I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 283 Laughing at yourself



After Zhang Sheng finished writing the two chapters of "Breaking the Sky", he silently turned on the computer and browsed the various data of "Running" in Qgou Music.

There are still many people criticizing and giving low scores to Ah K's "Running", which has already scored the song from 8.7 to 8.2.

However, there was nothing new in the back-and-forth scoldings. Zhang Sheng carefully read today's series of scoldings. He felt so tired that he couldn't even mention anything that could stimulate his heart. Allow yourself to have a little wave of emotions.

Fans seemed unaffected by the emotion.

At first, there was a group of people yelling at the "fans who wrote bad reviews", but after they continued to curse and cursed, when they discovered that they were a group of trolls, the fans gradually became more rational.

[Ah K’s Running has been flooded with a large number of trolls who wrote bad reviews recently. I hope fans and friends will treat it rationally and not be influenced by trolls! Whether it sounds good or not, let’s listen to it first and then comment...]

What's amazing is...

Ah K's most popular and most commented posts, whether in the Qgou music comment section, Kuxiu Music, Qianqianjingting, etc., are all sensible posts by a netizen named "I Love Rock."

It was pinned to the top. After clicking on the comment, Zhang Sheng saw that the netizen named "I Love Rock" was seriously analyzing the song "Running", and his expertise in music was revealed between the lines.

Like a professional music student.

The power of capital is indeed very powerful. In a sense, it can control public opinion and the direction of fans in the short term.


A song with real explosive potential, as long as it can still be played on major music software, then it cannot be suppressed no matter how hard it is suppressed!

"Run" was released in four days!

Its playback count is firmly on the heels of "Ecstasy."

"Ecstasy" is two million, and "Running" is 1.9 million!

Ah K's popularity as a solo singer is also rising crazily. In the early hours of this morning, Mozi rushed to the first place, and Ah K firmly rushed to the fourth place in the online music singer rankings!

Such amazing fighting power, even Zhang Sheng found it incredible after reading it.


The only advantage is probably the number of downloads of the ringtone of "Ecstasy".

The real-time data of the number of ringtone downloads of "Ecstasy" is 3.2 million!

And "Run" just exceeded two million!

"Running" not only sings the roar of the strivers, but also sings the little people's unwillingness to fate!

Thanks to Ah K’s personal popularity!

[Little People Concert] briefly became a hot search topic this morning!

Unfortunately, the hot search was quickly suppressed.

Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at the [Modu Century Superstar Concert], which almost broke the Internet, and various news about the familiar singers.

He saw that Xu Shengnan hoped to use these capital to support Mozi and promote Mozi to a higher level.

He saw that [Starlight Future] spent huge resources on Mozi...

"Unfortunately, "Ecstasy" is still not that interesting. Although it is not bad, it is difficult to compare with "Run". Music creation is not a combination of a team of several people and an assembly line that can create phenomenal songs..."

Zhang Sheng has heard of "Ecstasy"!

It is neither emotional music that touches the heart, nor is it a saliva song with a catchy melody that everyone likes to listen to.

It's somewhere in between. It sounds okay the first time, but if you listen to it too much, you'll feel bored for no reason, and then you'll start to feel that the singing is meaningless.

this moment……

Zhang Sheng really wanted to call Xu Shengnan and tell Xu Shengnan not to invest in Mozi anymore. He could still make a small profit now, but if he continued to invest, the gains would outweigh the losses.


Zhang Sheng didn't call in the end.

Sometimes, people like Xu Shengnan know that what they give is not proportional to what they get, but they can no longer rein in the situation...

She couldn't let Mozi's influence be overtaken by Ah K. No matter how much she paid, she had to win over Ah K. Otherwise, she couldn't bear the consequences of failure!

Because he thought of these, Zhang Sheng understood very well why there were so many bad reviews in Ah K's comments, and also understood the suppression methods used by some capital operations...

He is not angry, if it were him!

Not to mention using the water army to hack Ah K, even if his songs were not reported and removed from the shelves, it was all because of his own kindness!

After reading this, Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and logged into the Weibo account of [Cromecium].

After these days of operation and the successful creation of several hot spots, the number of fans under the [Cromecium] Weibo account has exceeded 200,000!

Although 200,000 is not as big as those big Vs in the world who easily had millions or tens of millions, it is still an astonishingly large number in this year when Weibo has just emerged.

After clicking on [Cromecium]'s Weibo, Zhang Sheng silently looked at a newly created account and pictures were sent to it.

"These are the Zhang Sheng information we are investigating. Where do you plan to start?"

Zhang Sheng clicked on these pictures.

After seeing these pictures, he narrowed his eyes.

In the picture...

