I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 301 The limits of the senses! (Third update!)


There was still a soft murmuring sound.

Depression, suffocation, claustrophobia, despair...

Avery Tashi felt like he was struggling in the water, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out of the small area.

Then, I felt that my whole body was entangled with dense hair, and my breath was filled with an increasingly strong rotten smell...

He struggled more and more weakly, and finally exhausted all his strength.

However, he held the wall of the well with his hands to prevent himself from falling into the abyss of the well. He even tried to climb up...

His nails scratched the wall of the well, eventually splitting one by one and becoming bloody, but fear seemed to prevent him from feeling the pain, and he stared fixedly upward.

Above is the wellhead, a ray of light.

However, after crawling for a while, he suddenly saw that the wellhead was slowly being covered.

He yelled, but no matter how loud he yelled, no sound came out.

The people above, as if they didn't hear it, still pushed the manhole cover to the wellhead, stripping away the last light from him...

He watched all this with horror, loneliness, madness, and hysteria.

Then, darkness, endless darkness!

After an unknown amount of time, Avery Tashi opened his eyes.

He felt more exhausted than ever before, and at the same time, he felt that his whole body was soaked in sweat.

When he saw the light, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot.

He was suddenly very happy that he was lying in the hospital instead of being soaked in the deep well water.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, thank God, you finally woke up!"

After a brief confusion, he saw Elaine looking at him excitedly, and then ran out and called Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu in.

His ears were temporarily deaf and his lips were extremely dry. He shook his head violently. After taking a greedy breath of air, he finally felt that he was alive!


"Mr. Avery Tashi, therefore, I suggest that you should change to another screening room... Fortunately, you don't have a heart disease, otherwise, we would be sinners!"

Zhang Sheng finally had a smile on his face after seeing Avery Tashi looking like he was just recovering from a serious illness.

Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng with complicated eyes. He wanted to explain that he suddenly fainted while watching the movie by saying that he was very tired, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

He recalled the plot of "Seven Days to Die" in his mind, and he was still frightened. The sense of reality that penetrated into his bones sent shivers down his spine.

However, it’s very stunning! Thinking about it now, I still feel amazing!

He has seen countless movies in his life, but he has never seen a movie like "Seven Days to Die" that brings out all the horror elements deep in people's hearts.

"Can you tell me what psychological suggestions you used in that screening room?"

After a while, he looked at Zhang Sheng with a wry smile on his face.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and seemed to think for a moment: "Mr. Avery Tashi, I said that the theatrical version is different from the version you saw..."

"movie plot?"

"Yes! In the supply version, some people actually survived, but in the realistic version..." Zhang Sheng paused: "Actually, you didn't see the end. In the end, the ghost of the man killed by Sadako was actually Walking out of the cinema step by step, we designed distance and space in the movie to let these subtle elements stimulate people's senses and form a specific sense of immersion. That scene was better than Sadako climbing out of the TV. The scene is not too generous, but it’s a pity that you didn’t persist..."

"Stop talking, what else is there besides these? I always hear strange noises in movies, what are those noises about..." Avery Tashi smiled bitterly.

When Zhang Sheng said this, Avery Tashi actually felt another sense of desire in his heart, eager to see what the last scene in Zhang Sheng's mouth was.

People, sometimes it's so strange. I'm obviously dizzy watching a movie, but I want to know what a more exciting feeling is.

"The sound effects of the public release version were specially produced. I was worried that "Seven Days to Die" would not be effective when you watch the movie, so I deliberately hired nearly ten psychological teachers to analyze the public's fears and Fear of sound effects, so these teachers started with sound effects and subtly implanted a sense of female whispering into the sound effects. This kind of whispering sound cannot be felt when you are awake, but during this time, you are busy Reviewing films at the [Cannes International Film Festival] was absolutely exhausting..."

Avery Tashi saw Zhang Sheng push up his glasses again and sit on the chair silently: "A very tired person has a very weak psychology. If he is weak, he will be more likely to accept various specific hints from us. ...Mr. Avery Tashi, if you go to see a movie now, I think you won’t be able to hear those messy sounds..."

Avery Tashi looked stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "So, you have been using psychological suggestions from the beginning?"

"Mr. Avery Tashi, at first I wanted to use a bigger hint to really immerse you in the movie. Do you still remember the messy decorations in the cinema? Some are red, red, Psychologically, blood will be suggested. Some are black, pure black, pure black, implying evil. Decorate and match these colors, and you will have a better viewing experience. Until, I discovered something..."

"What's up?"

""Dead in 7 Days" does not need these psychological assistance at all... Mr. Leo John from Brazil was at home alone yesterday and watched the release version of "Dead in 7 Days". After watching it, he is still lying in the hospital. Rescue..." Zhang Sheng's expression began to become serious.

