I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 269 He, the dawn of killing! (Third update, additional update!)

Yanjing at four o'clock in the morning.

Confused, tired, sleepy...

Under the overpass.

Ah K is still writing lyrics one by one through the light.

The homeless people nearby didn't dare to get next to this madman...

during this time.

He would fall asleep, suddenly go crazy, and then wake up singing continuously!

The homeless people were so frightened that they thought there was an earthquake.

Ah K is practicing hard.

Like the Buddha, I want to draw some creative inspiration and nourishment from the suffering of life.

Obviously, the scrapped manuscripts indicate another failure in his creation.

He still couldn't find that feeling.



Have you never felt this way in your life?

Who knows?

He suddenly laughed.

He threw all the scraps into the trash can next to him, and then, under the horrified eyes of the homeless people not far away, he suddenly ran forward like crazy again.

The sound of wind passed by his ears...

The reporters' enthusiasm has subsided and they no longer follow Ah K.

"Man bites dog" is indeed news, but if you see "man bites dog" often, you won't think it is news.

The entertainment industry is changing with each passing day...

There are really many things they can take pictures of.

Ah K doesn't care about this. The reason why he is so crazy is not because of fame...

He has been venting the pain in his heart.

After running for who knows how long, he ran to the door of a video store.

The sky is bright.

This video store called [Qiangsheng Media] has actually opened in advance.

He saw his boss sitting at the door, looking at the new iPad tablet computer in a daze.

Vaguely, Ah K remembered that his name was Li Qiang, and he was one of the few video store owners who introduced the album "In the Rain"...

Suddenly, Ah K stopped and suddenly smiled: "Boss!"

"Hey, hello, are you... Ah K?"

Ah K suddenly shouted.

Li Qiang was startled, and his whole body trembled. Then when he saw the person clearly, he stood up subconsciously.

The iPad tablet fell to the ground and seemed to be playing a documentary!

Then he quickly picked up the iPad and checked it carefully. When he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the screen and that the paint layer on the side was not scratched, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He asked someone to buy this iPad from the United States at a price several times higher. He just got it early this morning, and he started playing with it until now...

If this was broken, it would be like crying!

"Boss, your store needs to be renovated again?"

"Yes, although your "In the Rain" sold well, traditional albums really can't be sold. I bought a batch last month and still can't sell them. I began to realize that on the Internet, Under the impact of music, my line of work should be coming to an end. Recently, I have actually begun to consider selling some technology products..."

"Technology Products?"

"Mobile phones, for example, iPad tablets, etc. It's a pity that the iPad tablet has not been officially released in mainland China. We can only get one through overseas channels to play...otherwise, we can still make a fortune... …”

"Well, isn't this a large mobile phone?"

"It's different. How can a mobile phone operate as smoothly as an iPad tablet? Especially when watching movies, look at how exquisite this video is..."


Ah K stopped.

Minato stepped forward and watched the video.

This seems to be a documentary, and the video is called...

"A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng"!

He was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, picked up the tablet and started reading.

I looked at Li Qiang.

Time passes little by little!

"A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng".

The documentary is two hours long.

Ah K went from dawn to bright in the east, and then the sun gradually turned brighter.

In the video.

He saw many stores that cooperated with Zhang Sheng, telling Zhang Sheng's story.

Somehow, a string in Ah K's heart trembled slightly.


He followed the camera again and saw Zhang Sheng telling his story.

He clearly knows Zhang Sheng’s story better than anyone else!


When he heard Zhang Sheng tell the story, he was still shocked!

From the bottom up!

Climb step by step!

Overcoming thorns and thorns, riding the wind and waves!

It was a vibration that came from the depths of the soul, like a light illuminating the dark night sky and reflecting the world.

There seemed to be a force surging through him, surging!

The power made him tremble and made his blood seem to boil.

Zhang Sheng’s story is so inspiring!

"I can't sell iPad tablets, but I think I can fight for this [Hua X1]. By the way, Teacher Ah K, you seem to be signing with Mr. Zhang's company, right?"

In a daze, he saw Li Qiang from [Qiangsheng Media] say these words.

Li Qiang was also inspired by Zhang Sheng's entrepreneurship.

He looked back at his [Powerful Media], and a sense of ambition was growing in his chest.

He saw a way!

Then he stared at Ah K.

Ah K stared at the iPad tablet computer in a daze.

"Teacher K, could you please introduce Mr. Zhang? I want to talk to Mr. Zhang... Doesn't Mr. Zhang cooperate with [Yaohua]? I really didn't expect that [Yaohua] actually started making mobile phones. , and treat this phone as the main battlefield!”

Li Qiang saw [Hua X1] and was instantly attracted by the appearance of [Hua X1]...

It has extremely media artistic curves.

Except for one button at the bottom, it is a pure touch screen!

