I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 400 Continue to harvest capital!

October 24th.

The downstairs of [Honeycomb Jisong] that Chen Geng looked at was crowded with people...

He was shocked. It was early in the morning, which was the most deserted and quiet time.


There are more and more applicants coming to apply for [Honeycomb Jisong].

[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] The lights are brightly lit below, and the staff are registering names and information. They are sweating profusely, but they dare not stop...

The phone at the company's front desk has been ringing continuously since 9 o'clock in the evening.

Those are the calls from consultants.

They were inquiring about the address of [Honeycomb Jisong], the entry requirements of [Honeycomb Jisong], and what they should bring with them...

The girl at the front desk was mentally disturbed when she answered the phone...

However, there is no way to rest!

After all, no one like Chen Geng, Xu Guangbiao and others could have imagined that [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts] would suddenly become so crazy a month later!

"Mr. Zhang, they..."

"I just gave them a job to support themselves, and at the same time, I also gave them a space for promotion..."


Chen Geng turned around.

I saw Zhang Sheng sitting by the window in the office, silently overlooking the crowds of people below, as if he was a god.

Under the moonlight.

Zhang Sheng said this quietly.

Chen Geng nodded instinctively, and then took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, do we really want to select the regional person in charge among these people?"

"Nothing I say on stage is a lie..."

"But they..."

"They are ordinary people, but in fact, many ordinary people only lack an opportunity... I am willing to believe them!"


Chen Geng had countless things to say in his throat, but after a long time, nothing came out.

When he looked out the window again, he seemed to see a new era beginning.

He suddenly felt a little honored again. He was one of the lucky ones in this era.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll go and get busy first..." After a brief excitement, he calmed down and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Okay." Zhang Sheng nodded.


Zhang Xing only slept for about two hours.

The business battles in the past few days made him feel that his energy was exhausted and he was exhausted as never before.


He still held on.

After getting up, Zhang Xing immediately saw the news of [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery].

According to incomplete statistics, from the early morning to the morning of October 24, nearly 5,000 people submitted their resumes to [Beijing Jishuang] online. These 5,000 people came from all over the country...

He felt that Zhang Sheng's "general trend has been achieved"!

Destiny seemed to have two paths in front of him...

One is to follow the path that [Honeycomb Jisong] has taken, squeeze into this track, and continue working; the other is to give up the takeout route temporarily and cooperate with [Honeycomb Jishu] first!

The first one is that he naturally has to rely on capital. After all, he has to get money from capital, but capital...

After chatting with Li Zongyao yesterday, he realized that although Li Zongyao was calm, he was always ambitious deep down. In other words, the capital behind Li Zongyao could not wait to eat meat.

Peace talks?

The so-called peace talks probably mean that everyone sits down, how to divide the territory, and then how to cut leeks, that's all.

To Zhang Xing, these naturally don't matter, but if [Group Buying] is really incorporated into the [Tengji] system, then...

Who is he?

He is the founder of Weibo, but he is not the real person in charge of Weibo. In fact, after several rounds of dilution, his Weibo shares are already very small.

Zhang Xing is naturally ambitious...

He doesn’t want [group buying] to become one of the pawns of capital. At least, he wants to be capital!

He wants to be a chess player!

Then, another way is to cooperate with [Honeycomb Jisong].

Of course, there are benefits. Now [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts] is backed by the propaganda of [CCTV] and is very popular. Reaching a strategic agreement can take [Group Buying] to a higher level. It is tantamount to a brand new publicity. Let them have a firm hand in this [Group Buying War]...

But the disadvantages are also obvious...

Cooperating with [Hive] means that I have given up on the new field of "takeaway". If I want to enter in the future, I have already lost the opportunity.

Don't say that the latecomers will get the upper hand. The latecomers will get the upper hand. What they have to pay is many times higher than those who seize the opportunity.

Moreover, against Li Zongyao's wishes, there is a high probability that Li Zongyao will terminate the new round of capital injection for [Group Buying].

Without the capital injection from Li Zongyao, how should the new round of group buying war be fought?

A new question was placed in front of Zhang Xing...

This turbulent market is full of wild beasts and thorns. If you make a wrong step, all your previous efforts will be wasted, or even lead to an abyss.

He was asked to spend his own money to fight this tough battle, but he was unwilling...

“We have to talk to Zhang Sheng in person!”

outside the window.

The sun rises.

After Zhang Xing thought for a long time, he finally said these words to himself.

The morning time passed quickly.

Zhang Xing received a call from Li Zongyao.

The content on the phone made Zhang Xing breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Zongyao first found Zheng Huateng.

