I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 261 Zhang Sheng’s novel is published (Third update, additional update for 5,000 monthly vote

In the office.

Bi Feiyu assembled the crew during the day and wrote the shooting plan at night.

Late at night.

He was still writing at a gallop.

There seems to be endless power in the whole body.


As he wrote, when he thought of the well and certain plots, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his back.

"Dong dong dong!"

The knock on the door of the office made him tremble. After being frightened for a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and bravely walked over to open the door.

The door opened.

Some inexplicable horror movie scenes did not appear.

Zhang Sheng stood at the door.

"Mr. Zhang..." Bi Feiyu calmed down when he saw Zhang Sheng.

"Director Bi, it's so late and you're still working hard?"

"The filming is about to start. I need to refine this script and then break it down to write a plan..."


Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here..."

"When the movie is being filmed, the company will give you some iPhone 4 phones..."

"Ah? Mr. Zhang, I have no interest in mobile phones. If I have the money..."

"No, iPhone 4, you let the actors use it..."


"Sadako will call the victim continuously through her iPhone 4, and then count down..."

"Mr. Zhang, you don't know how, have you accepted the advertisement for Apple 4?" When Bi Feiyu heard this, his eyes widened instantly, and he was so excited that he couldn't be more excited.

But then, Bi Feiyu frowned: "This kind of advertising placement is wrong, just like our previous shampoo advertising placement. This will affect Apple 4's reputation. Who dares to use a mobile phone that can be called by ghosts?"

"I didn't accept the Apple 4 advertisement..." Zhang Sheng smiled and shook his head: "This is the effect I want!"

"Then..." Bi Feiyu stared at Zhang Sheng blankly.

After a while, he shook his head violently: "No way, I heard rumors about Apple 4, and it seems that it will be launched in May this year. In May, we have finished shooting the movie, and we can't get a prototype before that... …”

"The prototype is very simple. We don't need a real iPhone 4. We just need a similar shape. You don't have to worry about this. I will be able to give you several units in two days..."

"Mr. Zhang, this..."

"Also, those who survived the curse of Sadako's "Seven Days to Kill" used mobile phones from the [Yaohua] series. The mobile phone used by the protagonist was [Hua X1]! By the way, in order to avoid urging people to die The channels are too monotonous. In addition to mobile phones, the media also includes iPad tablets, which brings Sadako closer to life. Of course, we will have to remove the P icon later, otherwise, this will violate the law..." Zhang Sheng continued to push He pushed up his glasses.

"Mr. Zhang, do we have any grudge against the IPO company? Do we have any grudges?"

"There is no grudge, but it won't stop me from disgusting them..."

"Okay..." Bi Feiyu nodded.

It's just that his face is complicated.

I always feel that Mr. Zhang has become more and more evil recently.


After coming out of Bi Feiyu's office.

Zhang Sheng returned to his office.

He sat on the chair and rubbed his head.

He has witnessed the beginning of one era after another, and has also seen the trend-setters who thrived in the era.

He couldn't help feeling the emotion in his heart.

At this moment, his new phone rang with a text message.

The text message contained information about the arrival of 3,000 yuan.

Zhang Sheng took a look at the account. This account came from France and was the information of [Selu] Cinema.

Before Zhang Sheng could take a closer look, the phone rang.

"Our [Sailu] has survived, and many people are willing to come to our cinema to watch movies... This morning, our [Sailu] was packed with guests..."


"The exclusive screening we [Seroux] got was really attractive! Not many people saw the movie "The Dog Beyond the Mountain" in Berlin, but in France, many people watched it..."


"The blockbuster film "The Wind" was also very popular. I didn't expect that Chinese movies could be so attractive..."


"Mr. Zhang Sheng, please allow me to say thank you on behalf of [Sailu]. I gave you the first share. The share is not much, but as long as [Sailu] is still alive and can still make money, I The contract will be fulfilled..."


"Mr. Zhang Sheng, this year's [Oscar Awards] is about to start. I have learned a lot from following you during this period. I plan to try my luck at the Oscars and see if I can sign some movies..."

The call was from Elaine from Sailu Cinema. On the phone, Elaine's voice was full of gratitude.

[Berlin International Film Festival] The gimmick of the movie [Exclusive Authorization] made [Serlu] attract many movie fans. Many people came to the cinema after hearing the news and went to the cinema to watch the movie.

[Selu] was playing some movies from the [Berlin International Film Festival], and at the same time, he was making some free space to play blockbusters like China's "The Wind".

The gimmick, coupled with the fact that there were a few good movies, allowed [Sailu] to stabilize the customer flow, and within a few days, the turnover began to increase exponentially.

Although it is not as good as [Serlu] at its peak, after the work is finished playing, it is inevitable to sign new works to maintain the status quo, but this is a good sign!

Zhang Sheng felt relieved after receiving the late call.

He leaned back in his chair, feeling more relaxed than ever at this moment.

After taking a short break for half an hour, he opened "Breaking the Sky" on the computer.

During this busy period, although he had been insisting on writing one after another, it was inevitable that "Drying to Break the Sky" would be interrupted for a few days.

Internet novel……

It's not published literature.

Intermittent updates will hurt fans, and even slow down updates. Readers’ enthusiasm for updates will be slowed down, which will further affect income and performance!


At this moment, Zhang Sheng no longer cares about the results of "Breaking the Sphere".

He is only supported by the responsibility of completing his book.

