I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 293 The smell of blood on Zhang Sheng’s body

Li Rui saw Zhang Sheng and shook hands with Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng’s hands are broad, gentle, and at the same time very powerful...

He looked at Zhang Sheng. This junior brother was very young and not outstanding in appearance. But he seemed to be born with a strange charm, especially those eyes. Li Rui had seen many people, but he had never seen such passionate eyes.

He walks towards you with a smile, and with his gentle words, you will feel an inexplicable sense of closeness. It is obviously the first time you meet him, but you feel as if you have known him for a long time.

After letting go, Chen Zhizhong and Zhang Sheng chatted next to him.

He noticed the eyes of his teacher Chen Zhizhong, which revealed unparalleled appreciation.

Diligence, hard work, studiousness, perseverance, politeness, sophistication, strictness, meticulousness...

Before coming, teacher Chen Zhizhong introduced Zhang Sheng in front of him...

Li Rui has never seen his instructor use so many words to describe a person's qualities at the same time.

Of course, when talking about Zhang Sheng, I will also bring some memories...

He said that when Zhang Sheng started school, he took the initiative to approach him and said that he wanted to study law. He had never seen such a sincere student. In fact, Zhang Sheng's performance this semester was indeed successful.

He said that Zhang Sheng listened carefully to every class he had. He had been to Zhang Sheng's previous office and accidentally saw a torn-up copy of "Criminal Law" piled next to Zhang Sheng's office. .

He said that Zhang Sheng was the only student in his class last year who got perfect scores on the law exam.

In the box.

When the two parties sat down, Zhang Sheng and them started chatting.

The topics for chatting are wide ranging, such as the employment situation, the future of the college, and some gossip on the Internet...

Li Rui looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng has a wide range of topics. He can talk about any topic and is very professional. When you talk to him, you will feel like a spring breeze. This feeling makes people extremely comfortable. At the same time, you will unknowingly Once you get close to him, it will be easy for you to reveal your true emotions and thoughts in front of him.

"Junior brother, why do you want to be a law firm?" Li Rui naturally called Zhang Sheng "junior brother". Sometimes even he felt strange, but he didn't think much about it.

"On the one hand, law firms are needed by society. On the other hand, brother, let me tell you the truth. When we do business, it is easy to encounter some messy disputes. I need a team that understands the law. Moreover, in the future, we We also need many contracts of various types, and it would be more convenient to have our own people..."

"Oh." Li Rui nodded, then hesitated for a moment: "If this law firm is established, how should I position myself?"

"I hope you can be the second in command." Zhang Sheng replied.

"If I encounter some cases, some social cases, but there are various pressures from above that prevent the law firm from taking them, what will you do?" Li Rui was silent for a moment, and then continued to ask.

"What kind of pressure is it? The pressure from Yanjing's leadership?"

"That's not the case. If, I mean if, you help people fight a lawsuit, you can only earn 20,000 at most, but someone from above gives you 50,000 and makes you lose against your conscience, what will you do?"

"Brother, are you telling your story?"

"Teacher told you?" Li Rui was stunned for a moment, but then he regained his composure and just smiled to himself.

"I said something, but I didn't say anything specific. I just made a rough guess." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"Junior brother, if you encounter these things, what will you do?" Li Rui stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Fifty thousand is too little..." Zhang Sheng smiled and shook his head.

"It's not just the transaction fee of 50,000 yuan, but also what I said, the pressure from some people above you?" Li Rui asked tightly.

"This world is a dark forest. In the dark forest, we are the ones who maintain a certain order, but there are too many wild beasts in this world, so we must find ways to protect ourselves..."

"You choose to compromise?" After hearing Zhang Sheng's answer, Li Rui had no other expression and just asked in confusion.

"Protecting yourself is not about compromising. Everything you encounter is actually a thread. No matter how complicated the thread is, if you find the end of the thread, everything will be solved..."

"Zhang Sheng, I know you are good at talking and doing Tai Chi, but I hope you can answer me directly!" Li Rui still stared at Zhang Sheng.

"The leaders above have never been monolithic. It's just because they are connected by some threads, and they can all live in harmony on this thread. But below the leaders, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them. They usually They smile, look harmless, and follow the crowd, but when the opportunity comes, they will show their fangs like wild beasts... This is a very simple law of the jungle!" Zhang Sheng looked at Li Rui with a smile.

"So?" Li Rui frowned. He felt that Zhang Sheng said a lot of profound things, but he didn't seem to say anything.

Why is this person telling me this?

The article is completely wrong!

"I want to say that the rules in our world are very clear. No one can trample on these rules. Rules can also become weapons..." Zhang Sheng continued to answer without answering.

