The documentary "Graduation Years" tells the stories of living in Yanjing.

It's half past four in the morning.

Sanitation workers, young people who work overtime until they are exhausted and go to the restaurant to eat and then fall asleep...

Figures who are exhausted to the extreme yet in a hurry...

Day after day, year after year, chasing the prosperity of this big city, eager to be a part of the prosperity.

In the documentary "Graduation Years", you can always find a shadow of yourself.

Heavy and depressing.

But you feel a resonance that comes from deep inside.

The song "In the Rain" became so popular that it was cathartic!

Heavy depression, lonely wandering, dreams gradually passing away, gradually becoming unreal, even ridiculous...



Roaring, hoarse, heart-wrenching singing in despair!

Let people immerse themselves in this tune and vent all their negative emotions through singing.


"A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng"!

It is a ray of light after catharsis!


"I told myself, I want to live, no matter what the circumstances, I want to live, and I want to live wonderfully!"

"I told myself that I am just a piece of grass. I grow on the roadside. No one cares about me, and no one cares about me. Anyone can trample on me..."

"Of course I have failed, and after failure, of course I have doubted myself..."


In the notebook.

The documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" is playing.

Liu Yingying watched, watching over and over again.

From early morning, I saw the rising sun.

Next to the video, the [Comic Rejection] email was still flashing.

I don’t know how many times Liu Yingying’s manuscripts have been rejected.

In the Q dog group with "Struggle" written next to it.

The avatars of netizens who once determined to surpass Japanese comics and create animations belonging to China were extinguished one by one.

Since high school...

Liu Yingying is obsessed with comics!


Liu Kaili is not an enlightened person, or in other words, he looks like a dictator!

On the eve of the college entrance examination...

She had always listened to her father's advice since she was a child, and she finally plucked up the courage to propose that she wanted to go to college majoring in comics.


But her father frowned and told her that there was no future in the comics major and she might as well study marketing and management.

She searched for a lot of information and kept explaining that her comics major was not so hopeless.

She said that now Chinese animation is getting worse and worse, and some people are needed to make some good-looking animations. She said that the Japanese comic industry and animation peripherals are so prosperous, and China will not be too bad...

She even said that we have grown up watching Japanese and American animations since childhood, and then, unknowingly, many people have been influenced by the culture of other countries...

In my memory, that was the first fight.

But in my memory, it was also the most painful failure of resistance.

Before she could finish her words, her father Liu Kaili scolded her severely and forced her to change her major.

She even tore up the paintings she had drawn and the various story outlines she had carefully prepared one by one...

She finally went to a university she didn't like and studied a major she didn't like. After graduation, she was naturally busy in her family's "Senran Integrated Kitchen".

During her college years, she continued to draw, worked hard to submit articles again and again, and joined various comic groups to learn about domestic comics trends while hugging each other for warmth.

One by one, the groups gradually died.

Some friends who once said they wanted to be cartoonists and animations finally couldn't bear the "novice" stage when no one cared about them.

I uploaded my comics on the website again and again, but there were no clicks, no attention, and no one signed up.

Finally, I gradually changed my career.

Many stages in this world are like waves washing over the sand, brushing against each other...

Three years...

In her free time, Liu Yingying keeps painting, submitting manuscripts, and studying...

Everyone knows persistence!

However, how many of them can endure the despair of perseverance, the pain of doing useless work day after day, or the constant self-doubt?

Liu Yingying has tasted the bitterness of failure more than once.

Several years of persistence are completely in vain. In fact, it is time to give up.

That can mean a lot of things, that is, there is no talent, no qualifications, and no hard work...

Later, in her senior year, she did give up for a while, and just like her group friends, she never went online again!


[Senran Integrated Stove] There was a Zhang Sheng and a Li Bin.

Then, she followed Zhang Sheng to run business...

As she went deeper, she saw Zhang Sheng's embarrassment and how much sweat was behind Zhang Sheng's smiling face.

But he is alive!

Live regardless of anything!

Even though he was burdened with a debt of two million, he was still alive and holding on...

His success shocked Liu Yingying!

Like a comet, suddenly piercing the night sky!


Li Bin is gone too!

Li Bin followed Zhang Sheng, and together they supported the once heavily loaded [Hongyuan Decoration], and now [NC Decoration]...

That decoration company, at this moment, not only has more and more customers in Jincheng, but also becomes more and more famous, and even in France, it has taken orders other than movie theaters!

She has seen their success, both as a witness and as a participant.

She is accepting domestic customers from [NC Decoration] and serving them!

Overseas, she helped Zhang Sheng draw various promotional posters, design logos, and plan events...

