I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 275 Shock! (Third update, making up for yesterday!)

Under the stars.

Zhang Sheng walked out of Lianxiang Tower.

Xu Shengnan chased him out.

However, there is no longer the apology on his face.

Her expression was cold.

She found Zhang Sheng alone: ​​"Mr. Zhang, young people will always lose their cool. Mozi will pay the price for his gaffe. I also hope you can calm down..."

"Sister Shengnan, I've always been calm..."

Under the moonlight.

Zhang Sheng still kept a smile on his face.

Xu Shengnan couldn't tell whether he was angry or not, but felt a sense of relief in him.

"We [Starlight Future] still have capital. You must not do anything like a mantis trying to make a fool of himself. I still think we can collaborate on Ah K's new album..."

"Sister Shengnan, K had a mental breakdown some time ago. Do you know what he told me?"


"He talked about capital. He said that people [Starlight Future] have been calling him all the time. On the phone, they have always used capital, resources, etc. as bargaining chips, and then belittled the success of his "In the Rain"..."

"I never called!" Xu Shengnan shook his head.

"None of these are important. What is important is that in this world where classes are gradually being solidified and everyone feels that they are solidified, there are always some people who are unwilling to become caged birds..." Zhang Sheng looked at the sky and said with a smile.

"Freedom comes with a price, and not many people can bear this price..." Xu Shengnan stopped advising and sighed.

"But, there are all kinds of people in this world." Zhang Sheng continued to smile.

"Do you really want Ah K to fight Mozi?"

"It's not me who wants it, it's him who wants it. As a comrade who has walked through this together, I can only support him from behind!"

"How can you support him?" Xu Shengnan asked again.

"Everything that can be supported, let's see if he can tear a hole under the pressure of your so-called capital and resources!"

"Your capital is too small. I'm still telling you now, don't try to use your hands as a trap..." Xu Shengnan was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

The wind is blowing.

Zhang Sheng did not answer, but looked into the distance.

Mozi was staring at him from afar. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he could vaguely feel the anger on his face.

Not far away, Li Qiang stood in the wind, at a loss for a moment, as if he was lost.

This time when he came to Yangcheng, he met many incredible people. Although Zhang Sheng kept encouraging him, he felt more and more insignificant, so insignificant that he couldn't breathe.

"Actually, I can also create. It's just that I was in debt before, and I was very clear-headed when I was poor. Before I became famous, any good works would have a high chance of being buried... Of course, I might be lucky enough to become popular, but, if I become popular, After that, the copyright of the works you create still cannot be yours, and even the signature is not necessarily yours. A small person can probably only stand behind and be deprived of everything..." Zhang Sheng suddenly said quietly, Said this sentence.

After Xu Shengnan heard this sentence, the first thought in his mind was that Zhang Sheng was ridiculous, but after seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, the ridiculousness suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only a trace of indescribable uneasiness. feel.

last year……

There are probably many people who think Zhang Sheng is ridiculous!

but now……


There's no telling what he can really do?


Now that the matter has come to this, the apology has been made, and the things that need to be said have been said, it is impossible for Xu Shengnan to take another step forward.

Her complicated expression suddenly turned cold, even colder than before: "Ah K's single must be in the ring with Mozi, right?"


"Okay, then I'm looking forward to it!"

"Well, Sister Shengnan, I'm leaving first."


Xu Shengnan watched Zhang Sheng leave with Li Qiang.

But she made no move.

Just watching the two figures gradually disappear into the distance.

After a while, she saw Mozi walking over with his head lowered, and she looked at Mozi's face.

"Does it hurt?"

"Fortunately, I'm just not willing to give in. He made it clear that he wants nothing but nothing. If he wants to cooperate, he has to show sincerity. How can there be such cooperation? I'm really angry!"

"Don't let anger control you. If anger controls you, you will lose. What you did just now is the stupidest behavior in the world..." Xu Shengnan shook his head.

"I'm just angry..."

"You are no longer that second- or third-tier singer. You are now a first-tier singer and will be the king in the future. No matter where you are, you must stay calm and maintain the image you should have..."


"Zhang Sheng is a smart man. I suspect that he has recorded everything you said today!"

"The recording cannot be counted as evidence. Moreover, it is not difficult to suppress it. He cannot make any waves at all... Moreover, what I just said was actually to sow discord between him and Director Ke..."

"Don't use your stupid IQ to play tricks. If he wants to play, he can play with you to death!"

"Sister Shengnan, why do you say that? I really don't understand. Even if he succeeds, even if he pays off a debt of two million, he is just a nobody. Why are you so wary of him?"


Xu Shengnan did not explain anything anymore, but just took a deep breath: "Ah K is going to compete with you in the ring. You must not lose in sales. If you lose, you will become a stepping stone for others!"

"What? Are you kidding? How could I lose?"


Time passes day by day.

March 18th arrived in a blink of an eye.

During this time.

There is a big news coming from the technology circle...

[Yaohua Technology] CEO Yu Dong officially announced its entry into the terminal business and listed the terminal business as one of the most important sectors of [Yaohua Technology] in the next ten years!

