I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 272 A sky-high endorsement price of 100 million? (Third update, additional update for 6,000

【Shock! Mozi's old song "I Love You" has exceeded 10 million downloads and topped the Chinese ring tones download list! 】

[Mozi, the famous singer and Starlight’s resident mentor, is about to release his first single "Ecstasy"! 】

[Mozi: I never thought about reaching the top, this is just a song dedicated to fans...]


On the morning of March 11th.

News about [Starlight Future]'s singer Mozi suddenly topped the Weibo hot search list!

[Yanjing Entertainment], [China Entertainment Weekly], [Hong Kong and Taiwan Entertainment Weekly]...

These well-known media in the Chinese circle are all breaking the news that Mozi's new song will be released soon, and that the old song will top the ring tones download list!

Even many mobile music websites are posting news about Mozi!

As a senior of Ah K, Mozi has become a milestone singer with several original songs that have repeatedly broken the download record of ringtones. Naturally, his new songs have become popular among major communication manufacturers!

Fans are excited!

Q Dog Group, social media, Weibo...

Fans rushed to complain everywhere, and the heat continued until noon...

After noon!

Many seniors in the entertainment industry began to stand up one after another to support Mozi's new songs and praised Mozi's progress in the past few years...

Ah K took a deep breath when he saw this.

"It will be released on the same day as him!"

"Really? Are you sure?"


"just in case……"

"If we don't even have the heart to show our sword, then how can we defeat him?"


Not only was Ah K not surprised by Mozi's influence.

Instead, the fire in my heart was burning brightly, just waiting for a gap to vent!


The train was heading towards Yangcheng.

Li Qiang opened his eyes in his seat.

He had a dream.

In the dream, he became the boss of an industry, and then he crossed his legs and talked and laughed with Ma Yunhua, Lin Guodong and others on the show.

After waking up from the dream, reality made him a little disappointed.

He is just a video store owner ready for transformation.


This disappointment did not last long.

He saw Zhang Sheng next to him.

Zhang Sheng is closing his eyes to rest.

Those unrealistic dreams I had just now probably came from Zhang Sheng’s words in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Every sentence seems to outline a future...

Outlining and outlining, the vigorous ambition deep in Li Qiang's heart is constantly growing...

From opening an offline mobile phone chain store, he gradually became the CEO of an online mobile phone chain store, and then became a giant like Ma Yunhua who entered e-commerce.

Li Qiang never thought that he could have such terrifying ambitions in this life.

"There are many smart people in this world, and there are also many smart people who are ambitious. But there are not many smart people who are ambitious, visionary, and have found the right position..."

"Mr. Li, you are that person, you can succeed, now you can dream, you can dream of anything!"

After hearing Zhang Sheng's comments, he didn't feel his vanity rising and he forgot about himself!

He couldn't believe it for a while, and even thought Zhang Sheng was joking...


Zhang Sheng's serious expression told him firmly that he was not joking.


Because of this, he would have such a dream!

"Mr. Zhang, are you asleep?"

"I didn't sleep, you said..."

"What should I say when I see Mr. Lin?"

"You don't have to say anything..."

"Ah? Then do I need to change my clothes? Isn't this outfit too formal for a big shot like Mr. Lin..."

"No need to change any clothes!"


inside the carriage.

Li Qiang was very worried.

They had already left Yanjing and were going to Yangcheng, to the gate of Yaohua Company to find Mr. Lin Guodong for cooperation.

Mr. Lin, this is an entrepreneur who stands at the top of China's science and technology. In the past, he could only be seen on TV or in the news.


Now he has to face Mr. Lin in person.

The nervous feeling is indescribable.

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he continued to rest on his seat with his eyes closed.

Li Qiang did not relax because of Zhang Sheng's words, but became more and more anxious.

Two hours later...

When the train arrived at the station, Li Qiang finally looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang..."

"you say……"

"I want to see Mr. Lin. I don't think it's okay for me to dress like this. Dressing, talking, these are all an attitude... I have to correct my attitude..."

"so what?"

"I'm going to buy a suit. At least, it needs to be more formal."

"Well, go ahead, I'll wait for you."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, do you want it?"

"I don't need it. Mr. Lin and I don't need these vain things..."



Lin Guodong has been very busy recently.

Shuttle between Yanjing and Yangcheng.

But he didn't feel tired. Not only did he not feel tired, but he was very energetic and even somewhat high-spirited.

His wife Gu Jiangyan's condition has improved.

He learned about the situation from the doctor, who told him that there was a "possibility" that she would stand up.

The mood that had been suppressed for a long time was finally relieved.

Just like in the stormy sky, the dark clouds finally faded away, and a ray of dawn flashed!

In the office.

[Huaxing] The first batch of orders was placed on Lin Guodong’s table.

Some are companies that have good relations with [Yaohua], while others are dealers who were influenced by Zhang Sheng and saw the popularity and came to cooperate.

They [Yaohua] finally took the first step, and the first step was very steady!

"[Huaxing Mobile] takes three steps... The first step is to build a brand image by leveraging the popularity. The most intuitive way to build a brand image is endorsement..."

