I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 284 Zhang Sheng’s scandal is flying everywhere!

Mozi's name was Zhang Mo.

Zheng'er graduated from Yanjing Conservatory of Music.

Three o'clock in the morning.

He is still chatting with the account [Paramecium]...

At first, the more he talked, the more he felt a chill running down his spine.

He wants to hide something through the Internet...

However, it seemed that there was a pair of invisible eyes beside him, constantly staring at him.

Zhang Mo refused to admit that he was "Mozi" and insisted that he was just a student who was unhappy with Zhang Sheng.

The other party did not answer the call, but instead began to say all kinds of bad things about Zhang Sheng. He even started to reveal some "business secrets" as if he had no clue!

For example, Zhang Sheng once paid him to help write some "inspirational" copywriting in private, but he was very stingy and gave very little money. Even after he finished writing, he had to default on the debt. If it weren't for his professional ethics, he would Zhang Sheng's case will definitely be exposed. For example, Zhang Sheng is actually a person who is seeking fame and reputation. The so-called debt is actually hype. He did not sign a debt of more than two million yuan at all, but only tens of thousands at most. For example... …

Three o'clock in the morning is when a person is most tired, and it is also the time when a person's sense of vigilance is weakest!

As the [Paramecium] not only exposed Zhang Sheng's various bad deeds, but also exposed some things, Zhang Mo somehow felt a "confidant" or a "sense of identity".

In this world, there is no anti-fraud APP, and no one would have thought that someone would be so stupid as to scold themselves!

In just three hours...

Zhang Mo began to believe some of [Paramecium]'s words in his heart!

After all, what the other party said was meaningful, and he even openly exposed some information about Zhang Sheng. The more he talked, the more energetic he said. Zhang Mo could feel the other party's resentment through the screen!


Zhang Mo's last psychological defense was broken by [Paramecium] at that moment!

In order to convince Zhang Mo, [Cao Lv Chong] also specially sent some screenshots of Zhang Sheng’s chat with him for cooperation, as well as some records of Zhang Sheng’s payments to him. Well, they are all coded.

Zhang Mo immediately wanted to save the screenshot, but the other party quickly withdrew it.

"Mr. Mozi, I hide behind my account and rarely tell anyone these things. As you know, in our industry, we know a lot of secrets and often feel uncomfortable..."

"I don't know why, I really don't know why. When I chat with you, I feel like I have met a confidant, or a friend. I also know that I shouldn't reveal so much information..."

"Maybe this is fate! Really, Mr. Mozi, I swear, I have never revealed these things to anyone..."

"I will give you another article about Ah K. I have been unhappy with Ah K for a long time. A person who can't even sing is still praised by these so-called fans. I praise him so much. You’re paralyzed!”


[Cromecium] is really sincere, so sincere that Zhang Mo can’t refuse...

Then, unknowingly, he also started chatting with [Paramecium] about something, some seemingly insignificant things about [Starlight Future].

That day, we talked until five o'clock in the morning.

He closed the computer tiredly. After paying one hundred thousand yuan, he lay down in the lounge and closed his eyes.

But he didn't know why, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.


"Damn it! Zhang Sheng is actually such a person? He actually eats soft food!"

"Damn, I'm so angry. Zhang Sheng is not as handsome as me. Why are so many girls willing to give him money?"

"Isn't it mentioned in the article? It was Zhang Sheng who acted miserably to win the sympathy of these girls, and then, step by step, he asked these girls to give him money!"

"Oh my god, this is so ruining the worldview. Are these real or fake?"

"Where are the fakes? The photos are out!"

"Oh my god, Zhang Sheng, who seems to be an honest man, actually ruins his outlook on life in private... Wait, why don't these girls call the police?"

"Also, I also heard that the money Zhang Sheng used to invest in these things was actually her senior sister, Chen Mengting, who helped invest. It is also said here that Zhang Sheng squeezed Chen Mengting and divested Chen Mengting of [NC Entertainment] Management system, just go pick the fruits!”

"Oh my god! How can this person be so evil?"

“Also, what’s even more exaggerated is that as mentioned here, Zhang Sheng’s [NC Studio] originally signed an agreement with [Starlight Future], but Zhang Sheng later became popular, and then he felt that [Starlight Future] had given Too little, I took Ah K and went it alone!"

"Also, this article broke the news in a more classic way. Zhang Sheng set a playback target for Ah K. If Ah K does not reach the playback target, he will not pay Ah K's salary!"