Zheng Huateng is very interested. At this moment, he is working on merging [Groupon] and [Minuo Group Buying] to form a stronger force to enter the market. If he wins [Groupon], then most of the market will be That’s what they [Tengji] have the final say about! Soudu’s [Harvest Group Buying] is the only one left?

What a fart!

How long can it last?

Unifying the world is just a matter of time!

After discussing the initial idea, Li Zongyao approached Ma Yunhua to discuss the cooperation between Taozhu.com and Tengji Technology to jointly develop projects such as the "Group Buying Market" and the "Takeout Market".

Ma Yunhua was furious on the phone, almost pointing at Li Zongyao and scolding him!

Ma Yunhua told Li Zongyao that it was impossible for him to join forces with [Tengji] to jointly explore any market, let alone dilute his shares in [Group Buying] and become a small shareholder.

He himself is a person who has a strong desire for control and will not play a supporting role!

He even said harsh words to Li Zongyao!

In this capital war, if you can’t hold on, get out. I’ll swallow all your shares in [Group Buying]. If you can hold on, you can continue to burn money together, waiting for the day when [Group Buying] reaches the top!

How can I allow others to sleep in the place where I sleep?

This is Ma Yunhua's consistent thought!

"What do you think?"

"I have no idea at the moment!"

"Do you want to do takeout?"



What Zhang Xing said to Li Zongyao on the phone was probably careless.

But after he made the call, he immediately asked his secretary to contact Zhang Sheng and prepare to have a dinner date with Zhang Sheng.


Noon on October 24th.

Zhang Sheng saw the Internet...

In addition to the phrase "Sleep on the floor today, be the boss tomorrow", which has been a hot search topic, he also saw that major group buying websites such as "Minuo Group Buying" and "Groupon" immediately announced the development of their takeout business. Of course , the merchants who originally cooperated with [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] will not do anything, they just provide a more convenient choice!

Zhang Sheng briefly took a look at their business of recruiting riders...

The subsidy program they provide to riders is almost exactly the same as the "Honeycomb Extreme Free", and even the slogan "Sleep on the floor today, be the boss tomorrow" is also shouted.

Except that the subsidy is higher than [Honeycomb Extreme Gift]...

It seems to be another version of [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift]!

This is the consistent style of capital. They plan to burn the first wave of money to attract traffic. Then, in order to stabilize the traffic, as a pioneer, you have to compete with them on the same track.

But for all this…

Zhang Sheng behaved very calmly.

In the past, he had no qualifications to compete with these capitals, but now, since everyone is playing on the card table, he is fully qualified to fight this battle!

In a sense, whether it is [Minuo Group Buying], [Groupon] or [Group Buying], they don’t even have a decent APP now...

From the birth of the APP, to the payment system, to the trial, to finding cooperation with terminal operators, to the built-in...

Every step takes time!

Even for those big Internet companies, you will definitely not be able to get off within a month and a half!

Moreover, on this track, there are not only group buying websites of your [Tengji] series, but also other capitals that are eager to compete with you...

[Honeycomb Ultimate Free] Total advantage!

Zhang Sheng looked at all this coldly, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth!

As a qualified hunter, he is never afraid of any beast in the dark...

Even if these beasts knew that he was eating their flesh, it didn't matter to him!

There was a knock on the office door.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang……"


Zhang Sheng saw Nie Xiaoping walking in with bosses one by one.

A smile appeared on his face.

These bosses were warmly invited to sit down.

These bosses are all miscellaneous battery car owners of various brands.

In fact, a long time ago, when Zhang Sheng was looking for cooperation with Nie Xiaoping, he had already approached these bosses to cooperate.

At that time, these miscellaneous battery cars were basically on the verge of bankruptcy. Seeing the home appliances going to the countryside, Hongwei Battery Cars, which were full of fuel, were envious...

Then, they all gave up part of their shares and joined Zhang Sheng's "cooperating merchant system"!

In this year or so...

[Hongwei] Battery cars have become famous!

Although these miscellaneous battery cars are not well-known, they live a good life...

“As the takeout trend becomes more popular, the demand for electric scooters will also increase accordingly. I won’t be involved in some things, but I will teach you how to deal with group purchases such as [Minuo Group Buying] and [Groupon]. If we talk about cooperation with electric vehicles on the website, they will definitely follow me and purchase a batch of electric vehicles..."

Before Zhang Sheng finished speaking...

The phone rang again.

He received a call from the owner of the [Apple 4] mobile phone.

"Mr. Zhang, they came here to ask me about the built-in APP. How should we charge?"


(Guaranteed two updates today, low back pain)

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