Avery Tashi was stunned when he heard this.

But Zhang Sheng stood up again, looked at Bi Feiyu who was standing quietly aside, and said with some emotion: "I underestimated "Seven Days to Die", and even more underestimated Director Bi's genius in the field of horror films... I’ve found a treasure!”

Bi Feiyu has been standing motionless by the side since he entered the ward.

After hearing Zhang Sheng's emotion, he smiled humbly, but then, Avery Zhaxi felt that there seemed to be a blazing flame in Bi Feiyu's eyes.

"boss Zhang……"

"you say……"

"I had a great time filming "Seven Days to Die"! I never dreamed that fear could use psychological suggestions to maximize my senses!"

When filming "Seven Days to Die", Zhang Sheng specifically talked to him about "the psychology of fear", especially about "house", "claustrophobia", "sensory shock from far to near", "fear of the deep sea"...

Zhang Sheng seemed to have these things at his fingertips and could say a lot at once. Moreover, he also specifically described to him the "effects" that "Seven Days to Kill" needed to show.

Bi Feiyu felt as if he had seen a door. When he opened the door, he saw another, broader, new world!

That new world attracted him and brought his understanding of film shooting to a higher level.

"Actually, psychology is used in many places..." Zhang Sheng looked at Bi Feiyu with a smile.

Later, I talked with Bi Feiyu about his understanding of the extreme emotion of "fear".

Avery Tashi's face gradually became complicated as he listened to the English conversation between the two. He always felt that he was a guinea pig for the two to study the field of horror films. He finally chose to interrupt the conversation between the two: "David Are they okay?"

"Mr. David's condition is slightly worse..."


"Still unconscious..."



"Oh, God!"

"Mr. Avery Tashi, what on earth are you talking about?"

"Four judges went to watch the premiere of a Chinese movie, and two of them passed out? Tell me, what kind of movie was that?"

"Mr. Avery Tashi, are you looking down on me?"

Today the chairman of the [Cannes International Film Festival] is named Leon.

The Italian was once the most well-known director and entertainer in the world in his early years. Later, he retired behind the scenes and was responsible for production work.

April 26th.

The final review of the [Cannes International Film Festival] has come to an end.

But in the two most critical film review meetings, two of the most critical people were missing.

David and Avery Tashi.

Leon made a phone call to Avery Tashi.

On the phone, Avery Tashi told him something that he couldn't believe!

He thinks it's ridiculous!

It's like watching the funniest joke in the whole world.

Not only was he laughing, but so were the judges.

They laughed at Avery Tashi and David as cowards, and even suspected that they were too tired recently and wanted to be lazy and found such an excuse...

The entire conference room was filled with joyful laughter.

Only two judges looked silent.

After the bursts of laughter subsided, a bearded judge stood up with a serious expression: "Mr. Leon, can you allow me to play the release version of "Seven Days to Die" in the conference room?"

"Forget it, Mr. Avery Tashi and Mr. David are not here, and we can't watch our film review meeting. Let's see what they call a horror movie... I'm also very curious, what kind of movie it is. Horror movies made Avery Tashi become such a coward..." Leon still had a smile on his face.


The bearded judge stood up, took the USB disk, and walked toward the conference room step by step.

After inserting the USB flash drive into the computer, he pulled down the slide background.

Then the slide background was pulled down...

The public screening of "Seven Days to Die" will begin soon.

At first, some of the judges had smiles on their faces. They watched the plot of "Seven Days to Die" with interest and even made comments.

A few minutes later...

The judges' voices gradually became softer.

By the middle of the day, the smile on Leon's face had disappeared. He sat on a chair and watched the movie silently.

When the movie reaches the second half...

The judges were silent.

An indescribable chilling feeling permeated the entire conference room. The bearded judge looked at the USB flash drive and suddenly realized that he seemed to have picked up the wrong USB flash drive.

Two hours later...

The last scene of "Seven Days to Die" was played, and the entire conference room was silent.

Leon opened his mouth!

what you want to say……

But I found that I was sweating from behind.

The impact of the last scene was too great for him!

Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly discovered that the movie actually had Easter eggs.

Everyone was refreshed.

Then I subconsciously held my breath to watch the movie’s easter eggs...


"Huaxing mobile phone is the most secure mobile phone in the world! A famous brand with 15 years of history, it is trustworthy!"


"Use [Easy] to wash your hair and become the perfect Sadako!"


"Oubang is good, Oubang is wonderful, Oubang is awesome! With Oubang integrated ceiling, Sadako doesn't need a caisson!"


(Ahhhhhh, I broke my promise again. I can’t live with my conscience for two updates, so I will add three more updates! I’m asking for votes for the 800 monthly ticket!)

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