I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 252 Obsession is like a devil!

February 24th.

[Starlight Future].

"Mr. Dong, can we have a chat? I'll delay you for half an hour!"

The conference room door opened.

About [Discussion on the company’s 10-year film project and overseas expansion! 】The meeting came to an end.

Sitting at the door of the conference room, Xu Shengnan, who had stayed up all night, finally waited for [Starlight Future] Dong Zhongjun.

She stood up, hugged a stack of information, and quickly followed.

"What are you talking about?" Dong Zhongjun stopped.

"About the studio." Xu Shengnan calmed down and looked at Dong Zhongjun, his voice neither humble nor arrogant.


Dong Zhongjun nodded.


[Starlight Future] has been established for ten years.

In the past ten years, there have been wild growth and ups and downs. Dong Zhongjun has controlled the bow of the ship from beginning to end to prevent it from sailing to other places.

He is a very controlling person.

The wind outside the window is blowing very comfortably.

After the beginning of spring, the earth gradually warms up, and the breath of life can be seen everywhere.

Dong Zhongjun leaned on his chair and listened quietly to Xu Shengnan's introduction to Zhang Sheng.

He wasn't interested at first.

Dong Zhongjun has never been very interested in a young person who is starting a business. He may have some talent, but he is not someone who is under his control.

Xu Shengnan introduced Zhang Sheng from being in debt of more than two million yuan to getting to where he is now in just five months.

Introducing the methods Zhang Sheng used in the shopping mall, as well as the integration of resources, and his wandering in capital, he introduced Ah K to [Starlight Future], and brought up "That Midsummer" with the help of those small capitals that were looked down upon by others. "The popularity of publicity.

Dong Zhongjun looked through the box office of "That Summer".

So far, the box office of "That Summer" has exceeded 180 million, officially becoming another milestone in Chinese youth movies.

After watching the box office, Dong Zhongjun sat upright and his casual expression became serious.

He listened to Xu Shengnan talking about buying a stake in [NC Studio] some time ago.

"Our bottom line is, we own 51 percent..."

After hearing this, Dong Zhongjun was silent for a moment, and then smiled.

"Mr. Zheng told me that our bottom line is 70%..."

When Xu Shengnan heard this, his face changed slightly, and his voice was mixed with a bit of shock.

The office fell silent briefly.

After a moment, Dong Zhongjun laughed: "Don't blame Mr. Zheng, this is a business negotiation method in itself. We can't reveal our trump card from the beginning. You bid and he lowers the price. This is business..."

"But, with Zhang Sheng's personality, it's impossible for him to accept us talking like this..." Xu Shengnan's expression became more serious, and his voice was even more excited.

"The reason for not negotiating the price with us is not that our price is too high, but that he himself is not willing to live under someone else's roof. How could a person who is unwilling to live under someone else's roof look at the immediate benefits?" Dong Zhongjun still smiled and just shook his head.

Zhang Sheng's information was already very clear in his mind.

He felt a little interested in this young man, but he didn't feel much regret.

In the past ten years, countless people have entered the company and countless people have left.

He's already used to it.

When Xu Shengnan heard this, he was silent for a moment: "Mr. Dong, I know this, but I am very optimistic about Zhang Sheng!"

"How far do you think he can go?" Dong Zhongjun put away his smile and leaned forward slightly, as if listening.

"We can co-produce his new movie with him and invest millions in his movie. Yesterday, I talked to Bi Feiyu and Director Bi about the idea of ​​cooperation..."

"Oh, show me the specific plan."



Zhang Sheng slept in the company's lounge until evening.

The orange-red sunset reflects the setting sun, making the sky look like a dream.

Zhang Sheng opened his eyes.

After watching the sunset for a while, he walked out of the office.

Shen Xiaoxi is constantly answering the phone, and the calls are all from businesses...

This time, there were many merchants looking for Zhang Sheng to cooperate, but Zhang Sheng did not recruit them all, but carefully selected eight of these merchants.


These are not big companies.

"Mr. Zhang, are we really not going to cooperate with other businesses?"

"We won't be looking for it this time."

"Some merchants pay very high amounts of money..."

"Xiao Xi, remember, we can never be blinded by money, otherwise we will be slaves to money. Our company is too small to undertake advertising from so many merchants. At this stage, we still need to focus on word-of-mouth, not Making money..."

"Oh, then we reject them all?"

"Well, there's no need to refuse. You can register first. When we have new projects, we will release advertising and endorsement spots..."


After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator entrance.

When I was about to go downstairs, I heard a loud noise from the office next to me.

He stopped, frowned, and subconsciously walked in the direction of the loud noise.

That's Ah K's office.

When Zhang Sheng walked to the side, he heard loud noises again.

Ah K seemed to be going crazy and was smashing things.

He knocked on the door.

Maybe it was because the sound of smashing things inside was so noisy that Ah K couldn't hear the knocking on the door.

