I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 291 Text messages to send money one by one! (Third update!)

"Mr. Zhang, I'll step over!"

"Congratulations, but this is just your first step, isn't it?"


"Are you sure you don't accept the invitation?"

"Mr. Zhang, you also said that I am just taking the first step. The road I want to take is just a hillside that is difficult to cross but not a high one. I can only calm down and focus on all aspects of my life." Only by improving them can I climb higher..."

"Well, okay, when are you going to study?"

"I'll go over and have a look later. I should study in the evening..."


"Mr. Zhang, this is my future plan for myself..."

"Let me see."

On the morning of March 26th.

It’s been two days since “Run” topped the singles chart!

Ah K's personal influence also ranked first among the most popular online singers, and once pushed Mozi far away.

This beautiful turnaround has allowed [NC Entertainment] to receive many interview notices and endorsement information about Ah K.

After Ah K experienced a brief period of excitement and experienced the excitement of being in the spotlight, he did not get immersed in it, but gradually calmed down.

He is a climber!

Even if Mozi is defeated this time, Mozi can still catch up next time...

Moreover, even if he is completely in the music world and suppresses Mozi, there are still many little kings, kings, evergreens in the music world, and national teams above him...

Ah K felt that he was still standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at these people with pious eyes.

These people were once so unattainable, but now, they still looked down on him, but he felt that his whole body was full of the power to climb!

He made himself a very detailed "climbing to the summit" plan, and handed the plan to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took over Ah K's plan and looked at it carefully...

More than ten minutes later, after reading it, Zhang Sheng nodded: "I will try my best to meet your needs, but can you really accept that you choose to make that money when there is a big fire?"

"I'm just studying, not practicing in seclusion like a hermit, and..."


"I will be even hotter in the future!"


In the office.

Zhang Sheng saw the confidence in Ah K's eyes. This success made him realize his shortcomings, but it was precisely because of this shortcoming that he understood how to take a step forward.

Zhang Sheng laughed: "Let me study with you."

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure?"

"Sure, you are studying, of course I will study too..."

When Zhang Sheng said this, his smile became even brighter.

Ah K looked at Zhang Sheng's smile and nodded.

Mr. Zhang’s smile can always encourage people and give them strength when they are at their lowest point.

While chatting with Ah K about future plans for a while, Zhang Sheng's cell phone kept vibrating.

He took out his phone and saw text messages.

One hundred thousand, thirty thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred and twenty thousand...

One after another, all of them are text messages asking for money!

In just a few minutes, he saw that his account, which originally didn't have much money, had more than half a million yuan!

Moreover, when the balance exceeded more than 500,000, it did not stop. Instead, every few minutes, there would be a text message reminding that a sum of money had been transferred...


Noon on March 26th.

Zhang Sheng sat in [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] and ate face to face with the restaurant owner Chen Geng.

Chen Geng was very excited!

He constantly took out the business data of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] during this period and talked about the income every day!

The turnover at [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] during this period has been crazy. It has exceeded his expectations for this branch. Almost every day, the revenue is in the tens of thousands!

"Mr. Zhang, the day I bought your [Senran Integrated Stove] for the first time, I knew that my life must have reached a turning point!"

"I have thought many times how successful I will be, and I even thought in the most optimistic direction. However, I didn't expect that I am still not optimistic enough!"

"In my first store, from morning to night, the store manager was too busy to have time to eat..."

"In my second store, I worked with the store manager, but look, so many seats are still full. When it's meal time, the long line of people queuing up to eat and take orders has all reached the restaurant next door... I I felt embarrassed several times and thought about taking over the restaurant next door, but I was afraid that if I went there, I would be kicked out with a broom, haha!"


Chen Geng smiled so much that his face wrinkled and he couldn't see his eyes for a while.

Zhang Sheng also laughed.

Just now, he received a call from Chen Geng about the operating profit for March. Putting aside various expenses, the 10% share alone was worth 70,000 yuan!

Moreover, when he first stepped into the restaurant, Zhang Sheng saw a group of people outside. Ah K's comeback this time made [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] even more popular...

"There is no problem in opening a branch. However, let's not be obsessed with the current popularity. Mr. Chen, you must improve the hygiene of the restaurant, including updating the dishes, and these must be done in place!"

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry about this. This is what I asked you to come over today. I want to join the franchise, just want to be the head office. Well, it is similar to a catering group. We are responsible for providing systems, brand packaging, and dish research and development. , chef training and guidance, and franchisees only need to pay us a franchise fee and business commission..."


Chen Geng talked a lot, and then handed Zhang Sheng a plan he made.

