I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 276 Prince and General Xiang Ning has the guts!

The evening breeze blows.

Lin Guodong sat at the highest point of the Yaohua Building, overlooking the rows of buildings below.

Years ago, when I started my business, this place used to be a large area of ​​low-rise shacks, full of filth and odor. But now, there are many buildings, countless shopping malls, and the hustle and bustle of the night market is no less than that of Yanjing City.

This era is always progressing with each passing day.

He looked up and looked in the direction of the old factory. That area had been overthrown and rebuilt, and it was no longer clear what it once looked like.

My thoughts go back to many, many years ago, when [Yaohua] was facing the most critical period of transformation from ordinary switches to self-developed switches.

He also stood on a high platform, overlooking everyone below, facing the unpredictable fate.

He was overwhelmed by pressures such as high debt, R\u0026D that could fail at any time, and an increasingly unwelcome market.

The chaotic management system and the loss of more and more key personnel made him exhausted, and his whole spirit seemed to be stretched to the limit.

It's like a gamble!

He can't lose, otherwise, not only will he lose everything, but even his wife and nursing daughter...

Their futures will all fall into the abyss!

But a spirit that refused to admit defeat told him that he wanted to gamble again no matter what.


He won the bet.

He finally fought his way out of the darkness and secured nearly eight years of prosperity for [Yaohua].

Today, half a year later, Lin Guodong lit a cigarette and continued to look into the distance and recall the past.

A gust of wind blew up and blew up a newspaper lying next to it. It was a science and technology newspaper!

The most eye-catching headline in the newspaper read [It took a week! 【Yaohua】Finally won! 】.

In the past week.

He and his team prepared a lot of evidence.

He reviewed the evidence day and night and almost never got a full night's sleep!

Every day in court and every day of review, he mustered up his energy and looked at all the arbitrators in the court with the most confident expression and the most sincere eyes.

【Stop struggling needlessly! 】

[Huaxia Corporation has never won in lawsuits against other technology companies overseas. 】

[Honestly admit that you borrowed some source code and pay some money. It is not a shameful thing! 】

[As the leader of the European Union, Germany only needs to be decent and give some countries an explanation. It does not really mean that we will die! 】


Countless people tried to dissuade him in his ears, urging him not to go his own way. [Yaohua Technology] is no longer the family workshop it once was, let alone [Yaohua] with dozens of people.

Would he not understand these principles?

His ears were calloused.


Retreat, retreat, retreat!

Back off a little today, step back a little tomorrow, and step back a little the day after tomorrow!

Finally one day you will be forced into a corner, and then you will have no way to retreat, and you will die.

Lin Guodong never thought about compromising. The first thing he did when he got up every day was to put aside countless negative phone calls and concentrate on preparing for this lawsuit.

The lawyers argued hard, but his refusal to give in finally brought the lawsuit to a deadlock. The rival company [Covo] almost had its anger written on its face, and had talked to them in private, hoping that they would withdraw. step……


How can I withdraw?

He finally won!

He is also the first Chinese technology company to win an overseas lawsuit!

On the edge of the rooftop.

The door was pushed open gently.

Under the moonlight, Zhang Sheng walked out and looked at Lin Guodong with a smile: "I can sleep peacefully today..."

Lin Guodong turned around and looked at Zhang Sheng, but without saying anything, he just pointed to the seat next to him.

Zhang Sheng was not polite and naturally sat next to him, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance with Lin Guodong.

"The building in [Yaohua] is not high enough, and you still can't see far enough..."

"I will build a taller one in the future..."


Ah K stayed up all night.


It is the most difficult moment, and undoubtedly the most exciting moment.

However, he knew that he had to rest, so he forced himself to lie in bed until four o'clock in the morning. Then he got up as soon as possible and excitedly ran lap after lap on the tree-lined track next to NC Entertainment.

The feeling of being sweating profusely made him very comfortable, especially the pounding of his heart, which made him feel like he should be alive!

A series of things that would happen next came to his mind, thinking about success and failure.

But no matter what the result is, he can accept it.

Mozi was a big mountain lying in front of him, and he had to cross it.

In the process of crossing over, you may fall, you may get tired, you may encounter wind or rain, blocking you halfway up the mountain, or even falling back to the bottom of the mountain.

It doesn't matter!

He will climb up again. His talent is mediocre and not outstanding, but as long as he accumulates enough, he will be able to move more steadily. Quantitative changes will inevitably lead to qualitative changes, which will eventually explode!

After thinking about the failures he would experience in the future, he calmed down.

The sky lit up with bursts of fish-belly white, and the early morning light shone through the morning glow, shining on the land.