No matter how much money he makes now or what kind of person he has become...

Doing things must have a beginning and an end.

Starting from early morning...

Zhang Sheng has been coding.

By five o'clock in the morning, he had finished two chapters.

When he clicked on [Qiming Chinese Website] to upload, he looked at the sales list on the homepage of "Breaking the Sky" in disbelief!

He actually ranks in the top ten on the homepage sales list!

He shook his head violently!

Did you read it wrong?

Taking a deep breath and looking at the sales list again, I realized that I was not wrong!

"Break the Sky" is still firmly in the top ten of the sales list, surprisingly...

He clicked on the comment...

He found that the comment section had exploded!

Countless readers are asking what is going on with this novel...

There are speculations, scoldings, and encouragements...

Zhang Sheng took a look at the fan list!

He found that during this period, the number of rewards from the alliance leader had exceeded ten!


The thought came to his mind.

After uploading the two chapters, he clicked them out and found that there was one more reward from the alliance leader.

The comment area is even more lively than before.

Then, he saw the news from the author's backend.

There were more than a hundred messages!

[Hello, I am editor Qilin. After you see the message, please reply to me as soon as possible! 】

【Hello, I am Qilin! 】

[Hello, I am editor Qilin, are you online yet...]

[Hello, reply! 】


All are site messages from Qilin.

Zhang Sheng was embarrassed for a while, and then boarded Q Dog.


Q dog news is even more terrifying!

More than 99 people have added me as friends. At the same time, editor Qilin sent me nearly 500 messages...

【On the line? 】

[Damn it, Buye, you won’t jump to 18K, will you? 】

[Reply, Buye, how much did 18K Chinese Network pay you? Our editor-in-chief wants to talk to you...]

[Is it online? [Daystar Publishing] came to us and they offered a very high price! 】

[Are you there, are you there, are you there? I asked Mr. Yang from [Morning Star Publishing House] to add you as a Q dog...]


Zhang Sheng looked at a series of information.

After a moment of hesitation...

Finally responded with [at].

The moment I responded...

Editor Qilin was actually online and responded immediately.

[Oh my god, you finally cheated. What's going on with the novel? Don't stop updating it. Your novel's data on the mobile phone has exploded. There is a royalties on the mobile phone. Because I can't contact you, I can't call you...]

[You haven’t changed your bank card, right? We always fail to transfer money. In the past two months, we have received a full 100,000 yuan in royalties. You don’t want it anymore? Are you a rich second generation interested in writing? 】


Qilin sent another series of texts in Qgou.

Zhang Sheng's face became even more embarrassed.

He took a look at the screenshot of Qilin's check in for his royalties.

A full 100,000 yuan!



Yang Chen, the editor-in-chief of Daystar Publishing House, Sister Yang, finished chatting with Lin Xia about the publication of a new book of the same name called "Graduation Years".

After the chat...

I chatted with Lin Xia about the new book again.

Just at this time……

Yang Chen's cell phone rang.

The call came from [Qiming Chinese Network].

Yang Chen answered the phone immediately.

The traditional paper industry has gradually come to an end with the impact of electronic products.

The rise of online novels and the popularity brought by the novels made everyone at [Morning Star Publishing House] gradually consider the idea of ​​making this piece of cake...

They carefully selected dozens of online novels, planned to do a campaign, and then jointly publish them.


Yang Chen's most promising novel "Drying to Break the Sky", but he has never been able to contact the author himself.

On the website, this novel has also been discontinued for a period of time, but the interruption does not seem to have affected the popularity of this novel at all. On the contrary, sales are still very strong!

"Have you contacted Buye himself?"


"Okay, okay! Okay, give me your number to Wuye, and I'll chat with Wuye myself!"


"Okay, thank you!"

After Yang Chen answered the phone, he was a little excited.

Then, she picked up her phone and dialed a number sent by the other party.

After a while.

"Teacher Buye, are you in Yanjing?"


"Ah, that's great. Are you free this afternoon? Let me introduce myself. I'm Yang Chen from [Morning Star Publishing House]. We are now in the [Fat Xiao An] restaurant..."

"Huh? That's a coincidence, I'm also there..."

"Then you come over? There is a mysterious master here..."


Yang Chen finished answering the phone.

I just felt that the author "Biye" on the phone seemed a little familiar.

But for a while, she couldn't remember where she had heard this voice.

"Sister Yang...have you contacted Evernight?"

"We've contacted him and he'll be here right away. Teacher Lin Xia, is it convenient for you? If not, can we move to another place? It's hard to reserve a private room in [Fat Xiao An] restaurant..."

"Well, convenience is convenient, but when talking about this kind of thing, we really should change to a private room. In this way, I will contact my friend and ask him if he has any plan?"


Lin Xia took out her mobile phone and called Zhang Sheng.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang right next to him.

"Zhang Sheng, what a coincidence, you are here too?"

"Well, Lin Xia, hello, Sister Yang, I guess the big shot you are talking about is Lin Xia, haha..."

"Hello, um, wait, you, are you not sleeping?"

Yang Chen looked at Zhang Sheng, smiling at first, and then when she heard Zhang Sheng's words, her pupils shrank suddenly!

(The third update of 10,000 words was delivered today, and the total monthly ticket has exceeded 5,000. Thank you all, bow, thank you, I will keep up the good work!)

(Well, continue to ask for votes?)

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