I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 374 The Beginning of the Thousand Regiment War

Writing a novel requires basic logic.

Otherwise, readers will scold you as nonsense.

Then he said it was nonsense and unsubscribed.


Reality is often more magical than fiction.

It used to be the craziest time in the world [Thousand Regiment War]...

What about throwing excrement at the opponent, what about offline fights, what about pre-job training, almost writing in black and white on the blackboard, telling new people that if humanities are not good enough, we will come to Wu...

Real business wars are often so simple and unpretentious.

Nie Xiaoping, the owner of [Hongwei Battery Car], really felt this at this moment.

In [Pang Xiaoan Restaurant], the two salesmen [Minuo Group Buying] and [Group Buying] fought together again to grab the battery car group buying business.

It attracted a crowd of onlookers, and even many diners in the restaurant came over to watch.

When Chen Geng, the restaurant owner, saw this scene, he immediately sent someone to separate them.

After all, the impact is not good.

Later, even though they were pulled apart, both parties were still blushing and yelling at each other. In the end, Li Hongzhou, the salesperson from [Group Buying] got the upper hand and spit on the salesperson from [Minuo Group Buying].

Nie Xiaoping saw this scene with his own eyes...

He felt crazy.

However, when he truly understood the amazing commissions behind these salesmen, he roughly knew why!

Whether it’s [Group Buying] or [Minuo Group Buying], the capital behind it gives the salesperson a very astonishing commission for “recruiting”!

If you open a store, such as [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], they will not only get a bonus of nearly 3,000 yuan, but even if you can promote this group purchase well and participate in the design plan, you can get another bonus. The minimum bonus is close to one thousand yuan...

If the amount of this group purchase is huge, for example, [Hongwei Battery Car] has 3,000 battery cars, the average price is about 3,000 yuan per car!

The group purchase price is close to 9 million!

Their commission can be close to an astonishing two hundred thousand!

Two hundred thousand per order!

Just make a plan, and now the buyers and sellers are on site. As long as their information is posted on the [Group Buying Network], a symbolic subsidy is provided, and the transaction is facilitated, then you can make a lot of money?

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

For these two hundred thousand!

Why don't you beat the other person so hard that he doesn't even recognize his mother?

There's a quarrel going on here...

Not far away, another wave of salesmen from group buying websites also came with benefits!

He was a little confused at first, but when he heard that the two sides were fighting over the order of 3,000 battery cars, his eyes lit up and he immediately joined the battlefield...


August 20th.


When Zhang Sheng opened the Internet, there were all kinds of [group buying ads].

There are even browser pop-up ads, and the ads are becoming more and more bold. They are basically full of beauties showing their legs, many popular celebrities, and even people like Zhang Tianwang and Xie Tianwang who are not short of money. They were all pulled out to help with group purchases.

It has the brainwashing feeling of the "Legend" game in the original world [Come and kill me if you are a brother]!

Capital is crazy…

But the capital in this world seems to be even crazier than the original world!

I wish all users on the Internet would know that they are engaging in group buying and are crazily squeezing into this crowded track.

"We will spend 300 million yuan on advertising!" Zhang Xing, the boss of [Group Buying], relied on the huge traffic on Weibo and the support of capital, and he made the bold statement of 300 million on advertising on the spot.

As soon as Zhang Xing finished speaking, [Minuo Group Buying] over there stood up with the traffic of [Shengshi Entertainment], held a grand press conference, and announced in public that they had signed the internationally renowned martial arts superstar "Liang Long" "In addition to [Mi Nuo Group Buy], which endorses their [Mi Nuo Group Buy], there are also dozens of top stars from across the Taiwan Strait and three places to help out, and for a while, the limelight was not lost to Zhang Xing!"

Before [Minuo Group Buying] said anything, [Fengharvest Group Buying] on the other side stood up and claimed that they had captured nearly half of the market group buying share in cities such as Yanjing, Yangcheng, and Shanghai, and posted battle reports every day... …

"How can they make money if they fight like this? The capital is crazy!"

Li Dongqiang finally met Zhang Sheng.


When he saw Zhang Sheng, he was frightened by the competition between capital and capital.

He swallowed, feeling even more frightened!

He did a quick calculation and found that from the beginning of August to August 20, this money-burning group buying war had cost at least close to one billion yuan!

And this amount is still rising crazily, small capital rushes into the market, and there is not even a splash.

"Even if they burn nearly 10 billion, as long as they survive in the end, they can make money!"

"How to say?"

"China has a population of more than one billion and a booming and astonishing Internet market. This year there are 457 million Internet users... In a sense, this number is completely impossible to be the limit. In the future, it may even be 600 million, 800 million, or even one billion. It’s all possible, these netizens will be the main force of future consumption. If everyone gives you one yuan, you can make hundreds of millions, but what if everyone gives you one hundred yuan?”


"So, they are all spending money to grab the market, grab traffic, and build their brand. When they survive until the end, the profits they get are far more generous and more lasting than their investment..."