Ah K kept panting and returned to [NC Entertainment].

"come on!"

"Come on! Ah K!"

"come on!"

"Ah K, I almost got goosebumps when I listened to your "Running". It's really great!"


After returning to the company, he heard waves of encouragement.

Most people in [NC Entertainment] are very ordinary, they are young people who are doing internships or have just graduated like Bi Feiyu.

Zhang Sheng didn't know when he started to twist them into a rope, and the rope was burning with blazing flames.

He nodded to them one by one, and a feeling of not being alone filled his whole body, which seemed to be another force.

He returned to the office and saw Shen Xiaoxi walking over with a stack of data: "Brother K!"

"Hasn't Mozi released an album yet?"

"Yes, but the hype over [Starlight Future] is getting fiercer and fiercer. The traffic we bought is simply not enough to watch... Of course, if they don't release a single tonight, we won't wait. According to The news I learned about [Yaohua]’s victory on CCTV will be broadcast on the evening news tonight!”

"Oh, is Mr. Zhang back?"

"Mr. Zhang just came back in the early morning and is now in Mr. Li's video store..."

"Video stores?"

"um, yes."

"I'll also go to the video store..."

"King Song, don't you take a rest? I saw you running in the early hours of this morning..."

"I'm so excited that I can't sleep!"



[Qiangsheng Media] was officially changed to [Qiangsheng Mall].

It was changed overnight. Not only was it changed, but the entire [Qiangsheng Mall] was officially renovated in one day!

These days, Li Qiang feels that this should be a turning point in his destiny.

He followed Zhang Sheng and met Lin Guodong.

To this day, I still have a sense of shock about Lin Guodong’s office.

Lin Guodong's office is very large, like a small conference room.

The sofa is very soft.

Sitting on the sofa, my butt felt like it could sink in. That sofa was very expensive. When I saw the words [SONIS], I felt my heart skip a beat...

The starting price of this brand of sofa is 400,000 yuan per set, and it is normal to pay several million yuan.

He saw Zhang Sheng talking to Lin Guodong, with a smile on his face, and with a simple sentence, not only did he get the agency rights for [Huaxing] mobile phones under [Yaohua], but even [Hua X1], other technology products under the The rights were all taken down.

At that moment, his hands were trembling when he signed the agreement!

After signing, he felt like he had an unreal dream...

After the trance, his heart was shaken. He was keenly aware that he seemed to have stepped onto an astonishing step!

And on this level, there will never be any embarrassment.

Zhang Sheng invested in his store, accounting for 51% of the shares!

And he doesn’t have to pay any money!


Zhang Sheng has his own [NC Decoration], and it only took half a day from drawings, renderings, and construction team arrival.

He didn't have to do anything with the glass cabinets, [Yaohua] billboards, or the signs for its series of products. He just watched in shock as his store changed drastically in just one day.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

[Yaohua] series of mobile phones are neatly placed on the counter, and the unique [Hua X1] complete machine is also placed in front of the counter. It seems that even Li Qiang can't help but want to touch it!

Li Qiang suddenly felt uneasy!

I got 49% of the shares without paying anything. This is simply pie in the sky!


He doesn’t even need to advance money!

There were batches of [Huaxing] mobile phones of different models packed in boxes and sold for more than 1,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan. All of them were bought for free in Zhang Sheng’s personal name!

He asked himself, he didn't seem to be qualified, even the store name [Qiangsheng Mall] had to be changed to [Shengqiang Mall], how could he appear in front of Zhang Sheng?

He saw the technical staff of [Yaohua] and Xu Bowen came over. Xu Bowen was responsible for the after-sales service of [Yaohua] series mobile phones and the docking service of [Yaohua]. If nothing unexpected happened, he would stay here. A very long time.

Li Qiang watched the whole process, and the complicated feeling in his heart became more and more intense. He saw Zhang Sheng walking in surrounded by countless reporters.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I...how can I be so virtuous and capable..." He couldn't even speak for a moment.

"So many customers are coming, you need to cheer up a little bit..." Zhang Sheng pointed outside.

He looked over, and then saw a large group of customers outside, already lining up, wanting to come over and buy mobile phones!

"I can……"

"I'm going to deal with it first, and you'll come out when you're ready."


Li Qiang watched Zhang Sheng leave.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a while...

At this moment, Xu Bowen, who was next to him, came over and patted his shoulder: "Don't be in a daze. Since I think you are honored, you should prove that you are qualified to take on these things... Prince General Xiang Ningyou Zhonghu, this is what Mr. Zhang once said to me. After all, I used to be just a security guard..."

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