The song written by Ah K is called "Running".

The lyrics are not fancy...

In fact, Ah K is not someone who writes songs with gorgeous words.

This is [NC Entertainment]’s official first album after leaving [Starlight Future]...

This album is about [NC Entertainment]’s next step, and it’s also about [NC Entertainment]’s first pot of gold!

Zhang Sheng naturally came to the recording studio.

A few days ago, Ah K was running around with his upper body bare and looking like a madman!

Desperately chasing the so-called "inspiration" and the so-called "feeling"!

He wanted to go beyond "In the Rain."


How difficult is it to surpass oneself in this world?

The emotion of "In the Rain" has reached the extreme, and the kind of thing he conveyed has also reached the limit of Ah K.

If he creates similar songs again, he will just rest on his laurels.

That's all!

A few days later, in the recording studio, Ah K was still acting like a madman!


This seems to have become a unique symbol of Ah K's voice.

He brought the song "Running". When he met Zhang Sheng, he no longer said as before that his song could surpass "In the Rain". He only told Zhang Sheng that he had found that kind of song. Feel it!

Under the light.

Zhang Sheng, who was wearing headphones, felt a harsh sound coming from his ears.

The desire for success and the emotion of falling again and again turned into a kind of excitement and stronger catharsis.


The sound is broken!

Zhang Sheng got goosebumps when he heard it. He once recalled the feeling he had when he listened to "Chasing Dreams"!

"Ah K has a breakthrough!"

"I feel that Ah K should break through himself!"

Next to her, Zhang Sheng heard Shen Xiaoxi's voice. She held her headphones excitedly and stared straight at Ah K in the recording studio, her head tilted, and she was almost dying of singing.

The lung capacity that Ah K displayed at this moment was simply astonishing. He vaguely seemed to be singing with all his life!

More than ten minutes later.

Ah K walked out of the recording studio.

The moment he walked out, the studio staff were applauding.

A tuner wearing glasses even said with admiration that the song "Running" does not need to be revised...

After recording, it can be released as a hit song!

"Mr. Zhang, how are you?"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

After venting his emotions, Ah K was still very excited.

Zhang Sheng nodded.

"boss Zhang!"

"you say……"

"I want to fuck Mozi!"


"I heard many people talking about me on the Internet. I am another moron, another miracle under Xu Shengnan. In fact, I have been holding my breath..." The breakthrough in creation made Ah K once silent. The ambition to go down was burning again.

"So?" Zhang Sheng looked at Ah K.

He saw a flame of unwillingness to admit defeat bursting out of Ah K's eyes. This flame was very contagious!

"Yesterday, Mozi announced that he was about to release a single called "Ecstasy". This news on Weibo had nearly 10,000 likes as soon as it was posted, and now it is heading towards 200,000. I want to follow He fights in the ring!”

"Ah K, don't be like this. As the resident mentor of Starlight, Mozi has [Starlight Future] behind him. Although [Starlight Future] was severely beaten by [Shengshi Entertainment] last year, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse. What's more, this year, they have already calmed down..." When Shen Xiaoxi heard this sentence, she immediately became anxious: "I think we should avoid Mozi, otherwise, under the pressure of capital, our album He will be crushed to death!”

"If even Mozi can't cross over, then how can I be the king?" After hearing Shen Xiaoxi's words, Ah K suddenly sneered.

He looked at Zhang Sheng as if he was promising something!

Zhang Sheng also looked at him and nodded with a smile.

At this moment, he realized that Ah K was like a sword, sharp and murderous!

"But when [Starlight Future] wants to give Mozi traffic, that's..." Shen Xiaoxi shook her head subconsciously!

"Traffic, capital, headlines, haha, they are indeed powerful, but I will prove that I can pierce these things with a song and my works!" There seems to be a crazy blood in Ah K's bones, But once wandering, this madness was gradually suppressed.

But later, he met Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Sheng told him "King of Heaven"!

These two words were instantly imprinted on his soul, completely igniting the madness in his bones!

A person who dares to take off his clothes, run around on the street, and do all kinds of controversial and crazy things when he is famous, then...

What else could he be afraid of?

"I also have traffic! Mr. Zhang's documentary is so popular now that it has exceeded 300,000 views on the Internet! On Weibo, Mr. Zhang has also entered the top five hot searches. Have we bought traffic? No, we I didn’t spend a penny on traffic... "Running" is a song I wrote based on Mr. Zhang. In fact, it is not just a song, it is a work, a spirit, and even a symbol!"

In the recording studio.

Ah K was very excited.

And the voice became more and more excited, which shocked the surrounding staff.

But no one said he was arrogant, and no one thought he was overestimating his abilities...

His powerful voice seemed to tell everyone that he could do this, he must do this!

"I have to cross the mozi. I not only have to cross the mozi, but I also have to step over more people step by step and climb to a higher position. I stand at the highest!"

Shen Xiaoxi was stunned.

