I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 263 Zhang Sheng’s Birthday

The world is changing rapidly.

The pace of Yanjing City is still very fast.

Walking down the street.

You can always see a group of people rushing to get on the bus.

Enter the subway entrance.

It was completely dark, with people squeezing and pushing each other, and it was so oppressive that I couldn't even breathe.

Work hard and keep working day by day.

It seems decent and glamorous, but when you raise your head and look at the tall buildings...

You will realize that you are just a lonely guest.

When I have no income for a whole year, I can only buy a one square meter place in this big city...

Why are you not a guest?

After all, you are waiting to be eliminated by the times, and you will leave when you can no longer hold on.

In this kind of environment……

Waiting for the subway, waiting for the bus, going to the toilet, eating...

These fragmented times have gradually become the few recreational time for ordinary people in this oppressive city.


“This novel has been discontinued for so long, and it’s finally resumed!”

“I once thought this novel was going to have a eunuch!”

"The new chapter is still very exciting, but this update of two chapters is really too little!"

"Yeah, too little!"


"Break the Sky" is really popular.

Lin Xia walked with Zhang Sheng for a while.

On the way, she saw many people looking at their phones with their heads down.

She curiously leaned over and took a few glances, and she saw "Drying the Sky."

Along the way, she also heard someone talking about the update of the novel.

"In the past, many people looked down on online novels and thought they were rubbish and dross..."

"But, in this world, you like the sunny spring and snow, and I like the rural people. Existence has the meaning of existence."

"Most online novels are very straightforward, but they are an inevitable product of the times."

"House prices are getting higher and higher, and workplace pressure is becoming more and more cumbersome and complex..."

"Many people are very tired and tired from living. Online novels can show them another world. They can take on the role of the protagonist and ride in another world..."

"Here, they can see the story of their counterattack in a different world. They can follow the protagonist to conquer all directions, and they can also gain the favor of the goddess..."

"Here, there is no preaching, no oppression, no so-called responsibility, and no invisible oppression of capital."


Zhang Sheng was feeling something while walking.

Lin Xia nodded. She originally wanted to "congratulate" Zhang Sheng on his successful creation, but after hearing these words, she found that she could not congratulate him.

Zhang Sheng walked into the bank.

The bank manager came out excitedly, shouting "Mr. Zhang" over and over again.

He said something like, "You don't have to pay it back, we'll waive the interest for you anyway."

Zhang Sheng kept smiling throughout and paid off the last amount of money owed to the bank from his bank card.

The bank manager sent Zhang Sheng to the door, while introducing various products of their bank...

He has learned through the bank's credit reporting system that Zhang Sheng has paid back all the money he owed to the four major banks!

This is a big customer!

And it’s a big customer who started from scratch.


He got the definite news that Zhang Sheng was about to appear on a CCTV program called "Struggle".

This program invited famous figures in the Chinese entrepreneurial circle such as Ma Yunhua from [Taozhu.com] and Li Zongyao from [Hongtian Group]!

Establishing a good relationship with Zhang Sheng will definitely benefit you in the future, whether you work in this industry or not.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a small gift we have prepared for you, don't dislike it!"

When Zhang Sheng was about to say goodbye to him, a girl next to him came over carrying a beautiful handbag.

He took the bag with a wider smile on his face.

Zhang Sheng took the handbag and moved it slightly: "This is..."

"This is our Samsung, the latest and most high-end model in the N series. It was just released a few days ago. Ordinary people want to order it, but they still can't. Our bank's internal model..."


"This is a gift specially given to our VIP customers with deposits of tens of millions... Your deeds are very inspiring, and our leaders and I are deeply affected..."


Zhang Sheng looked at the mobile phone in his handbag.

He was about to leave, but suddenly pushed up his glasses, narrowed his eyes and stared at the bank manager. After a while, he smiled and said: "Manager Xu..."

"What's wrong?"

"I have a project at hand, can we collaborate?"

"Yeah, we have a good relationship, what kind of project?"

“It’s also a mobile phone project!”

"Mobile phone project?"



The sun sets.

Lin Xia followed Zhang Sheng out of the bank.

The bank manager was even more enthusiastic than before. Although he didn't bow his head, he still smiled.

The setting sun shines on Zhang Sheng's body.

Lin Xia glanced at Zhang Sheng.

After paying off the debt...

Lin Xia didn't seem to feel relieved or relieved from Zhang Sheng.

He seemed very calm, as if he had done something insignificant.

"How about you answer the phone?"

"No more calls today."

"There may be an emergency..."

