I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 255 The Beginning of the Miracle

It's quiet at night.

The company became empty.

Zhang Sheng sat alone in the office, soaked up a copy of "Dahongpao" that he had received from Lin Guodong and took a sip gently.

He looked at the tall buildings in the distance.

Like a steel jungle, it is densely packed with criss-crossing roads. It is still brightly lit until early in the morning, as if there is never darkness.

In the bank card...

Another amount of money.

The money is not that much.

About 120,000 or so.

It is the endorsement fee and some advertising deposits.

The moonlight shone on Zhang Sheng's body, and Zhang Sheng turned his head to look at the sky again.

Zhang Sheng was thinking about Tang Wu during the day...

Intellectually speaking.

Now is not the time to do research.

Now is still the time to accumulate original capital and make the first pot of gold.

Moreover, their capital is still very weak. Such weak capital cannot withstand any strong impact. With a slight impact, they will easily collapse.

It is true that if a company needs to be stable, it will definitely need product innovation.

However, there is a certain ratio between R\u0026D and cost. The risk of all-out R\u0026D is too great.

After all, [Bosch] is not a big company like [Yaohua Technology]. It can’t wait to invest in the research and development of large projects that account for nearly 200% of its turnover before it even has a steady pace.

This is seeking death!

It also dragged the company into a quagmire of debt.

Not only Zhang Sheng and Chen Mengting understand this truth, but even the people at [Bosch] understand it!

If there is a slight problem with any of these links, then no salary will be paid!


Zhang Sheng saw Tang Wu who was like a madman.

Tangwu talked about his project with spitting words, and his excitement could be felt from a distance, as if the failure of photovoltaic in the past could not dampen his confidence in the slightest.

He is crazy.

It was so crazy that even a sensible person like Zhang Sheng became serious.

Such a crazy person will either fail completely and drag everyone into the abyss to be buried regardless of the consequences, or he will succeed and step into a new field and become a milestone that truly affects China and even the world!

Zhang Sheng finally took the gamble!

In previous bets, Zhang Sheng basically had more than 80% chance of winning, but this time, Zhang Sheng had very little chance of winning.


February 27, 2010.

At the IPO company conference held at the Obama Art Center in San Francisco, a tablet computer called iPad was officially launched.

The iPad, which is halfway between a mobile phone and a laptop, attracted the attention of countless people as soon as it was released. Especially at the press conference, the moment Joe Si, the founder of this IPO technology company, took out the tablet from the envelope, the whole audience was shocked. call.

"iPad creates and defines a new device category that will connect users with their apps and content in more intimate, intuitive, and fun ways than ever before!"

At the press conference, Joe Si said this excitedly.

This sentence was eagerly reprinted by all technology media. When the press conference news reached China, discussions about the iPad tablet were aroused on the Internet. Countless people regarded these things as landmark new works.

Lin Guodong saw the news.

The look on his face was haggard.

At this moment, he has no time to care about what is going on with the world's technology giants like IPO.

[Yaohua] ultimately lost the first round of European review. Although the legal team argued hard, the European side unilaterally confirmed that [Yaohua] had potential factors of dumping.

When [Yaohua] is classified in Europe, it means that projects that have been confirmed and are about to start in full swing can only be stopped. Some ongoing projects may even face high breach of contract compensation due to some force majeure factors. A new round of lawsuits such as financial disputes and market disputes.

The Indian side is completely collapsed!

Lin Guodong had to admit publicly in front of the media that he had made strategic mistakes in India. He had considered the market, but never considered the official attitude of India.

Huge pressure was on Lin Guodong, who stayed up late for meetings almost every day.

[Yaohua] We are almost in a state of internal and external turmoil!

Opposition within the company became increasingly strong, and countless company veterans asked Lin Guodong to adjust strategies and tighten the market more than once.

The calls for abandoning research and development are getting louder and louder, and even the mobile phone business has been opposed by senior veterans...

When Zhang Sheng saw Lin Guodong again, he found that Lin Guodong was much older and there were a few strands of gray hair starting to appear on his temples.

"How is auntie?"

"High probability..."


Walkway entrance.

Lin Guodong took out the report sheet.

After Zhang Sheng read the report sheet, he put the fruit down.

Lin Guodong looked out the window in a daze.

[Yaohua] In the early days of starting a business, he also experienced countless sorrows. He was once in pain and even wanted to jump from a tall building to end it all.

He eventually persisted.

But this time, he felt nothing but despair.

Despair from deep within!

【Yaohua】The scientific research efforts over the years have finally come to naught.

His wife, who had been accompanying him and supporting the whole family, was given the most desperate report at this moment...

This almost ruined her life!