There was a scene of myself and Lin Xia having dinner together. The shooting angle was very tricky, making them look like an intimate couple.

There are also some detailed information about Lin Xia in the picture.

In addition to Lin Xia, Zhang Sheng also saw "intimate" photos of himself and Zhang Panpan, himself and French girl Elaine, and himself and Shen Bingbing...

"Zhang Sheng's success is all due to women? Is he a softie?" Zhang Sheng was silent for a moment, and then sent this sentence to the account.

"I don't know how to compile the revelations I provided. After all, you are a professional, aren't you..." The trumpet quickly replied.

"Where's Ah K's?"

"Ah K doesn't have any dirty information. Everyone knows about his exhibitionism. Does running naked count?"

"Forget it, how much do you pay?"

"We will give you resources, a lot of resource traffic, as long as you write well, money is not a problem..."

"Oh, I'll take this job!"


In the early morning of March 24th.

Seventeen hours before the start of [Modu Century Superstar Concert]!

Mozi came to the magic city.

Looking at the crowded Shanghai Square.

In the square, huge stages have been set up. On the stages, countless staff are debugging the equipment.

The fence outside the huge square was illuminated by bright lights like daylight. The early morning should have been the quietest time in the evening, but the door was surrounded by countless passers-by checking in and taking photos.

Mozi saw his huge promotional poster!

Although he is not in the C position, his face on the poster is very conspicuous. He is next to the kings and queens, vaguely showing that he is on the same level as them.

He stopped and stared for a long time, as if he heard bursts of crazy screams and roars...

Like waves!

Then returned to the lounge.

Unable to sleep, he turned on his computer, and then saw the account [Cromecium] on Weibo.

[Paramecium] sent him a copy!

The title of the copywriting is very eye-catching.

[Zhang Sheng eats soft rice! 】

[He looks so ordinary, why do so many outstanding girls like him! 】

[Behind Zhang Sheng’s inspirational story, it was actually women who came to power! 】

[Shocked, Zhang Sheng is secretly doing these things in the middle of the night! 】

【Shock! shameless! How dare Zhang Sheng...]


When Mozi saw this scene, he was immediately shocked!

Then, I couldn’t wait to click on these titles.

Damn it!

His heart was shocked!

This [Cromecium] is really ruthless, directly linking Zhang Sheng’s inspirational entrepreneurship to women, and even analyzed in detail how Zhang Sheng defrauded the female classmate “Lin Xia” out of 10,000 yuan at the beginning of his entrepreneurship. Start a business...

Wait, isn’t it a thousand dollars? How did it become 10,000 yuan?

Forget it, never mind!

Mozi stared intently at the contents of each article.

Written as a third party, the article was as detailed as if I had witnessed Zhang Sheng’s entrepreneurial journey with my own eyes. It was written so vividly that even Mozi himself believed it!

Vaguely, he even felt that he was reading an "urban soft rice" novel called "My Female Classmates", or "My Beautiful School Beauties", "The Scumbag's Rich Girlfriends" or the like!

This tidbit of news, damn, it’s so enjoyable and exciting to watch!

Damn it!

After this is posted, the "inspirational" character set up by Zhang Sheng himself will completely collapse?

"Post this [Shocked, shameless! How dare Zhang Sheng...]!"

He couldn't wait to send this message to the account [Paramecium].

"What's the price?"

"How much do you want?"

"One hundred thousand!"

"You're crazy, one hundred thousand! How can you ask for such an exorbitant price!"

"My [Cromecia] account has 200,000 followers. After I posted this, I still bear a lot of legal responsibilities. Moreover, you also know that Lin Xia is Lin Guodong's daughter. Lin Guodong got angry and asked for a lawyer. I want to Take a big risk! Moreover, Zhang Sheng studied law. I can guarantee that as long as I dare to post this soft article, Zhang Sheng will send me a lawyer's letter. I have worked hard to manage the account for so many years. May face the risk of being blocked..."

"One hundred thousand, I can definitely give it to other big V's!"

"Then try it. The chat records are all here. If you give them to other big Vs, I will expose them! Don't think that I am a person who makes accounts. I also have a team behind the scenes, Mr. Mozi! I think there are some things that you don't want. It’s better to do it in person, otherwise it will leave a record!”

"I'm not Mozi, I'm just a student who can't stand Zhang Sheng and Ah K!"

After replying such a sentence, Mozi stared at Mr. "Mozi" behind the account.

I was so shocked that I almost smashed the keyboard.

How did he know it was me? I was wearing my account number, and...


Mozi suddenly realized that he had done something very stupid. His account had IP location!

Wait, no, the other party is cheating on me!

Mozi was instantly shocked!

I subconsciously wanted to withdraw it, but found that the other party had already read the message...

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