The plan was made very carefully, especially when it came to dividing it into parts. Chen Geng made it very detailed, and it was completely the prototype of a catering group.

Zhang Sheng took a brief look and found nothing to choose from.

"Mr. Chen, can we have in-depth cooperation again?"

"Tell me, how to cooperate!"

"My company recently signed a group of singers..."

"Mr. Zhang, is this what you mean by asking these singers to come to our store to sing?" Chen Geng was very smart. When Zhang Sheng mentioned this, he immediately stood up in excitement.


"Mr. Zhang, I just wanted to cooperate with you... This is also the case. After watching [Little People Concert], I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. I dreamed of inviting these singers to sing in our restaurant. You don’t have to worry about appearance fees, everyone will be satisfied..."


"Mr. Zhang, one more thing, I have a request..."

"you say!"

"I hope we can continue to cooperate, Mr. Zhang, you also have shares in [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant]. I know you are a very capable person. I also know that there are many brands that you cooperate with, and there will be more in the future. , but our [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] is definitely the most sincere one, Mr. Zhang, I hope we can sign a long-term strategic cooperation agreement, and I am willing to give you another 20% of the shares! In the future [ Fat Xiaoan Catering] Group will also share this share. If you agree, I want to sign a contract with you!"

In the box.

Chen Geng's voice became more and more excited. When he saw Zhang Sheng's silent look, he was afraid that Zhang Sheng would refuse, so he kept adding the chips he could provide!

He always believed...

In this world, choice is more important than hard work. I believe that if you follow the right person, you will benefit from it all your life, and you can even make money while lying down!

After listening to Chen Geng's words, Zhang Sheng laughed after a brief silence: "It's not impossible... However, I don't guarantee that I won't cooperate with other types of catering in the future. After all, I will have many artists under my banner in the future. , maybe, will sign some endorsements..."

“But for a restaurant like ours, I want us to always be the highest priority!”


"Then I'll draw up an agreement!"

"Mr. Chen, do you want to eat?"

"If you don't want to eat, I'll go find a lawyer..."

"Mr. Chen, you haven't found a lawyer yet?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"If you believe me, you can contact [Bird's Nest Law Firm]..."

"Um? I don't think I've heard of this law firm..."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it before. This law firm was just established!" Zhang Sheng was silent for a while, then looked at Chen Geng.

"What? Mr. Zhang, what did you say?" Chen Geng stared at Zhang Sheng in shock, thinking that Zhang Sheng was telling a joke, but then, after seeing Zhang Sheng's serious expression, he felt that this was not a joke!

"Well, I know a group of seniors who are lawyers. The seniors are about to graduate. I think I should provide them with a job...Mr. Chen, you probably don't know that I learned some legal knowledge in college, last year. I got full marks in the law elective exam, and we [NC Entertainment] have reached a verbal cooperation agreement with my tutor Chen Zhizhong. The leader of our legal department is Mr. Chen Zhizhong..."

"Fuck, Mr. Zhang! You, you, you, you..."


Chen Geng suddenly jumped out of his chair.

Then everyone gasped and stared at Zhang Sheng.

He was so shocked that he didn't say what he wanted to say for a long time.

Then, he saw Zhang Sheng took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Teacher Chen……"

"Hey, Zhang Sheng, you've been having a great time lately. Why did you call me when you had time? Did you encounter any legal problems?"

"Teacher Chen, I want to open a [Bird's Nest Law Firm]. Do you have any seniors you would recommend?"

"Huh? Where are you now?"

"I'm at [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant]..."

"Oh, okay, I'm here too. So, just wait a moment and I'll be right over. I happen to have a student here who has just been fired from a law firm in Yanjing and is looking for a job. It just so happens that you two can chat... …”

"Okay Teacher Chen!"

Chen Geng watched Zhang Sheng finish the phone call in stunned silence.

"Mr. Zhang, are you really ready..."

"Mr. Chen, yes, you just reminded me that in the future, I may cooperate a lot with businesses, and inevitably there will be a series of legal entanglements. I might as well open my own [law firm]. We are all our own people, and we can cooperate It’s convenient to get up…”


Zhang Sheng put down his phone with a smile on his face.

Chen Geng nodded subconsciously.


Somehow, I feel like my scalp is numb.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's phone vibrated again.

Chen Geng took a peek and found another SMS payment.

While chatting with Zhang Sheng just now, Zhang Sheng’s phone kept vibrating with text messages...

(The third update is here! The number of monthly tickets almost exceeded 2,000 yesterday!)

(Thank you!)

(It’s a new month soon, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! I love you!)

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