She used to be Ah K's agent, but she found that Ah K has completely changed since "In the Rain" became popular.

He became ambitious and crazy, like a brainwashed fanatic.

Suddenly there were bursts of applause.

Zhang Sheng took the lead and started applauding.

Shen Xiaoxi looked at Zhang Sheng again, only to see Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses with a smile on his face.

Shen Xiaoxi took a deep breath.

These people around seemed like a bunch of lunatics.

And she...

It seems that I am about to be infected by this madness!


March 11th.

One o'clock.

The stars in the sky illuminate the world with a chill.

Li Qiang was waiting at the door of the recording studio.

Waited for a long time...

I have been waiting here since I closed the store in the afternoon!

In the early hours of the morning, he finally saw the door to the recording studio open.

He rushed forward.

"Mr. Zhang...this is Mr. Li Qiang, the boss of [Qiangsheng Media]..."

"Mr. Li, hello!"

Li Qiang met Zhang Sheng.

When he saw Zhang Sheng, he was a little nervous, but at the same time, he was also a little shocked.

He was shocked by Zhang Sheng's youth. At the same time, he didn't know if it was an illusion. Zhang Sheng's expression was obviously calm and he looked kind, but he felt an inexplicable pressure.


Is this celebrity effect?

Ah K continued to introduce Li Qiang: "Mr. Zhang, when "In the Rain" was first released, I went to other audio and video stores to look at the data nervously. The first store was Mr. Li's [Qiang Sheng Media]... these two I had a chat with Mr. Li the other day, and Mr. Li is a very thoughtful and motivated person!"

"Oh, I see, Mr. Li, you have been waiting here for a long time, right?"

"Not long, not long."

"Let's talk while walking!"


Under the sky.

Zhang Sheng took several people into a van.

Li Qiang was very uneasy, but he still took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, with the advent of the Internet era, our video store industry is about to become a stranger. Therefore, I want to take advantage of the unfamiliarity of the industry to embark on a new journey." The track…”

"[Qiangsheng Media]? I remember that your store is being renovated now, right?" Zhang Sheng looked out the window and closed his eyes. For a moment, when he opened his eyes, he looked at Li Qiang with a smile.

"Ah, has Mr. Ah K told you?" When Li Qiang heard this, he subconsciously looked at Ah K with grateful eyes.

But he saw shock flash across Ah K's face, staring at Zhang Sheng as if he had seen a ghost.

Li Qiang's pupils shrank!

Why does Ah K have this expression?

Could it be...

Didn't he tell Zhang Sheng his information?

"Ten years is a very magical node. The Internet is booming. MP3, MP4 and other things have gradually become the mainstream players for young people... The traditional CD and album industries will naturally suffer a blow..." Zhang Sheng did not look at Li Qiang. He didn’t look at Ah K, but just looked out the car window: “After the release of “In the Rain”, I was actually investigating the large and small video stores in Yanjing. After all, in business, the market must be investigated clearly at any time... …”

"Then..." Li Qiang suddenly felt a little scared.

I don’t know why, but I always feel that Zhang Sheng knows that everything is the same about him.

"Mr. Li, whether you believe it or not, I have to tell you that you have found the right person at a critical juncture. You want to switch to selling mobile phones, right?"

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, you, how do you know?" Li Qiang gasped in his heart and felt a frightening coldness on his spine.

"Mr. Li, I want to hear your views on the future technology industry..." Zhang Sheng did not answer Li Qiang's question, but asked instead.

"I... In recent years, the world should be dominated by MP3 and MP4, but as smart phones gradually become more popular, some functions of mobile phones can completely replace MP3 and MP4..."


"I don't know what the future of technology will be like, but there will definitely be more and more people playing with their phones with their heads down. When I saw the [Hua X1] phone, I was shocked..."

"What happens after the phone is sold?"

“Make a chain!”

"Then what? Just do chains?"

"If possible, I would like to do online sales!"

"Then what?"

"Actually, I have been watching [] recently, and I saw another mainstream, and I even had an unrealistic ambition..."

"What is your ambition?"

Under the night sky.

Li Qiang didn't know why, but he always felt that Zhang Sheng's words were like a devil whispering in his ears.

It seemed as if something was being seduced, and it seemed that something deep in his heart was gradually being pulled up.

That whispering feeling made Li Qiang begin to breathe heavily, and he almost no longer hid anything in his heart.

"Maybe you want to laugh at me. In fact, I also think my ambition is quite ridiculous. I want to build a small sales website dedicated to selling our brand mobile phones... Of course, it is not just mobile phones, but also other products. ...Of course, now that [] is so powerful, I actually don’t need to do this. I can just go directly to [] and open a store... But sometimes, I think like this..."

When Li Qiang said this, he laughed.


Zhang Sheng did not smile, but looked at Li Qiang seriously: "Continue talking about your website..."

Li Qiang's self-deprecating expression suddenly stiffened, and then he stared at Zhang Sheng in disbelief: "Mr. Zhang, are you...serious?"

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