I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 254 Are you all crazy? (500 monthly tickets for additional updates!)

Tang Wu and Chen Mengting walked into the office together.

One's face was livid, the other's face was red.

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Teacher Tang, what's wrong?"

"Zhang Sheng, what did you promise me before?"

"Mr. Tang, please sit down first. I have promised you many things before, but I can't remember which one it is..."

"You promised me that when [Bosch Battery] starts to make a profit, you will help set up the laboratory. Am I right?"

"Yes!" Zhang Sheng nodded.

Before Tang Wu could say anything, Chen Mengting took a deep breath, her face getting redder. She stood up and stared at Tang Wu: "Teacher Tang, I have never objected to you setting up a laboratory, but , you can’t use our [Bosch Battery] for a loan! Do you know how much you borrowed? You borrowed two million, are you crazy! And, why didn’t you tell me about such a big loan! If If I hadn’t stopped in time, you would have plunged the [Bosch battery] into the abyss!”

"[Bosch Battery] was made by Zhang Sheng and I, why should I tell you? I have the right to make any decision! Even if I sell all [Bosch Battery], it is still my business!"

"But Mr. Zhang asked me to help manage [Bosch Batteries], so I have the right to know and I also have the right to manage! I don't agree with what you do, Mr. Tang, let me tell you, I don't agree! I can't just watch us. All my hard work was wiped out by you in one fell swoop!"

Chen Mengting stared at Tang Wu and slammed the table with such force that the whole office buzzed.

Tang Wu's momentum was completely overshadowed by Chen Mengting. His face became more and more livid, and he finally turned his head and stared at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, you told me before that as long as we make a profit, we will build a new energy research laboratory. Now, you have fulfilled it." It’s time!”

Zhang Sheng looked at Tang Wu. He hadn't seen him for a while. He found that there was no hair on Tang Wu's head, like a braised egg.

"Mr. Tang, you took out a loan of two million?"

"Yes! That's right, I borrowed two million in the bank in the name of the company. I said that I didn't make batteries to make money. I never did it to make money!" Tang Wu was very excited, as if to declare With your own determination.

"Mr. Tang, you still have a loan, right? After we [Bosch Battery] make a profit, you don't want to repay it first?"

"Zhang Sheng, please don't change the subject. I didn't come here today to ask for your consent. I just hope you can fulfill your promise..."

"Teacher Tang, you gave me a loan of two million, what exactly do you do?" Zhang Sheng did not feel angry because of Tang Wu's expression, he just smiled and asked patiently.

"I make new energy batteries, Zhang Sheng, Japan is now developing hydrogen energy. If we don't do research, we will be late, you know!"

"I know...but you have to let me know your research direction, right? New energy covers too much...we can't research everything, right?"

"Battery, battery!"

"Teacher Tang, do you also want to study hydrogen energy?"

"I think, but two million is far from enough, so I want to start research on lithium batteries, focusing on solar energy and wind energy... Zhang Sheng, during this time, I did a series of investigations..."

In the office.

Chen Mengting watched Tang Wu excitedly say a series of academic terms to Zhang Sheng.

She couldn't understand it at all.

She just thought that Tang Wu was crazy!

In fact, when she took over [Bosch Battery], she and Yuwu became increasingly unable to get along.

This man is a lunatic at his core, and a lunatic who doesn’t understand the ways of the world!

Some time ago, the leader went to visit the factory. In fact, the leader had good intentions. Seeing that the company was booming, he brought reporters over to promote [Bosch]!

What did Yuwu do?

Tang Wu actually had a cold face, pushed the leader out, and said some unpleasant words like "vegetarian meal with a corpse".

The leader turned pale on the spot and left with a wave of his hands!

She panicked at that time and kept smiling behind the leader, explaining to Tang Wu...

After explaining until their throats were dry, the leaders' expressions became slightly better!

Tang Wu did this kind of thing often, and it became more and more excessive!

This made Chen Mengting really unable to figure out how a forty-year-old adult could have such an outrageously low emotional intelligence.

"Teacher Tang, I understand you very well!"

Yu Wu said a lot of things.

Zhang Sheng couldn't understand either.

But he still nodded seriously and said sincerely: "It's only a loan of two million, isn't it too much?"

"Not much! Too little, Zhang Sheng, you must support me in this matter! Moreover, I can give you all the profits generated by the research results. I don't need a penny. I will give all the patents to us." [Bosch]..." Tang Wu breathed rapidly and spoke very quickly. He wanted to take out all the money at once and start research.

"Teacher Tang, why are you doing this?"

Zhang Sheng sighed.

He found that Yuwu had really changed a lot.

When he met Yu Wu for the first time, although Yu Wu had a low emotional intelligence, he still maintained the calmness of a normal person and did not become so crazy.

But now, he seems to have completely thrown away all his emotional intelligence. Even looking at his eyes, he doesn't even want a penny of profit.

