I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 302 French Influence

This spring seems to be colder than usual.

"Future Police" debuted quite well at the box office.

Under the influence of epic science fiction films like "Avatar", it can still get an astonishing box office of 25 million.

Ke Zhanyi would not have dared to dream of this box office a year ago, or even a few months ago.


Even with such excellent opening box office, the entire "Future Police" crew did not have any celebration party.

Not only is it not there, but it exudes a musty smell, hiding the feeling of "the end".

"Director Ke, I think you should either make a good movie about your youth, or learn how to make science fiction movies abroad!"

"I used to be your supporter. Your "Youth in Time" and "That Summer" were so well made! I swear, when I walked into the screening room, I was full of expectations to see what you can bring to us. What a surprise, even before the movie started, when many viewers said it was a bad movie, I still didn’t believe it and was still waiting for the end of "Future SWAT"!"

"Then, after I finished reading, I couldn't see any progress on your part. Not only could I not see your progress, I couldn't even see your sincerity!"

"This is a big bad movie!"


"Future SWAT" road show scene.

The entire audience was filled with joy over the high box office debut, and the media were vying to praise it.

He suddenly heard an extremely abrupt voice.

The sound was so harsh that it made the smiles on the faces of the entire road show members freeze.

It was a girl with a delicate appearance. She held a microphone and suddenly appeared when everyone was praising "Future SWAT" as a milestone work of Chinese client films!


The pretty girl was pulled down.

The stage briefly lost control, but the host of [Starlight Future] suppressed the loss of control very well, and the audience continued to be filled with joy and surprise.

After all, that’s $25 million on opening day!

Ke Zhanyi held on until the road show was over and returned to the hotel.

I just feel like my head is muddy.

All day long, he was like a puppet, staring blankly at the glass outside the window.

He didn't read the reviews on the Internet. He knew that there were probably more and more bad reviews on the Internet.

He knows why "Future SWAT" failed...

Everyone promoted that movie as a true Chinese science fiction film, but the core of the entire "Future SWAT" is nothing more than the interaction between the male and female protagonists, and then the simple splicing of special effects.

There is no concept of timeline at all. The customers came to see it as if they were watching a science fiction movie, but the movie they saw was...

He stayed in the hotel until two o'clock in the morning.

After two o'clock in the morning, he received a call from the box office.

Compared to the first day, the box office on the second day was almost cut off by half!

The premiere was 25 million, and the box office on the second day was 13 million...

It’s impossible to lie about the box office!

After answering the phone call from the box office, he instantly felt a strong sense of disparity lingering in his heart. His face was pale and bloodless, and his mind was filled with all kinds of chaotic thoughts.

The phone rang again.

"Director Ke, are you still awake?"

"not yet……"

"Okay, let me tell you some good news. Our company's new movie plan has been finalized. We are going to work with Hong Kong Island to make a comedy "Family Happiness 2010". I recommend you to be the director. It should be a sure thing. This is an investment. A blockbuster worth nearly RMB 70 million, packed with superstars..."

"Ah!" Ke Zhanyi was stunned when he heard this sentence.

He never dreamed that the company would prepare a new movie for him despite his "Future Police" having such a bad reputation.

"However, there are also requirements!"

"any request?"

"Finish the movie in half a month!"


"The movie will be shot in half a month, and the movie will be released at the end of May..."


More than ten minutes after hanging up the phone, Ke Zhanyi received the script for "Family Happiness 2010" in his mailbox.

In the 1990s, "Family Happiness" was a comedy film with a good box office in Hong Kong, and it saved the life of director Huang Zixiang who had just switched jobs to start a production company at the time.

Later, this IP was filmed almost every once in a while. Although the reputation became worse and worse, the box office seemed to be pretty good.

After Ke Zhanyi read the script of "Family Happiness 2010", his expression of disbelief suddenly turned into confusion.

This is a really bad movie!

Ke Zhanyi felt embarrassed after watching the funny scenes in it. How many years ago was this Chen Zhizhi's rotten valley?

Just when Ke Zhanyi was silent, his phone rang again.

This time, it was Xu Shengnan who called.

"Hello? Sister Shengnan?"

After the call was connected, there was no reply from the other end of the phone.

After a long while, Ke Zhanyi heard Xu Shengnan sigh quietly: "Director Ke..."

"Sister Shengnan, what's wrong?" Ke Zhanyi heard a trace of apology in Xu Shengnan's faint voice.

""Seven Days to Die" seems to be shortlisted for Cannes!"


"I heard news from France that the premiere of "Seven Days to Die" almost caused a sensation in France..."



