I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 401 Software mall and sharing economy for copycat machines!

Ma Hongbo was born in 1980.

I just turned thirty this year.

five months ago…

He is a clerk at a mobile phone store in Yangcheng. He lives a nine-to-five life every day. He has no big ambitions and just wants to eat and die...

Occasionally, he replaced his boss and attended a meeting organized by Zhang Sheng in confusion, thinking that the meeting would be some kind of hypnotic tirade.


He met Zhang Sheng!

The small bosses of dozens of mobile phone stores and manufacturing shops stared blankly as Zhang Sheng took out the iPhone 4 appearance patent information, and then showed a strange smile.

that moment!

He heard an uproar from the entire audience!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a light piercing into his mind. The light was so hot, just like the words Zhang Sheng said in the meeting, which made people's blood boil!


The gears of fate begin to turn!

Five months later, he was the person in charge of [Apple 4] mobile phone China. He opened fifty stores across the country and sold nearly 100,000 units in half a year!

To this day, the average sales volume per store still maintains an increase of about 6 units!

One unit sold for 699, with a profit of 200 yuan, and operating income of 20 million in half a year. After taking into account a series of amounts such as store rent, salesperson wages, taxes, and profits, he got 7 million in share commissions!

Damn it!

7 million!

He was five months ago...

I never dreamed that I just attended a meeting, helped sell copycat phones, and then made a lot of money!

you say……

【Apple 4】has a stench of copycat flavor everywhere?

What kind of copycat?

What kind of copycat?

We have our own appearance patents, and we also have our own channels!

The United States can make [iPhone 4] use a chipped apple as a logo, but we in China can’t use a complete apple as a trademark?



Are you saying that the iPhone 4 is a pirated version?

As early as last year, Mr. Zhang registered the trademark and appearance patent of [Apple 4]. If it is a copycat, then the iPhone4 released by the United States is a copycat of his [Apple 4]!

I don’t know when it started…

This idea is deeply ingrained in Ma Hongbo's mind!

Every time he heard ridicule, Ma Hongbo sneered!

Are you calling our Apple 4 a no-brainer?

Isn’t the damn iPhone 4 a no-brainer? You copied my ideas, why are you still blaming in front of me? You are a big company, and then you come to our company to show off your power?

"Comrades! In the past five months, we have overcome all obstacles and forged ahead to provide an astonishing sales volume of 100,000 units for China's local mobile phone business..."

"This is a miracle for us!"

“Along the way, we have been reviled by our friends and businessmen, we have been ridiculed, and we have been forced to the corner and trembled…”

"But we never gave up from beginning to end, because why? Because we are China's own people!"

"In the past, our Chinese market was a market for foreigners. Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Sony, iPhone... they occupied the share of our local mobile phones and took away the market share that should belong to us, and our domestically produced However, in the business battles one after another, my mobile phone was dropped and I was so squeezed that I couldn’t breathe!”

"We look at these invaders in humiliation. We are incompetent and powerless. Comrades, I am deeply angry about this!"

"But, remember with me, days like this won't last long, definitely won't last long..."



Ma Hongbo clenched his fists and talked about his "dream" to the heads of 50 stores in the conference room of the [Apple 4 Technology] office building.


That day, after listening to Zhang Sheng's meeting, for some reason, Ma Hongbo, who had always been honest and honest, felt like he had been opened up to the world of Ren and Du, and he frantically searched for various speech videos!

Whenever Zhang Sheng has a public or private meeting, he will go there whenever he has the opportunity. He even puts the recorded video on his computer. The first thing he does when he gets up every day is to watch Zhang Sheng's speech!

In these five months!

His blood boils every day, and his whole body seems to have endless strength, participating in every battle in the mobile phone circle!

From the beginning, I was dumb and couldn't speak, so I could only be a bystander, but gradually I became fluent in speaking, and occasionally I could stand on the stage and say a few words...

