I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 292 Laying out the future

Noon on March 26th.

California, USA.

Joes, the founder and CEO of the IPO company, just celebrated his 50th birthday. Surrounded by countless reporters, he walked into the IPO company wearing a black turtleneck T-shirt and a gentleman-like smile.

The company's senior executives sent their blessings to him one after another, and happily told Joes that the sales of their company's product iPad exceeded 700,000 in the first month, opening a new chapter for the IPO company.

Amidst the applause, Jos nodded to the executives one by one, then slowly walked to the lobby stage of the IPO headquarters, picked up the microphone, and said a few simple words of encouragement.

After saying that...

He slowly walked off the stage and walked towards the office with his hands in his pockets.

Weiss, the slim assistant wearing wire glasses, followed Joss with the information in her arms.

The office door closes.

Weiss followed Joss in an orderly manner and reported on the work for the upcoming April.


iPad will be officially launched in China soon.

Major shopping malls and official stores in China have been rushing to send order orders. Thanks to the iPad launch conference, the supply of technology fans in the Chinese market currently exceeds demand.

Jos listened carefully to Wei Si's report, pushing up his glasses from time to time, and looking at a large pile of Chinese information on the table.

Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the entire country's economy has been growing at an alarming rate. At that time, Jos had already set his sights on this market.

His judgment was not wrong!

Over the years, he has been asking his people to collect information about China, including the technology circle, the information circle, the electronics industry...

The open contact between China and the European and American markets has naturally affected a generation. While the economy is taking off, users' consumption concepts are also constantly upgrading, and these upgrades are reflected in luxury goods.

Since 2006, the world's largest market for high-end luxury goods has gradually shifted from Europe and the United States to China.

In 2008, this market was climbing crazily. Not only did the market not become saturated, but the demand was increasing day by day.

"On our official IPO website, countless Chinese netizens are rushing to buy iPads 24 hours a day..."

"If you grab an iPad and resell it, you can earn an average of at least 1,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan per unit..."

"Among them, we have been tracking more than 100 people, and they have already made a profit ranging from 150,000 to 300,000 yuan last month through the popularity of our iPad..."

"Among them, there are machines from Hong Kong and Taiwan, commonly known as parallel cargo machines for tax avoidance..."


The data reported by assistant Weiss made Joss nod.

He looked at the data in front of the computer seriously.


When a Chinese person sees this data, they will be shocked.

The data of more than 100 people includes not only the IP addresses when purchasing products, but also their user information, even detailed to monthly income, class, hobbies, and even school...

While the Internet can bring convenience to countless people, it also exposes the identities of countless people to the eyes of a few people, as if they are not wearing underwear.

After seeing the sales of the iPad in China before it went on sale last month, Joes smiled.

Over the years, Joes has been building the "technology" concept of products under IPO.

Obviously, he succeeded!

This concept not only affects teenagers in the United States, but also radiates to China, vaguely becoming the first choice of the elite...

"What about China's mobile phone market?" After hearing the data report on the iPad's influence in China, Joes turned his attention to mobile phones.

Although the Apple 3 was not officially launched in China, it still established an amazing market in China through various channels.

Naturally, Jos was not satisfied with this.

He listened to Weisi's report on the Chinese market.

He is convinced that China's market is a blank one, approaching an astonishing market of more than 10 billion.

At this time in China, Nokia mobile phones are still the king in control of the mid-to-high and low-end markets. In January this year, it released an N98 mobile phone. The total sales of this mobile phone in China in February reached an astonishing 800,000 units, occupying the entire China. Thirty-six percent of mobile phone market sales!

After that, there is Samsung’s G series mobile phones, with sales accounting for 19% of the market share…

The third place is LG from South Korea...

The sales of mobile phones in February did not surprise Joes. In recent years, mobile phones from these three brands have always dominated the Chinese market.

"Nokia is a tough nut to crack..."

"Our opponent has never been Nokia..."

"Then let's..."

“We have no opponent, let’s continue with March!”


In the office, Jos spoke very calmly, with a kind of confidence that penetrated into his bones.

However, confidence does not mean blind arrogance. After he finished speaking, he continued to listen carefully to Weisi's report on China's mobile phone brand share in March.

Weisi nodded and conscientiously opened March’s phone!