"Then we have no hope at all? We can only be swallowed up?" Li Dongqiang could only despair.

Having rejected capital, they are like a swaying boat in the sea, which will be swallowed by the waves at any time, and will eventually be silenced in the endless abyss.

Although the traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has stabilized, it has dropped to a minimum.

"No, not only is it not despair, but there is great hope..."


"Let's develop second- and third-tier cities, or we'll just do the same thing and surround the cities with the countryside!"


"Mainstream capital is now focusing on big cities like Shanghai, Yangcheng, and Yanjing. They hope to use successful cases from big cities to radiate to surrounding second- and third-tier small counties... However, in the main battlefield of big cities, Here, traffic is very easy to gather and flow away. Today you can rely on capital to stand on the top of the market, but tomorrow someone can use the same means to overthrow you... A world where people take turns to be the banker cannot form a real market. Brand effect, and consumption habits..."

In the office.

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes and said slowly and quietly: "As the enemy advances, we retreat. Hiding does not mean admitting defeat, but taking advantage of the time when those capitals have not reacted, we avoid their sharp edges and hibernate on the second and third lines." In the city, run your own brand..."

"Mr. Zhang, I understand the truth, but! They offer such a large discount to the market. What if a giant dragon really comes out and swallows up our second and third tier markets? Our so-called dormancy, isn't this a joke? We can't It's a waste of money, and apart from those more than a hundred merchants, how can other merchants withstand such a high discount strategy?" Li Dongqiang finally smiled bitterly after deep thought for a long time.

"Just because we retreat doesn't mean we won't follow, we will follow too!" Zhang Sheng laughed.

"That's still a question, capital. Where do we get capital?" When Li Dongqiang heard this, he frowned.

"Do you know about leeches?"


"Leech sucks blood!"

"Yes, let's just suck blood like leeches and use the blood splattered by the capital war to feed ourselves..."


Li Dongqiang looked at Zhang Sheng in front of the office, his eyes squinting, seemingly shining.

There was a trace of confusion in my heart.

Just at this time……

He heard a knock at the door.

"Mr. Zhang..." Shen Xiaoxi opened the door with a somewhat complicated expression on her face. After a moment: "Mr. Zhang, Li Yanhong, the current boss of [Mi Nuo Group Buying], is looking for you to negotiate advertising cooperation!"

"Okay, tell her to wait a moment, I'll go over right away..." When he heard this, Zhang Sheng's mouth showed a smile.


The office door closes.

Li Dongqiang watched Zhang Sheng turn around slowly...



More than ten seconds passed?

When he saw Zhang Sheng looking back again, he was shocked to find that Zhang Sheng, who had been full of murderous intent when he was talking to him just now, had anxiety and sadness on his face at this moment, and his whole expression even looked haggard.

He looked at Zhang Sheng in astonishment.

But Zhang Sheng's throat suddenly became very hoarse.

"I'll go for a minute."

"Ah good!"


Li Yanhong was always determined.

The battle between capital and capital is cruel.

A small gimmick like Zhang Sheng's that doesn't even count as capital can only bring about a momentary coincidence, but it never reaches the poker table.

This proved to be the case.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall], which had a brief moment of limelight, saw its traffic drop almost off a cliff after capital entered the [Team Battle] circle. Although there is still a daily transaction volume, the transaction volume has become pitifully low.

From a side perspective, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has almost exhausted its support for merchants.

Some time ago, she got news about Li Dongqiang.

Li Dongqiang lives in anxiety every day. Her acquaintances at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] told her that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] can no longer hold on!

she says……

Li Dongqiang suffers from insomnia almost every day.

It seems that he can only sleep at night with sleeping pills and melatonin.

Regarding this…

Li Yanhong was not surprised.

Whether it's Li Dongqiang or Zhang Sheng, they are too young after all.

The successful experience in the previous years made them blindly confident, thinking of establishing an online mall by relying on so-called "gimmicks" and so-called "publicity".


If only relying on these, an online mall can compete with [Taozhu.com], then there will be [Taozhu.com] all over China. How can [Taozhu.com] be the only one, and all the others combined can only be The current situation of barely occupying 40% of the market share?

They never realized the horrors of capital.

I don’t even know how cold, bloody, and cruel capital is...

The conference room door was pushed open.

Li Yanhong looked up and saw Zhang Sheng.

When she saw Zhang Sheng, she was briefly stunned, as if she didn't expect that this haggard young man was actually Zhang Sheng.

He seemed to be trying his best to hide his failure and maintain some kind of self-confidence.


The aura that once dominated the world could not be concealed at all costs.

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Li..."

After Zhang Sheng opened his mouth, Li Yanhong still felt Zhang Sheng's cover-up.

He seemed to be trying to keep himself calm, and his voice was as calm as possible, but the vague hoarseness reminded Li Yanhong that Zhang Sheng had not been having a good life during this period, and he seemed to have experienced a tragic mental breakdown.

That moment...

She suddenly felt sad.

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