But now, as soon as he takes the stage, his body will be inexplicably excited, and then he can't help but start with "dream", take "China Mobile" as the spirit, and end with "come on"!

He seemed to be standing in the wave of this era and became a general who opened up new territories!

After the meeting...

Ma Hongbo took a stack of information from [Apple 4] and walked non-stop in the direction of Yanjing!


The small bosses who used to follow Zhang Sheng in making copycat phones have all made money!

In the past September, domestic Android phone sales reached an astonishing one million units, of which 700,000 were equipped with [Bosch batteries].

Among these 700,000 units, 200,000 units are shipped from stores owned by these small bosses.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone is making a lot of money, and they have luxury watches, luxury cars, and villas. Well, not to mention how luxurious they are.


Review your previous money-making experience!

Damn it!

Just open stores one after another, and then produce mobile phones like crazy, sell them like crazy, and collect money like crazy...

No need to advertise at all!

On the evening of October 24th.

At this moment, the small bosses are all gathered in the new conference room on the top floor of the [Bird's Nest Office Building].

The discussion was very noisy...

They are all chatting with each other about "what goods did you sell today", "how much did you sell today", "how much did you sell next month" and "how much did you earn".

Everyone is secretly comparing each other. Although some people dislike each other and have fought openly and secretly, after all, they are all members of the same system, and everyone still maintains some restraint.

Ma Hongbo looked at the information each family brought with them.

This time, instead of reporting to Zhang Sheng on the store's sales in the past six months or so, it would be better to come and see what new surprises Zhang Sheng can bring them.

The craze for iPhone 4 has actually faded a lot after the impact of these days. iPhone 4 has begun to fade a little, and the sales of these mobile phones have inevitably decreased.

Although it is still selling well...

But everyone is eager for Zhang Sheng to bring them a new outlet and a new growth point!

Around 7 o'clock in the evening.

The conference room door opened.

Zhang Sheng said.

Everyone's hearts trembled slightly!

It seemed as if they saw a shining golden God of Wealth walking towards them.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang!"


More than a dozen merchants immediately stood up and greeted Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng smiled, waved his hand slightly, and then sat on the main seat.

A bald young man stood next to him. Zhang Sheng gestured and the young man sat down.

"Allow me to introduce myself. This is [Shengteng Network Technology], Xu Guangbiao, Mr. Xu... Mr. Xu is my right-hand man and the person in charge of the future mobile APP system..."

The bald man had just sat down. After hearing Zhang Sheng's introduction, he stood up slightly cautiously and bowed to everyone.

"You are my comrades who have fought side by side with me. Thank you for making progress with me in the past six months. At the same time, I am even more grateful that you can take some time out of your busy schedule to come and have this meeting with me... …”

"Today, in this meeting, I want to talk to you about the current vigorous [Thousand Regiments War], and the [Takeaway War] that is about to start in the future..."

"A few days ago, I expressed my anger with you. I thought that this APP craze would start in the first half of next year, but no one thought that this day would come so fast..."

"It doesn't matter, if wealth and wealth comes into our hands, we can naturally take it..."


In the conference room.

When hearing this scene, everyone became excited.

Ma Hongbo would learn a lot every time he saw Zhang Sheng and listened to Zhang Sheng's speeches in meetings.

This time.

Zhang Sheng described a future for them, a future called [Software Application Mall]...

Software mall, this is actually not a distant thing. The first App Store produced by the IPO company was as early as two years ago...

And now, Zhang Sheng is also building his own app store under the Android system...

"In the past September, our mobile phone sales were 200,000 units, 200,000 units, not as good as the iPhone, nor as good as Nokia, Samsung, but we also accounted for an astonishing one-fifth of domestic mobile phones. Sales..."

"I have formulated a three-step strategy for you all!"

"If you are willing to follow me one step further, continue to ride in the market, build each other's brands, and become the mainstay of China's local mobile phone brands, I hope you can consider my three-step plan..."

