I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 294 The Hollywood blockbuster sweeping China

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, April 1st arrived.

The end of March 2010 should be a very sensational moment for the Chinese film industry!

It was so shocking that after Ke Zhanyi came out of the cinema, his whole head was buzzing. His complicated emotions made him unable to tell whether he was in reality or in a movie.

He smoked a cigarette in the bathroom of the cinema, the hand holding the cigarette trembling slightly.

After a long while, he finished smoking a cigarette, and his shocked mood recovered a little. He took a breath and finally walked from the bathroom to the hall.

The theater hall was bustling with people, and the noisy sound stimulated Ke Zhanyi's eardrums like a tide, vibrating one after another...

He saw countless young men and women excitedly telling how they were shocked by the movie and how thrilling the movie scenes were. They were even worried that rocks in the movie would hit their faces...

A little further away, the ticket window was even more crowded, and the queue stretched from the window to outside the cinema.

During this period, there were some winking scalpers in the crowd talking to the movie fans in line, revealing the pre-sale tickets in their pockets...

Ke Zhanyi looked around, and finally looked up at the movie poster on the wall.

It's like standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at a legend!

The poster is for a Hollywood science fiction movie called "Avatar."

This is not the first 3D movie in global film history.

It is not the first true 3D movie in the history of the world, but the 3D camera independently developed by director McCaskey's team has pioneered technology and brought 3D movies into a new era. In the movie, whether it is Bilan The majestic alien space, or the flowing rivers, flying jellyfish, or the hazy mist between the suspended mountains...

Everything is obviously illusory, but it magically immerses people's vision, hearing, and touch in that world, and follows the protagonist's perspective to explore the star field.

A three-hour movie is very long, but when you are immersed in another world, you cannot feel the passage of time at all. Instead, it feels extremely short. When the movie ended and the lights came on one after another, Ke Zhanyi even felt that The world I live in is unreal!


He truly deserves to be the master of science fiction movies in the world!

After staying in the cinema for about ten minutes, Ke Zhanyi regained his mood and walked out of the cinema.

His science fiction movie "Future SWAT" was completed yesterday.

In fact...

When he entered the set, he began to realize that something was not quite right!

Later, when he really came into contact with the core assignment of this movie, he suddenly became numb.

This movie stars Xie Jin, Xie Tianwang, Taiwanese popular female star Xu Diding, and popular young star Lu Zihan. The investment was originally expected to be 15 million, and nearly 12 million is the remuneration of the actors. The remaining three million has to be used for shooting, props, scene management, post-production, special effects...

When thinking of this, Ke Zhanyi took out another cigarette and started smoking quietly.

After finishing the draw, he called Zheng Chengwu, the head of the film department of [Starlight Future].

"Mr. Zheng, with such a small amount of money for post-production, and it's a science fiction movie, I really can't handle it..."

"I understand that you are in difficulty, so based on the actual situation, the company has approved another 10 million..."

"Ten million is not enough!"

"This movie will be released in mid-April. It will be China's first 3D science fiction film in the true sense, and it will compete with "Avatar"..."

"You gave me half a month to do post-production? I, I really don't have enough..."

"But, we have already set the schedule. Director Ke, I believe in your ability. Naturally, our opponent cannot be a Hollywood movie, but the youth-themed movie "Those Flowers" from [Shengshi Entertainment]. We just need to surpass it." …”

"I need you to give me some more time. I, with all due respect, I have always felt that this script is not very good... Moreover, Lu Zihan's acting skills are really not interesting. I want to reshoot some content..." Ke Zhang Yi took a deep breath.

"Director Ke, let me tell you the truth. I am very willing to give you the time to polish it carefully. However, the company's capital pressure is very great. When I asked you to make this movie, I told you that we are now facing Pressure from all aspects..."

"But what if this movie..."

"In this way, I will discuss with the film department and postpone it to late April. You have to work harder these days, Director Ke. I know you are facing many problems, but as long as you overcome these problems, you can become our [Starlight Future] is the real pillar of the movie. Our requirements for the box office of this movie are not high, as long as it is a little higher than "That Summer", it will be over 200 million..."


On the phone, Zheng Chengwu said some heartfelt words to Ke Zhanyi, and he also understood Ke Zhanyi's difficulties.

However, for some reason, Ke Zhanyi did not feel warmth. Instead, a greater sense of pressure pressed hard on his body, making him breathless.

