I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 375 He is! Capital hunter!

"How about [Qiangsheng Online Mall]?"

“It’s been very stable lately, with progress every day.”

"Oh, that's good."

In the conference room.

Shen Xiaoxi made a cup of tea for the two of them and left.

Li Yanhong looked at the tea leaves in the tea and smelled the fragrance of the tea leaves.

Unconsciously, I became a little distracted.

The last time I came to [Qiangsheng Online Mall], the tea was the best [Dahongpao], but this time when I came here, the tea was actually replaced by the West Lake Longjing which is not cheap but is very common.

The last time she came here, she came here with the attitude of a loser looking for a way out.

When she came over this time, she felt that she was overlooking this young man...


It seems to be the same as before.

Zhang Sheng also kept a straight face, pretending to be calm, as if he didn't care about everything, and tried his best to maintain a state of equality between himself and him.

They talked about [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

She was keenly aware that Zhang Sheng seemed to be emphasizing between the lines and hinting that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was very healthy.

If she didn't know the inside story, even Li Yanhong was almost deceived by Zhang Sheng's "disguise" and thought that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was really living a good life...


Li Yanhong also knew that Zhang Sheng had this kind of temperament.

As long as they are still alive, they will never admit defeat.

Zhang Sheng...

Successful experiences told her that he was a gambler who would never look back until he hit the wall.

"Our [Minuo Group Buying] website has been established for less than 20 days, but its daily active volume has exceeded one million..."

During Zhang Sheng's chat with her, it seemed that he deliberately avoided the term "Mi Nuo Group Buying", but she insisted on mentioning "Mi Nuo Group Buying".

After finishing speaking, she looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Very good." Zhang Sheng nodded, but his eyes were calm, as if he was still unmoved.

I just said one thing that was good.

[It would be a pity if he doesn’t become an actor].

After Li Yanhong couldn't see the confusion on Zhang Sheng's face, she felt this in her heart.

"Mr. Zhang, this is not a track you should touch..." Li Yanhong took a sip of tea and stared at Zhang Sheng quietly.

Zhang Sheng's facial muscles seemed to tremble uncontrollably, but he still remained calm: "Sister Hong, I'm afraid you didn't come here to demonstrate, right?"

"You've seen so many group-buying websites fighting outside, right?"

"I saw it..."

“[Group Buying] relies on the huge traffic of Weibo to attract offline advantages. At the same time, they are advertising offline overwhelmingly. [Harvest Group Buying] is taking advantage of stores and frantically expanding store cooperation offline. In just a short time In the past twenty days, according to my understanding, his investment in the store brand has been close to 400 million yuan, and we [Minuo Group Buying] chose the fan effect. We are all on our own track, competing for the top spot... "Li Yanhong smiled and stared at Zhang Sheng, as if looking at a junior.

"Oh, pretty good." Zhang Sheng nodded, his eyes calm.

However, she felt Zhang Sheng's facial muscles twitch slightly again. Although it was very subtle, she still caught it: "Although your [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] said it received the first traffic, its daily activity is now, It’s not even in the top ten. I just checked it today and it has fallen out of the top fifteen... Do you think it still has the meaning of existence?”

After Zhang Sheng heard this, he remained silent and just drank tea.

"You took the wrong first step, you shouldn't exclude capital!" Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng still said nothing.

"The second step, you are still wrong. When capital starts to enter the market and you see that the direction of the wind is wrong, you should adapt to the market. As far as I know, Li Dongqiang, your spokesperson for [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he I have reminded you several times to ask you to change your mind, right?" After Li Yanhong saw that Zhang Sheng was still calm, he continued to raise the stakes.

Zhang Sheng seemed to be overwhelmed by the invisible pressure, so he subconsciously looked out the window of the conference room.

Outside the window, it was raining lightly.

"People can be confident, but they cannot be arrogant. You missed the first step because of your arrogance, and you missed the second step because of your arrogance... You are sure that your "recruitment" model is very good, and you are the first to try it. As a person, you will definitely succeed, but you have never thought that these models can be completely copied. When capital completely copies your model and even makes your model better, then who do you think you are?"


"When [group buying websites] spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and everyone can replace you, then, in the eyes of capital, does your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] still have any advantages? Do you have loyal merchants? Your merchants No matter how loyal you are, they are all small businesses. Let’s talk about mobile phones. In addition to selling knock-off phones, cheap hair dryers, and off-brand air conditioners, what else can you [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] sell? There is a well-known brand company ?"


