I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 282 Little People’s Concert!

"Ah K is going to hold a concert?"

"Haha, isn't this ridiculous? I couldn't afford to rent a stall next to the Magic City Square, so I went to a suburban square in Yanjing to hold a concert... Oops, I also invited a bunch of unknown street singers. , isn’t this ridiculous?”

"Although I can understand that this is for the sake of face, in order to retaliate against us [Starlight Future] for disqualifying him from the concert and making some arrangements for the competition, but there is no need to do this to save face, right?"

"What's the name of this concert? Little People's Concert? Oops, it made me laugh. If I hadn't seen the news briefly, I really didn't know there was such a thing..."

"The tickets for our concert were priced at several thousand yuan each. His concert, haha, I was afraid that no fans would come to support it, but it was actually 20 yuan a ticket, which was almost free of charge. Oops, it made me laugh to death!"

On the morning of March 23rd.

[Starlight Future] In the office.

As if he had seen the funniest joke in the world, Mozi laughed so hard when he looked at the ticket that said "Little People Concert".

Ahead of him...

Xu Shengnan was silently browsing a piece of news titled [Little People Concert] in front of the computer.

In the news, the photo of Ah K on the overpass inviting wandering singers to a concert is very eye-catching.

After Xu Shengnan read it, he looked at the hot searches on Weibo.

This piece of news briefly became a hot search topic at seven o'clock this morning, and then only lasted for less than five minutes before being suppressed by the news of the [Magic City Century Superstar Concert].


I no longer see any news on the Internet.

Mozi was still laughing.

The smile was very harsh.

Xu Shengnan's expression became colder and colder.

Mozi laughed for a long time, and felt that the atmosphere was slightly abnormal, and the smile finally slowly disappeared.

"Have you laughed enough?"

"Enough laughing."

"Mozi..." Xu Shengnan sighed quietly.

"Sister Katsunan, tell me."

"We should not laugh at anyone who is working hard, even if this person is our opponent... As an employee of [Starlight Future], and as your guide and your agent, I have to devote all my resources to Investing in you, that’s why our “Ecstasy” has more than one million views, so our “Ecstasy” ringtone downloads have exceeded two million in three days, so you can dominate the hot search for three whole days!”

The smile finally disappeared from Mozi's face and he didn't respond to Xu Shengnan's words. He just stared out the window.

"'Running' is getting closer to your 'Ecstasy' data, but he doesn't have that many resources!" Xu Shengnan stared at Mozi.

"He has CCTV's resources! CCTV's resources, aren't they resources? That's [CCTV News]!" Mozi's voice became serious, and his face suddenly flushed, as if he was suppressing anger.

"Do you think "Run" has the current influence because of [CCTV's] resources?"

"Isn't it? Sister Shengnan, I don't know what's going on with you. In this world, everyone shows off their magical powers and becomes the king and the loser. He is on the CCTV platform, but he is still suppressed by me... Can't it be proved that What?" Mozi's voice became louder and louder, and it became more and more harsh in Xu Shengnan's ears.

Xu Shengnan's expression was cold, but he didn't say anything after all.

"I just laughed at their concert. Why can't I laugh? If Ah K doesn't cooperate with our company, he must follow Zhang Sheng. The company arranged for him to have the concert qualification with the superstar, so naturally it is impossible to give him! Now, I have a concert, and he also has a concert. Sister Shengnan, didn’t your people there tell you the news about Zhang Sheng? Zhang Sheng asked about the venue in Shanghai a few days ago. The price, these poor guys couldn't accept the price, so they went to the suburbs of Yanjing to hold a concert..."


"They couldn't invite other singers, but they insisted on holding the concert to save face. In the end, they could only invite those homeless singers who made people laugh to death. Isn't this worth laughing at?"


"What is this if it's not a clown?"

In the office.

Mozi finally couldn't suppress his emotions and said a lot of things at once.

Xu Shengnan listened with a gloomy face. After listening, she stopped saying anything and just sighed again.

She suddenly realized that Mozi had climbed so fast over the years that he had almost begun to forget his current status in the industry, which was all built up bit by bit with capital.

What can he do after leaving capital?

At this moment, she was suddenly very disappointed!


[NC Entertainment] It’s true that we can’t hold a concert in Shanghai.

The rent in Shanghai is too high!

It was so high that Zhang Sheng was silent.

So, he chose to give up.

However, giving up the Magic City does not mean giving up the concert.

that moment……

He thought about that bridge and the countless struggling street singers.

The high-pitched and exciting melody of "Running" appeared in his mind, he thought of "Chasing Dreams", and thought of the word "dream".

Although Zhang Sheng doesn't have any so-called "dreams", he knows that the word "dream" will give strength to countless people who are wandering, making them pursue it like crazy regardless of their own safety!

