Maybe it's the sound effects, maybe the psychological suggestion of the scene, or maybe it's a simulation of something?

Avery Tashi is convinced that there is something in this movie that is manipulating people's perceptions.

From the beginning of the movie, his ears would often be filled with some kind of murmur, and it was a female murmur.


None of the friends nearby could hear it!

Why does everyone have different feelings about a movie?

He looked up at the screen and continued to play "Seven Days to Die".

Maybe it's an illusion...

He shook his head violently, then stood up from his chair and walked out of the screening room.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, are you okay?"

"I'm going to the bathroom."


After Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng's concerned face, he continued to show no concern at all.

He walked towards the bathroom.

I originally thought that after I walked out of the screening room, there would be no more torturous murmurs in my ears, but I found that even after I left the bathroom, the murmurs in my ears kept ringing. Moreover, his heart kept beating "puff-plop-plop", and he splashed water on his face!

The cold water did not wake him up, but gave him more goosebumps!

He looked up and saw the mirror in the bathroom. In the mirror, another completely opposite world appeared.

Then, for no reason, I suddenly became frightened!

He subconsciously moved his head and then immediately walked back in the direction of the screening room.

He saw an ambulance parked in front of the cinema...

He instinctively wanted to laugh, feeling that Zhang Sheng was doing something messy to exaggerate the atmosphere, but for some reason, his face was very stiff and he couldn't laugh at all.

He lowered his head and returned to the screening room.

At the entrance of the screening room, Zhang Sheng seemed to be deliberately avoiding him, speaking softly and solemnly on his mobile phone about something unknown.

Could it be that he really wasn't acting? Someone really watched this movie...

In my ears, that weird sound rang again.

He tried to keep calm and walked into the screening room. When he walked into the screening room, he suddenly saw a woman combing her hair in front of the mirror on the big screen!

The penetrating chill seeped into Avery Tashi's skin at this moment.

In a daze, he had an illusion. He seemed to inexplicably feel that when he looked in the bathroom mirror just now, there was something in it...

He finally sat back in his chair.

The entire tone of "Seven Days to Die" starts to become darker and darker from this moment on.

The houses in the movie are detached, with few windows and dark interiors, with walls and baffles separating private and public spaces...

closed door…

Some fears that are isolated from reality, such as: robbers, such as thieves, such as...

However, spiritual fear took the opportunity to permeate the hearts of several moviegoers.

Although it is not a closed space, there are layers of indescribable loneliness...

This is another hint, a scene hint!

As a filmmaker and a professional film critic, Avery Tashi understands these routines very well.

He tried hard to analyze the reasons why the movie made him uneasy, but his whole body was still uncontrollably controlled by the fear in the movie.

Under the lens, he saw a pool of black water that was constantly shaking...

The black water swayed in waves, and there was a vague strange sound, as if it was filled with hatred, as if it was being stirred from the bottom.

Avery Tashi couldn't help but feel his heartbeat.

He felt that there seemed to be something mysterious in that layer of black water...

His emotional endurance has reached the extreme, and he is afraid that a ferocious head will suddenly appear, or a pair of blood-red eyes looking upward.

However, Bi Feiyu obviously didn't like such clichéd filming. He didn't show any scary scenes, and still promoted the plot in a weird atmosphere.

Victims who have watched the video will receive an inexplicable phone call every day!

The phone was mixed with the noise of water, as if it was saying something, but Avery Tashi couldn't hear any sound.

The phone rings every once in a while, and the sound seems to be a countdown. The heroine smashes the phone, but the phone is still with her...

Some kind of power controls the mobile phone, making it impossible for the heroine to turn off the phone and hang up the phone...

Avery Tashi looked at that new-style mobile phone!

That phone really has a sense of technology. Wait, that seems to be an Apple phone?

No, this is not any Apple phone on the market...

Avery Tashi continued to watch the movie.

As the plot progresses, the movie begins to really show off its unique sound effects!

Every time a date appears on the screen, every time a clue about Sadako appears, there will be a sinister sound effect, as if something mysterious is breathing ferociously.

Avery Tashi's breathing became rapid!

His face became increasingly pale.