"Just talking about lipstick, do you have any big-name lipsticks?"


Li Yanhong pressed forward step by step, and invisibly, every word pierced Zhang Sheng's calm expression like a knife.

He saw Zhang Sheng's facial muscles twitching more frequently, but he still seemed to be trying his best to restrain himself and endure the "frustration".

In the conference room.

became extremely quiet.

Time passed little by little.

"Sister Hong, you came here just to tell me these things? If you think you can ridicule me or anger me, you are wrong..."

Zhang Sheng finally spoke.

He tried hard to stay calm, but his voice could not hide the trembling.

Li Yanhong felt that deep down in his heart, he was absolutely shaking at this moment.

"I can't ridicule an incompetent person!" When Li Yanhong felt this scene, she felt that the heat was almost enough.

"so what?"

"I admire your ability very much, and I am sure that you will definitely succeed, so I am willing to pay 30 million to acquire your [Qiangsheng Online Mall]..."

Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng's expression suddenly became colder than ever before: "Thirty million?"

"A good bird will choose a tree to roost in, but I know you are a person who will never look back until you hit a wall, so if you don't want to, I won't force you..."

Zhang Sheng's reaction was as expected by Li Yanhong, and she was not surprised.

"Sister Hong, I have something to do. If there is nothing else, then..." Zhang Sheng stood up. Although he maintained a certain degree of good manners, he politely apologized.

"Don't worry, besides acquiring [Qiangsheng Online Mall], I have another idea..." Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

"Sister Hong, if you are chatting with me in such a condescending manner, then I don't think there is any need to talk anymore..." Zhang Sheng's face was finally no longer calm, but as cold as a piece of ice.

"I want to spend 40 million to let you advertise my [Group Buying]!" All Zhang Sheng's reactions were in Li Yanhong's imagination, and she looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

"Sister Hong, do you think I will help my competitors?"

"You can!"

"Heh..." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"You are a very sensible person, Zhang Sheng, please stop pretending. According to my understanding, you also know that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has no way out. On the 17th of this month, you have suspended This group buying website has a blood transfusion, right?”

"Sister Hong, how many people have you placed in my team? Or have you placed people since our [NC Entertainment]? Who is he?" Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, his expression Suddenly cold.

"Mr. Zhang, you know very well that it is impossible for me to tell you who he is. Business competition and business secrets in this world are actually the most primitive means... I can tell you these things frankly and honestly. In a sense, I also believe you..."

"..." Zhang Sheng stared at Li Yanhong and said nothing.

"Zhang Panpan, isn't it just a move of yours? Unfortunately, I realized later that it was you who taught Zhang Panpan many things. No wonder [Starlight Future] knows everything about us. I have to say, this The straw was so heavy that I couldn't breathe anymore..."


"Mr. Zhang, you are a smart man. You are smarter than those I have seen. You are a genius. You know the trade-offs!"


Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng.

She felt that she had pierced through all Zhang Sheng's disguises, leaving only a hesitant but furious heart.

growing up!

It's a desperate thing.

But everyone has to go through it, right?

Zhang Sheng sat on the chair uncertainly, then lowered his head.

"For the first payment, I will give you 30 million! I know that you have been laying the groundwork for the [Southern California International Film Awards]. I want an advertising space, the most eye-catching advertising space!"


"For the second payment, I will give you 30 million. For your related industries, such as [Bosch Battery], [Bosch Battery], [Hongwei Battery Car] and a series of copycat phone brands, you can all join our [Minuo] [Net], I know that you all have your own shares in these companies. One more sales volume means one more road, right? For these companies, you also know that we will not be wronged, we only need to measure, as long as we are here Win every battle!"


"For the third payment, I will give you 40 million. I hope that Ms. Song Yufei under your banner will help me make an advertisement for my [Minuo Group Buying Network]..."


"For the fourth stroke, I'll give you 30 million. I want the advertising space in Bi Feiyu's new movie. I know Dean Wu is involved in Director Bi's new movie "Prisoners", although I don't know what the script is like. But I’m very optimistic about this movie,”


"Mr. Zhang, this is a resource exchange!"

Li Yanhong told the investment amount one by one.

Zhang Sheng's face was uncertain.

It was as if he was backed into a corner.

After a long while, Zhang Sheng suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly, finally sat on the chair, and closed his eyes silently without moving.

"Sister Hong, you win!"


Li Yanhong showed a smile: "I didn't win, but the capital won. This is a lesson for you!"

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