Familiar box.

Familiar location.

Zhang Sheng took a sip of water and looked at Yang Chen quietly.

A ray of warm sunshine shone on Zhang Sheng's body, and Zhang Sheng felt very comfortable.

Last August.

When the impoverished Zhang Sheng logged into [Qiming Chinese website] and typed the first word, all he wanted was an extra income.

It doesn’t matter if it’s dozens of dollars, hundreds of dollars, or thousands of dollars…

Counterattacks from the bottom, especially those after debt, are many times more difficult than starting a business for the rich second generation.

In fact, it turns out that reality is far more difficult than imagined.

He imitated the beginning of the original world "Fights Break the Sphere" and just wanted to follow the trend and reap a wave of dividends.


I just happened to encounter the plagiarism controversy of "The Change of the Sky".

Then, thirty thousand words, fifty thousand words, one hundred thousand words...

He can't sign the contract!

How many people have been typing on the keyboard day and night, looking at groups of data in a daze.

It's not that I'm desperate, I just feel that writing a novel seems stupid.

However, the contradictory attributes in him always made him persist stupidly.

Thinking about the plot over and over again, honing the writing skills over and over again, and writing unique group characters over and over again.

If he wanted to, he could have taken many shortcuts, and he had at least hundreds of ideas in his mind that would make "Break the Sky" a hit...


But he didn't take any shortcuts and became a particularly stupid man, like a fool who moves mountains!

Persistence and sweat will eventually lead to transformation!

In the last week, he entered the new book list!


The signing was a matter of course.


Finally on the shelves!

Later, I got my first royalties!

Later, the royalties increased.

Zhang Sheng was not surprised.

in reality……

The career he had been preparing for a long time finally ushered in spring.

He was still in debt, but he was no longer in poverty. He had gone through the cold winter, endured rounds of chilling, and finally walked out of the ice and snow into the sunshine.

"It's hard to believe that it's you..."

"There are many things in this world that are incredible."

Under the warm sun.

Zhang Sheng smiled happily.

Yang Chen's expression on the opposite side changed from shock to disbelief, and then gradually turned into complexity.

When she met Zhang Sheng, it was at the book signing event for "That Summer" last year.

That day, this young man wearing black-rimmed glasses caused a huge sensation in the entire scene. At the same time, Lin Xia became a well-known "literary goddess" on the Internet.

The story of last year is still vivid in my mind...

Later, Yang Chen also heard many stories about Zhang Sheng.

He owed millions in debt, struggled in an almost hellish abyss, and tasted all the ups and downs of the world...

He made a desperate counterattack and finally made his first pot of gold...

Until now!

She heard a few days ago that he was about to pay off his debt!

An inspiring and shocking miracle!


"Teacher Zhang, on behalf of [Daystar Publishing House], I formally send you a publishing contract application..." After a brief shock, Yang Chen showed a serious expression on his face, took out the contract and stared at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took the contract and read it for a long time: "The physical publishing industry is in a recession, right?"

"Last year, the sales of "That Summer" exceeded 80,000, and it was still based on a movie adaptation. This is already the pinnacle of the entire novel industry. With the rise of electronic reading, the diversification of entertainment projects such as MP3 and MP4, and the fast pace, Many readers have gradually become impetuous... Traditional slow-paced publications naturally cannot satisfy readers' hearts, so I tried to publish online novels..." Yang Chen smiled bitterly.

10 years.

The prosperity of the Internet industry will inevitably make many industries gradually enter the sunset industry.

"Can online novels save the publishing industry?" Zhang Sheng nodded and asked again.

"At least it's another income... Even though it's the sunset, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It can still be sustained in the next five years!" Yang Chen has a very thorough understanding of the entire publishing industry. Although it is declining, She had been convinced that the industry would not die so quickly.



Finding a way for the future is what she is doing.

Silence fell in the box.

Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng.

She suddenly thought of last year, that day, Zhang Sheng suddenly ran up to her with a quick and serious expression.

"I will be the noble person who changes your life!"

"Give me a minute, no, give me thirty seconds!"

"Don't look at me dressed like this. In fact, I am a writer and I am experiencing life..."

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were dirty, he was covered in stinking sweat, and he was talking nonsense that was confusing and out of tune.

At that moment, Lin Xia naturally didn't believe it.


Looking back now, it turns out that he never lied to himself. He was indeed a writer.

The music in the box became more and more pleasant.

Lin Xia just looked at Zhang Sheng quietly.

She had no idea what Zhang Sheng and Yang Chen were talking about.

She only knew that at this moment, Zhang Sheng, sitting by the window and illuminated by the warm sun, was particularly charming.

As if nothing in this world is important!


The publishing contract talks went smoothly.

