurong pushed Zhang Ziqiang.

Zhang Ziqiang nodded, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Sheng's next project.

Next project.

It's a movie...


outside the window.

The warm sunshine shone on Bi Feiyu's face.

He opened his eyes and subconsciously looked at the time.

The time is ten o'clock in the morning.

He actually slept in the office for so long!

He originally wanted to take a nap on the sofa bed in the office, but he didn't expect that as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep until ten in the morning...

He also had a dream.

I had a sweet dream. I dreamed that I stood on the stage of the much-anticipated [Oscar Awards] and won a statuette.

The excitement in the dream still lingers to this day.

I was briefly distracted but had no regrets.

He climbed up from the sofa bed, stretched himself comfortably, and then looked around the office!

Then, his eyes were fixed on the office window.

In the window, there are [Berlin International Film Festival] trophies and [Southern California International Film Awards] trophies.

He smiled.

Now he is no longer the unknown little director who relies on connections everywhere to dream of entering [Starlight Future] or [Shengshi Entertainment]!

He has two international honors, and also has his own office. He no longer has to look at anyone's face, and he no longer has to do trivial tasks!


Undoubtedly enjoyable.

He pushed open the office door.

"Director Bi!"

"Director Bi!"

"Director Bi..."


[NC Entertainment] Although it is a newly established company, it has a lot of people.

People passing by him one after another greeted him respectfully!

This made him feel very useful, and he responded with a smile to show his closeness to the people.

He paused briefly as he passed the conference room.

I wonder how Mr. Zhang was talking to these brand owners yesterday, and whether the investment in "Seven Days to Die" has been in place...

"Director Bi, are you awake? Let's have breakfast together!"

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, you didn't sleep all night last night, did you?"

"I squinted for a while after the meeting. Come over here and talk to you about the movie."


At this time, he heard Zhang Sheng's voice from behind.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw Zhang Sheng walking over carrying steaming steamed buns and soy milk.

He took the soy milk and steamed buns and followed Zhang Sheng into the [General Manager's Office].

He originally thought that Zhang Sheng's office would not be small, at least bigger than his office...

But when he walked into the office, he discovered that Zhang Sheng's office was very small, only about ten square meters.

He looked at Zhang Sheng's office.

He briefly glanced at the bookshelf and found that except for "That Summer" alone on the bookshelf, there were no books on his bookshelf, not even decorative books.

He looked around, and then there was a table filled with various contracts, three chairs, a computer, and several plants.

Simple as hell.

"I don't really like the appearance of messy books on the bookshelves..."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, what books do you like to read?"

"When I was a kid, I liked reading novels. When I got older, I liked reading psychology books. Later, there was a stage when I was obsessed with economics and history..."


Bi Feiyu nodded, sat down, and ate breakfast.

Zhang Sheng stared at Bi Feiyu: "Director Bi, how much are you willing to sacrifice for the movie "Seven Days to Die"?"

When Bi Feiyu heard this, he stood up instinctively.

He found Zhang Sheng smiling.

The smile made him a little hairy.

"Mr. Zhang, I will invest some money, but I don't have much money, I estimate it will be around 500,000..."

"Oh oh oh, besides that, how much more can you sacrifice?"

"I will work hard to film every plot in the script. In addition, I will be careful in casting. Well, I will devote myself to the filming of this movie in the next few months..."

"No, no, no, I mean, you are willing to sacrifice your own... um..." for the investment in this movie.

"Ah, endorsement? Mr. Zhang, don't look at me like that, just tell me what you want me to do..." Bi Feiyu was stunned, and felt his anus suddenly tighten, and he instinctively clamped his legs.

"I had a meeting with brands yesterday, and I accidentally played your resume, and then a brand saw it and wanted to sign an endorsement..."


"Yes!" Zhang Sheng still looked at Bi Feiyu with a smile.

"What endorsement?"


"What?" When he heard this, Bi Feiyu's expression was quite exciting.

"I've given you one million yuan in endorsement fees. If you're willing to take it, the company won't charge you a penny in commission..."

"Ahem, cough, what do you need me to do?" After Bi Feiyu heard one million, his suppressed face began to change again.

"Take a group of photos with your upper body naked."

"Is this good?"


"Well, Mr. Zhang, let me take it. By the way, apart from this matter, Mr. Zhang, you should have something else to do, right? The investment in "Seven Days to Die"..."

"The five million yuan investment in the film has been fully funded. This is the brand's agreement. Take a look."


Bi Feiyu nodded.

Looking at the agreements one after another, I found that Zhang Sheng had received six advertising sponsorships for "Seven Days to Kill", each of which was about 700,000 yuan.

After reading it, he looked up at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, are these advertisements prelude advertisements or subtitle advertisements?"

"Placement of advertising!"


"Yes, and it must be implanted eye-catchingly, and it must not affect the viewing experience of the movie. For example, in this shampoo commercial, look, what shampoo does Sadako's flowing hair come from?"

"Mr. Zhang, don't tell me, in this [Elegance] shampoo commercial, you asked Sadako to use this shampoo when she washed her hair in the mirror, right?"

"What do you think?"

"Isn't this pushing people [Piao Yi] into the fire pit? Who dares to buy this ghost shampoo?" Bi Feiyu took a deep breath and his face became even more exciting.

"It makes sense, but I have already signed the contract and the money is in place..." Zhang Sheng nodded, but pushed up his glasses.

"Mr. Zhang, you also accepted baseball bat and other sports advertisements?"

"Yes, we need to implant it too..."

"There are also clothes?"


Bi Feiyu took a deep breath, and then looked at Zhang Sheng bitterly: "Mr. Zhang, how do I insert these advertisements and make these messy brands not look stiff? Isn't this making things difficult for me?"

"I know this is difficult, but this won't trouble you, Director Bi, right?"

"I...I can't take the photo, Mr. Zhang, we can't do this!"

"Five percent share of the movie's box office profits!"

"Mr. Zhang, that's not what I meant, this..."

"Seven percent!"

"Mr. Zhang, this is not a question of profit..."

"Ten percent, plus some 10% of these brands..."

"I...I'll try..."

"This is right. Our film art must have divergent artistic thinking... I will always pay attention to movies, and we will figure out how to integrate business and art together..."

"boss Zhang……"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know why, but I always feel like you're brainwashing me..."

"You think too much……"

(Guaranteed two updates today, the condition is not good...)

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