I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 371 The fighting begins (Please give me monthly votes on the last day, please give me guaran

Chapter 371 The fighting begins... (Please give me a monthly ticket on the last day, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

July 26th.

Li Dongqiang hurriedly walked into Zhang Sheng's office.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you rejected all capital investments?"


"Mr. Zhang, this is the best time for us [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] to grow and gain a foothold in this industry. How can we say no?"


The early morning sun shines into the office.

Li Dongqiang looked puzzled.

Domestic companies...

In fact, we have become accustomed to companies making certain achievements in the market, being noticed by capital, conducting several rounds of negotiations, and then being financed and invested. Finally, with the huge power of capital, they sweep the market and soar into the sky.

Nowadays, Qgou, [Taozhu.com], [Duanmu Games], etc., which are in full swing, all have similar processes.

A few days ago, Li Dongqiang was quite excited.

He was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night when he heard the news that countless capital companies began to favor [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

With capital injection and support, they can better enter this market. By then, on August 8, their [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will be able to compete with Zhang Xing’s upcoming [Tuantuan.com] and compete with Ma Yunhua Then [Taozhu.com] The impact of the August 8 shopping festival...

He even imagined that on August 8th, this day, he would have a fierce battle with these two companies, and finally divide the world into three parts, and watch the world with laughter!


Just this morning, he heard some shocking news!

He heard that Zhang Sheng had no intention of injecting any capital into [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

His heart skipped a beat.

It was as if he was watching a huge wealth and wealth being shattered in front of him.

His face was a little flushed, and he looked at Zhang Sheng breathlessly.

But Zhang Sheng looked out the window calmly: "I don't like people standing on top of me..."

outside the window.

A gust of wind blew in.

The wind carries a bit of heat.

July is the hottest stage of the entire summer.

"Mr. Zhang, capital is not as scary as you think. They are definitely not scourges. Moreover, many seniors have taken this path. We don't have to worry about anything..."

"Do you understand capital?" Zhang Sheng turned his eyes from the window to Li Dongqiang's face and asked this sentence very seriously.

Li Dongqiang was stunned.

He wanted to answer, "I understand", but somehow, under Zhang Sheng's deep eyes, he found that he couldn't say anything.

Finally, he looked away.

"As of now, how is the data of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]?"

"[Qiangsheng Online Mall] is now in a vigorous development stage, with registered members reaching 200,000! At the same time, within a week, our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] sales have reached 8 million, and merchants have already settled in Two hundred, thirty merchants are lining up to settle in, and nearly fifty merchants are negotiating with us... Mr. Zhang, we are at a critical node now. Without the blessing of capital, even if you want to burn money, you How long can it burn?"


"The customers brought in by the low price will also leave because of the low price... Even though the sales volume is 8 million, in fact, we are just paying for it, and we have no profit at all!"


Although Li Dongqiang was a little emotional, after hearing Zhang Sheng's question, he still told Zhang Sheng the data very seriously.


After saying that, Li Dongqiang began to feel anxious again.

Zhang Sheng was listening from beginning to end.

After listening, he nodded.

But he didn't say anything from beginning to end.

"Mr. Zhang..." After seeing Zhang Sheng's silence for a long time, Li Dongqiang became a little anxious.

"Mr. Li."


"Our core goal is to allow businesses to continue to make profits and customers to benefit..." Zhang Sheng stared at Li Dongqiang and suddenly said this inexplicable sentence.

"???" Li Dongqiang was a little confused.

Here we are talking about investment, and over there we suddenly talk about profits for businesses and benefits for customers.

Is it okay that wind, horse and cow are incompatible with each other? Moreover, if you want to do these two things, you must have money to burn!

"Mr. Zhang, August 8th is coming soon. [Group Buying] will be online soon. [Taozhu.com] is ready to go. Mr. Zhang, we seem to be full and the traffic is growing day by day. If we don't stop If we come up with a new monetary subsidy strategy, sooner or later we will all be sucked away by them. When we are all sucked away by them, the sales volume of the merchants will be greatly reduced. In a vicious circle, we will only have a dead end!"

Li Dongqiang made many pessimistic predictions about the future in one breath.

But Zhang Sheng still said some irrelevant words: "Mr. Li, in the next stage, we will be stricter in the review of merchants... We will strive to focus on small and medium-sized merchants and young entrepreneurial merchants..."

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Li..."

"Mr. Zhang, let me talk to you about business!"

"Mr. Li, I'm also talking to you about business."

There was a brief freeze in the office.

Li Dongqiang only felt that the more he was drowsy, the more stuffy his chest became. After a long time of relief, he finally took a breath.

After a while, he saw Zhang Sheng stood up.

"Mr. Li, the capital war is about to begin. This capital war will be cruel, and it is easy to start, but it is very difficult to stop..."

The [Thousand Regiments Battle] and [The Rise of Pinduoduo] from the original world appeared in Zhang Sheng’s mind.

Those were extremely bloody battlefields that were thick in the ocean of capital.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know what you are talking about..." Li Dongqiang frowned. He found that he could no longer communicate with Zhang Sheng.

He even wondered if Zhang Sheng had been hit by something, and his thinking began to become confused. He couldn't understand a word Zhang Sheng said.

