I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 299 The beginning of terror!



The audience walked out of the screening room one after another.

The screening room began to gradually become empty.

The staff were nervously cleaning up some things at the scene. Avery Tashi saw in the corner of the screening room that the messy things were gradually being straightened out by the staff.

Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng, who had been talking on the phone in the corner...

He couldn't hear clearly what Zhang Sheng was typing, but he could tell from Zhang Sheng's eyes and expression that something was wrong!

Something happened!

What happened?

Why did you suddenly change the screening room?

Somehow, Avery Tashi felt a chill, accompanied by a strange atmosphere, surrounding the empty screening hall...

There are fewer and fewer people.

The last audience member was also persuaded to leave by Elaine.

Avery Tashi and his friends were the only ones left in the screening room, and they were still sitting.

Avery Tashi looked around again, as if he had thought of something, and finally shook off the tension, and instead showed a smile.

I have to say that they were very successful in exaggerating the atmosphere before watching the movie!

After Zhang Sheng finished the call, he looked at Avery Tashi still sitting here, hesitated briefly, and then walked over more solemnly.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, why haven't you left yet?"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, we have watched more than thousands of movies in our lives, including countless horror movies... Please play it!"

Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng.

He smiled and was sure that Zhang Sheng was trying to give them a better movie-watching experience, and then he made such a "movie-viewing incident".

Zhang Sheng looked at Avery Tashi's expression, but he didn't speak for a long time. He just looked around silently.

After a while, his expression became more solemn: "Mr. Avery Tashi, I really wanted to have a better viewing effect, so I specially arranged this screening room..."

"I can see it..." Avery Tashi nodded and looked at the staff packing the props in the distance with an unconcerned expression on his face.

"But, Mr. Avery Tashi, I want to tell you the truth now. "Seven Days to Die" is divided into two versions, one is the theatrical version, and the other is the real realistic version..."

"so what?"

"Someone really had an accident!" Zhang Sheng stared at Avery Tashi, his expression more serious than ever.

However, Avery Tashi showed an even more careless smile: "Mr. Zhang Sheng, you don't need to exaggerate that terrifying atmosphere. Everyone here is an expert in the film industry. We know very well that this is Show a movie, don't you really want us to see your "masterpiece"? Let's see what the so-called "realistic version" in your mouth looks like!"


That's how people are, curious.

Avery Tashi clearly knew that Zhang Sheng was playing tricks, but deep down he had to admit that he was a little attracted by the so-called "playing tricks".

Public release? Realistic? Seems interesting...

After Zhang Sheng looked at the expressions of the four judges, he finally stopped trying to persuade them.

He waved to the staff cleaning up in the distance.

Then, the entire screening room darkened again.

Zhang Sheng came to Avery Tashi and took a deep breath: "Mr. Avery Tashi, although I know you have watched countless movies, and although you may think I am verbose, I still want to To put it another way, all the movies we saw today are fake. It is just a movie without any curse... If you feel physically or mentally unwell, you have to give me feedback as soon as possible. I will be at the door... …”

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, you don't need to give me any psychological hints!"



Avery Tashi once watched the world's most famous horror film "The Killing".

In 2004, "The Killing" took the world by storm and became the most amazing new star in Japanese and Korean horror films. It not only swept Asia, but also Europe...

The publicity for that movie was very strong, and it was rumored on the Internet that the director who shot the movie suddenly went crazy before the movie was released, and the staff disappeared mysteriously. It seemed that the curse was reflected in reality.

Avery Tashi walked into the cinema alone and watched the midnight show.

When he watched it from beginning to end, except for some physical discomfort and the sudden frightening scenes that made him tremble, the entire horror film was not as scary as rumored.

after all……

He is a film practitioner himself, and he is very familiar with the routines used in some horror films.

"Seven Days to Die" was screened in the theater again.

The shots in the first scene are not as dark as traditional horror movies, but very sunny...

Bi Feiyu likes to shoot details very much. The wonderful scenery is accompanied by waves of gentle music, with a touch of spring.

Then, when the camera looked down, Avery Tashi's eyes clearly felt that the lights in the entire movie began to slowly dim.

[This is a psychological hint]

A common trope for horror movies.

However, the lens language and lighting language are really amazing. There is obviously no additional background music, but you can vaguely feel a weird natural sound...

He is worthy of being the director who made "The Dog Over the Mountain".

Then, the camera pulls down!

