I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 265 Zhang Sheng, please hold it back

Chapter 265 Zhang Sheng, please hold back...

Evening breeze.


Ah K released himself.

Run, run, run like crazy.

He hasn't washed his hair in nearly a week.

For more than a week, he lived under the bridge every day, standing aimlessly towards the subway entrance and the school entrance every day.

He has been searching for feelings through various extreme methods.


I still can't find the feeling.

The painful feeling of wanting to create but not being able to create good songs drove him crazy.

He began to suspect that he had no talent, or that his talent could not support him in surpassing his previous work.

If he were not afraid of being harmonized, he would even go to the extreme and tear off the last fig leaf...


He finally failed to do it.

After running for a long time, he finally felt tired, and then he just lay down on the ground casually.

The night in early spring is still a bit chilly.

There are cameras and reporters all around.

In the past two days, he seems to be very popular on Weibo, especially the album sales, which seems to have gone up to a higher level?

This era is becoming more and more like an era of entertainment to death!

"Dog bites man" is not news; "man bites dog" is news!

But, he doesn't care about these.

What he cares about is that he may not have much talent, but he dreams of having it!

Beyond "In the Rain"!

Beyond "In the Rain"!

Early morning.

He was tired from lying down.


Continue running forward.

He even ran to the entrance of [Shengshi Entertainment] and waved his fist at the security guard under the gaze of reporters.

When the security guard ran out angrily with an electric baton, he quickly ran away again...


He ran towards the direction of [Starlight Future].

Release your nature?


He is releasing his nature!

Find creative inspiration through this fearless lunatic act!


March 7th.

Zhang Sheng woke up from his deep sleep.

He slept until noon the next day.

He slept comfortably and was full of energy.

When he returned to the company, he saw Ah K making headlines!

[The famous singer Ah K is completely crazy, running around late at night, and successively provoking [Starlight Future], [Shengshi Entertainment]...]

on Weibo.

There is a photo.

In the photo, Ah K is standing at the door of [Starlight Future].

Bare upper body.

Holding a mineral water bottle turned over from the trash can, he sang loudly to the security room...

After seeing this photo, although Zhang Sheng had predicted that Ah K might do some messy things, he was still shocked at this moment.

Just one night...

The number of comments on this Weibo has exceeded 10,000.

Well, it’s more exciting than any entertainment news nowadays.

Zhang Sheng scrolled through Weibo.

Some hotly searched news on technology made Zhang Sheng pay more attention to it.

March 6th.

There is a gust of wind blowing in the old and American technology circles.

The IPO company's iPad tablet computer is officially launched for sale in the United States.

Two hundred and seventy thousand units!

The sales on the first day caused an explosion in the Chinese technology circle, with countless revelations flying all over Weibo!

Many Weibo bloggers even went to the United States in person and kept describing the amazing scenes of iPad sales on Weibo.

[They can only accept pre-orders, and they are full payment, but the scheduled delivery date is already two months later! 】

[This is a photo from the scene. These are young people queuing up to buy. Many of them have been queuing up since early in the morning! 】

Zhang Sheng browsed the photos taken by bloggers in the United States.

You can feel the surging enthusiasm across the screen.

In a sense, the iPad is indeed a cross-generational product. Even in 2023, this series of products has not been eliminated.

Zhang Sheng fell into deep thought.

What Lin Guodong said suddenly came to mind.

"After the end of the Age of Discovery, maritime hegemony has continued. This hegemony has allowed them to make rules unscrupulously. After entering the 21st century, although this hegemony has been disguised as civilization, they still rely on Products, film and television, and technology are formulating new rules. Others can only follow their rhythm and pattern within the rules..."

"But if someone breaks out of the rules or wants to re-write the rules, then they will use guns and various despicable means to completely destroy you..."

"However, I will not give in because of this. I can retreat temporarily, but I will shrink like a rubber band for a while, and then bounce higher. Along the way, someone will eventually stand up..."

In troubled times, a person like Lin Guodong would probably be a hero.

Zhang Sheng commented like this.

Of course, it is inevitable that my heart will be somewhat infected.

He continued to browse Weibo.

Then, I found that I was also trending on Weibo.

Although the ranking is lower, the number of comments is still high.

【Six months! He paid off two million in debt! 】

Under this heading...

There is an article with pictures.

In the article, there are photos of Zhang Sheng when he was running business...

The photo was blurry and seemed to have been taken from some surveillance camera.

There are also photos of Zhang Sheng when he first entered school...

The story is very touching.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and felt that this article was very familiar. Who should have written it, but...

He couldn't remember who it was for a long time!

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in!"

"Mr. Zhang, are you awake?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"We are going to CCTV."

"Huh? So early?"