Accompanied by rapid and tense sound effects, he saw a photo on the screen. In the photo, the character's head was distorted!

A sense of fear permeated Avery Tashi's whole body, and the chill from all directions not only penetrated into his skin, but also seemed to penetrate into the depths of his soul.

He felt like he was out of breath!

"It's just a movie!"

"It's just a movie!"

He kept reminding himself in his heart, but the more he reminded himself, the more he felt a whispering sound in his ears, which pushed the endurance of his heart to the extreme!

At this moment, several friends next to him stood up and staggered out of the screening room.

The screening room was getting emptier.

He did not give up, but continued to watch the movie steadfastly.

He saw the heroine opening a well that had been closed for many years to save her son's life...

He saw shocking bloodstains on the wall of the well, dug into by fingernails.

The previous wailing sound inexplicably sounded in his ears again. At this moment, he was convinced that it was not a sound effect, but an hallucination that appeared in his ears after his visual impact was to the extreme...

He saw the heroine finally fishing out the hair that had not rotted for many years in the claustrophobic deep well, and the skeleton with black and green pus. He could even smell the stench of rotting corpses!

In the screening room.

Extremely cold!

He looked to the side...

Those friends next to me have been gone for a long time and haven’t come back...

Avery Tashi also wanted to stand up and leave. He subconsciously looked at the door, where Zhang Sheng was standing.

If he leaves now, he will lose face to some extent.

not far away……

Suddenly there was a scream in the movie theater next to him, and then, far away, he could feel the messy sounds of running away.

What terrible content did they see?

He subconsciously looked at the door again, only to see that Zhang Sheng was no longer guarding the door, and seemed to have run over to maintain order.

The panicked commotion at the door inevitably spread to Avery Tashi...

In the movie, the ringtone of the Apple phone seems to be a reminder. Every time it rings, Avery Tashi feels fear!


David walked in with a pale face. When he walked in, he looked panicked!

Avery Tashi asked him why he had been away for so long, and where were the others?

"Stop looking, Mr. Avery Tashi..."

When David said this, his expression was extremely frightened.

"What's wrong?"

"We just walked into the wrong screening room and walked to the next door. The screening room next door happened to be playing..."

David was halfway through his words, and then suddenly stopped as if something was holding his throat.

He stared at the screen.

Avery Tashi was confused and turned his head to look at the screen!

Just at this time……


A well appeared in the distance on the screen.

The picture is black and white, but it is constantly shaking, as if something is trying to struggle out...

The wellhead is covered with layers of cracks!


The two of them saw a white spot, which was slowly crawling like a bug on the edge of the well...

Avery Tashi looked at the white spot, and the messy murmurs in his ears emerged again. His body seemed to be controlled by something, and he subconsciously fell back.


His whole body was extremely stiff.

He saw David slowly back away!

"That's a TV over there, why is this a movie screen?"

David's mental endurance had reached its extreme, and he suddenly screamed.

On the screen, the white figure continued to move little by little, and then, from far to near, the stimulation that the space gave to people's eyes became more and more intense...

Avery Tashi's pupils shrank!

He saw a woman with disheveled hair crawling out of the screen step by step...

Stained with water and blood, it was squirming like a bug faster and faster, and its whole body exuded a sense of death!




Then, he saw her slowly crawling out of the screen, as if she was crawling towards him!


Just at this time……

He saw David suddenly collapse into his chair.

He turned to look at David...

David fainted, but for some reason, he didn't help David up. Instead, he looked at the screen again by mistake!


Just in time to see a blood-red eye staring at me on the screen!

Avery Tashi began to feel that his whole body was cold and his mind went blank...

There was endless fear around him, suffocating him, as if his heart stopped at this moment.

He instinctively took a few steps back and held on to the handle of the chair...

But his whole body trembled and he suddenly retracted, and he held David's hand!

An even more frightening emotion struck his heart...

Immediately afterwards...

He heard bursts of rapid footsteps, and Zhang Sheng seemed to be calling him.

But he closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

There is still a small plot behind "Seven Days to Die", but he can't hold on to it anymore.

(Guaranteed two updates today)

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