I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 264 I have a crush on you


The candlelight flickered softly.

But, it's still that unreal color.

Zhang Sheng's expression was very calm.

He wiped his glasses calmly.

Then be prepared to calmly blow out the candle.

But when he was about to blow out the candles, he suddenly heard Lin Xia ask: "Zhang Sheng, do you have any birthday wishes?"

He looked up and saw Lin Xia sitting opposite her, with a pair of beautiful eyes full of expectation.

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment.

Birthday wish?

Zhang Sheng looked at the candle.


Moreover, do you have any wishes?

He was silent for a long time, and after thinking for a moment, he thought about all the things he wanted in the past, and finally shook his head with a smile: "No..."

“Don’t you have anything you want?

Lin Xia still stared at Zhang Sheng, seemingly in disbelief and vaguely disappointed.


Zhang Sheng finally blew out the candle.

The lights come on.

Lin Xia sat down again.

"Zhang Sheng, let's cut the cake."


Zhang Sheng took a plastic knife, lowered his head and carefully cut a piece of cake and handed it to Lin Xia.

After cutting it, I also cut a piece for myself.


After Zhang Sheng took a bite, he finally looked up at Lin Xia, and the calm expression on his face finally turned into a smile.

At that moment, countless images flashed through his mind, and he even briefly thought about some inexplicable content.

Then these thoughts turned into these two words.

"Why are you thanking me? Actually, the person I want to thank the most is me. Without you, "That Summer" might have signed with [Shengshi Entertainment]. I might have been signed with [Shengshi Entertainment], and maybe I'm working with [Shengshi Entertainment] now." They are filing a lawsuit..."

Lin Xia's voice was very gentle, as clear and melodious as a nightingale.

She helped Zhang Sheng pour a glass of juice. After seeing Zhang Sheng's serious expression, she laughed: "Zhang Sheng, you seem to be different from when we first met. When we first met, there was always a frown on your face. With a smile, you are not that serious. Now, after you have paid off your debts and the pressure is not so great, I always see you with a serious face, and when you smile, it always seems like you are hiding something. like……"

"Like what?"

"There seems to be an indescribable feeling of loneliness, especially during this period. When I saw you, I felt that the feeling of loneliness in you was getting stronger and stronger..." Lin Xia stared at Zhang Sheng for a while, Finally said seriously.

"What is loneliness? A writer's heart is always very sensitive..." Zhang Sheng laughed.

"Look, there's this smile again. It seems to be the smile of my father and grandfather. Zhang Sheng, you are only in your early twenties. Why do I always feel that the vitality in you is getting less and less?" Lin Xia frowned. , looking at Zhang Sheng's smile, somehow she felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Really?" Zhang Sheng finally stopped laughing.

"Yes!" Lin Xia nodded firmly: "I remember that when you first came to Haishu Garden, you were very excited. I still remember that overflowing smile..."

"At that time, there was no way to survive..."

"Was the smile at that time also fake?"

"That's true." Zhang Sheng shook his head and replied seriously.

"Sometimes I feel that you are very tired. I don't even know who else in this world can you talk to about your inner feelings. I feel like you have been holding it back, carrying it, carrying it..." Lin Xia heard Zhang After Sheng answered, he sighed quietly.

"No..." Zhang Sheng continued to shake his head.

Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance. She seemed to have more to say, but she finally held back some words: "Zhang Sheng, can I ask you a question? You can answer this question or not... …”

"You asked, I said, I won't lie to you, and I don't have any secrets." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"What kind of girl do you like?"

Zhang Sheng was stunned.

He never dreamed that Lin Xia would suddenly ask such a question.

This question seems very inappropriate and there seems to be no warning.

He suddenly didn't know how to answer.

He himself had never considered this issue.

"I don't know..." Zhang Sheng answered calmly.

Like this kind of thing, it seems very far away, but why it is so far away, Zhang Sheng doesn't know.

He has experienced many girls.

Of course, I am also used to intrigues. Although I have always been sincere to others, I still have a thick layer of defense deep inside.

After answering, he looked at Lin Xia quietly.

Lin Xia was holding her chin with her hands. After hearing her answer, a trace of disappointment flashed through her beautiful big eyes.

But the disappointment was fleeting and then turned to sympathy.

Then nodded.

Zhang Sheng lowered his head and ate the food for a while.

Suddenly there was a little ripple in my heart.

Finally, after a long while, he looked up at Lin Xia: "Lin Xia, can I ask you a question?"

"If you ask, I will answer you seriously."