As soon as the news was announced, the Chinese technology circle exploded instantly!

[Yaohua Technology] Since the second half of last year, it has entered a troubled stage.

India, EU, Germany…

Under the pressure of some overseas capital, they were almost out of breath, and their morale was almost as low as the limit!

Not only has overseas business suffered repeated setbacks, but at the beginning of this year, there was constant bad news domestically. There were rumors that a group of technical staff at [Yaohua Technology] chose to resign one after another.

Netizens on the Internet are pessimistic about these news!

It seems like history is repeating itself!

Some experts have made predictions about [Yaohua Technology] and feel that the future of [Yaohua Technology] is Japanese semiconductors, and some Korean companies...

Everyone feels that [Yaohua Technology] should give in, tighten up, and find a way to survive, instead of suddenly entering a new business again and doing some risky things!

The terminal business has actually become saturated.

Mobile phones from Nokia, Apple, Samsung and other brands are still the kings on the market!

Moreover, mobile phones of other brands can still be used as mobile phones, and cheap copycat phones have gradually appeared on the market this year. Even if [Yaohua Technology] can get a piece of the pie, it is very few. There is really no need to pick up the sesame seeds. Lost the watermelon.

There are rumors!

The elders of the company unanimously objected. At the same time, several communication operators who cooperated closely with [Yaohua Technology] also objected. They felt that [Yaohua Technology] was enough to provide "customized products" and "customized mobile phones" for their communication business. Don’t think about going to a bigger market…


Yu Dong ignored these voices.

After chatting about the next steps of [Yaohua Technology], he even made a speech in front of the media, hoping to invite an image ambassador for [Yaohua Technology] series of products!

No matter how many people on the Internet denounce the stupidity of [Yaohua Technology]’s move, it is undeniable that [Yaohua Technology]’s influence is still terrifying!

After announcing their endorsement plans, entertainment companies such as [Shengshi Entertainment], [Starlight Future], and [Bean Media] and their artists flocked to the entrance of [Yaohua Technology].

Pedestrians passing by can see many famous actors and singers coming and going at the door almost every day!

Some people even photographed evergreens like Zhang Fucheng and Zhang Tianwang following their agents through the door of [Yaohua Technology]!

The news that [Yaohua Technology] would invite Zhang Tianwang to join the endorsement team was once widely circulated!

March 17th!

[Yaohua Technology] The endorsement news has not faded.

Another piece of news spread from Germany to China!

This time, it’s good news, and exciting news!

After nearly a week of comparisons and court proceedings, the German company [Kewo] could not find any information that [Yaohua Technology] had plagiarized the source code of its products!

And publicly announced that the products of [Yaohua Technology] are "healthy" products!

That is to say...

The lawsuit filed by the German company [Kovo] against [Yaohua Technology] was officially won in a foreign country, on someone else’s territory!

This blockbuster news made the entire technology circle excited. Even many reporters from CCTV rushed to the airport to welcome Lin Guodong's "return of the king."

This is an unprecedented victory!


[Starlight Future].

Xu Shengnan watched the video on TV.

Seeing Lin Guodong smiling, he got off the plane with his team of lawyers.

She watched silently.

Yudong told her that after Mr. Lin comes back, the news about the spokesperson will be confirmed!

He will continue to propose to Mr. Lin that "Mozi" be the spokesperson!

After watching the video...

Xu Shengnan continued to read the news on the Internet.

Mozi’s new song is very popular.

She has been waiting for the new song that should have been released a long time ago!

Waiting for the spokesperson to come down, double the popularity, and then promote the new song.

Some time ago!

Yudong personally approached her and asked Mozi if she was willing to participate in the endorsement of [Yaohua Technology]!

It was because she was looking for her that she came to the door, so when she heard Zhang Sheng asked her to withdraw from the [Yaohua Technology] spokesperson competition, she ignored him and didn't want to talk to Zhang Sheng about it.

Time passes little by little!

Wait until evening...

She got a call!

She was stunned.

"What did you say? [Yaohua Technology] signed Zhang Sheng as its spokesperson?"


"Signed for 100 million!"

"Tell me, what does one hundred million mean? How could it be possible that one hundred million was signed for one hundred million?"


[Starlight Future] In the office.

Xu Shengnan opened Qgou immediately, and then saw that a journalist friend sent her a video in Qgou!

In the video.

She saw Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong shaking hands!

After shaking hands...

A reporter asked Lin Guodong whether it was true or false that there were rumors that Zhang Sheng was signed for 100 million yuan!

Lin Guodong, with a smile on his face, patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder: "He is worth more than 100 million!"

Lin Guodong did not deny it!

Xu Shengnan continued to watch, with many possibilities popping up in his mind!

After a while...

In the video, she saw that Zhang Sheng, who had just signed the contract, did not leave or walk into [Yaohua Technology]. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and introduced his [Hua X1] mobile phone in front of reporters.

"The biggest selling point of this phone is its music playback function. For example, it is equipped with the music "Running". Listen to it!"


When she saw Zhang Sheng playing "Running", her pupils shrank suddenly!

(Third update, make up for yesterday! Continue to make up for it tomorrow!)

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