"The first step is for you and I to put 10% of our profits into the after-sales work of our brand. Although we focus on low-end mobile phones, in terms of performance, our only advantage is appearance and cost-effectiveness, but we cannot If you want to truly form a brand, after-sales maintenance work must be guaranteed..."

"The second step is, in fact, we now have a certain number of users. These users are our resources. We must take various measures and benefits to maintain them! At the beginning of next year, I will authorize another mobile phone with you. The appearance patent should be issued before and after the release of Apple 4S. At the same time, I hope you can allocate a sum of money to upgrade the hardware of your mobile phone. It does not necessarily have to really surpass iPhone 4S, or be the same, but it cannot be too different. We focus on cost-effectiveness!"

"third step……"


"Okay, let's get down to business. In the future, we will receive more cooperation invitations from [group buying brands], [takeaway brands], and even [game brands]..."

"We should not refuse these invitations, no matter they are large or small apps, we should not refuse them!"

"Include them all into our [Mobile App Mall]. Pull them into the app mall first, and tell them that they will be online in our mall for free..."

“However, I will set a price for [mobile application mall] advertising fees, such as banner ads, list ads, and recommendation ads... Don’t worry about our mall not having traffic, I will find a way to provide Our mall attracts traffic, but the premise is that our mall and this strategy must have..."

"In addition to the mall, we can develop another business, and that is [takeaway] contract machines!"

"What is a take-out contract phone? That is, if a large take-out company or group purchase company comes to us for cooperation in the future, we can specially design a mobile phone for the employees of their brand. The phone will have their company's LOGO. In addition to the LOGO, we will give priority to building their APP. As for the price, we can make it a little higher..."

"Don't be afraid that these capitals won't pay. They have so much money now that they are worried about how to burn it!"


"Okay, next, let's ask Mr. Xu to introduce to us the concept of our first-generation mobile APP mall. I'll excuse you for a moment..."


Xu Guangbiao walked to the center of the stage with a prepared speech.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, walked into another conference room silently.

In another conference room, there was a group of battery car manufacturers standing. When these manufacturers saw Zhang Sheng, they all stood up.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

Zhang Sheng also nodded, and then sat on the chair.

After sitting down, he looked at everyone with a very serious expression.

"I have a hunch that the takeout market will go crazy next year..."

"Not only will big capital enter the market, but also some small capital and small teams will enter the market. After all, the cost of building a small delivery team is not high..."

"This is our new market. When no one can react, we must have a new strategy..."

"I call this strategy [Sharing Economy]."

“What is the sharing economy?”

"That's the future. We will not only encounter large food delivery capital, but we will also encounter small food delivery teams. Big companies compete for the market, while small teams compete for survival and opportunities..."

"What does it mean to seize a way out and seize an opportunity?"

"They have no money, but they want to get a share of the trend of this era... They take loans to start a business. What is the core idea of ​​taking a loan to start a business? It is to try every means to save capital."

“How to save capital?”

“The biggest leader in the food delivery industry is battery carts!”

"A battery-powered car easily costs several thousand yuan, and the cheapest one costs more than a thousand yuan... Their investment in a battery-powered car will be a lot of money!"

"At this time, we are selling battery cars, what are we doing?"

"First: We want to customize a small, cheap and practical battery car for them in a small area! Second: It doesn't matter if some small businesses really don't have money. Each of our stores and every area has a battery car rental area. Let them sign an agreement with us to rent our battery cars... As long as they provide a deposit, they can drive away our designated battery cars..."


After Zhang Sheng finished the meeting with the battery car owners, he walked out of the conference room, walked downstairs, and walked towards the CCTV interview car.

Tonight, Zhang Sheng will participate in the [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview], together with Ma Yunhua and others...

Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes!

He wants to light the fire even bigger...

(I want to be lazy today, I want to soak my feet, have a massage, I have written so many words, and I also want to enjoy it... Well, by the way, let's think about the next outline, 4,000 words in one update... Save your life! )

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