The contract given by [Daystar Publishing House] is very sincere.

After signing, Zhang Sheng looked at Yang Chen who was packing his things.

"Have you ever considered changing careers?"

"Teacher Zhang was joking. I have been in the publishing industry for nearly ten years. I want to change careers. Where can I go?"

"This is an era when entertainment is booming. Whether it is movies, TV series, comics...their source is creation. If you think about it carefully, you will find an obvious industrial chain, and IP is the most important part of the industrial chain. If all of this can be put into play, the wealth it will bring is immeasurable.”


Zhang Sheng's words made Yang Chen fall into deep thought.

After a long time, she sighed: "I'm just an editor. I don't have any capital to participate in this industry chain..."

"You don't need to use any capital to gamble. I have an entertainment company. There are two directors in the entertainment company. In the future, it will be involved in movies and TV series. If it is well run, it will be extended outwards. Sister Yang, you can come to my company. Part-time job, be a literary consultant. If there are suitable novels or comics that you think are suitable, you can recommend them to me..."

"I still hold a position at [Daystar Publishing] and I can't resign..."

"You don't need to resign..."


After Yang Chen listened to Zhang Sheng's words, he did not agree.

Just lost in thought.

Zhang Sheng was not in a hurry, just waiting patiently.

The private room became quiet, but the silence did not last long before Yang Chen's cell phone rang.

Yang Chen took the phone.

"Have you contacted Wuye?"


"Okay, can you give me his contact information? We want to talk to him..."

"Sorry, Bu Ye is the author of [Qiming Chinese Website]. I also asked [Qiming Chinese Website] for my phone number. Moreover, I may not be willing..."

"How much money did "Qiming Chinese Network" make in total on [Qiming Chinese Network]? Although his share with [Qiming Chinese Network] was said to be 55, in fact, he didn't get 5. He still had to deduct taxes!"


"Sister Yang Chen, let me tell you again. Let's talk to Buye. Buye will definitely be willing to do it! We are now cooperating with the [Mobile Reading] Base. Do you know the [Mobile Reading] Base? The authors at Summit are all Yue How much money can a person with an income of more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan earn from [Qiming Chinese Network] just using a mobile phone to read the web page?”


When Yang Chen answered the phone, he did not avoid it. Instead, he glanced at Zhang Sheng and finally turned on the speakerphone.

Zhang Sheng listened quietly.

The other party seems to be the editor of [18K Chinese Network].

He is trying to get Zhang Sheng's number through Yang Chen and talk to Zhang Sheng about signing contracts for subsequent works or buying out.

Zhang Sheng listened carefully and was a little surprised after listening.

Unknowingly, I have become the target of some website solicitation authors?

No wonder……

Editor Qilin would check again and again whether he was a eunuch in "Breaking the Sphere" and then changed jobs...

After Yang Chen answered the phone, he looked at Zhang Sheng: "Actually, not only [18K] called me recently, [Soudu Chinese Network] also sent me a Q dog and asked me... What do you think about it? "

Zhang Sheng looked at Yang Chen.

No words were spoken.

He just looked at the hustle and bustle outside the window.


Internet article in 2010.

is in a state of vigorous development.

Web reading is still going strong, and mobile phone reading relies on 3G, and is now entering subway stations, streets, and classrooms.

The exposure rate of digital reading is 32.8%, an increase of 8.2 percentage points from 24.6% in 2009, an increase of 33.3%, ranking first in the growth rate of national reading.

The increasingly prosperous online literature market has naturally led capital to see the huge potential in this piece of cake...

At the beginning of 2010, 18K Novel Reading Network was officially acquired by the Digital Reading Group under the Chinese capital giant [Hongtian Capital]...

The first batch of capital injection of 1.5 billion, the overwhelming search for famous writers from major websites has caused a turmoil in the entire industry!

The sudden appearance of "Breaking the Sphere" attracted many fans with its increasingly better plot and writing style. When [Qiming Chinese Network] first opened a mobile reading website, it achieved an astonishing retention rate and payment rate. , the sales volume is second only to that [Qiming Chinese website]'s trump card work "The Change of the Sky"...

The author "Biye" naturally appears in the eyes of editors of major websites.

[18K Chinese website] Website building.

Editor Coke is frantically making phone calls, inviting all the popular "Internet gurus".

The rise of online novels is like the heroes of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. Everyone wants to become the "overlord" overlooking the world in this great era.

The injection of capital is destined to tilt some balances in the other direction.

After making the call.

Coke is staring at the updated "Drying the Sky".

The writing style of this novel was very immature in the early stages, vaguely in the style of "The Change of the Sky", but after more than 100,000 words!

It has blazed a new trail!

He is one of the readers of this book!

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