As a man and the head of a family, he had to reflect on whether what he had insisted on over the years was right.

"This is just a high probability..." After Zhang Sheng read the report, he was silent for a moment, and then smiled.

"Do you believe in small-probability miracles?" Lin Guodong didn't show any despair in front of Zhang Sheng, and he also laughed.

"Many of the miracles in this world are man-made. Since they can be achieved, what can't be believed?" Under Lin Guodong's gaze, Zhang Sheng tore up the report sheet and threw it into the trash can.

Lin Guodong stared at the trash can for a long time, then laughed: "Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"Let's see."

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

"wait for me?"

"Zhang Sheng, you shouldn't be here just to see patients. You should have something to talk to me about, right?" Lin Guodong looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

"Well..." Zhang Sheng nodded.


Lin Xia sat on the edge of the bed.

The sun shines into the bedside.

Gu Jiangyan was eating by herself.

Within a month, she recovered well. When she saw Zhang Sheng coming over, she nodded to Zhang Sheng.

Lin Xia took Zhang Sheng's fruit basket and didn't say anything.

On the table next to it, there are many pennants and medals...

When he came in, there were a group of reporters outside the house. They wanted to interview Gu Jiangyan, even if they wanted to get some information, but they were blocked.

Due to some special reasons, Gu Jiangyan did not accept any interviews.

"Is the debt paid off?"

"There is one last payment. After a while, when I have collected enough, I will be ready to pay it back..."

“How does it feel to pay off your debt?”

"I finally got out of the quagmire..."

"Very good, what are your plans next?"


After Gu Jiangyan finished eating, she put the lunch box next to her.

She watched Zhang Sheng sit down, a rare smile on her face.

Gu Jiangyan's face no longer had the coldness on Zhang Sheng's face when they first met.

She chatted with Zhang Sheng and talked a lot about Zhang Sheng's current situation, but after seeing that Zhang Sheng was about to pay off his debt, the expression on her face was full of relief.

He also asked Zhang Sheng about his next plan.

When she learned that Zhang Sheng was going to start a company next, she nodded but said nothing. She just looked outside. After a brief silence, she asked, "Is Lin Guodong here?"


When hearing this question, Zhang Sheng did not answer, but just looked away.

"Lin Xia, please let your father come in. A report cannot prove anything, and it is not a death penalty report..."

Gu Jiangyan seemed to have guessed something a long time ago.


But she is optimistic.

Zhang Sheng could not see any pessimism or despair on her face, but instead smiled.

It didn't look like it was staged.

"I have been doing rehabilitation training recently. Before, I had to help Lin Xia to feed me meals. Now I can eat by myself. I can also feel that I have more sensation in my feet. Sometimes the doctor's judgment may not be accurate. …”

She said this with a smile.

"Well, you can definitely stand up!" Zhang Sheng nodded.


After the short conversation, Lin Guodong finally walked in from the door.

Lin Xia followed Zhang Sheng and winked. Zhang Sheng understood and walked out.

On the aisle, Lin Xia had a smile on her beautiful face.

She stood by the window, letting the morning wind blow her hair.

"My mother will stand up. She has been actively recovering recently. Except for the insomnia in the first few days, she has been sleeping very well recently..."


"Zhang Sheng, I'm not kidding you. I know that the report issued by the hospital indicates that the probability of being able to stand up is very low, but I have always believed that my mother can create miracles. She is a very powerful and strong person..."


"When I was young, my mother and I lived in the countryside. She endured a lot of hardships. She had to take care of my daily life and take the exam for a position in Yanjing. At the same time, she had to be busy with things at the school. At that time, You also know that our place is very chaotic, with all kinds of fights and fights happening, and she was hospitalized several times, but she persisted..."


"She has been doing rehabilitation training every day these days, and her recovery is really amazing. Others encountered her situation and it was basically difficult to even sit on the back of the bed, but she was able to recover in just one month. She can eat by herself and do some simple activities. If the doctor doesn't allow it, she even wants to hold the edge of the bed with her hands and go to the toilet alone..."


"I read the report, and it's still not ideal, but the doctor also told me that it is no longer the death penalty that will definitely lead to "paralysis" like before..."


"Even the rehabilitation doctors said that my mother had created some small miracles and was one step closer to standing up."

Lin Xia was very serious and said a lot of positive words to Zhang Sheng.

After finishing speaking, she looked towards the window in the distance.

"I never doubted she could stand up..."

Zhang Sheng nodded.


Lin Guodong walked out of the ward.

Watching Zhang Sheng and Lin Xia chatting.

After a short silence, he returned to the ward.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay... I'll peel another apple for you."

"I've already eaten two."

"Then eat one more."


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