Then they were appreciated and unanimously recognized!

She has failed for too long!

Finally, she tasted the joy of success. She kept telling herself that her painting was not bad, maybe it was in the wrong direction, but her painting was definitely not bad...

She boarded Q Dog again and picked up the dream she had held on to for four years. She was busy with the [NC Decoration] business during the day and drew comics at night...

The reality is still cruel!

Rejection, rejection, rejection again and again!

She retreated to the point where her confidence was hit again, to the point where she became desperate again...

The morning of March 10th.

She watched the documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" for the last time.

In the documentary...

Have power!

Zhang Sheng said, he is a piece of grass!

He succeeded!

Climbed out of the abyss!

And she!

She is also a piece of grass.

Anyone can trample her, but she will survive!

She has much better conditions than Zhang Sheng. She doesn't have a debt-ridden start, and she doesn't have the helplessness of coming to Yanjing alone and wandering alone!

She deserves better!

When she saw the rejection, her despair was suppressed again!

If you are rejected this time, you will sum up your experience, and you will join me again next time. If you are rejected next time, you will sum up your experience and submit again...

One day!

She will succeed!

She opened QGou and privately sent the documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" to every group friend who had given up...

After sending it out...

She goes downstairs!

She saw a group of customers standing at the door...

Some inquired, complained, and paid.

She saw that the door of [NC Decoration] was open, and her mother, Chen Aiju, was already greeting customers.

[Hongyuan Decoration], which once closed down and was criticized in the news, is now full of vitality and famous in this area!

She smiled and walked over. While following her mother to greet customers, she was thinking about her new comics!

this day……

She spent her time busy and conceiving.

It was busy until half past ten.

After arranging the decoration work and sorting out the signing contract, she sat in front of the computer again.

She opened Qdog.

Q Gouli!

There were a lot of responses out of the blue.

"Ah, I didn't expect you were still insisting..."

"Actually, I'm always online, but I don't have the face to talk in the group, and I really can't draw anymore..."

"I have watched "Zhang Sheng's Story" on the Internet. It was really touching. Really, I can't explain it. Just now, CCTV's "Struggle" also broadcast Zhang Sheng's story..."

"I thought about it and decided to hold on!"


Some people in the once silent Q dog group actually came back to life.

Although there were still not many people, there were many people discussing it, and everyone was "unwilling" to fail.


I was inspired by Zhang Sheng’s entrepreneurial journey!

The desire deep in their hearts and the pursuit of their dreams gradually surged again.

Liu Yingying looked at them.

It was a busy day today, but she was still very energetic and extremely excited!

“I wanted to create a story and I wanted to try it again!”

Liu Yingying said this.

After finishing speaking, she continued to watch the documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng".

The documentary has been viewed more than 200,000 times!

[Cromecium] and [Nangong Nan], these two almost sworn enemies of Weibo bloggers, at this moment, unanimously praised the film "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng".

"After watching the documentary, I looked up Zhang Sheng's story online, and I began to realize that the limit I always thought was actually a joke! I want to pick up my basketball dream again..." From Netizen "Spicy Apple"

"Ten years ago, I broke my leg, and then my lower limbs became paralyzed. Ten years later, I want to stand up..." From netizen "Buffer"

"After watching this documentary, I couldn't calm down for a long time. I felt that Zhang Sheng's eyes had the power to touch people's hearts, especially his yearning for happiness and his tenacious resistance and persistence in a downtrodden life in the film. This is exactly what I am missing. , I need a force..." From netizen "Zhu Mengting"

“I almost finished watching this documentary with tears in my eyes. The protagonist Zhang Sheng’s perseverance in the face of the hardships in life, and others’ descriptions of Zhang Sheng’s entrepreneurial experience during that period, made people burst into tears. What kind of faith does he live by!" From netizen "Dark Knight"


The comments below them are full of various self-reports from netizens and the energy they have drawn!

this world.

It probably requires faith.

Faith allows you to be defeated again and again in the darkness, but to stand up again and again.

Then, get through despair, get through all self-doubt, and persevere towards the future step by step.

Documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng"!

"Zhang Sheng's Story" on the Internet!

CCTV just finished broadcasting the first episode of "Struggle", Zhang Sheng gave a brief introduction...

This is a belief!


this day!

Zhang Sheng did not read the comments on the Internet.


Stay in the studio.

Zhang Sheng sat on a chair and listened to Ah K singing over and over again.

His face was stunned.

He came up with a melody.

That melody...

It's called "Chasing Dreams with an Innocent Heart"!

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