"Yes, I have to go there in advance to record and do some simple makeup..."

"Does this require makeup?"


The door opened.

Zhang Sheng saw Shen Xiaoxi holding a notebook and looking at him seriously.


After the financial crisis.

Global markets inevitably fell into a downturn.

Because of its unique economic system, China has been relatively less affected, but countless entrepreneurs are still in a state of panic.

It was in this environment that "Struggle" came into being, aiming to boost morale and inspire young people...

"Are you ready?"


"Is Ma Yunhua here?"

"still on the way……"

"Where's Li Zongyao?"

"Still on the way..."

"Where's Zhang Sheng?"


"Let him come in..."

Pan Heping is the director of CCTV variety shows.

He is forty years old, slightly chubby, with a friendly expression and a smiling face, like a Maitreya Buddha.

Zhang Sheng, who had just walked into CCTV Big Pants, met Pan Heping.

Pan Heping didn't have the airs of a director at all. He walked over quickly and shook hands with Zhang Sheng enthusiastically!

"Heroes are born in young people, and heroes are born in young people. I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Thank you, Director Pan!"

"Go in, sit wherever you want, and feel free to ask Xiao Shen if you have any questions..."


After briefly shaking hands, Pan Heping patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder.

Then, Shen Bingbing, wearing a lady's skirt, came over and said, "Mr. Zhang, please come this way."


Zhang Sheng...

This is not the first time I have come to CCTV.

I vaguely remember that when he arrived at CCTV that day, he was surrounded by people.

The people next to him were very wary, and the reporters were also very scared when they saw him. The microphones were far away. Then during the interview, two people stood behind him, staring at him all the time.

Zhang Sheng remembered that it was a legal program, and that interview made him very uncomfortable. The other party clearly had no evidence, only one witness, and his identity was only a "coerced escapee"!

When he thought of this, Zhang Sheng's eyes flashed with a cold light.

The head of the organization...

It’s really irrational!

He just needs to sit quietly and collect money, but he is crazy, risking being shot, and reporting Zhang Sheng with his real name!

Zhang Sheng still can't figure out why he went crazy!

is not it……

Did you ignore him?

Everyone goes out to seek wealth!

Since you are seeking money, why do you care about this small right?

Isn't it good to make money while lying down, and then drive a car to a beautiful woman? Moreover, according to his plan, he only needs one more year to formalize many industries and become a true overseas enterprise!

He brought all those who had violated laws and disciplines in the past to have food to eat and to live uprightly under the sun...

Even his chairman can let that leader do it!

What else is he dissatisfied with?

Why are you so irrational? Why must we both die together?

Moreover, even if he was reported, Zhang Sheng was still very clean. At most, he was regarded as a "lecturer" and an accomplice, and he was arrested and squatted for a period of time!

But you have to be shot!

This is not a situation where both the jade and the stone are destroyed together, it is simply a mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot!

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang?"

"Huh? Sister Bingbing..."

"Mr. Zhang, you looked so scary just now..."

"Eh? Is there any?"

"I can't tell you what I felt just now, it was like being stared at by a poisonous snake..."

"Cough, cough!"

"Let me show you around CCTV."


After Shen Bingbing saw Zhang Sheng's smile getting brighter and brighter, he also laughed.

It was probably an illusion just now!

Zhang Sheng followed Shen Bingbing and visited the public area of ​​CCTV Big Pants.

He straightened his clothes.


Of course, this is the first time in my life to come to CCTV, so I really need to visit the CCTV in this world!

After walking around...

Zhang Sheng suddenly stopped.

"Sister Bingbing, can I ask for the copyright for the online broadcast of this interview in [Struggle]?"

"Online broadcast copyright?"

"Yes, I have a video website. Now this video website will be launched online soon. Can you introduce the leaders of the copyright department to chat? We can cooperate in the future. We can even become a sub-site of CCTV. This it is also fine……"

"This... I'm afraid it won't work, Zhang Sheng. In fact, CCTV also has its own faction, and..."

"And what?"

"wait a sec."

Just when Shen Bingbing was about to say something, her phone suddenly rang.

After answering the call, she put down her phone and said, "Mr. Zhang, the script is out. Do you want to read it first?"

"Is there a script for this kind of interview?"

"that is……"

"What is it? You won't make me miserable?"

"No, no, um, the boss wants you to hold back a little bit..."

"What do you mean by holding back?"

"Some leaders have watched your video and feel that it is too inflammatory and will suppress some things. Well, Mr. Zhang, let me tell you directly. The main interviewees of "Struggle" this time are people like Li Zongyao and Ma Yunhua. Of course, you are also one of the protagonists, but you have to be a little more restrained..."

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