It looks like a smaller version of the iPad tablet, but if you look closely, there are some differences.

It seems like a new definition of mobile phone?

Li Qiang suddenly became excited.

He was keenly aware that this seemed to be a product that transcended an era, or was about to usher in a new era!

This thing can be sold!

I want to get the distribution rights for this thing!

If you can get the distribution rights of [Hua X1], then...

"Teacher Ah K!"

"Teacher Ah K?"

"are you OK?"

Ah K remained silent when faced with Li Qiang's questions.

He saw the video end...


It was like an explosion in my mind, and I suddenly found a feeling, or a creative direction.

"in the rain".

Singing about the difficulties in Yanjing, singing about the pain...

If you want to use pain and hardship to surpass yourself, that is extremely difficult!


He can find a breakthrough point from another channel!


He felt like he had found it!

"Teacher Ah K?"

Li Qiang looked at Ah K.

He found that Ah K was like a puppet, as if he had lost his soul, and there was no response no matter how he called...


"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"Yes! What's wrong?"

"Give me a pen and a stack of A4 paper..."


in the sun.

Li Qiang watched Ah K pick up a pen and paper and write.

The whole person is so excited that it’s scary!

After a while, he saw Ah K put down the pen, then picked up the A4 paper and checked the words on it.

That's the lyrics to a song called "Run"!

"Boss, what did you just say?"

"I said...can you introduce Mr. Zhang to me? I have an idea..."


"Eh? I'll close the door first!"

"Let's go. There are surveillance cameras all around. No one will steal your things except fools..."

Caught off guard, Li Qiang was pulled out by Ah K.


In the hospital.

Lin Guodong finally looked at Gu Jiangyan's figure through the window.

She falls.

But he got up again and again.

It was very difficult for her to take every step. Her legs could not move. She almost had to use two hands, supporting the crutches, and supporting her whole body weight to move forward little by little.

Moving very slowly.

The fall was also painful.

However, she protected her legs very well, and when she fell, she used her body to carry part of the momentum.

Outside the corridor.

The nurse's eyes were red and she covered her mouth, but she didn't say a word.

Lin Guodong continued to watch.

He seemed to see a strong soul struggling little by little to break the shackles of the body!

The bathroom is only five or six meters away from the bed.

But the distance of five or six meters felt like stepping on charcoal fire.


Get up!

Fall again!

Use your body to get up again...

He saw Gu Jiangyan finally move to the bathroom bit by bit, and then open the bathroom door.

About ten minutes later.

The door opened.

Gu Jiangyan supported her body and slowly "stretched" out again.

This time, she seemed much more stable.

Although my whole body was shaking, I finally moved steadily step by step...


There were also falls.

However, when she fell, her hands did a good job of holding her up!

Everyone watched helplessly as she returned to the bed step by step, then carefully fixed her feet in place and lay down on the bed.

Outside the window...

The fish belly white lighted up for a while!

It took her nearly half an hour to do a few minutes...

It was unimaginable how much physical and mental torture and pain she had endured during this half hour.

Outside the corridor.

The doctor sat silently in his chair.

"Dr. Chen, can Officer Gu really..."

"Before, maybe I made a definition that I shouldn't have made..."


"Maybe she can really stand up and be like a normal person..."

After a brief conversation.

Lin Guodong finally walked in.

She wasn't surprised when she saw Lin Guodong come in.

Just look at Lin Guodong, his whole body is covered with sweat, his lips are pale and bloodless.

But she held the water glass tremblingly and drank the water by herself.

"I said, I have control over my own body!"

"Going to the bathroom is just the first step..."

Lin Guodong nodded.

"I'll take a rest. Call me after breakfast!"


Lin Guodong watched Gu Jiangyan lie down on the hospital bed and close her eyes after drinking water.

outside the window.

It's getting brighter and brighter.

His phone vibrated again.

It was Yudong calling him again...

Yudong told him!

For their [Huaxing] mobile phones, in addition to the four major operators, a group of mobile phone dealers have already come to their doorstep.

They want to sell [Huaxing] under the [Yaohua] Group, and of course, they want to sell the high-end machine [Huaxing X1]!

After Lin Guodong answered the phone, he opened the laptop he carried with him and connected to the hospital's network.

He opened the webpage and saw the [CCTV] preview pop-up news...

In the news.

He saw Zhang Sheng holding the [Hua X1] mobile phone and taking photos with Zhang Lan, Ma Yunhua, and Li Yaozong...

Then, I watched the documentary news "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng"...

He was stunned.

Then he closed his eyes.

When there is bad news everywhere and the entire [Yaohua] members are feeling depressed...

Zhang Sheng seems to have helped [Yaohua] fight through the dawn in his own way!

(It’s a little late today, but finally the third update is delivered! Additional update for 5500 monthly tickets!)

(Continue to ask for monthly votes!)

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