In fact, when he got the script of "Future SWAT", he felt numb all over!

Not to mention a cross-generational masterpiece like "Avatar", it can't even be compared to some ordinary science fiction films in his impression.

The script modifications made his head grow bigger, and filming after the modifications made him even more miserable...

All the actors are either big names or in nanny vans. Except for Xie Tianwang, who is approachable and approachable, the others even went against him, making him unable to shoot what he wanted to shoot.

Big-name actors, investors, capital, crew...

After the filming was completed, he realized that he was the one with the lowest status in the crew...


April 3rd.

Zhang Sheng received another sum of money.

The money comes from the download of the ringtone of the music "Run".

There were no kings or queens in the music scene in March, so when "Running" surpassed "Ecstasy", its playback volume hit a higher milestone at an astonishing speed.

Although it has not surpassed "Ecstasy" in the field of ring tones, it is only a matter of time.

"Run" has been played nearly five million times, and the number of ringtone downloads has been close to an astonishing seven million!

Zhang Sheng earned half a million from the ring tones alone...

Zhang Sheng looked at the total income in his bank card.


There are already 1.9 million!

No, it’s two million!

Just when I put down my phone after reading the text message, another RMB 100,000 advance payment for the publication of "Breaking the Sky" arrived.

The two million dollars on the card did not surprise Zhang Sheng at all.

It can only be said that his career has reached a new realm, but it is only a small step.

Two million people are still as small as ants in the entire capital circle, unable to withstand any storm.

Zhang Sheng turned on the computer and looked at the news on the Qdog portal on the computer...

In the news, he inevitably noticed the movie "Avatar."

The box office of this movie exceeded 120 million in its debut, and the box office on the second day increased to 130 million!

Amazing box office!

Even Zhang Sheng was a little surprised!

You know, although now in 2010, China's film industry is booming, and the entertainment industry has entered a new level compared to last year.


The screen space for mainland Chinese movies currently only costs 5,400 yuan!

However, only 15% of the 3D screens can actually support the release of "Avatar", and there are only 16 IMAX theaters in the country!

Among them, there are four IMAX theaters in Yanjing and only two in Shanghai, and they are the only two in East China...

Naturally, this amount of screenings cannot satisfy the fans' thirst for movies. There are even news on the Internet showing that some crazy "movie fans" even flew thousands of miles to the Magic City in order to watch this epoch-making science fiction masterpiece. Beijing……

After reading this series of news, Zhang Sheng suddenly thought of a movie released in the original world at the end of 2009. That movie was called "Avatar"!

After browsing "Avatar", Zhang Sheng took a look at the Chinese movie rankings.

All right!

The top five at the box office are all Hollywood movies!

The rest of the movies are also some hits in Europe and the United States. "Hero", which ranks first among Chinese local movies, is not among the top seven...

Hollywood movie……

Chinese movies...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it has been hit by dimensionality reduction.

After Zhang Sheng looked at it for a while, he looked at the technology circle again.

He saw the news that the IPO company's iPad was officially launched for sale in China.

Ipad is indeed a cross-generational product that brings a lot of convenience to people's lives and work. Just yesterday, Shen Xiaoxi of Zhang Sheng [NC Entertainment] grabbed one.




When it went on sale yesterday, Chinese technology fans almost went crazy and sold out all the major shopping malls and dealerships.

Ordinary people simply can't buy a first-hand iPad, except through internal channels. Otherwise, you can only snap up it at prices ranging from 2,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan.

After Zhang Sheng read it, he browsed the iPad company's IPO...

This world is somewhat similar to the original world...

It turns out that the world's iPad officially landed in China, probably at this point in 2010?


Is the iPhone 4 coming soon?

Zhang Sheng leaned back on the sofa chair, looked into the distance quietly, and narrowed his eyes.

The senior law students at his school have already begun to help him research all kinds of knowledge about design patents.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"boss Zhang!"

"Hello, Director Bi, what's wrong?"

"I've finished filming "Seven Days to Die"."

"Um...what did you say?"

"My horror movie "7 Days to Die" is finished!"


In the office.

Zhang Sheng stood up and looked at Bi Feiyu in surprise.

Bi Feiyu showed a smile, and then handed over a USB flash drive with "Seven Days to Kill" written on it...

"Mr. Zhang, take a look, is there anything else that needs to be modified?"

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