Then, the words "Little People Concert" suddenly appeared in his mind.


"Ecstasy" is still a landmark work.

Mozi became the focus of discussion at [Modu Century Superstar Concert]...

Mozi has been listed on three of Weibo’s most popular entertainment lists, and they are all ranked very high...

Offline, tickets for the concert are very hard to get. They are sold out almost as soon as they come up. Many scalpers even sell this [Modu Century Superstar Concert] concert to a sky-high price of 2,000 yuan per ticket.

This is 2010!

The sky-high price of two thousand yuan is really scary!

But unfortunately, many fans are still rushing to buy it. After all, this concert is the biggest concert in the new year. It not only includes Zhang Fucheng, but also diva-level singers such as Zhong Yanfang and Cai Qing from Hong Kong and Taiwan!

It’s hard to get a vote, that’s normal!

[Magic City Century Superstar Concert] The tickets for the concert are getting crazier and crazier!

And the tickets for [Little People Concert] are almost very cheap!

Can it be cheap?

It is said to be a concert, but the only big star is Ah K, a recently rising singer. The other wandering singers such as Deng Rong and Li Zijian...

Who knows?

There is no way to compare it with [Modu Century Superstar Concert], and it even resembles some rural stage entertainment shows.


[Qiangsheng Mall] entrance.

Concert tickets were placed next to the mobile phones. Under Li Qiang's shout, the guests looked at the concert tickets.

From the noisy crowd, there were waves of questions and mutterings.

"Why does a concert like this cost twenty yuan?"

"Boss, if we buy your mobile phone, can you give us a ticket? Actually, we can just go and listen to Ah K sing. As for the other people, we don't know them!"

"Yeah... just give it to us!"

"Wait a minute, boss, what did you say? You said that by participating in this concert, we will have the opportunity to win the prize of that "Hua X1" mobile phone?"

"Boss, I'll buy one! It's just in time to take the kids to Ah K's concert. Damn, that song "Run" is really exciting!"


in the corner.

Ah K, who was wearing a mask and hat, heard these comments.

He looked at Li Qiang.

Li Qiang did not give away the tickets, but explained helplessly that they cost twenty yuan each, and said that as long as they bought this concert ticket, they would have the opportunity to win the [Hua X1] mobile phone for free!

When some of the guests heard this, they became excited.


Concert tickets are selling out fast!

Ah K watched silently.

He originally wanted to sell tickets for free.


But Zhang Sheng rejected it.

"We can be very cheap, we can charge 20 yuan a piece, but it can never be free. There are many free things in this world, but no one will cherish them..."

So the ticket price for [Little People Concert] was set at 20 yuan.

Twenty dollars...

Will these people cherish it?

Ah K didn’t know.

All he knew was that when the boss said that if you bought the tickets, you could get a [Hua X1] mobile phone for free, the tickets were sold out instantly.

He turned his head, then got into the car and drove toward the suburban concert venue.

The stage was being set up at the venue that was rented yesterday.


"Mr. Zhang, are there really the singers we need among those wandering singers?"

"I don't know, but Ah K knows the system of some wandering singers. I believe that Ah K will not make a mistake in his judgment. During the concert, you can also go to the venue to see if there are any suitable talents. You will They sign in.”


"By the way, have you found a vocal teacher for Ah K?"

"Well, I just contacted Zhong Yuemin from the Huaxia Conservatory of Music. Teacher Zhong, Teacher Zhong is quite willing to accept Ah K as a student..."

"Oh, by the way, please pay two registration fees and register for me too..."

"Mr. Zhang, you?"

"Yes, I think I should also learn some music theory knowledge..."



Zhang Sheng was sitting in the office, browsing computer web pages and chatting with Shen Xiaoxi.

When talking about the vocal teacher, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and suddenly looked up at Shen Xiaoxi.

Shen Xiaoxi was stunned, as if she was a little strange as to why her boss Zhang suddenly became interested in music, but after a moment, she nodded.

Zhang Sheng watched Shen Xiaoxi leave.

Zhang Sheng took out a piece of A4 paper with a dense melody written on it from the drawer, and finally put it back.

He had a wry smile on his face.

Without learning music theory knowledge, I really can’t write music.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Mr. Zhang, um, we've got an order. This time the order gives a lot of money, but I don't know if I should accept this copywriter..."

"What copy?"

"The copywriting that mocks Ah K, the copywriting that mocks you..."

In the office.

[Paramecium] Cao Li walked in with a mobile phone, her expression a little hesitant.

"Let me see, who asked you to write this copy?"

"I don't know, the other party is anonymous, but maybe it's someone from Mozi's side..."

"Take it, I'll write the copy."


"I'll write this copy, and you can write this copy that mocks me and Ah K..."


(Guaranteed two updates today, I’m sorry, I’m rubbish...I’m sorry...)

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