【oh! God, I've watched close to a hundred horror movies from all over the world, but I've never been like "Seven Days to Die", where I didn't even dare to watch the ending! 】

[I dare say that this is a movie that makes people crazy after watching it. I saw many people covering their eyes and listening to the sound effects. However, this movie is not only scary in the pictures, but also in the sound effects. You can’t imagine it. , that inexplicable voice, the feeling of whispering in your ears over and over again! 】

[I was so scared by "Seven Days to Die" that I didn't even dare to use my phone. It was so scary! 】

[In that movie, three or four people were frightened and fainted. I can guarantee that no one dared to finish the movie! 】



AlloCiné is a film review website that specializes in providing film information.

It is also the largest film review network in France.

Since "Seven Days to Die" was confirmed to premiere in France, Elaine has transmitted the film's introduction information and sample footage to the website for review.

The review results came out quickly.

In order to increase the popularity of "7 Days to Die", Elaine changed her vest every day and wrote various reviews and film reviews for "7 Days to Die".

She hopes that more movie fans can watch the movie "Seven Days to Die" through this website and her movie reviews. Even if it is just one, she feels very happy.

How long does it take for a movie to go from unknown to popular?

Elaine once thought it would take more than an hour, maybe a month...

But "Seven Days to Kill" told Elaine!

It doesn’t take a week, let alone a month!

It only takes one day!


This movie went from having most of the scattered reviews and high scores written by Elaine herself to hundreds of positive reviews suddenly appearing in just one day!

At the first premiere, almost all of them were tourists from China. After hearing some news, they came here to see if the "scary" movie was as crazy as the legend said!

The day after the first premiere, people around the cinema began to arrive one after another.

Last night, the door of the [Salu] Cinema was crowded with reporters, and ambulances were also seen coming and going. Naturally, people around came over to see what happened...

There were a few more people at the first screening the next day than yesterday, but the screening room for "Seven Days to Die" was not full, and there were still empty seats!

At the end of the second game, AlloCiné began to receive comments like ""7 Days to Kill"" was scary to death", "He died on the spot from a heart attack", and "No one could watch it from beginning to end".


Since the third scene, more and more fans have come to watch "7 Days to Die"!

Basically, they were mainly young men and women, and the theater was full for the first time.

When it was time for the afternoon show, Elaine saw more and more movie fans gathered around the door, and gradually started the second screening in the screening room...


When something begins to explode, the influx of traffic far exceeds the planned traffic!

Midnight show!

A time period with the smallest number of people on weekdays.

The Sailu Cinema was packed to the brim!

Even after Elaine opened up all Sailu Cinemas, she still couldn't resist the increasing traffic coming after hearing the news...

after all!

It's just a movie theater!


City of romance.

The once dilapidated [Selu Cinema] has now taken on a brand new look.

Those who come to watch movies are no longer all Chinese people who come to travel and are attracted by Zhang Sheng's hype.

"Seven Days to Die" proves that as long as the quality of a movie is so hard that it makes people have a heart attack, more and more "challenging French gentlemen" will come over.

On the Internet, AlloCiné has received more than 1,000 reviews, and the praise has reached an astonishing 4.6 stars (AlloCiné is a five-star system)...

The amazing reviews and incredible viewing experience naturally attracted many viewers in France to come and watch the fun.

So, starting from the morning, the queue to watch the movie "Seven Days to Die" was so long that it was almost impossible to see the end at a glance.

"What? There are no tickets this morning? What about tomorrow's tickets? There are no tickets tomorrow either? The tickets for the day after tomorrow?"

"Everything is gone. To watch a movie, you need to book it four days in advance?"

"This...is crazy!"

"God, can't you license the movie to other cinemas? In the whole of France, there is only Cannes, and you are the only one who can show it. I rushed here from Paris, but you made me wait for three or four days!"


In the team, there were boys and girls of all colors, and the chirping sounds were constantly ringing...

Vaguely mixed with the anger of several young people from far away!

They showed their tickets to the staff, and their voices were very sharp.

But the staff could only smile and point to the long queues with a rather helpless voice.

In France, "Seven Days to Die" can only be seen at the Serou Cinema!

Other movie theaters don’t have any copyrights at all…

After hearing the explanation, this group of young people from afar became less angry, and then they began to stare at the exit of Sailu Cinema.

At the door, every once in a while, a few movie fans come out one after another, but not all of them come out...

Some people stumbled and were supported by the staff. Some people were in a daze, sitting unsteadily in the sun and breathing greedily, as if they had been suffocated for a long time. Some people came out sweating profusely, with frighteningly white faces, but He smiled and said forcefully, "The movie is not scary at all, I just have something to do..."

The audiences who came out early one by one undoubtedly made many people in line more curious about the movie "Seven Days to Die"!

How terrible should a movie be that the audience can't wait to see it until the end?

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