From a normal person's point of view, he really couldn't understand the meaning of Tang Wu's actions.

"I know you all think I'm crazy, but there are many things in this world that are more meaningful than money!"

"Teacher Tang, even if I give you two million, how are you going to do your research? Is it okay for you to be alone? You need a team..."

"I am definitely not alone. I graduated from Yenching University. I have many colleagues at Yenching University. This time, I am going to ask them to join me in my research..." Tang Wu replied.

"Oh, Teacher Tang, have you found him?" Zhang Sheng nodded and continued to ask.

"I was going to look for it, but she stopped me and even asked me not to get a loan. If I don't have a loan, I can't buy the machine. If I can't buy the machine, I can't do research..."

"Mr. Tang! How could I agree to a two million loan? You don't know how tight our funds are now and how much pressure we have on production! Moreover, this is a special period. Not only is it impossible for me to agree, but also the leaders of Yan Petrochemical It’s impossible to agree. They called me just now. On the phone, they scolded me! Didn’t you hear it? Teacher Tang, at your age, you are not a child. You can’t be willful. You can’t put our Industry, put it on your research! What if nothing is researched? What should we do! Should we drink the northwest wind? "

Zhang Sheng has never seen Chen Mengting get so angry.

She slapped the table!

She stared straight at Yuwu, her voice filling the entire office, making her eardrums buzz.

Every word she spoke was like a sword, extremely harsh!

Tang Wu was so scolded that he didn't dare to look at Chen Mengting, but he still stared at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, the school leader, please help me sign! Shen Yi has a good relationship with you, please ask Shen Yi to help..."

Zhang Sheng said nothing.

He just stood up and looked out the window silently.

Vaguely, he also felt a little pressure.

"Senior sister..."


"You should go out and rest for a while. I'll talk to Teacher Tang."


Chen Mengting nodded.

Then left the office.


[NC Company].

The staff seemed disinterested in their work.

Even the person in charge, Shen Xiaoxi, pricked up his ears and listened.

After seeing Chen Mengting come out, Shen Xiaoxi approached her: "Sister Mengting, what do you say?"

"Hey, Teacher Tang may only be suitable to be a teacher..."


"Xiao Xi, what's wrong with Ah K? I just saw some news..."

"I don't know what's going on. In short, I'm just like Mr. Tang... When people are paranoid to a certain extent, they will go crazy... When I was Ah K's manager before, I didn't think he was like this!"

"His office was smashed?" Chen Mengting asked subconsciously after watching the staff take out some broken things.

"Yes! Smash it, everything that can be smashed is smashed! I even wonder if our company is evil... You don't know, Ah K was so crazy yesterday..."

Shen Xiaoxi talked about what happened yesterday in a more eloquent way!

The more Chen Mengting listened, the more speechless she became.

Finally shook his head.

Afterwards, she chatted with Shen Xiaoxi about the recent situation of [NC Entertainment] for a while.

About half an hour later...

The office door opened.

Zhang Sheng walked out, Tang Wu excitedly held an agreement, and then walked excitedly towards the elevator.

Looking at Tang Wu's appearance, Chen Mengting frowned: "Mr. Zhang, you guys were chatting..."

"Senior sister, I helped Teacher Tang approve the loan..."

"Two million?"

"Yes, the school's shares have not been moved. I have invested some money in private revenue..."

"What!" Chen Mengting's eyes widened: "Mr. Zhang, are you crazy too?"

"Maybe there's something wrong with the company's feng shui. In short, I might have gone crazy too..." Zhang Sheng rolled his eyes, his expression not as calm or serious as before. Instead, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Shen Xiaoxi looked at Zhang Sheng.

Until now, she has known Zhang Sheng, but she has never seen Zhang Sheng show such an expression before.

Chen Mengting opened her mouth.

After hearing Zhang Sheng's answer, she wanted to say that Zhang Sheng was unreasonable, but she finally didn't say it.

The atmosphere was so stiff.

Just at this time……

The door of the office next door was suddenly opened!


A dark shadow rushed out of the office!

Because he ran too fast, the black shadow fell to the ground. When he got up, the black shadow rushed over like crazy!

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I know how to implant endorsements, haha, Mr. Zhang!"

"Perfect, so fucking perfect, I'm fucking, oh, fucking, a genius!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang! I also know how to shoot this movie. This movie is definitely one of the most classic horror movies in the world!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang!"

"I love condoms!"


It seems like there is something really wrong with this company's feng shui?

Bi Feiyu, who had been thinking about it all night in the office, his face was full of excitement and his whole body was trembling!

The corners of Shen Xiaoxi's mouth twitched slightly.

Mr. Zhang is not the only one who is crazy!

this person……

It seems crazy too!

(The third update will be delivered, 500 monthly tickets for additional updates!)

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