"I won't answer any urgent matters. Lin Xia, after paying off the debt, I will treat you to a nice meal! Where do you like to eat? You can eat anywhere, I have money now!"

"No need to bother..."

"It's okay, no trouble."

"Then, go to my house."

"your home?"

"Yes! I don't want to eat out, and..."

"And what?"


"No one in your family cooks."

"I cook!"

"No, I asked you..."

"It's fine."


After leaving the bank, Zhang Sheng's cell phone kept ringing.

However, Zhang Sheng did not answer the call. Instead, he turned off his phone.

Lin Xia suddenly realized that Zhang Sheng's heart seemed not as calm as he appeared on the surface...

When Zhang Sheng heard Lin Xia say that he was going to [Haishu Garden], he was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

They got into the car.

in the car.

The two of them said nothing.

Lin Xia didn't know what to say. It seemed that words like "congratulations" and "come on" were too superficial, while other words were meaningless.

Zhang Sheng looked out the window.

The past scenes and the next scenes appeared in my mind.

He has come out of his predicament!

His current basic situation is very stable. Every once in a while, a sum of money will be transferred to his bank card. Each amount of money is not too much, but the sum of all the money is still a large amount.

His novel is about to be published. Although the publishing industry is declining day by day, he still makes a lot of money.

Industries and plans for the future are constantly emerging in Zhang Sheng's mind.


He wasn't very excited.

this moment……

Certainly not peaceful either.

I just felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There was also a sense of indescribable joy in my heart...

It was completely different from the "frightening" feelings he had in his previous life. Living under the sun, he felt unusually comfortable.

The car drove for a long time...

Finally arrived at [Haishu Garden].

Zhang Sheng walked into a familiar neighborhood and Lin Xia's home.

"This is……"

"You sit down for a while and watch TV..."

"I should be the one treating you to dinner today, why do I still need you..."

"Today is a special day. You can invite me to dinner anytime and anywhere in the future..."

"Oh, that……"

"Let me give you a taste of my craftsmanship today!"

"All right."

Zhang Sheng looked at the many fresh dishes on the table.

It looks like I just bought it this morning. It has chicken, duck, and fish. It’s very rich.

He watched Lin Xia put on an apron and walked into the kitchen.

She seemed to have bought all the groceries in the morning!

Zhang Sheng was sitting on the sofa, his expression still calm, but there was an unexplainable ripple in his heart.

It seems that I have never felt this way in my previous life or this life.

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, the doorbell rang at the door.

Zhang Sheng walked over subconsciously and looked into the cat's eyes.

He saw the security guard standing at the door carrying a cake.

"Ms. Lin, this is the cake you ordered. Delivery items are not allowed in the community. I will get it for you..."

"OK, thanks!"

Zhang Sheng saw Lin Xia running out of the kitchen, then took the cake and smiled sweetly at the security guard.

Zhang Sheng looked at the cake...

Somewhat confused.


"Zhang Sheng, I saw your ID card. You must have forgotten your birthday, right?"


Zhang Sheng was stunned.

The ripples in my heart became more and more intense.

He saw Lin Xia put the cake in the refrigerator, and then continued into the kitchen to get busy.

Zhang Sheng sat back on the sofa and stared at the TV blankly.

Advertisements are playing on the TV.

Zhang Sheng saw an acquaintance "Tom" appear in a milk powder advertisement...

Tom held the milk powder bottle and smiled brightly!

“Fawn milk powder comes from the grassland!”


“Chinese people love to drink fawn milk powder!”


"We're all drinking deer!"

It's not standard Mandarin, and it looks extremely funny on TV.

Zhang Sheng looked at...

But a little absent-minded.

He lay on the back of the sofa and stared blankly at one program after another.

Time seems to pass quickly, but also seems to be very slow.

After a long time...

Suddenly he felt the lights go out.


"Happy birthday to you……"

"Happy birthday to you……"


He saw Lin Xia in the kitchen, carrying a cake with candles, singing happy birthday, with a sweet and beautiful smile on her face, walking towards him step by step.

He looked towards the dining table.

The dining table, I don’t know when it started, was already filled with sumptuous dishes.

He didn't even know when the dishes were prepared.

He shook his head violently, feeling that all this was a bit unreal.

Then he turned his face sideways and looked toward the balcony subconsciously.

"Zhang Sheng, blow out the candles."


"Zhang Sheng, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I thought of something..."

"important things?"


"Zhang Sheng, wait, Zhang Sheng, you can actually..."

"Don't think too much, the glasses are a little dusty..."

(I’m not in good condition today, so I’ll give you two updates...)

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