"The same goes for concerts! Ah K's original idea was to hold a concert in [Magic City], and the price was already negotiated, but Zhang Sheng suddenly regretted it and thought it was too expensive, and then he gave it to Ah K casually. I paid some money and asked Ah K to go to Yanjing, a place where no one cares about shit, to hold a concert..."

"Because the money given was so little, K had no choice but to go to the overpass and invite his friends who were street singers to sing together and support the scene. It was really sad and pitiful!

"When Mr. Li, the boss of [Qiangsheng Mall] learned the news, he couldn't bear it and chose to help Ah K sell tickets together. So, we saw Mr. Li helping to shout!"


[Angry, shameless! How dare Zhang Sheng...]!

[Ah K, what a sad joke! 】

Eight o'clock in the morning on March 24th.

Two Weibo posts from [Paramecium] have become hot searches on Weibo!

Especially [angry, shameless! How dare Zhang Sheng...] This article directly made Zhang Sheng a hot search on Weibo, and even suppressed the popularity of [Magic City Century Superstar Concert] for a time!

Internet Age.

Ordinary news can no longer attract the attention of netizens.

There won't be many clicks, and even the story of "Zhang Sheng's Inspiration" only lasted for a while. After touching a group of people, it eventually slowly dissipated and did not completely explode.

However, some subversive news, such as news that drags down some "gods", is very easy to explode!

Weibo, major chat software, major social media circles...

[Paramecium] These two articles were reposted by countless people the moment they were published. The popularity of this article even exploded, almost approaching the news of "the truth about battery fires"!

In the article, Zhang Sheng was described in great detail as a "black-hearted" boss who is obsessed with profit!

Ah K, on ​​the other hand, is like a tragic figure chasing his dream, and is squeezed by Zhang Sheng. The "concert" promised by Zhang Sheng has changed from the "Magic City" to the suburbs of Yanjing, from being surrounded by countless big shots, to gradually becoming... While dragging some wandering singers along to maintain their last bit of dignity, some netizens who didn’t know the truth were yelling angrily and spontaneously going to the stadium in the suburbs of Yanjing to have a look...

did not expect!

In that suburban stadium, the concert couldn't be more crude. They even saw Ah K personally at the door, with a simple and honest smile, "humblely" greeting each guest...

The indignant netizens were furious when they saw this scene. They turned on their computers, transformed into keyboard warriors and rushed into the official Weibo of [NC Entertainment], scolding Zhang Sheng for being such an inappropriate person. A group of netizens even started to spontaneously help Ah. K’s supporting fans will donate money to send K to the square in Magic City to share the stage with the artists at the [Modu Century Superstar Concert]!


"Mr. Zhang, you and Ah K's hot searches have reached the top! However, a large group of people are scolding you. Our Weibo is almost paralyzed..."


Cao Li walked over with a complicated expression.

She saw the account [Paramecium] around nine o'clock this morning.

After seeing these two articles posted by the account, Cao Li was completely frightened!

She even suspected that these two articles were not written by Zhang Sheng, but that her [Cromecium] account was stolen, and then the hacker wrote it...

Some of the words in the article were too harsh, and even Cao Li couldn't help but get angry after reading the plot of squeezing Ah K. If she didn't know Zhang Sheng and knew the truth, she would even want to slap "PIA" "I drew it with a sound.

"Then it seems the effect is coming..."

in the sun.

In the center of the whirlpool, Zhang Shengyou, who was scolded to death, sat leisurely in front of the computer and read the comments.

He was not affected by these comments at all and instead grinned.

"Mr. Zhang, you are making such a fool of yourself, this..."

"I will write a lawyer's letter later, ask my teacher to stamp it, and then send you a lawyer's letter online..."

"What? This..." Cao Li stared, and when she heard the words of the lawyer's letter, she was immediately frightened.

"Don't worry, the lawyer's letter is not that serious, it's more of a warning... I will provide evidence and clarify some key points. For example, my female classmate Lin Xia gave me 10,000 yuan, which was actually One thousand, I will use these as arguments and squeezing Ah K, which is not true. When the concert is over, I will ask Ah K to come forward to clarify..."

"Then what should I do?" Cao Li said with a bitter face: "Please clarify, this is not my account..."

"You wait until the popularity is over, delete those two articles, and then apologize to me. Don't worry, after you apologize to me, your account will not be damaged, but you will have more fans!"

"This, then now I..."

"Let Mr. Shen come in."


Cao Li nodded and left the office in a daze. A few minutes later, she followed Shen Xiaoxi in.

"Wait a minute, after I finish writing the lawyer's letter, I will type it out!"

The two stared at Zhang Sheng writing a lawyer's letter in front of the computer!

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