People instinctively have a sense of depression and fear towards darkness. Then, Avery Zhaxi saw Bi Feiyu combine the two concepts of "darkness" and "claustro" through the lens and light, giving Avery Zhaxi. Tashi showed an ancient well.

The light is getting darker and darker!

The mouth of the well became more and more depressing, gradually sinking. The visual and auditory senses could actually affect Avery Tashi's heart, and he was a little breathless for a time.

His expression went from indifferent to serious at first.

He felt an extremely strange and rare whooshing sound coming from his ears. This sound made his hair stand on end!

That's an auditory sense!

Bi Feiyu seemed to have slowly inspired some kind of discomfort with sound in Avery Tashi's genes!

Avery Tashi felt that he suddenly fell into an uncontrollable trance. He shook his head violently to calm himself.


The goosebumps still kept popping up.

Then, his expression became increasingly serious, and he stared at the big screen, which was filled with darkness.

There was obviously no sound in the background, but he felt strangely wailing...

It seemed that fingernails were constantly grinding against the well wall. Although the whole body was completely black, Avery Tashi unconsciously felt in his mind that the nail blood was being worn away by the well wall, and then the well wall was stained with blood. The illusion of flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless chill seeped over again.

Then, the sounds in his ears seemed a little heavier, including despair, pleading, hoarseness, and roaring...

Of course, this weird feeling didn't last long, and then the dark scene gradually brightened.

He saw two beautiful Chinese girls chatting.

One of the beautiful girls was chatting about an "urban legend".

They were talking about how they found a bag when they traveled to the countryside some time ago. Then, there was an unlocked mobile phone in the bag. They saw a video on the phone...

Everyone who saw the video died inexplicably one by one...

The beautiful girl who told this story was smiling, but she didn't notice that her companion's smile gradually stiffened, then slowly disappeared, and her face turned visibly pale!

Bi Feiyu is very good at photographing details.

The two girls' rooms were normal and spacious and bright.

The camera took pictures of mobile phones, telephones, clocks, and doors. It was not like other horror films that use silence to arouse people's uneasiness or use abrupt decorations to frighten people.

The scenes in "Seven Days to Die" are very natural, with natural dialogues and natural scenery. When the light is needed, it shines the light without hesitation, and even shoots the beautiful scenery of the countryside...

But I don't know what happened.

Avery Tashi felt goosebumps in his heart.

The girl's low voice, squinting eyes, and horror slowly infiltrated...

It was a spreading feeling of emotion...

Especially when the camera accidentally captures a lonely grave in the corner in order to capture the beautiful scenery, the goosebumps suddenly rise!

"Did you hear any weird sounds?" Avery Tashi took a deep breath and looked at David next to him with a relaxed smile.

"I didn't hear that..." David shook his head, but his expression remained fixed on the screen.

Avery Tashi shook his head.

It must be that I have been too tired from reviewing films recently!

He could always feel a very strange voice around him, whispering in his ears, but what was very strange was...

These sounds don’t seem to come from a movie, nor do they seem to be coming from around the screening room...

He felt that the air was getting colder and colder, and that indescribable feeling of suffocation was constantly surrounding him. He felt that he was getting more and more breathless.

He's looking at the screen!

The movie still goes on...

It is still the gentleness and delicacy that Bi Feiyu is very good at.

But the strange voice in Avery Zashi's ears became louder and louder, whispering, whispering softly...


Avery Tashi's heart twitched violently.

Bi Feiyu actually also plays the lowest and most "abrupt" mood swings like those in horror movies!

On the screen...

One second I was still filming those tender scenes, but the next second I suddenly moved to a claustrophobic and breathless room with a silent lens.

That girl is dead!

The girl's mouth was open, her face was distorted, her eyes were open, and her whole body was staring ferociously in one direction!

All of a sudden...

Avery Tashi felt a creepy feeling, starting from all directions, sweeping through his body.

That's fake!

That's just a movie!

He shook his head violently!


I don’t know what’s going on, I really don’t know what’s going on...

Deep down in his heart, he actually had the illusion that Bi Feiyu would most likely carry a corpse over to act.

The girl's death was stiff but extremely real!

"Are you sure you didn't hear anything?"

"Mr. Avery Tashi, what on earth did you hear? I didn't hear anything. Let me tell you, I didn't hear anything!"

He turned to look at David again, only to find that David's face was a little pale, and his mood had become inexplicably excited for some reason.

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