"Recently, many entertainment companies are looking for me, hoping to cooperate with us. I have selected a group of well-known Chinese artists based on their popularity, popularity, scandals, etc..."

"This afternoon, do we want to meet Mozi from [Starlight Future]? Manager Xu Shengnan will bring Mozi over..."


Yudong talked seriously to Lin Guodong about the operation plan of [Huaxing] mobile phone.

Lin Guodong looked at the thick stack of artist information in front of him, as well as the densely packed promotional materials...

He laughed: "The plan is very detailed, but..."

"But what happened?"

"Almost spiritual, not explosive enough!"

"Mr. Lin, Mozi is very popular online. My daughter likes his songs very much, and a new song will be released soon. I have learned about the new song through various channels. It is definitely another hit song. I The following analysts told me that Mozi is very likely to be the little king of the new era. Moreover, his private life is also very clean and his character is very upright. This will undoubtedly increase his upper limit. The key is that Mozi looks handsome, and She has a lot of fans. For her concert in March, Mozi’s tickets were sold for 700 yuan each, and everyone was rushing to get them..."

Yu Dong looked at Lin Guodong.

He continued to come out with stacks of data.

He wanted to use data to prove the explosion of "Mozi".

But after reading the data, Lin Guodong still shook his head and looked at Yu Dong seriously: "Dongzi, you are a very good executor and you work hard, but sometimes, you tend to lack a little spirituality... "

"Mr. Lin, I don't know what you mean by spirituality. Is there a problem with my data or with my publicity plan?"

"There is no problem with the data and the plan. To be honest, I have always been satisfied."


"However, you cannot look at the overall situation from the perspective of an executor or planner. You need to stand as a leader..."

"Mr. Lin, I hope you can tell me, what kind of person is a leader?"


Just when Lin Guodong was about to say something, he heard his cell phone ringing.

After a while, he looked at Yu Dong with a smile: "Zhang Sheng is here. Let's meet Zhang Sheng first. We will discuss our plan later."



"I want to take him to see Mr. Lin!"

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, he doesn't have a pass and can't get in..."

"I can't even take him with me?"

"No, Mr. Zhang, please don't embarrass me. How about you call Mr. Lin personally? Recently, you also know that some business secrets of our company have been leaked..."

"Okay, then I'll make a call to Mr. Lin..."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your understanding. Mr. Zhang, please sit here."


Li Qiang looked at Zhang Sheng.

He felt that his world view had been overturned.

In the documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng", Zhang Sheng said that he was "lucky" and "lucky" to get the trial qualification of [Hua X1]!


When he followed Zhang Sheng to the entrance of [Yaohua], he was shocked to find that Zhang Sheng seemed to be very familiar with [Yaohua] and even the security guard.

He took the initiative to open the door for Zhang Sheng. When the staff next to him saw Zhang Sheng, they immediately brought him tea and water.

Then, he saw with his own eyes that Zhang Sheng picked up his mobile phone and called Lin Guodong: "Mr. Lin, I will bring someone here to cooperate with you..."

No greetings.

There were no other polite words.

He simply held the phone and said something.


I saw Zhang Sheng handing the phone to the security guard, who nodded excitedly.


He followed Zhang Sheng in.

Along the way.

Zhang Sheng greeted some staff from [Yaohua].

He seemed to know exactly what their names were and what positions they were in...

They walked into the elevator, which gradually went up.

Li Qiang became increasingly nervous.

"Mr. Li, don't be nervous. You will be a big boss like Ma Yunhua in the future. You have to stand up..."

"Mr. Zhang, please don't laugh at me..."


Although when Li Qiang heard Zhang Sheng say this, he wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

But he finally raised his head and chest a little.

The elevator has arrived.

He followed Zhang Sheng into the office not far from the elevator entrance.

Zhang Sheng knocked on the door.


He followed Zhang Sheng in.

He saw Zhang Sheng saying hello to Yu Dong next to him, and then looking at Lin Guodong with a smile.

"Mr. Lin..."

"Mr. Zhang, I haven't seen you for a few days, you look so radiant!"

"Mr. Lin, you too..."

"Why did you come here to see me all of a sudden?"

"Mr. Lin, it's not that I suddenly came to you, but that you suddenly came to me..."


"Mr. Lin, aren't you going to invite me to endorse our [Yaohua] mobile phones?"

"When did I invite you? Why didn't I know..."

"You can invite me now, I'm all here..."


"Yes, you are going to spend 100 million yuan to ask me to endorse your [Yaohua] mobile phone..."

"Wait, when will I be ready?"

"Get ready now!"

"One hundred million, I can't afford that much money. Mozi's endorsement is only a few million. If I spend so much money to endorse you, maybe people will think I'm crazy..." Lin Guodong stared at Zhang Sheng with squinted eyes. .

Zhang Sheng also looked at Lin Guodong with squinted eyes, and then pulled the shocked Li Qiang to sit on the sofa next to him: "Then wouldn't everyone be curious about why you are so crazy?"

(The monthly ticket is 6,000, and the monthly ticket this month has reached 73! Guys, please count your votes, we will rush into the top 70!)

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