Zhang Sheng pushed the door open.

The door is unlocked.

When the door opened, Zhang Sheng saw the mess in the entire office.

A smashed computer...

Keyboard keys are everywhere!

There are manuscripts all over the floor, filled with all kinds of words...

Ah K's hair was disheveled and he had already taken off his upper body clothes. At this moment, he was holding a pencil and drawing frantically on sheets of A4 paper.

But when he realized something was wrong with his writing, he tore the A4 paper into pieces and smashed the table!

The table was smashed with a bang.

But he became more and more excited, picked up the keyboard and smashed it against the broken computer screen again.

Seeing this scene...

Zhang Sheng was stunned, and then looked at Ah K silently.

This young man was in pain, his face was distorted, his mental state was on the verge of collapse, and there was no longer any smile on his face.

After smashing for about a few minutes, I was probably tired.

He sat on the chair again, holding the manuscript and writing like crazy, but as he wrote, he suddenly went crazy again and roared like a wild beast.

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath and frowned deeper and deeper.

More and more people started to watch.

"Is this man crazy?"

After Bi Feiyu heard the sound, he walked out of the office and stood next to Zhang Sheng, looking at the mess on the floor in shock.

Then, a strange color flashed through his eyes!

Shen Xiaoxi also came over.

His face turned pale, and he subconsciously took out his cell phone to call the police.

"What's wrong with him? Xiaoxi..." Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Xiaoxi with a more serious expression.

"Mr. Zhang, I really don't know. Yesterday, it seemed quite normal..."

"What's going on lately? In other words, what happened to K during the time I was in Berlin?"

"Abnormal, nothing seems abnormal, it's just... I remembered that since we moved to the new company, he has been shutting himself in the office. It's quite normal on weekdays. He should eat and drink..."

"You guys get out first!"


"Director Bi, please go out too..." Zhang Sheng frowned and waved his hand. Some people nodded subconsciously and turned to leave.

When he was about to close the door, he saw Bi Feiyu still standing there, staring at Ah K in a daze. After his eyes burst out with excitement, he seemed to have discovered some new world and was immersed in the excitement. He took a deep breath. tone.


"go out!"


Bi Feiyu left angrily.



When the door closed, Ah K looked at Zhang Sheng subconsciously.

His red, bloodshot eyes were in a trance for a while, and then looking at the mess on the ground, his twisted face gradually turned into an apology: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I..."

"are you OK?"

Zhang Sheng looked at his hands.

There is blood all over the hands.

He took out the tissue paper in his pocket and handed it to Ah K.

But Ah K did not take the tissue, he just lowered his head and shook it with a wry smile.

His face looked ugly.

Totally pale.

He did not answer Zhang Sheng's words, but remained silent.

Zhang Sheng felt an aura of "frustrated" and "defeated" surrounding Ah K.

These smells are very confusing...

At this moment, Ah K has become famous. The album "In the Rain" made him earn more than one million. Moreover, this album is still going strong, and he will receive money one after another in the future. On the Internet He is also ranked very high, and his popularity can sometimes reach the top ten. Many programs are also inviting him...

But he didn't seem to be on any of them.

Logically speaking, such a person should be high-spirited.

Zhang Sheng lowered his head and looked at the manuscript on the ground.

The manuscript is densely packed with musical notes and lyrics...

Linlin has everything...

"Mr. Zhang, I...can't write good songs anymore, I don't feel anything anymore, I don't feel anything at all..."

"I used to be very energetic when creating, and there were melodies everywhere in my mind..."


"It seems that after becoming famous, I won't be able to do it!"

"I can't find that feeling. I feel like I've exhausted my talents..."

"No matter how I write, I can't escape that circle. It's as if my talent has been taken away from me all of a sudden..."

"The album "In the Rain" and the song "Midsummer" seem to have exhausted everything I have accumulated over the years..."


Ah K's voice was very dry.

After raising his head, his face became distorted again.

But after all, he didn't go crazy, he just became more frustrated.

"You should relax and don't force yourself. You are actually very good now..."

Zhang Sheng lowered his head and carefully collected the manuscript on the ground.

"Mr. Zhang! You once said that I was the future king!"

Ah K suddenly stared at Zhang Sheng.

The bloodshot eyes in his eyes did not decrease much, but became more intense.

Zhang Sheng looked at Ah K, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"King of Heaven! King of Heaven! What is a King of Heaven? Every album is a hit, every album breaks through, and every song has a soul!"

"We now have our own company, we have no resources, and we will have no external support!"

"It's not that I think this is bad. On the contrary, I think it's good. In this way, I can use my works to give those people on the Internet a slap in the face!"

"I told them that I was not packaged by capital!"

"Then I started to keep creating, and I worked hard to create..."

Obsession is like crazy!

Ah K started to become hysterical!

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