"It is true that we can get a generous investment, and in the following days, we can also start to compete with countless [group buying merchants] to burn money, from online to offline, doing whatever we can... We even have You may become the final winner, ascend to the throne, and control the entire market, but... have you ever thought about it, capital has helped us burn so much money, do you think they will really do charity?"

"He just wants to make money from us..."

"That's right, but before you know it, you will also become their spokesperson in China, commonly known as [Puppet]!"

"But, they didn't say that they would not participate in voting on core rights, and then..."

"When you are controlled by huge capital, and without capital, you have only a dead end, do these so-called core votes mean anything to them?"

"But at least we can survive and make money..." When Li Dongqiang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

"Mr. Li, do you believe me?"

"Mr. Zhang, now that I can sit in the office and talk to you about these things, doesn't that prove that I believe it?"

"If you believe me, just do what I say. Next, no matter what happens outside, we must find ways to control costs and expenditures. We must not invest in offline advertising and maintain business profitability, even if it is a small profit. Bo, we also need to maintain the profits of those small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, we have to move our position. Big cities will be the most brutal places for fighting. We have to go to some second- and third-tier cities to find cooperative brands and avoid the sharp edges. ...You can live on, you can live, you can live in embarrassment, but at least we can survive."

"Are we just going to be bystanders in this war? We can obviously be participants in the war!" Li Dongqiang gritted his teeth with strong reluctance in his heart.

"Remember, we are the real winners if we survive."


Li Dongqiang lowered his head after hearing this.

He sat back in his chair, lit a cigarette and smoked it.

After about ten minutes, he finally nodded and sighed quietly: "Okay..."


The last two days of July.

Everything is peaceful.

The number of registered users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has exceeded 300,000.

The number of merchants settled in has also expanded from 200 to 240...


They are still the second and third tier small brands, and there are no imported brands. They are all domestic products such as [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], [Hongwei Clothing], and [Senchao].

The last day of July.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] The average daily sales volume has increased from more than one million to more than two million.

It is an extremely gratifying leap forward.


Wait until August 1st...

When Zhang Xing brought [Tuantuan.com] suddenly online in advance, and overnight, dense advertising was placed in buses, newspapers, outdoor and other places in Shanghai, Yanjing, Yangcheng and other places.

Everyone was attracted by the advertisement of [Tuantuan.com]!

The advertisement is actually very simple, just like [Qiangsheng Online Mall], it is a gimmick of [tens of billions of subsidies].

But the difference is...

The money you earn from completing tasks on [Tuantuan.com] can not only be used to purchase anything on [Tuantuan.com], but you can even withdraw it!


What’s even more shocking is that [Qiangsheng Online Mall]’s main gimmick of “one yuan” to buy a mobile phone is also used, but the mobile phones sold in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are basically domestic copycat phones that imitate the iPhone 4, while [Tuan Group buying] (Group buying) Buy the genuine iPhone4 directly for "one yuan"!

And the quantity is even more amazing compared to [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Basically, as long as you place an order, as long as you are among the top 30 users who open the merchant link, you can buy it for "one yuan"!


[Tuantuan.com] Inside, there are not only iPhone 4, but also many famous brands and big names, including international big names like Hermès!

One thousand dollars!

Buy a Hermès bag!

Can you believe it?

The sudden appearance of [Tuantuan.com] caused an uproar in the entire Chinese online shopping circle!

Even Ma Yunhua's eyes widened!

He called Zhang Xing immediately.

"Didn't you say it would go online on August 8th? Come with me to make the shopping festival a reality!"

"What kind of shopping festival are we going to do now? Let's start group buying first. I heard the news that a lot of overseas capital has entered the [group buying] track. If you run slowly, you may not be able to get the soup!"


Ma Yunhua just finished her phone call with Zhang Xing.

He received new news.

[Hongsen Capital] invested in [Minuo.com].

Although [Minuo.com] has not yet been launched, they have spent 100 million to place advertisements during prime time on CCTV...

Except for [Minuo.com], Ma Yunhua was staring at the news until the early morning!

Overnight, many group buying websites such as [LianShou.com] and [Friends.com] popped up in China!

Even many originally small shopping websites, such as [ebay.com] and [Amu Mall], which account for 40% of China's shopping website share, have begun to announce that they have received capital investment and have begun to invest like crazy. Going to the "group buying" track...


All heroes rise together!


August 3rd.

[Shengteng Network Technology].

Xu Guangbiao was injecting nutrient solution while typing the code with his other hand.

His eyes were red.

Red Bull…

It was of no use to him anymore.

He was exhausted, but not at the stage of sudden death.

Even, vaguely excited.

Just two days ago…

Zhang Sheng came to his office and told him in a very serious tone.

"Mr. Xu, our company is in a very scary stage right now, and I am powerless to change these things!"

"Mr. Xu, I leave everything to you!"

"This time, life or death is in your hands!"

The sincerity and trust with which Zhang Sheng said these words still echo in his mind.

He is excited!


Even want to cry!

He gritted his teeth!

Oh shit!

Twenty days!

I must fucking lead those people out of the APP!

(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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