"Nokia's sales in China declined slightly in March, accounting for 35% of the market. LG and Samsung's sales also showed varying degrees of decline compared with last month because there were no new models released, accounting for 10% respectively. Seventeen and ten percent..."

“What about the next thirty-seven percent of the market?”

"Sony accounts for 8%, HTC accounts for 7.3%, Sharp accounts for 5%, and the remaining 16% are Chinese local mobile phones..."

"Since Android was open sourced, the number of local Chinese mobile phones has increased from 10% last month to 16%. However, they are all cheap models..."


After hearing this series of data, Jos nodded, then took Weisi's information and browsed it carefully again.

"After Android is open sourced, China's local mobile phones have risen a lot..."

"There is no way to do this. Who would have thought that Google would suddenly make this decision. Of course, this is also Google's layout and upgrade of China's industry..."

Jos pushed up his glasses and did not respond. He silently looked at the report on his mobile phone in March.

Weiss waited for Joss quietly.

Jos is always so meticulous in what he does, not letting go of any market trends or details. He spends a lot of time every day personally analyzing market data.

About an hour later, Joss frowned slightly.

“[Yaohua Group]’s [Huaxing] mobile phone actually accounts for 2% of the market?”


"[Yaohua Group]..." Joss chewed these words repeatedly, and after being silent for nearly two minutes, he slightly relaxed his brows and said, "Weiss!"


"I need detailed information about [Yaohua Group]. At the same time, I also need detailed information about [Huaxing] and [Huaxing] mobile phones. It's best to buy one from us..."

"Ah? Mr. Jos, they are so small... Moreover, [Yaohua Group] has been hit hard in our European and American markets this year, and he..."

"I went to [Yaohua Group] three years ago to meet their founder Lin Guodong. He is one of the few chess players in China..."


Joss watched Weiss leave.

After leaving, Joes looked at the [Hua X1] mobile phone on the Internet, and then looked at the promotion interface.


Li Rui followed his mentor Chen Zhizhong into [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant].

At this time, he felt a little confused.

After graduation, he entered a law firm in his hometown. Being ambitious, he inevitably encountered some bullshit.

Of course, these things often happen after graduation, and he naturally admits it.

But this January is really special.

He received family members of the victims.

The suspect was driving a sports car and hit and killed a girl. When the police officers were asking for accountability, the young man in the sports car openly shouted, "If you have the guts, squat me in. Even if I squat in, I can come out, right?" Do you want money? Is half a million enough? Half a million is not enough, one million is not enough!"

When the family members heard such arrogant remarks, they immediately went crazy!

They stated that they did not need any compensation and would send the person in!

Eventually, family members found them.

Their law firm received them seriously and promised to provide justice.

This case lingered over Li Rui's head. He and his mentor Chen Zhizhong studied it for a long time and collected countless information.

But in the end...

On the day before the trial was about to begin, the law firm suddenly told him not to take the case!

It seems that there is some pressure.

He didn't know what the outcome of the trial would be. He only knew that the poor family who lost their daughter only paid 200,000 yuan in compensation, and the case was finally closed hastily.

He was greatly shocked!

I went to look for that house, but was told that the person had moved away.

However, the two parties have reconciled, and since they have reconciled, he can't do anything.


He knew the truth about some things.

The truth left him breathless, and he was far more shocked than he thought. Unable to bear the torment of his conscience, he finally chose to resign and came to Yanjing, where he talked to Chen Zhizhong about the matter, thinking about ending his career as a lawyer.


Zhang Sheng’s call came.

The music in [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] is "Running".

This is an inspiring piece of music, but Li Rui did not feel inspired, but felt depressed.

There must be people who really run out of the darkness, but many people are struggling in the darkness.

Went into the box.

In the private room, there was the hotel owner and Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng is on the phone.

"Director Li, do you want to make a realistic movie? What aspect do you want to make?"

"Expose something dark?"

"Can't this be shown?"

"Okay, let's talk about the script when we get back in the evening..."


He saw Zhang Sheng finish the phone call, and then with a warm smile, he stood up hurriedly, greeting him and his teacher Chen Zhizhong: "Teacher, senior brother, come, sit here, sit here... What do you guys want to do? ?Don’t be polite to me, this store has all kinds of dishes..."

(I broke my promise, I will update one chapter first, and there will be another update in the afternoon!)

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