"You like me, right?"

Zhang Sheng looked at the table of dishes.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.


These become a set of information.

Facing Zhang Sheng's gaze, Lin Xia did not turn elsewhere or look away. She just looked at Zhang Sheng: "I have a little liking for you, but I can't say I like you. Of course, I will think of you occasionally. How do you survive this difficult time of debt? I talked about you from my mother before. She said: If it had been someone else, I'm afraid this life would be ruined..."

Zhang Sheng lowered his head after listening to Lin Xia's words.

There was no sound.

"I really can't imagine that a person, without his parents, comes to Yanjing alone and lives helpless..."

Lin Xia's eyes flashed brightly as she spoke.

Zhang Sheng handed her the napkin.

She took the napkin.

Wiping his tears, he continued to sigh: "Maybe this is the sympathy of a lucky person for the unfortunate people, but I have to admit that you are a very charming person. As I look at you, little by little I am very happy to rise from the abyss, from hell. Especially today, when I know that you are about to pay off the loan, I can't express the excitement myself. I especially want to cheer for you and for you. Come on, I even feel honored to have such a classmate and such a friend..."


"So, today is your birthday, so I want to have a meal and chat with you alone. Zhang Sheng, do you know that even though you have a straight face and a serious look, you are so stinky that I want to bite you." One bite will let you know what pain is, but your body will shine..."


"This kind of light is like an inspiring force. It's very bright. I'm not a particularly strong person, so I want to get some of this kind of power, whether it's physically or mentally..."


Lin Xia talked a lot, and while talking, she continued to shed tears.

Zhang Sheng had never seen Lin Xia say so many words, and he had never seen Lin Xia be so excited.

"You showed me that there are miracles in life, so I always remind myself that you are not the only miracle around me!"

Lin Xia took a sip of juice, took a deep breath, and stared into the distance with red eyes.

"I'm done, eat vegetables and eat vegetables. I'm embarrassed in front of you today, but I, I feel very comfortable..."

When Lin Xia finished speaking in one breath, it seemed as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

She seemed to need a listener.

A listener who understands her.

Then, Zhang Sheng is such a character.

After Zhang Sheng listened, the corners of his mouth moved slightly: "There must be miracles in this world."

"Zhang Sheng, I have told so many stories about myself, and I really want to hear your story..." Lin Xia wiped away her tears and looked at Zhang Sheng.



"I don't seem to have any stories..."

"Have a drink?"


"After drinking some wine, people don't have to be so depressed..."

"I'm not depressed either. It's just that you can easily find my story by searching on the Internet, so I don't know how to tell it..."

"Then I ask and you answer?"


"Let's have a drink..."

"Lin Xia, I have reason to suspect that you want to use wine to cook rice with me! I don't think it's appropriate for you to be so diligent in persuading people to drink... After all, there is such a thing as drunken sex..." Zhang Sheng pushed. Pushing up his glasses, he calmly refused.

"I didn't!" Lin Xia's face turned red from holding back: "Forget it, I won't ask anymore, let's eat food!"

"Well, it's not impossible to eat food and drink some wine..."



"You won't let me sleep here? That's not how the plot goes, right? After drinking, don't you have to stay overnight?"

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Ha, I'm just kidding you..."

"Send me a text message when you get home."


"Forget it! Shall I get in the car with you?"

"You want to go to my place?"

"I'm going to the hospital..."


Ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Sheng left [Haishu Garden].

Lin Xia sent Zhang Sheng to the gate and watched Zhang Sheng get into the car.

Afterwards, Lin Xia immediately followed him as if he thought of something.

Zhang Sheng drank.

And, more than just a glass of wine.

It seemed that in order to get drunk, he took out all the wine that Lin Guodong had collected.

Lin Xia watched helplessly as he drank cup after cup, but he didn't seem to be drunk or even vomited.

Car, drive far away.

As soon as Zhang Sheng got in the car, he leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

While sleeping...

His face was less serious than before.

While passing by the hospital, Lin Xia suddenly saw a naked upper body running figure in the crowd wearing only a pair of trousers.

Along the way, many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and bursts of discussion could be seen through the windows.

But he didn't seem to care at all, as if he was letting himself go, running and singing!

She was stunned when she saw this scene!

"Zhang Sheng!"

"What's wrong?"

"Wake up, is this person Ah K? How did he become like this?"

"What he does now is not surprising..."

"But this appearance affects the appearance of the city..."

"The pants are still on, which means he is still rational and has not enjoyed the ultimate excitement..."



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