"Stop being mysterious and keep it simple!" Li Rui took a deep breath and felt that he and Zhang Sheng were not on the same channel at all.

Zhang Sheng looked at Li Rui with a smile: "Before we do anything, we have to make a plan before taking action, and then try our best to protect ourselves. But in the process of protecting ourselves, there will also be some accidents, such as accidentally throwing some Is it normal for the person who threatened us to be exposed?"

Li Rui looked at Zhang Sheng's smile.

It was like a bloodthirsty grin, and even felt a hint of murderous intent at one point.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling flashing behind his back, and his heart beat faster for a short time, almost suffocating him.

"Haha, just kidding, eat vegetables, eat vegetables, I'm just talking nonsense, pretending to be cool, don't take it seriously..."

There was silence in the box.

Chen Geng ate the food without saying a word.

Chen Zhizhong looked at this student with complexity as if he were seeing him for the first time.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something crazy in this student's bones, but in the past semester, he had not noticed it at all.

Had he always been pretending before, or was he now out of trouble and gradually changing his temper?

Zhang Sheng then suddenly laughed and greeted everyone to eat, with the same enthusiasm as before.

Li Rui still had some shadows in his heart. After eating the food, he still looked at Zhang Sheng: "Junior brother, tell me, what should I do?"

"how do you want to do it?"

"I want to find the victims, I want to help them overturn the case!"

"What if the victim doesn't want to reverse the case?"


"Tell me your story!"


In the box.

Li Rui told some stories about himself.

Talking and talking.

Chen Geng's lowered body suddenly looked up. An indescribable anger surged in his heart. He was extremely angry.

Chen Zhizhong listened calmly.

But Zhang Sheng's eyes narrowed and narrowed: "You should find the victims first."

"What happens after the victim is found?"

"See if they are willing to pursue this lawsuit... You must confirm whether they are willing. If not, you must not do things like these dogs and mice to meddle in other people's business."

"What if they are willing?" Li Rui looked at Zhang Sheng and replied.

"If they are really willing and hope that someone can help them seek justice, and you also have such a righteous heart, then you can carefully check the information and the information of all the participants through various channels. There can’t be a single flaw, the more detailed the better…”

"Then what?"

"We live in the era of Internet explosion. In this era, as long as you grasp the balancing line and pull in the community of interests, you can make a difference in many things... But are you sure you want to be in the limelight? This But it's good to have a sense of justice when it comes to things that make you angry. However, apart from making you famous in one battle and making your law firm famous, it doesn't do you any good..." Zhang Sheng stared at Li Rui with squinted eyes.


"You want to be careful."

"I don't care about fame, but if that matter is not handled cleanly, I will be uneasy all my life. Their pleading eyes are still lingering in my heart. That day, I backed down and was not firm enough. Afterwards, , I went to the local police station and asked. The victim was very determined that day. They didn’t want any compensation, they wanted someone to go in and sentence them to death! But the next day, they suddenly begged and said it was an ordinary "traffic accident" and My daughter was only scratched, not crushed twice... With their attitude, the police could only deal with it in that way for a while, and in the end there was no heavy sentence..." Li Rui lowered his head.

"You want to be a hero?"

"I, I don't want to, but I, I just want to be fair."


In the box, Zhang Sheng stared at Li Rui for a moment, and then smiled.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

After about a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Director Li, I found a good material in reality. I wonder if you are interested in adapting this material and writing a script?"

Zhang Sheng vaguely thought about a movie in his previous life that was very popular and had a good reputation...

He couldn't remember the detailed plot, but he vaguely remembered the movie, which seemed to be starring a bald villain. He also vaguely remembered that he once had a company that seemed to have invested in that movie and made a lot of money. money……

"Junior brother, what are you..."

"If you are sure that you want to take charge of this case, and you have enough evidence and materials, and the other party is willing to cooperate with you, of course I will do something around these things..."




In the box, Li Zhonghe listened to Li Rui telling stories about the case.

Zhang Sheng and his teacher Chen Zhizhong walked out of the box and went to the bathroom.

"Zhang Sheng, do you think it is necessary for him to pick up those cases again?" Chen Zhizhong smoked a cigarette and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng did not answer Chen Zhizhong's words, but turned to look at Chen Zhizhong and asked a question: "Teacher Chen, what will happen if I take the lead in registering some foreign mobile phone appearance patents..."


"That is, for example, if I register the appearance patent of Apple 4 or Apple 5 in China before it is released, then after it is announced and sold, we find that we have a mobile phone that looks very similar to them, then What will happen?”

"Where's your prediction?"

"No, I was just asking..."


(Second update today, sorry...)

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